Sabie, Town established, 60/92
...... map location, 167/71
Sachsenwald, a few notes about the suburb, 60/93
Sands River Convention, 167/58, 215/13
Saint Helena, 122/52, 138/56
Sale of stamps from shops, 21/20; see also Retailers
...... Juta, H.J., 1880s Pretoria, 147/iii
...... Kock & Co., 1880s Pretoria, 147/iii
Sallo Epstein - see Epstein, Sallo
Sannieshof, a few notes about the village, 60/92
...... map location, 167/71
Sarpy, George Hippolyte - see Forgeries - 'London Gang'
St. Armand, J. Didier,
Sanddrift, 139/68
S.A.R. - see Railways - Central South African Railways - Datestamps - S.A.R.
Saulspoort, a few notes about the Mission Station, 60/93
...... map location, 167/71
Savings Bank
...... Johannseburg Savings Bank datestamps - see Datestamps - Johannesburg Saxon, R.M.S. - see Ships
Saxonwold - see Sachsenwald
'S.B.' Datestamp - see Datestamps - Johannesburg/S.B." Date Stamp
Scheerpoort, map reference, 167/71
Schoeman Street West, Pretoria - see Post Offices and Postal Agencies - Pretoria
Schoonoord, map reference, 167/71
Schreiber, Wm. - see Stamp Dealers - Schreiber, Wm.
Schoongezicht, 111/73-74
Schoemansdal, 44/103, 114/39-40; see also Maps - Jeppe, F., 1868
...... History of, 60/93
Schoemanskloof, location of, 80/94
Schubärt, A.F., 144/108-109
'Schuler covers' during the Second Anglo-Boer War - see Second Anglo-Boer War
Schulze, Carl Ferdinand Ludolph Dietrich - see Post Office Staff
Schweizer Reneke, 68/84; see also Datestamps
...... A few notes about the place, 60/94
...... Gosling, J.R., Auction, 105/22
...... map reference
...... Money Order envelope dated 1895, 181/29
...... Receipts 1898, 187/30
...... The Fels of Schweizer-Reneke, 170/42, 175/54-55
...... Schweizer-Reneke stamps - see Second Anglo-Boer War
...... Telegram Envelope 12.11.00, 53/8
Scott, William - see Swaziland
...... Surveyor General's Office, Windhoek, 57/9, 57/12
...... "CONSULAAT DER NEDERLANDEN TO SWAKOPMUND" (Not illustrated), 57/9
Secoecoenie, map reference, 167/71
...... Triple-circle datestamps - see Datestamps - Colonial period - Triple Circle
Second Anglo-Boer War, 83/51, 84/79, 111/101-102, 128/109-111, 130/66, 155/59-62, 165/20-23, 167/61, 175/56-57, 60; see also Handstamps, Machadodorp,
Military mail, Secret Service
...... ABOPhil postcards – see Reviews and notices - ABOPhil postcards
...... Abuse of mail, 189/64
...... Albert Kuit, postmaster extraordinaire, 153/59-62
...... Ambulance
............ Pretoria Ambulance Corps, 182/70, 219/15-22
............ “Dog Tag” Informatie-Burcau van het Roode Kruis, Pretoria 219/16
............ Mail, 219/21-29
...... Ardagh, Director of Military Intelligence - Identity Bureau in Pretoria, Ardagh, Sir John
...... Badfontein Postal Agent, 77/9-10
...... British working in the mines or have businesses in the ZAR to make an oath, 77/0-10
...... Churchill, W.S., 1899, Wanted by the police, 71/58
...... Civil administration 1902, 191/25-26
...... Civil parcel post established, 189/64
...... Cover addressed to British Guiana, 157/20
...... Cork handstamp, 9/15
...... Dannhauser, occupied during the Boer invasion of Natal, 167/57
...... Datestamps - see Datestamps
...... Effect on Post Offices, 83/51
...... Field postal service for ZAR troops in Natal, 155/59-60
............ Field Post Offices in the ZAR - see Field Post Office
...... Gosling Auction - see Collections - Gosling, J.R.
...... Henderson, Col. G.F.R. - see Henderson, Col. G.F.R.
...... Haenertsbury gun - see Artillery
...... Identity Bureau in Pretoria, 219/17-18
............ Telegram, 219/22
...... Identity cards issued to Republican troops, 219/17-19
...... Krause, Ludwig, 220/11
...... Krause, F.E.T., Dr and the surrender of Denver, 188/50
...... Komatipoort, occupied by Imperial forces, 219/20
...... Krugerpost Postal Agent, 77/9-10
...... Kuit, Albert - see Kuit, Albert
...... Leask, T. - see Wolmaransstad - Mr Leask
...... Letters destined for foreign Countries at the outbreak of the war, 77/10
...... Lydenburg Commando - see Lydenburg
...... Mafeking, ZAR stamps used during the siege, 172/99
...... Mail via Delagoa Bay - see Mail - via Delagoa Bay - 1899-1902
...... Mail service between the Boer Republics and Europe - see Mail - via Delagoa Bay - 1899-1902
...... Maps 1899, British Acquisition of Jeppe’s Map of the Transvaal - see Maps - Jeppe, F.
...... Methuen, Lord - see Methuen - Methuen correspondence
...... Middelburg temporary datestamp, 67/63, 65
...... Moddersprit Postal Agent, 77/9-10
...... Molengraaff, Dr., G.A.F. - see Molengraaff, Dr., G.A.F.
...... Peace signed, 167/58
...... Postal contractors at Erorlo and Amsterdam - see Mail Contractors - Goosen, Mail Contractors - van Schalkwyk
...... Post Office, Extracts from Official Reports of 1901, 100/90
...... Postal service into Natal by the ZAR, 155/59-60
...... Pretoria Ambulance Corps - see Second Anglo-Boer War - Ambulance
...... Printing press - see Printing machines
...... Resumption of Civil Post work, 100/90
...... Roberts, Redvers, Lord - see Roberts, Redvers, Lord
...... Schweizer-Reneke, 17/23, 30/55, 67/54-56
...... Schuler covers, 172/78, 173/10, 199/6
...... South African Constabulary - see South African Constabulary
...... Stamps used by soldiers, 189/64
...... Standerton, the impact of the war, 194/56
.......... Covers, 194/56
.......... Pass to given to Reverend N.J., Theunissen, 194/58
.......... Standerton Burgher Camp, 194/57
...... Steinaecker's Horse, 149/11
...... Suspension of certain transactions by the Postal Authorities, 77/10-11
...... Telegraphs - see Telegraphs - Army
...... The Grange, farm house burnt down, 205/19
...... Transvaal stamps used in the Orange River Colony - see Military mail - Transvaal stamps used in the Orange River Colony
...... Transvaal War Relief Fund, 159/iv
...... Tugela campaign, 155/60
...... Warrenton, Boer occupation of, 172/78
...... Wolmaransstad - see Wolmaransstad
...... Volksrust - see Volksrust
...... War News by the ZAR, 188/44-45
...... ZAR expenditure, 157/39
...... Z.A.R. stamps used in Dannhauser, Natal, 170/46
...... £5 green used during the Boer invasion of Natal, 173/17
Second Republic, Boer "Propaganda Labels" - see Labels
Secret Service
...... Erasmus, M.G., 132/92-97
...... Kruger, Tjaart, picture, 132/91; see also Kruger
...... Head of the Secret Service, 132/98
...... Post Office Boxes, 132/94-98
...... Pott, Gerard - see Consular-General of Moçambique
...... Role of the Secret Service in Lourenço Marques, 132/97-98
...... Secret Service (De Geheime Dienst) ZAR, 132/91-100
...... Smuts takes over the Secret Service, 132/93-94
...... Segregation post offices; Indo-Native Office - see Post Offices and Postal Agencies - Johannesburg - Market Street West
Sekalekaleskop - see Lekalekale's Kop
Sekukuni Campaign, 100/69-70, 102/28-34, 107/86, 139/88-89
Samuel Joans & Co. - see Stamp adhesive
Senf, Gebrüder, 173/13-15; see also Stamp Albums
...... Facsimiles, 173/13
...... Cover addressed to Senf from M.Z. Booleman, 80/72-73
...... Stamp catalogues, Gebrüder Senf’s Illustrierter Postwertztzeichen-Katalog
............ 1894 & 1895, 171/50, 52
............ 1892-1909, 175/51-53
............ Preferred catalogue when selling internationally, 186/61
Set-off - see Printing - Set-off Severn, H.M.S. - see H.M.S.
Share certificates - see Revenue documents and ephemera - share certificate
Sharpy, James Hippolyte (Benjamin and Sharpy) - see also Forgery - 'London Gang'
...... Release from prison, 71/51
Selborne, Lord, (The 2nd Earl of Selborne), 195/123
Sendelingspos, a few notes about the railway halt, 60/94
Separation of reply cards - see Postal Stationery - Edwardian issues - ½d Reply cards cut in half
Shebaberg, 18/43
Shepstone, H.C., envelope addressed to, 181/28
Shepstone, Sir Theophilus, 105/25, 143/80-83, 87-90, 162/41-42
Shepstone, Theophilus "Offy"(Jnr.), 176/87, 181/28
Shaw, Barnabas, 115/110-112, 116/xi
...... Cancellation, 164/115
...... Map reference, 167/71
Signals (arrival of the mails), 117/38
Ships; see also H.M.S.
...... Argo last sailing from Cape July 1854
...... Carriage of mail by ship, 33/7-9; see also Mail contract - Cape Mail contracts
...... Castle Line, 44/105
...... Garth Castle, 162/42
...... General Serew Steam Navigation Co.
............ Natal, 142/69-70
...... Howarden Castle, 198/56
...... Moor, 127/93
...... Mail Steamers, Ocean Post Offices on ships, 23/58-59
...... R.M.S. Saxon, 108/105
...... R.M.S. Walmer Castle, 124/94-95
...... R.P.K. König, 134/43
...... S.S. Danube Madeira to Natal, 218/10
...... S.S. Durban 204/86
...... S.S. Norman Castle, 169/93
...... S.S. Norman, 169/20
...... S.S. Penguin 44/106
...... S.S. Tweeddale 199/28
...... S.S. Mexican, 176/71
...... S.S. Spartan, 218/11
Shipping Lines
...... British India Steam Navigation Company, 140/iv-v
...... Mail Steamers, Ocean Post Offices on ships - see Mail Steamers, Ocean Post Offices on ships
...... Peninsular and Oriental Styreem Navigation Company, 140/iv
...... Union Castle Steamship Company, 44/107-109
...... Union Steam Ship Company, 44/105,139/86, 147/77-78, 148/117; see also Mail contract
Silverkrans, map reference, 167/71
Shops - see Retailers
'Small Garter' watermark for the 1855 stamps of Great Britain - see Watermarks
Smellekamp, J.A., 147/54-55, 148/v
Silverton, a few notes about the town, 60/94
Simon's Bay, 129/34-36
Skeleton postmark - see Datestamps - Skeleton postmarks
"Smilers" - see Transvaal Study Circle - Stamp - Royal Mail "Smilers"
Smith, Col. (Sir) Henry (Harry) Wakelyn Smith, 137/30
Smutsoog, 122/34
Snow; see also Picture postcards - Snow
...... Message on a picture postcard 1900, 199/30
...... Pretoria, 171/65
...... Snowstorm 1881, 159/vi
...... Snowstorms in South Africa 1902 & 1909, 171/64-68, 176/98
Society Journal of the Year - see Awards and Honours
Somerset House (London), 186/57, 59
Sonn, Ad. - see Stamp Dealers - Ad. Sonn
Soldiers' Concessionary rate - First British Occupation of the Transvaal - see Soldiers' letters - First British Occupation of the Transvaal
Soldiers' letters - First British Occupation of the Transvaal, 148/96-102, 163/70-71
...... British troops privilege mail 1878, 152/87-88, 160/63, 129/advertisement; see also Military mail, Official mail and stationery
South Africa General Mission, 176/84-94; see also Head, Mrs. Caroline (Carrie) correspondence
...... GB wrappers posted to South Africa - see Wrappers
...... Swaziland - see Swaziland
South African Constabulary
...... Postal stationery card with message, 197/37-38
...... Running Post Offices, 200/39 South African Philatelist, 24/70, 188/48-49
South African Photo & Stereo Company - see Picture Postcards - SAPSC postcards (South African Photo & Stereo Company) South African Pioneer, 176/85-94
South African Postal Union, 91/60, 133/34-35
South African Postcard Research Group, 67/46, 116/iii, 154/ii
South African Republic (Zuid Afrikaansche Republiek) see Transvaal - ZAR
South African Stamp Company - see Stamp Dealers - Schreiber, Wm.
South African War - see Second Anglo-Boer War
South West Africa, datestamps 1915-1916, 73/29-30
Specimen Stamps, 167/51
...... Bradbury, Wilkinson printings - see Specimen Stamps - 'Queen's Head'
...... Griqualand West revenue proof in black with SPECIMEN' handstamp, 138/56
...... Postal stationery from the Madagascar postal authorities, 176/69-70
...... Second Republic issues, 115/83-84
...... Edwardian issues, 35/77, 36/94-95, 45/23
............ 2d grey, 61/19, 64/81, 144/vii, 201/70, 20179
..................... Marked 'Printed in error Destroyed by Colony', 45/17
............ Flaws or damaged type, 187/8
............ 'I' of 'SPECIMEN' missing on 10s stamp, 186/67
............ Postal stationery - see Postal stationery - Edwardian issues - Overprinted
............ With broken 'M', 186/62-63, 187/8
...... Madagascar postal authorities’ postal stationery, specimen material, distributed through the UPU - seeMadagascar postal authorities
...... 'Monster', 199/4
...... 'Queen's Head', 167/51
............ Halfpenny 'Queen's Head' stamp overprinted in red, 37/12, 147/vii
............ Revenue £5, 37/12
.................... 1878 'Queen's Head', 166/45
...... 'ULTRAMAR' overprint, 50/38
Speckboom River, 144/113
Spectroscopy (Raman Spectroscopy), 164/111-114
Spelonken, 85/9-12, 60/94, 139/71, 163/73, 212/9; see also Mission Stations - Spelonken
...... Albsini's Place a short note on location, 205/29
...... Late use of canceller, 202/17,
...... Location, 1/10
...... Map reference, 167/71
...... Travelling pass - see Travelling pass
Spelling of place names, 167/69
Spens Camp, British Military Office - Telegraph service - Army Telegraphs - Offices
Spink & Co. - see Auctions
Spiro, Philip and Spiro's forgeries - see Forgeries and Forgers
Spooner, Harry - see Imperial Military Railways (I.M.R.) - Spooner
'SPRINGS' temporary rubber handstamp - see Datestamps - Second British Occupation
Sprigg, (Sir) J.G., 176/85
...... postal stationery card address to, 167/54-55
Springbokflats, map reference, 167/71
Spitskop, 115/vii
...... short note on location, 61/20
Straughan Wilkinson, Henry - see Union of South Africa (SG 1)
...... 1883 to 1929, 190/13
...... A note on the early history, 61/20
...... Extension of railway to Bethal, 167/62
...... map reference, 167/71
...... 'SPRINGS' temporary rubber handstamp see Datestamps - Colonial period
Spooner, Harry, private of the Royal Fusiliers, 155/63, 163/76-77
'Staatsdrukkerij te velde', Postal stationery cards - see Printers - State Printing Works in the Field, Postal stationery cards Staatscourant - see The Transvaal Government Gazette - Staatscourant
'Staatsdrukkerij te velde', 78/30, 83/60
Stafford Smith & Co. - see Stamp Dealers
Stamp adhesive, 173/20, 175/61
...... Samuel Jones & Co., 151/77 Note-116
Stamp albums
...... Senf, (1886) The Illustrated Postage Stamp-Album, 170/30-31, 178/43-44
...... Lincoln Stamp Album (1882), 178/43-34
...... Miniature Albums - see Unauthorised reprinting and overprintings - Enschedé and Mirza Hadi - Miniature Albums
Stamp Booklets - see Postage stamps - Edwardian issues
Stamp Clubs - see Philatelic Societies
Stamp Catalogues - see Catalogues
Stamp collecting 1860s, 178/43-45
Stamp collectors - see Stamp Dealers
Stamp Collectors and Literature, 188/35 Stamp Collectors' Annual - see The Stamp Collectors' Annual
Stamp Commission, 20/76-70, 156/102-105
...... 1898, 22/43
Stamp Dealers, see also Forgeries (and reprints) - 'London Gang', Enschedé and Mirza Hadi, Retailers, Unauthorised reprintings
...... Ad. Sonn, 141/iii, 151/v, 193/39-42
...... Advertising fantasy stamps, 191/42
...... Booleman, M.Z., 53/23, 51/55, 80/72, 171/52-56, 177/21-22, 178/18-21, 195/109-110
............ Advertisement in Postgids Number 8, 177/21
............ Johannesburg Philatelic Society, 53/24
............ Price List 1896, 177/18-20
...... D'Abbadie, J., 186/60-61
...... Davis, Howard, 184/20-21
...... Duiven, Jacob, 163/74, 195/109; see also Swaziland, Duiven, Jacob
...... English, Edwin, 179/64
...... Epstein, Sallo - see Epstein, Sallo
...... Hadlow, W. (Mr), 44/97, 136/123-126
...... Henning, Heinrich, 179/52
...... Lincoln, W., Cover address to W. Lincoln with Army cancel for the 3rd August 1900, 69/13-14
...... Nissen, Charles - see Nissen, Charles
...... Sallo Epstein - see Epstein, Sallo
...... Schreiber, Wm., 188/42-43
...... Sonn, Ad., Johannesburg - see Stamp Dealers - Ad. Sonn
...... Stafford Smith & Son, 182/67-68
...... Stanley Gibbons; see also Catalogues - Stanley Gibbons
............ Phillips, C.J., Manager, 71/51
............ Represented in Johannesburg in 1903, 49/51
...... Tamsen, Emil, 183/95-97; see also Tamsen, Emil
............ Wholesale Price List, 189/66-69
...... Understanding of stamps, 178/43-45, 179/62-63, 183/100-103
...... Valentine, M.P., Johannesburg - see Vallentine, M.P.
...... Vallentine, M.P., Johannesburg - see Vallentine, M.P.
...... van Rooy - see Telegraph service - Telegraph Staff - von Rooy or John A. van Rooy
Stamp design and designers
...... Vürtheim, Joseph, 122/27-28
...... Thomson, W., Chief Artist, Press Litho Works, Pretoria, 88/29, 116/124-125
...... Wilkinson, Henry Straughan, 135/77-87
Stamp Expertising and Expertising certificates - see Expertising and Expertising certificates
Stamp experts - see Expertising and Expertising certificates, Expertising handstamps
Stamp issues (postage) - see Postage Stamps
Stamp issues (Revenue) - see Revenue stamps
Stamp Printers; see also Printers, Stamp Commission
...... Bell, 156/102-104
...... Borrius, Johannes Philippus (Jan), 20/26-27, 138/37-44, 213/12-15
............ prints bank notes for the ZAR, 213/13
............ Left Potchefstroom during the First Boer War, 213/13
...... Celliers, J.F., 20/77, 137/14-20. 156/102-104; see also Stamp Commission
...... Davis of Pietermaritzburg, Natal, 20/76
...... De La Rue - see de la Rue, De La Rue [Ltd]
...... De Zoutpansburg Wacher, 24/92
...... Enschedé and Sons, Haarlem, 5/4-6, 17/8-11; see also Essays, Stamps, Stamp Printers,
Forgeries - Cancellations, Datestamps, Handstamps, Postal stationery - Second Republic,
Unauthorised reprintings and overprintings - Enschedé and Mirza Hadi
............ Centenary, 6/23
............ Ownership of printing plates, 22/43
...... Otto, Adolph at Gustrow in Mecklenburg - see Otto, Adolph
...... Rous, J.C., 20/77, 156/102-104; see also Stamp Commission
...... Van der Sandt, de Villiers and Tier, 156/102
...... Viljoen, M.J., 20/76
...... De Volkstem - seeDe Volkstem
Stamp printings - see Postage Stamps, Revenue stamps
Stamp Shops - see Retailers, Stamp Dealers
Stamp Show 2000 (The), 134/76, 135/ii
Stamps; see also Postage Stamps, Revenue stamps
...... Cancelled in Cape Town, 153/14-15
...... "Dead Africans", 22/25
...... Embossed stamps - see Revenue stamps - Embossed types
...... Forgeries (and reprints) - see Bogus Stamps, CSAR, Fantasy stamps, Luff Plates, Repaired Stamps, Stellaland, Unauthorised reprintings and overprintings
...... Overprinted stamps - see Overprints
...... Proofs - see Essay and Proof and Colour Trials, Printing, Queen's Head Stamps
...... Republic of South Africa issues
............ (2010), 173/7
...... Sold in shops, 21/20; see also Retailers, Stamp Dealers
Standard Bank - see Banks
Stander, Adriaan Hendrik, 194/51-52
Standerton, 194/50-66; see also Cantonments
...... 1900-1901, 64/99, 194/56-58
...... British Military Office 1900 - Telegraph service - Army Telegraphs - Offices
...... District proclaimed, 192/74, 194/51
...... Early days, 44/104, 61/20; see also First Anglo-Boer War, Post Offices and Postal Agencies
...... Election 1907 - see Elections - Transvaal Colony Legislative Assembly 20th February 1907
...... map reference, 167/71, 192/73, 194/50
Stander, A.H. - see Stander, Adriaan Hendrik
Stander's Drift/Standerton, 96/78-79, 109/30, 139/68
Stanley Gibbons - see also Catalogues - Stanley Gibbons, Reviews and notices - Stanley Gibbons
...... Items from the Drysdall Collection, 168/108-109 Stanley Gibbons Monthly Journal, 179/50-51 Stanley Gibbons Weekly Journal - see Tamsen, Emil - Letter for Gibbons Stamp Weekly 15th October, 1910
Stanley Gibbons, New York, USA 1906, 201/94
State Printing Works in the Field - see Printers - State Printing Works in the Field
Station Handstamps - see Handstamps, Railways
Station Road, Middelburg, 130/53-4
...... map reference, 167/71
Station Roodekop - see Railways
Stationery - see Postal Stationery
Steelpoort, 139/71-72
...... during the early days, 81/20
Steenbokfpntein, during the early days, 81/20
Steam Ships - see Ships, Shipping Lines
Steenbokokfontein, short note on the farm, 61/20
...... map reference, 167/71
Steinaecker's Horse - see Second Anglo-Boer War
Stellaland, 13/22, 14/45, 49/18, 110/viii, 146/43, 157/9-10, 215/6-11; see also Combination covers
...... Annexation, 215/10-11
...... 1d. with Zeerust target cancel, 169/24 (advertisement)
...... Cancellations on forgeries, 14/45
...... Cover addressed from Warren, Sir Charles to his wife, 136/vii-viii
...... Cover addressed to De Volksstem, 41/10
...... Dennison, Charles George, 215/6-8
...... Flag, 105/ix, 157/9-10
...... History of, 56/78-79
...... Map, 167/59-60
...... Postmasters, 215/9
............ Dekker, F., 215/9
............ Dennison, Charles George - see Stellaland - Dennison, Charles George
............ Eaton, Frances, Alexander, 215/9
............ Hartzenberg, Ferdinand, 215/9
...... Signature on Stellaland stamps, 215/6
...... Stamp printer, 156/102
...... Stellaland-Transvaal, 100/71-77, 101/vi-vii, 111/69-70
...... The plain man's guide to forgeries, 12/64
...... Warren, Sir Charles, 56/78, 215/9
Steinaecker's Horse, 159/48-49
Sterkfontein, 86/37-38, 111/71, 139/69
...... map reference, 167/71
Sterkstroom, map reference, 167/71
Steynsdorp, 146/38-39; see Post Offices and Postal Agencies
...... during the early days, 61/21
'Stick fight', 150/44-46, 151/iv
Stock Exchange Forgeries (British), 159/60
Stock Exchange, Johannesburg, Established, a short note, 61/21
Stockenström, Andries, 137/29
'STOPPAGE FEE' (Cape handstamp), 137/iii, 138/xi
Stoffberg, during the early days, 61/21
Stonehill, Mr - see Pirie, Harvey
Storey, Thomas, 122/52
'Stray Notes on transvaals' - see The Philatelic Record
Strydkraal, 139/68
...... map reference, 167/71
Stuart Rossiter Trust Fund, 120/ii, 121/18b
Stuart Rossiter Trust Lecture, 151/ii-iii
Suikerboskop - see Groot Suikerboskop
Stuttaford & Co. - see Post Offices and Postal Agencies - Johannesburg - Stuttaford & Co.
Subscriptions to the Transvaal Study Circle - see Transvaal Study Circle - Annual Subscription
Sulphur Springs (Zunckelsdrift), 124/90, 166/41
...... map reference, 167/71
...... Post Office>BR>
Sunset Covers of South Africa, 211/12
...... A note by Emil Tamsen 1938, 54/44
Sunnyside, during the early days, 61/21
Syferkuil, map reference, 167/71
130/55-58, 131/86-7, 147/v-vi, vii, 150/viii, 155/ii, 159/43-55, 193/27 166/45, 181/28; see also Forgeries, Klein Vrystnd, Maps
...... 1843 -1895, 55/63-64
...... 1898 Swaziland Campaign, 137/21
...... 1889 issue, 129/16
...... 1899-1902, 149/11
...... Army Telegraphs & Signals, 149/12-13
...... Anglo-Boer War, 149/5-14, 159/45-50, 176/89
...... Auction, Spink & Sons, Swaziland sale (12.03.97), 122/42-45
...... Bethany, 176/88-94
...... Bisects, 27/52
...... BONC - see Swaziland - Numeral-coded barred-oval, (BONC)
...... Bremersdorp, 80/68, 159/43-48
............ Bremersdorp datestamps - see Swaziland - Datestamps - Bremersdorp
.................... Relief cancellation 1911, 212/5-6
............ Map of the town in 1890. 197/34
............ Oval cancellation, use of, 147/vii, 163/74
............ Squared Circle cancellation, 195/112
...... British Protectorate, 159/50
...... Cancelled by favour, 195/105
...... Carmichael, Eva L., 207/10-12
...... Colours of the inks used in the cancellations of Swaziland 1889-1894, 195/105
...... Covers, 178/34; see also Swaziland - Head, Mrs. correspondence
............ 1888 with 'On the Swazie King's Service' - see Swaziland - Official Mail
............ 1890, 8/45
............ ........ Muzimnene, 111/100, 112/v-vi
..................... Registered to Waterberg from Embekelweni, 72/89
............ 1891 rare "Swazieland" cover to the USA, 197/33-34
............ 1892 vie Bordeaux to London, 50/50
............ 1893
..................... To Assen, 72/89
..................... Earliest recorded regular Z.A.R. stamp used on cover used from Swaziland, 195/108
............ 1894, 50/50, 193/25-26
...................... 'In DIENST' cover to New Zealand, 186/54
............ 1898 to Bulawayo - see Swaziland - Covers - Combination covers and pieces
............ 1893, seven Bremersdorp datestamps - see Swaziland - Scott, William
............ 1899 Embabaan to Mbabane, 195/114
............ 1904 Registered Letter from Bremersdorp, 195/111
............ Bearing “Swazieland” overprinted Z.A.R. stamps cancelled at Darkton, 195/98
............ Combination covers and pieces, 198/27-28
............ Earliest recorded regular Z.A.R. stamp used on cover from Swaziland, 195/108
............ Mrs Head correspondence - see Swaziland - Head, Mrs. correspondence
............ Registered postal stationery envelopes from Bremersdorp on 28.09.1899 and 01.12.1904, 195/113-114
...... Daniel, 204/85; see also Swaziland - Head, Mrs. correspondence
...... Darkton, 159/43-53, 171/51, 172/78-79, 176/90, Figures 5 and 8
............1895, 171/51, 172/78-79, 171/93, 176/92
............ Cancelled 16th October, 1899, 149/6
............ Cover to Bulawayo December, 1898 - see Swaziland - Covers - Combination covers and pieces
............ Datestamps - see Datestamps - Darkton
............ Post Office, 7/31, 176/92
............ Telegraph, 172/78-79
...... Darkton / Oshoek, 160/73, 161/10, 168/94-95
...... Datestamps, 77/17, 159/43-55, 195/104-114
.............Bremersdorp, 77/17, 108/99-100, 159/43, 195/108
..................... Double circle datestamp with and without the “Z.A.R.”, 159/112-113
..................... Squared Circle datestamp on a 2s6d dual plate stamp, 186/55
................................. Cancellation June-August 1894, 201/84-85
..................... Oval used on posted 1891 cover, 197/33
..................... Oval datestamp used for telegraph purposes, 195/106
............ Darkton 1893, 195/107, 195/108
............ Embabaan datestamps, 159/43, 50-51, 173/10, 188/45, 209/24
................... Relief cancellation last known date, 195/114
............ Embekelweni single circle, 57/9, 57/12, 195/105-106, 209/25-26
............ Ezulweni datestamps, 209/29
............ Hlatikulu, 188/45, 211/34
............ Mbabane double circle datestamp earliest date recorded, 195/114
............ 'M'DIMA / Z.A.R.' double circle datestamp, 186/55, 195/124
............ “MHLOTSHENI / SWAZILAND” double circle datestamp, 201/82; see also Swziland - Mhlotsheni
..................... 1910, 124/91
............ Piggs Peak double circle datestamp on 10s Edward Vii stamp, 195/124
...... Duiven, Jacob
............ A late Duiven cover, 200/59
............ Appointment as Postmaster of the New Republic, 74/41-42
............ Appointment as Postmaster of Swazieland, 74/41-42
............ Early Covers, 127/72-83, 178/34-37
............ Cover to Java, 178/35
............ Handstamps, 178/35
............ Incomming postal item 1889 to Jacob Duiven - see Swaziland (Swazieland) - Incomming postal item 1889 to Jacob Duiven
............ Personal cachet used in Swaziland, 200/59
............ Returns to Europe, 200/59
............ Stamp dealer - see Stamp dealers - Duiven, Jacob
............ Swazieland overprints: a possible fake produced by Postmaster, 202/28
............ Wholesale Stamp Dealer - see Stamp dealers - Duiven, Jacob
...... Edward VII £1 postage stamps used in Swaziland, 144/iii-iv
...... Embbekelweni - see Swazilannd - Datestamps
...... Embabaan datestamps - see Swazilannd - Datestamps
...... Enhlozana, "Mrs. Head" 176/87-94
...... eSwatini, 200/36-37
...... Fantasy stamps - see Fantasy stamps
...... Forbes Reef datestamps, 209/30
...... Forged -"Swazieland" overprinted on ZAR stamps - see Forgeries - "Swazieland"
...... Gabb, Frances Georgina, 176/84-94, 204/85; see also Swaziland - Head Mrs. correspondence
...... 'Government Reprints', 129/29
...... Handstamps
............ Duiven, Jac, 178/35
............ "MBABANE", 178/39
............ "RESIDENT COMMISSIONER" 1908, 178/39
............ “Swazieland”, 195/109-110
...... Harris, Clara, 173/10, 176/88-94, 193/25-26, 204/85; see also Swaziland - Head Mrs. correspondence
............ Demise, 193/26
...... Havelock Gold Mining and Exploration Co. Ltd. - see Swaziland - Scott, William
...... Head, Mrs. correspondence, 130/58, 171/51, 172/93, 173/10, 176/83-94, 193/25-26, 204/85, 207/10-11
...... Hellgate, including datestamps, 160/73, 188/45
...... History of, 33/20-23
...... Hlatikulu, 124/91
...... Interprovincial Period, 81/29-36?, 81-82/35-36, 160/74-76, 201/82
............ on Cape of Good Hope postal stationery card - see Interprovincial period - Swaziland.
...... Initials on the back of a ten shilling Swazieland stamp, 198/48
...... Incomming postal item 1889 to Jacob Duiven, 198/54
...... Klein Vrystad - see Klein Vrij Staat ( Klein Vrystad)
...... Laverty. Miss A.M., 212/5
...... Little Free State - see Klein Vrij Staat ( Klein Vrystad)
...... Mahamba, 124/91
.......... datestamps, 124/91, 159/54
.......... postage dues used in, 159/52
.......... Postal routes - Piet Retief and Mahamba and Mhotsheni, 211/12
...... Mbabane, 1908 registered cover, undelivered and returned, 178/39
...... "MAIL SERVICE SUSPENDED" handstamp, 149/5-6
...... Maps
............ Detail of Jeppe's 1899 map, 160/73
............ Mission Stations 1910, 176/87, 207/11
............ Sullphur Spring (ZAR) and the Swazi border 1899, 211/12
...... Memoir No.3, Higson, A., The Stamps of Swaziland 1889-1894 152/ii
...... 'M'DIMA
............ 'M'DIMA / Z.A.R.' double circle datestamp, 186/55
............ Post Office opened and map, 186/55
...... Mission Stations, 176/87-94; see also Swaziland - Head, Mrs. correspondence
...... Mhlotsheni, 124/91; see also Swaziland - Datestamps
...... Mule Buggy transferring post in 1880s / 90s. Official first day cover,
8th May, 2007, 165/26
...... Mrs. Head correspondence - see Swaziland - Head, Mrs. correspondence
...... Numeral-coded barred-oval, (BONC)
............ BONC 628, 195/107, 146/38-39, 147/v, 195/124
............ BONC 718, 195/105
...... Muzimnene, 111/100, 112/v-vi
...... Nomahasha datestamps, 166/46, 218/28-29
...... Official mail, 4/45
..................... Envelope (1888), 8/45
..................... Envelope (1894) addressed to H.C. Shepstone, 181/28
...... 'ON THE SWAZIE KING’S SERVICE' cover, Embekelweni to Steynsdorp, 199/19
...... One shilling postage Stamp, 26/27-29
...... Orange River Colony ½d postal stationery postcard used in Swaziland during the Interprovincial period - see Swaziland - Interprovincial period
...... Oshoek, 160/73, 161/10, 168/94
...... Overprints, 27/45-55, 130/x-xiii
............ Bremersdorp oval cancellation, use of, 147/vii
............ Colours of the inks used in the cancellations of Swaziland 1889-1894, 195/107-107, 197/32
............ 'Government Reprints', 129/29
............ Misalignment of 'Swazilan' on half-penny duty, 130/x
............ Spacing of, 130/x
............ With Stop, 130/xiii
............ Without Stop, 129/29-10
............ Invalidation of stamps overprinted, 129/16-30
............ Inverted, 27/50
............ Minor Varieties, 27/51
............ Misplaced, 27/51
.................. Misalignment of 'Swazilan' on half-penny duty, 130/x
............ Missing, 27/51
..................... Missing 'd' and van Alphen's comment, 27/45
............ Progressive damage to individual pieces of type, 130/xii
............ Proof sheet of the one shilling, 150/viii
............ Red (carmine) overprint, 27/52, 130/xiii
............ Reprints overprinted 'Swazieland', 150/viii
............ Spacing of, 130/x
............ “Swazieland” overprinted stamp cancelled in Ermelo, 195/124
............ With Stop, 130/xiii
............ Without Stop, 129/29-10
............ Withdrawal of overprinted stamps, 129/16-30, 176/92
...... Proposal to overprint stamps for Official Mail, 191/34-36
............ Red overprint, 130/xiii
............ Reprints overprinted "Swazieland", 150/viii
...... 'Queen's Head' issue; see also Swaziland - Picture postcard - Indhlovukazi of Swazieland, 'Specimen' overprints
............ Used during the Second Republic - see 'Queen's Head' stamps - Used during the Second Republic
...... Second Republic Issues, 21/2-3, 115/83-84; see also Postage Stamps - First British Occupation
............ 6d. overprinted 'POSTZEGEL' - see Postage stamps used for revenue purposes
............ 'Monster' - see Specimen Stamps
............ 'POSTZEGEL' overprint - see Postage stamps used for revenue purposes
............ Telegraph stamps, - see Revenue stamps - Telegraph Stamps, Telegraph service
............ 'V.R. TRANSVAAL' - see Postage Stamps, including those used for both postage and revenue -
First British Occupation issues - 'V. R. / Transvaal'
............ 'V.R. Transvaal' - see Postage Stamps, including those used for both postage and revenue -
First British Occupation issues - 'V. R. / Transvaal'
...... Perforations (Large holes) of the Enschedé 12½ stamps, 36/80
...... Picture postcard, 156/113
............ Indhlovukazi of Swazieland, 195/115
............ Queen of Swaziland's carriage, 212/6
...... Piggs Peak, 59/54-50
............ Datestamps (double circle), 219/45
..................... on a £1 King Edward VII stamp, 186/55
............ Map location, 167/71
............ Post Office, 211/11, 211/14
...... Post Offices, 42/60
............ Date Bremersdorp Telegraph Office, and presumably the Post Office opened, 197/33
............ Edwardian period, 159/53
...... Postage due markings and labels - see Postage due markings and labels - Swaziland
...... Postage stamps, 27/27/45-55, 122/xv, 122/42-5, 129/19-30, 130/x-xiii, 154/vi, 155/77, 162/50-51
...... Postal Stationery, 27/52-53
............ Who produced the ZAR postcards handstamped “Swazieland”?, 195/110-111
..................... Doubt to the status of the “Swazieland” handstamped postal stationery items, 201/85
...... Reprints (so-called), 27/53-55
...... Revenue stamps, 89/15-22, 130/59-66
............ British Protectorate Period, 130/64-66
...... Sandhlan cancel, 159/55
...... Scott, William, 196/20
...... Stegi, cover to London 1913, 178/39
...... Steinaecker's Horse, 149/11
...... Swaziland Philately to 1968 184/9, 186/48; see also, Reviews and notices - Swaziland Philately to 1968
...... Tamsen, 178/34-35; see also Tamsen
............ Tamsen collection - see Collections - Tamsen collection of Swazieland and Transvaal
...... Tax markings
............. Bremersdorp, 74/48
............. Mbabane (Embabaan), 74/48
...... Taylor, Frances, Missionary, 193/25-26
...... Telegraph
............ Cancels, 195/105-106
..................... Bremersdorp rectangular telegraph handstamp, 195/111
..................... Embabaan rectangular telegraph handstamp, 159/43-56
..................... Embekelweni, 204/80
............ Forms - Telegraafdienst Z.A. Republiek, 159/44 & 51
...... Transvaal stamps used in, 144/iv
...... 'Welcome' Mission Station - see Swaziland - Daniel
...... Withdrawal of overprinted stamps, 129/16-30, 176/92
...... Withdrawal of stamps, 147/v-vi
...... Umbandine, King of the Swazie, 27/46
...... Union postage due markings, 66/31
...... Visser, Arie Johannes, Acting Postmaster at Bremersdorp, 197/34
...... ZAR incorporated Swaziland, 167/60
...... ZAR - UK Swaziland convention of 1890 - see Conventions Swaziland Philately to 1968 184/9, 186/48; see also Reviews and notices - Swaziland Philately to 1968
Swaziland Study Circle, 72/71
Swazieland - see Swaziland (Swazieland)
Swedish Agricultural Expedition (1863), 144/vii-viii & 122
Swinburne, Sir John, 139/86-87
Swinpex - see Transvaal Study Circle - Meetings - Swindon
T.L.& M. Buildings - see Picture postcards - Alexandra Buildings - Illustrated Second Republic postal stationery cards
Taaiboschspruit, map reference, 167/71
Tamsen, Emil, 2/13-16, 53/7, 65/4, 124/83-4, 133/3, 133/45-49??, 143/71-72, 183/95-97; see also Bakker Express, Stamp Dealers
...... Bogus stamps, 28/81-4, 139/84
...... Death, 60/99
...... Covers, 64/83-84
............ Cover addressed to Master Emil Tamsen, 173/12
............ Cover addressed to Tamsen from himself, 178/34
...... Handstamps, 100/70, 106/53
...... Handwriting, 64/83-84, 204/99
...... Letter of 1911 regarding Bogus Stamps, 28/81-84
...... Letter for Gibbons Stamp Weekly 15th October, 1910, 188/48
...... Letter from Mirza Hadi (22.07.1912), 17/10
...... Postal stationery message to George Johnson 183/95-97
...... New Republic, 91/56-58, 113/14-18
...... Mail addressed to, 115/109
...... Postcard publisher - see Picture Paostcards - Tamsen
...... Swaziland covers, 178/34
...... Rev. Richter’s daughter, 204/100
...... Transvaal Reprints, Article 1933 reprinted, 53/18-24
...... Tamsen collection - see Collections - Tamsen collection of Swazieland and Transvaal
...... Wholesale Price List - see Stamp Dealers - Tamsen, Emil
Tapling Collection - see British Library (The) - Tapling T.K.
Target concentric rings cancels - see Cancellers - 'Dumb' target-type
Tasmania tax mark, 115/viii
Tati Goldfields, 124/80-82, 139/86-87, 148/79-95
Tax marks - see Postage due markings and labels, TPOs, Handstamps<
'Te Betalen' label - Bakker Express
'TE LAAT' - see 'TOO LATE' and Late fee
Tea Card - see Twinings
Telegram used in Potchefstroom 1888 to 1910 - see Fleischack Collection
Telegraph service, 51/54, 112/114, 167/62; see also Revenue Stamps, Van Trotsenburg
...... Army Telegraphs, 124/106, 147/64, 150/40-50, 156/109-113, 164/99-103, 169/18-19, 178/46
............ Army Telegraphs cancellations used postally, 178/46
............ Army telgram to Buller, 219/22
............ Boer invasion of Natal, 165/20-23
............ Datestamps, 150/47
............ Griffith, Kenneth material, 150/40-41
............ Identity Bureau - seeSecond Anglo-Boer War - Identity Bureau telegram
............ Irene Military telegraph datestamp on cover, 150/41
............ Offices 1900-1902, 150/47
............ Paardekop on Army Telegraphs, 150/48
............ Use of Queen Victoria unappropriated die stamps, 150/38
............ Vryheid, 169/24
...... Central Telegraph Office
............ Johannesburg datestamps, 213/16
...... Telegraph station acting as a postal office, 201/72
...... Cancellations; see also Telegraph service - Datestamps, Datestamps
............ Dullstroom, 199/4, 200/38
............ "LYDENBURG" 200/73
...... Christmas and New Year Greeting Cards - see Christmas cards
...... Datestamps, 16/97, 51/?, 90/31-42, 150/27-28, 164/97-99, 165/20-22 & 25, 169/18-19, 181/5-6
............ Army Telegraphs cancellations used postally, 169/18-19, 178/46
............ Boksburg, 181/29, 30-31
............ Heidelberg, 181/5-6
............ Johannesburg, 117/iv, 118/ix, 213/17
..................... Army Telegraph 150/49
..................... 'C.T.O', 90/43
............ Pretoria, 164/115, 181/5-6
............ "PR M-", 181/5-6
............ One shilling printing of Celliers from 1883, 181/5-6
............ Pietersburg on Army Telegraphs, 150/46
............ Rooidraal on Army Telegraphs, 150/46
............ Single Circle used at Standerton in 1883, 194/54-55
............ Squared Circle used at Standerton without 'Z.A.R.', 194/53, 194/58
............ Used on the 'Queens Head' Revenue stamps, 54/43
...... First British Occupation, 164/96-98, 164/96-97
...... "HEIDELBERG" 24mm circular datestamp, 181/5
...... Imperial Military Railway, 124/106, 150/49
...... Johannesburg, 120/114-116
...... Money orders, 148/103-105, 152/100-101
...... Non-deilivery of telegrams 1891 and 1903, 145/6
...... Numeral Cancels, 190/10
...... NZASM, 116/144
...... Pietersburg stamps bearing telegraph cancellations, 164/100
...... Potchefstroom, 145/1-7
............ Single line handstamp misken as manuscript, 145/1-2
...... Pretoria Military, opening date during 1900, 164/115
...... "PRETORIA" 24mm circular datestamp, 181/5
...... Receipt for payment in 1891, 164/98
...... Second British Occupation, 16/97-98
...... Second Republic, 164/98-99
...... Stamps, 118/70-73, 139/90-1, 140/iv, 148/v, 187/16
...... "TEL. KTR/ Newcastle" datestamp, 164/99
...... Hunt Collection, 128/131
...... Reply-paid telegrams 1891 and 1904, 145/5-6
...... Revenue stamps to be returned to the Distributor of Stamps March 1914, 88/36-37
...... Staff - see Telegraph service - Telegraph Staff
...... Stationery, 90/31-43, 128/109; see also Telegraph service - Army Telegraphs
...... Telegraafkantoor / Glencoe, cancellation, 165/20-22
...... "TELEGRAAFKANTOOR / BOKSBURG" telegraph seal, 181/30-31
...... "TELEGRAAFKANTOOR / SCHWEIZER RENEKE" handstamp with telegraph lightning bolts in its centre, 181/29
...... Telegraph seals, 181/30/31
...... Telegraph Staff
............ von Rooy or John A. van Rooy, 201/93, 202/4
...... The telegraphic use of “Queen’s Head” revenue stamps during the First British Occupation of the Transvaal, 195/104
...... Telegraphic transmission of money orders, start of during Second Republic, 181/29
...... Transvaal / Telegraphs handstamp, 140/iv-v, 187/16
...... Tripe circle cancellation, 165/25
...... Vryheid, used in, 169/20
Telephone lines, 167/62
"Terrors of the Transvaal" - see McKee, H.J.A. Rev., author of "Terrors of the Transvaal"
Tête-bêche varieties, 30/34, 69/21, 109/advertisements, 110/68, 115/x, 123/59, 124/84, 150/28, 154/vi, 176/72
...... On cover, 165/13
...... One shilling printing of Celliers from 1883, 181/4, 181/17
'TERUGGEPOST' handstamp, 133/28-34
Thabina, map reference, 167/71, 201/87; see also Datestamps, Colonial period - Double Circle datestamps - Thabina
The Association of British Philatelic Societies Ltd., 110/ii, 184/14; see alsoThe Transvaal Philatelist - Awards
...... Handbook (2012) with incorrect Transvaal Study Circle address, 183/75
The British-German Legion - see British-German Legion
The British Library - see British Library
The British Parliamentary Debates - see Hansard
The Brook, map reference, 167/71
The Church of the Vow, - see Church of the Vow
The Colonial South Africa Society - see Philatelic Societies, 17/90, 139/67, 205/13-24
The Heritage Register, Johannesburg - see Heritage Register, Johannesburg
The London Library of Political and Economic Science - see Libraries - London School of Economics
The Little Free State see Die Kleinvrystaat, (Republic) The international directory, philatelic literature, collectors, dealers and publichers - see Marsh, Victor
The London Library of Political and Economic Science - see Libraries - London School of Economics The Illustrated London News, 144/112-114, 185/38-39 The Johannesburg Gazette, Johannesburg" 1900 - see Privilege mail
The Overseas club and Patriotic League - see Overseas club and Patriotic League The Philatelic Magazine December 1943, 186/52 The Philatelic Record, 'Stray Notes on transvaals', 41/12-16 The Picture Postcard, A Magazine of Philately, Travel, & Art - see Picture Postcard - Picture Postcard, A Magazine of Philately, Travel, & Art
: A Review The Press Printing & Publishing Works - see Printers
...... Weinthal, Leo, manager The Press Printing & Publishing Works, Pretoria, a letter - see Printers - The Press 'Printing & Publishing Works', a letter
The Pretoria Philatelic Society Golden Jubilee Exhibition 1948, 167/80 The South African Philatelist - see South African Philatelist The Stamp Collectors' Annual 159/59
The Stamp Show 2000, 134/76, 135/ii The Star, Johannesburg - see Newspapers The Statute Law of the Transvaal, 1901, 188/38-40 The Spectator 23rd February 1907, 196/22 The Tunbridge Wells Courier, 130/66
The Tony Chilton Transvaal Award - see Awards and Honours - Philatelic Federation of South Africa Congress Awards sponsored
by the Transvaal Study Circle - The Tony Chilton Transvaal Award
The Transvaal Government Gazette and Staatscourant; see also Laws, Post Office Acts, Laws of the South African Republic and Transvaal
...... Extracted from, 69/4-10, 112/106-9
...... Staats courant der Zuid-Afrikaansche Republiek
............ 1870s, 140/97-116
............ 1874, 65/10-13
............ 1874, 1875 to 1876, 65/10-13
............ 1877, New Post- Agencies, 65/13
.....................Tenders for the conveyance of mails and Routes, 65/14-16
............ 1879, 112/110-116
............ 1881 edition published in the Netherlands, 156/103
............ 1892, Law No.7 1892, Transfer of shares in Companies, 188/38-40
............ 1892-1901, The Statute Law of the Transvaal, published 12th February, 1901, 188/38
............ 1895, Proclamation, No. 306 Cancellation of Stamps, 188/40-41
............ First Government printer, 213/12
............ Requirement to advertise undelivered mail in the Government Gazette abolished, 93/3-4
...... The Transvaal Government Gazette
............ 1900
..................... 7th June 1900, 18/31
..................... Extracts from The Johannesburg Gazette, 69/5-8
..................... Johannesburg Gazette 1900, 69/5-9
..................... Proclamation Card, 7th June 1900, 18/31; see also Machadodorp, Postal Stationery - Machadodorp cards
............ Tenders for the Supply of Uniforms (1903), 183/98
............ Closing times for Post Offices from a Postal Notice of 1876, 140/116 The Transvaal Leader - see Newspapers
The Transvaal Philatelist, 177/8, 190/3; see also Transvaal Study Circle
...... 50 years of The Transvaal Philatelist, 192/54, 192/62-67, 192/67; see also Transvaal Study Circle - History of the Study Circle - 50th
...... 100th issue, Preface to, 100/ii-iv
...... 200th issue, 200/35-37, 201/71-72
...... Abbreviations, 199/2, 200/33, 201/71
............ For 'key' printed in The Transvaal Philatelist, 77/5
............ Used in the text and/or index of The Transvaal Philatelist, Click "Abbreviations" at the top of this page
...... Acting Editor, 77/1, 199/1
...... Advertisements, 100/iv
...... 'Articles Wanted', 17/1, 23/47, 30/33, 31/56, 209/5
...... Awards - see Awards and Honours - The Transvaal Philatelist
...... Back numbers (editions), 69a, 70/26, 71/46, 72/69, 91/49, 169/24, 173/12
............ Sales of, 188/35
...... Chairman’s Message 2019, 204/77
...... Colour printing, 192/54, 192/67
...... Copyright - see Transvaal Study Circle - Copyright
...... Cover
............ Cover Picture, 200/32, 201/70, 202/3, 203/44, 204/76
............ Printing - seeThe Transvaal Philatelist - Printing of
...... Editor required, 45/1, 202/?
...... Editors, 96/ii; 100/iv, 194/46, 77-78; see also Title page
...... Editorials, 1/1, 2/13, 3/22, 4/38, 5/1, 6/14 , 7/25, 8/35 , 9/1, 10/19, 11/39, 12/62, 13/1, 14/1, 17/1, 18/24, 19/44, 20/63, 21/1, 22/25, 23/47, 24/70,
...... Frequency of, 180/66-67, 181/2, 184/4, 209/5, 211/5
...... Full colour edition, 186/passim, 192/54, 192/67
...... History of, 192/54-55, 192/62-66
...... In arrears, 99/ii
...... Index, The Transvaal Philatelist, 88/22, 88/34
............ Restructure of during 2012-2013, 184/4
............ Volume 1, (separate)
............ Volume 2 to 21, published separately with the forth issue each year
............ Volume 21 to 39, published separately, at the end of 2004
............ Volume 22, 86/40
............ Volume 23, 88/44
............ Volume 24, 92/83
............ Website (on line Index)
..................... Complete Index incorporating all the editions from 1966 to 2013, 186/45
............ Website Manager's reports, 190/7, 192/55, 193/7
...... Large issue, 168/83
...... Logo - see Transvaal Study Circle - Logo
...... Mentioned in philatelic periodicals, 2/12, 190/5, 192/55
...... Overweight Edition, 192/67
...... Postage of
............ Delay in posting because of Republic of South Africa postal strike, 189/52
............ Postage rates and Printed Paper Rates, 188/32
............ Posted in wrappers, 74/37, 180/91, 192/54
............ Posted with Royal Mail "Smilers" stamps, 176/80, 192/57; - see also Transvaal Study Circle - Stamp - Royal Mail "Smilers"
............ Posting without postage stamps, 50/31, 192/57
...... Printing of, 25/1, 44/91, 199/2, 200/33
............ Number printed, 45/1
............ Printers since May 2006, 161/4, 187/4, 192/?, 199/2, 199/8, 200/33
............ Problems of printing due to shortage of paper, 32/81
............ Thermograph printed cover, 200/cover, 200/33
...... Purchase of second copy of The Transvaal Philatelist by members, 45/9, 53/3
...... Subscriptions to the Transvaal Study Circle - see Transvaal Study Circle - Annual Subscription
...... Supplements and other items (inset or insert)
.......... Tourist map of South Africa, 1/insert
.......... Map of the Post Offices during 1906, 167/inserted into pocket of inside back cover
.......... The Transvaal 'V.R.I.' Overprints on Postage Stamps by I. B. Mathews, first published in The South African Philatelist,
49/inset at back after page 62
.......... The Z.A.R. £5 green: Research on postmarks and usage, including the Vürtheim and Disselboom 5 shillings and 10 shilling stamps,
(Note this was issued as 'whole number 217 with the November The Transvaal Philatelist) in 2023.
...................... Errata, 219/4
...... This and the last five journals, 104/77-78
Theunissen, Reverend N.J. - see Second Anglo-Boer War - Standerton - Pass
Thompson, Francis ('Matabele'), 138/58
Thomson, W., Chief Artist, Press Litho Works, Pretoria - see Printers - The Press 'Printing & Publishing Works', a letter
...... Adoption of a common time for South Africa, 168/102
Tolley & Co. (Messrs Henry Tolley & Co. in Birmingham), 204/80
Tonteldoos, map reference, 167/71
...... Tonteldoos, possible tax mark - see Postage due markings and labels - 'T' L'
Toovenaarsrust, 107/80
Tonga, 118/64
'TOO LATE', 'TE LAAT' and similar handstamps, 97/11, 107/85, 117/28, 133/21-25; see also Late fee
Town Sub-Office - see T.S.O.s
Transport within the ZAR/Transvaal, 167/58-71; see also Mail, Mail Cart, Mail Coach, Mail Contract, Postal routes, Railways
Transport of Mails, 21/14-24; see also Mail, Mail Cart, Mail Coach, Mail Contract, Postal routes, Railways
Transvaal 1904 Census - see Census
Transvaal Asylums Board - see Pretoria - Asylums
'Transvaal' Edwardian essays for Great Britain stamps - see Great Britain - 'Transvaal' Edwardian essays
Transvaal post offices incorpoated in Natal 1902 - see Natal - Transvaal post offices incorpoated in Natal 1902
Tranasvaal Volunteers Headquarters in Johannesburg - see South African Constabulary
Transvaal / ZAR (South African Republic (Zuid Afrikaansche Republiek); see also Laws of the South African Republic and Transvaal
...... Transvaal
............ 1905, 167/62
............ 1906 - see Maps
............ During the first decade of the twentieth century, 167/58-71
............ Edwardian era, 167/61-67
............ Important dates, 133/5
............ Population of towns (1904), 167/68
............ Post War Boom, 167/64
............ Roads, 167/62
............ Stamp forgeries - see Forgeries
............ Stamps - see Postage Stamps, Revenue stamps
............ Stamps used abroad, 54/43; see also First Anglo-Boer War, Second Anglo-Boer War
............ Transvaal stamps used in the Orange River Colony - see Military mail - Transvaal stamps used in the Orange River Colony
.................. Invalidation of, 54/44
............ Transvaal and ZAR boundaries, 167/59-62
............ Transvaal during the early twentieth century, 167/58-71
............ Transvaal Government Gazette - seeThe Transvaal Government Gazette
............ Transvaal Philatelic Literature - Bibliography, 1/5-6, 2/19-20; see also Reviews, (and the References at the end of articles)
............ Transvaal Philatelist - seeThe Transvaal Philatelist
............ Transvaalsche Gouvernements Courant - see The Transvaal Government Gazette and Staatscourant
...... ZAR, 167/58-61, 192/73, 215/13-15
............ 1836, 55/63
............ 1852-1887, 192/73
............ 1859 Postal Act, 215/13
............ 1853, extract from the Cape Directory, 64/96-98, 65/17-18
............ 1856, 55/63
............ 1872, extract from the Cape Almanac, 65/19-21
............ 1877 - see Jeppe, Friedrich - Almanac & Directory for 1877
............ 1879, 112/110-116
............ Adhesive Stamps Literature, 166/43-44; see also Reviews, (and the References at the end of articles)
............ Annexation of 1877 - see Annexation of 1877
............ Economy 1884 to 1889, 192/73
............ Established, 192/73
............ First districts to be proclaimed, 133/10
............ First Republic Adhesive Stamps - Literature - see ZAR
............ Government before 1840, 133/5
............ Important dates, 133/5
............ Mail - see Covers, Postal stationery
............ Secret Service - see Secret Service (De Geheime Dienst) ZAR
............ Stamp forgeries - see Forgeries
............ Stamps - see Postage Stamps, Revenue Stamps
............ Stamps cancelled in Cape Town, 153/14-15
............. Stamps - see Postage Stamps, Revenue stamps
........... Transvaal Book Almanac & Directory for 1877 - see Jeppe, Friedrich - Almanac & Directory for 1877
............ Transvaal Postmaster Circular No.43, notes on Triangle cancellations, 49/11
............ Transvaal State, 41/12-13, 121/10-11
............ Transvaalsche Gouvernements Courant - see The Transvaal Government Gazette and Staatscourant
............ 'Z.A.R.' in concentric Circles - see Cancellers - Z.A.R.' in concentris Circles
Transvaal Study Circle
...... 50 years - see Transvaal Study Circle - History of the Study Circle - 50th
...... Accounts, 45/9; see also Transvaal Study Circle - A.G.M. Minutes Annual Reports Accounts and meeting
............. Date ended 5th July 2020, (Erroneously published as 2021 and without the Hon. Treasurer’s Report), 208/9
............. Date ended 31st December 2020, (Erroneously dated 2021), 208/9-10
............ Bank Accounts, 190/5, 193/5
...... A.G.M. Minutes Annual Reports Accounts and meeting
............ 1966, 4/43, 5/7-9
............ 1967, 9/4-7
............ 1968, 13/7-11
..................... Agenda, 12/85
............ 1969, 17/1, 2-4
............ 1970, 21/4-5
............ 1971, 25/2-3, 25/17
............ 1972, 29/27-28, 30/31-33
............ 1973, 33/23-24, 34/26-27
............ 1974, 38/30-34
............ 1975, 41/14-5, 42/36-37
............ 1976, 45/7-9, 46/28-29
..................... Agenda, 45/25
............ 1977, 49/4, 50/28-30
............ 1978, 54/45-47, 49-50
..................... Agenda, 53/25
............ 1979, 58/24-25
..................... Agenda, 57/21
..................... 'Extraordinary General Meeting' (09.07.1980), 59/45-47
............ 1980, 60/69, 61/4-7
............ 1981, held on 24.03.1982 cancelled, 66/25
............ 1981, 66/25-29
............ 1982, 70/27-30
............ 1983, 74/36-39
............ 1984, 78/23-28
............ 1985, 81-2/2-6
............ 1986, 86/27-32
............ 1987, 88/30-34
............ 1988, 90/25-30
............ 1989, 94-5/23-29
............ 1990, 99/ii-vii, 192/56
............ 1991, 101/iv-v, 102/iiv
............ 1992, 105/ii-v
............ 1993, 110/ii-v
............ 1994, 114/ii-vi
............ 1995, 118/ii-vi
............ 1996, 122/iii-vii
............ 1997, 126/ii-vi
............ 1998, 130/ii-vi
............ 1999, 133/ii, 134/iii-viii, 135/iii
............ 2000, 137/ii, 138/ii-vi
............ 2001, 143/iv-viii
............ 2002, 144/vi, 145/ii-vi
............ 2003, 150/ii-vii
............ 2004, 152/iv, 153/ii, 154/ii-v
............ 2005, 158/ii-xi
............ 2006, 161/3-8
............ 2007, 165/3-8
............ 2008, 169/3-8
............ 2009, 173/3-6
............ 2010, 177/3-7
............ 2011, 182/37-45
............ 2012, 183/73, 184/3-7
............ 2013, 187/3-6, 188/33
..................... Notice, 186/54
............ 2014, 190/3-7
..................... Agenda, 189/
............ 2015, 193/4-8
..................... Agenda, 192/47
........... 2016, 196/7-10
..................... Agenda, 195/96
........... 2017, 197/7-10
........... 2018, 199/7-10
..................... Agenda, 198/51
........... 2019, 202/6-9
..................... Agenda, 201/74
.......... 2020, 205/6-11
.......... 2021, 205/7-10
..................... Accounts Date 5th July 2020 - see Transvaal Study Circle - Accounts - Date ended 5th July 2020
..................... Accounts Date 31st December 2020 - see Transvaal Study Circle - Accounts - Date ended 31st December 2020
.......... 2022, 210/5, information of AGM on 23.02.2022
.......... 2022, 211/6-9
.......... 2023, Zoom Video Communication, 214/6-8
.......... 2024, Zoom Video Communication, 10th March, at 9:00 GMT, 218/5-7
...... Annual General Meeting - see Transvaal Study Circle - A.G.M. Minutes Annual Reports Accounts and meeting
...... Annual Subscriptions, 13/21, 14/41, 22/26, 45/2, 45/9, 54/26, 57/2, 99/ii, 192/54, 204/78, 207/5, 214/6; see also Title page of each edition
for and after 77/ (Volume 20) No.1 February 1985)
............ 1967, 4/39
............ 1973, £2100!, 29/2
............ 1975, 75/2
............ 1977, 44/92
............ 2012, 177/5, 181/1
............ 2013, 183/73
............ 2014, 186/45
............ 2019, 201/71
...... Archives, 1/4
...... Auctions - see Auctions - Transvaal Study Circle Postal bid sales
...... Bank accounts, 193/, 199/8
...... Books - see also Publcations
............ The Transvaal 'Spread Wings' 6d stamps 1870-1878. A plating and identification study, by Lars Jørgensen, Published:7th November, 2017
..................... An appraisal, 198/51, 199/13, 204/79
...... Committee, 1/2, 3/31, 4/43, 12/85, 13/6, 34/28, 54/48, 196/10, 214/7, 218/5; also see Title page or Cover of each edition
............ Election of the first Committee, 1/7
............ New Committee members, 187/6
...... Constition approved, 214/7 [Note this is not published in this edition.]
...... Copyright, 182/38, 192/55, 192/56, 192/63(note 4), 195/97, 201/71, 205/5
...... Data Protection, 178/27
............ General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), 200/33
...... Displays by the Transvaal Study Circle
............ Basildon (21.11.2004), 152/iii
............ Chester 2002, 145/?
............ First Study Circle invited display, Norwood 20 March, 1984, 74/35
............ HAMPEX, Ringwood (25.09.1993), 107/ii, 108/iv
............ HAMPEX, Ringwood (24.09.1994), 112/iii
............ Islington, London, (February, 2010), 173/6
............ Islington, London, (February, 2016), 193/4, 193/9
............ MIDPEX, (10.06.1995) Tile Hill, Coventry, 115/iv-v
............ MIDPEX, (28.06.1997) Tile Hill, Coventry, 123/iii, 192/56
............ MIDPEX, (06.07.2013) near Leamington Spa, 187/3
............ STAMPEX, London, 193/4-8, and (photographs), 193/9
............ SWIMPEX (14.06.2008) Swindon, Wiltshire 167/50
............ SWIMPEX (12.06.2010) Swindon, Wiltshire 175/45
............ ZAR 100 - London, South Africa Embassy, 13/1, 13/4-5, 14/44-45, 15/55, 15/56-62
...... Displays given to the Transvaal Study Circle
............ de la Rue, Archive display to Transvaal Study Circle members, 4/44
...... Email address, 186/44-45, 196/12; also see Title page of The Transvaal Philatelist
............ Received, 187/3
...... Exchange Packet Superintendent, 1/2, 5/10, 6/15
...... First Study Circle invited display, Norwood 20 March - see Transvaal Study Circle - Displays by the Transvaal Study Circle
...... Golden Jubilee - see Transvaal Study Circle - History - 50th
...... Handbooks of Transvaal Philately, 41/34, 42/34-35, 45/3, 78/21-28, 79/55-58, 192/55, 200/35
............ Copyright, 192/55
............ Photographs for, 54/45
............ Published
..................... Volume 1, (1994), Transvaal; the provisional issues of the First British Occupation, 111/ii
..................... Volume 2, (1995), Transvaal; Revenue and Telegraph Stamps, 115/ii, 116/ii
..................... Volume 3, (1997), Transvaal; Railway Stamps and Travelling Post Offices, 120/ii, 121/9, 122/ii
............ The Transvaal Handbook, the postal markings section, 80/78-79, 83/52-55
...... History of the Study Circle
............ 45th year, 176/80
............ 50th year, 190/3, 192/46, 192/48-68
..................... First Day Cover, 192/46
..................... Lunch on 20 February, 2016 - see Transvaal Study Circle - Social meetings - London 50 year Lunch
............ Inaugural Meeting - see Transvaal Study Circle - Meetings - Banstead, Surrey (13.11.1965) the Inaugural Meeting
..................... Letter to members, 192/50-51
........... The Transvaal Philatelist - seeThe Transvaal Philatelist - 50 years of The Transvaal Philatelist
...... Index - seeThe Transvaal Philatelist - Index
...... Logo, 192/57 Logos
............ 1966, 1/1
............ 40 years, 163/77, 192/57
............ 45 years (Royal Mail "Smilers" stamp), 176/66, 176/80, 177/2, 192/57
............ 50 years, 192/passim; see also Transvaal Study Circle - Stamp - Royal Mail "Smilers"
............ 100th issue (1991) of The Transvaal Study Circle, 100/cover
...... Mathews Memorial Lecture - see Major Ian B. Mathews Memorial Lecture
...... Major Ian B. Mathews Memorial Lecture - see Major Ian B. Mathews Memorial Lecture
...... Meetings, 100/ii-iv, 192/56, 192/52, 192/56; see also Transvaal Study Circle - A.G.M., Minutes, Annual Reports, Accounts and meeting,
Major Ian B. Mathews Memorial Lecture
............ (Chronological order, In Chronological order)
............ (Non-Transvaal Study Circle' meetings - see Meetings)
............ (Social meetings see Transvaal Study Circle - Social meetings)
............ "ad hoc" (01.11.1996), 44/93
............ Banstead, Surrey (13.11.1965) the Inaugural Meeting, 60/68, 192/50-51
............ Balfour (10.09.1989), 91/62-63
............ Balfour (11.10.1992), 105/iii
............ Balfour (22.10.1995), 116/vii
............ Basildon (20-21.11.2004), 151/ii, 152/iii, 192/59
............ Bedfordview (21.02.1998), 126/vi
............ Benoni (22.10.1994), 113/ii-iii
............ Benoni (09.08.1997), 124/iii
............ Benoni (07.10.2019), Joint meeting, 204/80
............ Bloemfontein (13.10.1996), 120/iv
............ Cape Town (10.1991), 100/92
............ Cancelation of meeting, 55/51
............ Carshalton, Surrey (15.01.1966), 1/7, 6/6-7, 7/26-27
............ Chester (29-30.11.2002), 144/v-vi, 145/viii-ix, 192/58, 192/60
............ Durban (08.1993), 108/iii-iv
............ Edenvale, South Africa (01.07.1095), 116/iii
............ Edenvale, South Africa (24.02.1996), 118/vii (Incorrectly reported as 'Edendale')
............ Edenvale, South Africa (16.11.1996), 121/ii (Incorrectly reported as 'Edendale')
............ Edenvale, South Africa (26.02.2000), 134/iii
............ Edenvale, South Africa, Joint meeting, (15.10.2016), 195/97
............ Edenvale, South Africa, Joint meeting, (04.10.2017), 198/45-46
............ Europhilex, London 2015, 191/21
............ Hampex' 93 (Ringwood, Hants), 108/iii
............ Hampex' 94 (Ringwood, Hants), 112/iii, 113/iii
............ Hout Bay (10.10.1997), 124/v
............ Inaugural Meeting, 192/50-51; see also Transvaal Study Circle - Meetings - Banstead, Surrey (13.11.1965) the Inaugural Meeting
............ Johannesburg (10.11.1988), 90/29
............ Johannesburg (08.10.1986), 84/65
............ Johannesburg (02.11.1991), 102/vi
............ Johannesburg (Museum Africa) (12.10.2002), 144/iii-iv
............ Johannesburg (Joburg 2010), 174/7
............ Johannesburg, Auckland Park (13.11.2006), 160/vi
............ Johannesburg, Crown Mines (1991), 84/65
............ Johannesburg, Gallagher Estate (23.10.1998) 126/v
............ Johannesburg, Randburg (22.07.1998) 126/v
............ Johannesburg, Randburg (19.10.1998) 126/v
............ Johannesburg, Rosebank, (30.04.2005), 155/ii-iii
............ Leamington Spa, joint meeting (22-23.11.2003), 148/iii-iv
............ Leamington Spa, joint meeting (05-07.11.2004), 150/xii, 151/ii, 152/iii
............ Leamington Spa, joint meeting (04-06.11.2005), 156/iii
............ Leamington Spa, joint meeting (03-05.11.2006), 160/xii
............ Leamington Spa, joint meeting (09-11.11.2007), 164/87
............ Leamington Spa, joint meeting (07-09.11.2008), 168/85
............ Leamington Spa, joint meeting (13-15.11.2009), 172/77-78
............ Leamington Spa, joint meeting (13-14.11.2011), 180/71
............ Leamington Spa, joint meeting (09-11.11.2012), 184/8
............ Leamington Spa, joint meeting (08-10.11.2013), 186/50
............ Leamington Spa, joint meeting (07-09.11.2014), 189/57
............ Leamington Spa, joint meeting (06.08.2015), 189/69-71
............ London (09.07.1975), 39/53
............ London (08.10.1975), 40/79-82
............ London (18.07.1984), 76/73
............ London (13.10.1984), 76/74
............ London, Argyll Stamp Co. Ltd., 265 Strand, (03.04.1973), 30/31-33
............ London, Argyll Stamp Co. Ltd., 265 Strand?, (13.07.1973), 31/57-58
............ London, Argyll Stamp Co. Ltd., 265 Strand, (13.10.1973), 31/59, 32/82
............ London, Argyll Stamp Co. Ltd., 265 Strand, (03.10.1974), 35/54-55
............ London, (The) British Philatelic Association Ltd. (BPA), Strand, (02.04.1966), 4/51-53
............ London, BPA, Strand (02.04.1966), 4/51-53
............ London, BPA, Strand (02.07.1966), 3/35-36
............ London, BPA, Strand (15.10.1966), 4/44-45
............ London, BPA, Strand (15.04.1967), 5/12
............ London, BPA, Strand (08.07.1967), 4/49, 6/16-17
............ London, BPA, Strand (14.10.1967), 8/38-39
............ London, BPA, Strand (20.04.1968), 10/23-26
............ London, BPA, Strand (12.10.1968), 12/76-77
............ London, BPA, Strand, (12.04.1969), 14/42-44
............ London, BPA, 446 Strand (12.07.1969), 15/77-76
............ London, BPA, 446 Strand (11.10.1969), 17/80-81
............ London, BPA, 446 Strand (25.04.1970), 18/27
............ London, BPA, 446 Strand (24.04.1971), 22/26
............ London, BPA, 446 Strand (10.07.1971), 23/48
............ London, BPA, 446 Strand (09.10.1971), 24/73-74
............ London, BPA, 446 Strand (?), (22.04.1872), 26/19-21
............ London, BPA, 446 Strand (22.07.1972), 27/41-42
............ London, BPA, 446 Strand (21.10.1972), 27/42, 28/64
............ London, (The) British Library, Bloomsbury (15.10.1966), 4/44
............ London, City of London (21.02.2020) 54th AGM and meeting, 205/6-11
............ London, Strand, 'Oval Platter', 420 Strand (12.04.1969), 14/42-44
............ London, Islington, Hilton Hotel (2010 Festival of Stamps), 168/86, 174/24, 25-26, 178/24
............ London, Islington, Business Design Centre (21.09.2013), 185/26, 168/46
............ London, Islington, Business Design Centre (18.09.2014), 189/55
............ London, Islington, Business Design Centre (21.05.2015), 191/21
............ London, Islington, Business Design Centre (17.02.2018), 199/10
............ London, Islington, Business Design Centre (16.02.2019), 202/9
............ London, Kennington, Hawkstone Hall, (07.02.1980), 57/4
............ London, Kennington, Hawkstone Hall, 'Extraordinary General Meeting' (09.07.1980), 59/45-47
..................... Ordinary Meeting, 58/23, 59/45
............ London, Kennington, Hawkstone Hall, (11.10.1980), 59/44, 60/70-71
............ London, Kennington, Hawkstone Hall, following the AGM, (31.01.81), No report
............ London, Kennington, Hawkstone Hall, (22.02.1981), 62/25
............ London, Kennington, Hawkstone Hall, (27.06.1981), 63/46-47
............ London, Kennington, Hawkstone Hall, (30.09. 1981), 64/71
............ London, Kennington, Hawkstone Hall, (24.03.1982), No report
............ London, Kennington, Hawkstone Hall, (07.10.1982), 68/72
............ London, Kennington, Hawkstone Hall, (09.07.1983), 71/48-49
............ London, Kennington, Hawkstone Hall, (05.10.1983), 72/71
............ London, Kennington, Hawkstone Hall, (13.10.1984), 75/74
............ London, Kennington, Hawkstone Hall, (22.02.1992), 102/iv
............ London, Kensington “Highveld”? (27.02.1982), 66/27
............ London, Kensington “Highveld” (14.04.1984), 74/35-36
............ London, Piccadilly Circus, The County Fire office, joint meeting with Orange Free State Study Circle (19.09.70), 20/65-68
............ London, The British Museum (15.10.1966) 4/44
............ London, The Sun Tavern, Long Acre WC2 (07.04.1976), 41/2
............ London, The Sun Tavern, Long Acre WC2 (07.07.1976), 43/63-64
............ London, The Sun Tavern, Long Acre WC2 (17.11.1976), 45/3
............ London, The Sun Tavern, Long Acre WC2, (20.04.1977), 45/9, 46/28
............ London, The Sun Tavern, Long Acre WC2, (06.07.1977), 47/53
............ London, The Sun Tavern, Long Acre WC2, (12.10.1977), 48/77
............ London, The Sun Tavern, Long Acre WC2, (12.07.1978), 51/53
............ London, The Sun Tavern, Long Acre WC2, (11.10.78), 52/79
............ London, The Sun Tavern, Long Acre WC2, following the AGM, (18.04.79), 54/47
............ London, St James Hotel, Buckingham Gate, SW1, (10.05.1980), 57/3, 58/22, 58/26, 59/48
............ London, Westminster, (Philatex) (02.11.2002) 144/v
............ London, Westminster, (Philatex) (01.11.2003), 148/iii
............ London, Westminster, (Philatex) (28.02.2004), 151/ii
............ London, Westminster, (Philatex) (30.10.2004), 152/ii
............ London, Westminster, (Philatex) (26.02.2005), 154/v
............ London, Westminster, (Philatex) (25.02.2006), 158/xi
............ London, Westminster, (Philatex) (24.02.2007), 161/8
............ London, Westminster, (Philatex) (03.11.2007), 164/87, 192/60
............ London, Westminster, (Philatex) (23.02.2008), 165/8, 162/60
............ London, Westminster, (Philatex) (07.11.2009), 172/77
............ London, Westminster, (Philatex) (27.02.2010), 174/6
............ London, Westminster, (Philatex) (21.02.2011), 180/6
............ London, Westminster, No.1 Whitehall Place, (18.08.78) 55/53
............ Meetings in chronological order Meetings from 1966 to 2023
............ Missed because of time change, 75/49
............ Maureen's Pub, 56/74, 192/56
............ Meriden, Warwickshire, Joint meeting, (03-05.11.2017), 198/47
............ Port Elizabeth, (20.11.2007), 164/95
............ Pretoria, (02.03.1996), 118/vii
............ Pretoria, (27.10.2000), 136/v-vi
............ Pretoria, (25.10.2008), ?
............ Pretoria, (11.10.2014), 169/56
............ Ringwood, (24.09.1986), 192/56
............ Sandton, South Africa (12.09.1999), 132/iii-iv
............ Sandton, South Africa, 'Joburg 2010' (30.10.2010), 176/68, 176/76 & 177/
............ Shropshire, Joint meeting, (11-13.11.2016), 196/13
............ South Africa, first meeting in, Joint meeting with PPHS, Johannesburg, Crown Mines, 84/65;
see also Meetings from 1966 to 2015
............ Swindon - Swinpex (13.06.1998), 127/ii
............ Swindon - Swinpex (12.06.1999), 131/ii
............ Swindon - Swinpex (10.06.2000), 135/iii, 192/60
............ Swindon - Swinpex (09.06.2001), 139/ii
............ Swindon - Swinpex (08.06.2002), 143/ix
............ Swindon - Swinpex (14.06.2003), 147/ii
............ Swindon - Swinpex (12.06.2004), 150/xii, 151/ii
............ Swindon - Swinpex (10.06.2006), 159/111
............ Swindon - Swinpex (09.06.2007), 163/61
............ Swindon - Swinpex (14.06.2008), 167/50
............ Swindon - Swinpex (13.06.2009), 171/47
............ Swinpex - Swinpex (12.06.2012), 175/45
............ Tile Hill, Coventry - Midpex (10.06.1995) and (28.06.1997) - see Transvaal Study Circle - Displays by the Transvaal Study Circle - MIDPEX
............ Wallington, Surrey, (15.01.1966), 1/7-9
............ Wallington, Surrey, (23.07.1986), 84/78
...... Members, 1/8, 17/2, 16/81, 63/47-48, 69/3, 78/28, 171/48, 172/73, 176/48, 180/70, 183/73, 185/27, 190/9
............ Allison, Bob (A.R.), 100/iii, 183/72, 192/52-53, 192/68
............ Arbuckle, C.E.S., 8/39, 40/51 (obituary)
............ Atkinson, Archie, 66/45, 76/45, 166/29 (obituary)
............ Awards and Honours - see Awards and Honours
............ Bartshe, Tim, Large Vermeil (ESPANA 2000), 138/vi
............ Batten, A.G.M., (Archie) RDPSA, 62/23, 63/44, 64/69-71, 91/47
.................... Obituary, 119/ii
.................... Publications, 27/44
............ Bezuidenhout, André, 51/53, 141/ii (obituary)
............ Birkhead, Harry, 185/25 (obituary)
............ Board, Christopher (Chris), 49/1, 100/iv, 153/ii, 161/9 (OBE), 176/76, 192/58, 192/52-53, 192/70
..................... Acting Honorary Editor, 77/1
..................... The Manfred Weinstein Congress Award, 192/70
..................... Honorary Editor, 78/19, 78/21
..................... Roll of Honour, Philatelic Federation of South Africa, 211/5
............ Bodily, Ritchie, 125/ii (obituary)
............ Boyd, David, 37/1
............ Buckley, Gerard, 3/35, 86/26 (obituary)
............ Burnett, Eric, 195/97
............ Boyd, David, 37/1
............ Chilton, (Tony) A.R., 46/48, 143/ii-iii (obituary)
............ Collins, Commander William, RN, 91/46 (obituary)
............ Committee, 4/49-50, 34/28, 35/29, 192/52-53; also see Title page or Cover of each edition
..................... Meetings, 192/57
............ Crandel, Leo, 173/9 (obituary), 192/65
............ Criddle, Harold, 4/49-50, 24/77, 84/62-3, 86/24-5, 91/47, 100/98, 101/iii, 160/ix-x, 100/iv, 101/ii (obituary), 192/62, 192/68, 192/80
..................... Display in 1972, 112/iii
..................... Retire from business, 38/6
..................... Retire from Honorary Editorship, 77/1, 78/23
............ Crocker, David, 33/3, 42/36, 86/26-27, 160/viii-vxi, 190/8 (obituary)
............ De Jager, Okkie, 177/8, 178/25 (obituary)
............ De Stuers, 18/16 (obituary)
............ De Wilde, Philip (Phil) Arthur, 26/18 (obituary)
............ Dickson, John, 30/30, 202/45
..................... Manfred Weinstein Medal, 132/ii
............ Drysdall, Alan, 49/3, 116/viii-x, 146/ii, 192/52-53, 192/65
.................... Alan Drysdall Papers at The British Library - see The British Library
.................... Obituary and a personal account, 196/4-6
............ E-mail addresses, 156/iv, 158/xii, 159/viii, 165/8, 196/12, 203/?
............ Emms, Mervyn, 192/64
............ Farrell, Morgan T., 88/34, 195/97
............ First 33 members, 192/51
............ Fisher-Hill, R.H., 59/60 (obituary)
............ Fletcher, John G.F., 198/59, 122/3
............ Founder Members, 1/1, 16/105, 192/51
............ Franklin, Dan, 52/78
............ Grütter, Jack (obituary), 139/ii, 140/ii
............ Hagen, Helmuth, 155/ii (obituary)
............ Harrison, Tim, 204/5,6
............ Hart, 'Bill', 105/ii (obituary), 192/52
............ Henstook, H.H., 12/77 (obituary)
............ Higson, Andrew, 186/45, 188/33, 192/53, 192/67, 197/28, 197/30, 198/51, 199/3, 200/35
............ Hinds, Charles D., 38/27 (obituary)
............ Holmberg, E, 93/1
............ Holmes, Henry Robert, 8/37, 9/2, 17/6-7, 20/78, 81-2/1, 91/46 (obituary)
.................... Honours and Awards - see Awards and Honours
............ Honorary Life Member(s), 66/22, 192/52-53
............ Hutson, Diana C., 27/40, 46/? (obituary)
............ Hyland, D., 153/ii
............ Jefferies, Hugh, 191/21
............ Johnson, Robert, 188/32, 205/13 (obituary)
............ Jonkers, Dr. G.H., 4/53, 109/iii, 128/ii (obituary)
............ Jørgensen, L., 182/42, 192/71, 198/50, 198/51
..................... Invited to sign the “Roll of Honour of Distinguished South African Philatelists”, 201/73
............ Kamffer, Gerhard, 128/v
............ Kaupe, John, 188/33, 192/58
..................... Obituary, 212/4; see alsoJohn Kaupe
..................... The Manfred Weinstein Congress Award, 172/74-75
............ Knight, Richard C., 143/iv (obituary)
............ Kuitenbrouwer, Charles., 172/80 (obituary)
............ List of members, 9/17-18, 13/insert, 25/insert, 33/insert, 84/40
............ Lomax, L.H., 100/iv, ?//43 (obituary)
..................... Editorial Notes, 17/1, 18/24, 19/44, 20/63, 21/1, 22/26, 23/47, 24/70, 31/56, 32/81, 33/1
............ Lowe, Robson, 97/i, 98/i, 124/ii-iii, 125/ii (obituary)
..................... Other non-TSC notes and articles, 66/30-31
............ McMackin, Hugh, 191/24
............ Marshall, (Ted) E.E.B., 4/49, 46/76, 48/76, 100/iv, 109/ii (obituary), 192/52-53
............ Mathews, Ian B., 72/68, 91/46-47, 160/x, 92/66 (obituary)
..................... Display given to the Postmark & Postal History Society of Southern Africa, 71/46
............ Matthews, Joan, 66/27, 74/35, 190/3, 189/54 (obituary)
...................... Interesting postmarks on picture postcards, 62/42
............ Melz, Peter, J., 26/22, 29/20-21
............ Molloy-Vickers, L. "George", 4/49, 41/6, 43/61, 190/3, 60/64 (obituary), 192/50-52 (Founder of the TSC)
............ Nethersole, Michael, 180/69 (obituary)
............ Naylor, Stan (obituary), 139/ii
............ Parker, Angus, 117/ii (obituary)
............ Poyner, Basil, E., 4/49-50, 13/3, 15/79, 16/105 & 17/2, 100/iv (obituary)
............ Presidents, 192/52-53
.................... Criddle, H. - see Transvaal Study Circle - Members - Criddle, Harold
.................... Drysdall, A - see Transvaal Study Circle - Members - Drysdall, Alan
.................... Holmes, H. R. - see Transvaal Study Circle - Members - Holmes, Henry Robert
.................... Presidential Address, 9/2, 13/2, 17/6-7, 21/2-3
.................... Presidential displays, 10/21-22, 21/6
............ Putzel, Ralph F. - see Putzel, Ralph
............ Roth, Douglas, 37/1
............ Russell, C.A., 12/23 (obituary)
............ Sachs, (Bertie) A., 41/2 & 45/28 (obituary)
............ Seeba, Werner, 169/9, 192/65, 193/10 (obituary)
............ Sherwood, C.E., 23/69a, 86/26 (obituary)
............ Smith, Mike, The Robert Françon Prize, 138/vi
............ Steyn, Maris, S.J., H.E. The Hon. Ambassador of the Republic of South Africa, 65/3, 74/36-37
............ Stroud, Richard, 192/69
............ Stuers, 18/26 (obituary)
............ Strydom, Danna, 211/7
............ Tinsley, Walter E., 8/39, 15/55, 70/25
............ Trotter, Brian, 168/82, 179/49, 186/45
............ van den Hurk, George, 185/25 (obituary)
............ van der Molen, Peter, 186/48, 188/33
............ van der Walt, Gawie, 180/68, 181/2, 181/3
............ Weinstein, J.M., 49/78, 52/78 (obituary)
............ Welling, Carel, 195/98 (obituary)
............ Wood, Peter, 100/iv, 192/63
............ Woolgar, Jeff, 81-82/7, 86/27, 192/52-53, 204/77-78, 207/6-7, 211/7
...... Membership News, 165/8, 168/86, 169/9, 170/27, 171/48, 173/3, 176/79, 187/7, 198/47, 199/2, 203/45
............ Awards and Honours - see Awards and Honours
............ Data protection, 178/27
............ Declining numbers, 218/6
............ Domiciliary analysis, 169/4, 173/3, 187/4
............ Email addresses, 173/9
............ List of, 81-2/40-41, 84/40, 88/45
............ Resignation, 33/4, 36/78
...... Memoirs, 192/56 see also Transvaal Study Circle - Sales
............ Number 1, Christopher Board, (1992), The Transvaal in 1906, A map of postal offices, postal agencies and
postal routes with a description and gazetteer, 1??/?
............ Number 2, Alan Drysdall, (1996), A listing of the stamps of the First South Africa Republic and a guide to
their identification, 119/iii
............ Number 3, Andrew Higson, (2004), The Stamps of Swaziland, 152/ii
............ Number 4, (2010), Lars Jørgensen, Early covers from the Zuid Afrikaansche Republiek Republiek / Transvaal. A census and analysis of the
known covers 1870 - ca. 1885
, 175/insert; see also Reviews
...... Packet Superintendent, Hon., 25/3, 192/54
...... Representative in South Africa, 72/68, 181/2-3; see also Title page of each edition
...... Postal bid sales - see Auctions - Transvaal Study Circle Postal bid sales
...... Premium Savings Bonds, 31/57, 50/31
...... Presidents - see Transvaal Study Circle - Members - Presidents
...... Promoting, 192/55, 192/59
...... Publications, of the Transvaal Study Circle - seeThe Transvaal Philatelist, , Transvaal Study Circle - Books,
Transvaal Study Circle - Handbooks, Transvaal Study Circle - Memoirs
............ Set of six maps compiled by Fred Jeppe in 1899, 201/76
..................... Tokyo conference of cartography and the Jeppe Maps, 204/79
...... Sales, 152/90, 194/48; see also Postal Bid Sales
............. Handbooks - see Transvaal Study Circle - Handbooks
............. Memoirs, 182/38
............. Robson Lowe, (1973) Transvaal 1878-1880 London, Transvaal Study Circle's sales of, 31/58, 193/5
............. The Transvaal Philatelist, 188/34
...... "Smilers" - see Transvaal Study Circle - Stamp - Royal Mail "Smilers"
...... Social meetings
............ 10.10.1997, Hout Bay, South Africa, 124/v
............ 19.10.1998, Randburg, Midrand, South Africa, 127/iii, 128/v
............ 22.10.1998, Randburg, Durands’ Guest House, 127/iii, 128/v
............ 26.10.2000, Pretoria, Sports Stadium, 136/v
............ --.10.2013, Cocktail party to coincide with JOMAPEX, 185/26, 186/44
..................... Not a Cocktail party!, 187/8
........... 20.10.2016, London 50 year Lunch, 193/9
...... Stamp - Royal Mail "Smilers", 176/80, 192/57, 199/3
...... Subscriptions - see Transvaal Study Circle, Annual subscriptions
...... Value Added Tax, 57/3
...... Visits
............ Highveld, Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea, London residence in London of the Ambassador of the Republic of South Africa, 74/34
............ Simonstown Naval Base, 181/3
............ The British Museum London - see Transvaal Study Circle - Meetings - (The) British Museum
...... Websites, 161/4, 186/45, 187/4, 190/7, 191/inside front cover, 191/20, 192/55, 193/5, 200/35
............ Index to The Transvaal Philatelist - seeThe Transvaal Philatelist - Index
............ New Website from 2021, 208/8, 211/7-8, 218/6, 218/8
...... Writing to TSC members in 1975, 38/28
Toovenaarsrust, 107/81 Transvaalsche Gouvernements Courant - see The Transvaal Government Gazette and Staatscourant
(Het) Transvaalsche Roode Kruis, (Transvaal Red Cross), 219/16
T.P.O. - see Railways - Travelling Post offices (T.P.O.s)
Transport Riders - see Mail
...... Green, M. & Co. - see Green, M. & Co.
Travelling pass, 103/v-vii
...... Spelonken to Pietersburg, 212/15
Travelling Post offices - see Railways - Travelling Post offices (T.P.O.s)
Treasury Minute dated 19 February 1873, 140/iv-v
Treble, G.W., Lt. Col. - see Military Mail, Treble, G.W., Lt. Col.
Trench, Fred - see Military mail - 1897, mail for Fred Trench
Trichardsfontein, map reference, 167/71
Triangular cancel coded 'J. H.', 124/x
Trichardt, 44/104
...... The early days, 61/21
Trichardsfonteib, 44/103
...... The early days, 81/21
Triple Circle Cancellers - see Cancellers - Triple Circle Numeral-coded Cancellers
Triple Circle Dumb Cancellers - see Cancellers - Triple Circle Numeral-coded Cancellers - without numeral
Troyeville, short note on the Johannesburg suburb, 61/21
Troye's Maps - see Maps
"Truncated" Double-Circle Date Stamps - see Cancellers - Truncated double circle types
T.S.O.s (Town Sub-Office), 100/89, 101/15, 102/57, 123/ix
...... NZASM datestamps, 102/60-61, 117/26, 120/138, 122/49, 124/94-95
...... IMR datestamps, 117/27, 122/35-41, 130/51-52, 134/ix, 147/64-67, 148/viii, 152/88 & 104
...... CGR Western T.P.O., 97/5
...... C.S.A.R. and S.A.R. - see datestamps
...... C.S.A.R. overprints - see Railways - overprints
...... European mail, 117/27-28, 121/21, 124/94-96, 160/74-76
...... Pretoria T.P.O., 160/74-76
...... European mail, 117/27-28, 121/21, 124/94-96, 160/74-76
...... Tax marks, 87/14, 117/28, 121/22, 127/99-100, 141/vii
...... Transvaal T.P.O., 81-2/6 & 8, 117/27-28, 118/64, 123/vii, 144/117, 167/73-7
...... 'TRANSVAAL T.P.O. / EUROPEAN MAIL' datestamp, 160/72, 167/73-77
...... 'TRANSVAAL.' handstamp, 139/viii
Tsama Gold Mining, 83/58
Tsama River, 83/58-59
...... map reference, 167/71
...... The early days, 61/22
...... Turffontein T.S.O., 100/89, 101/15, 123/ix
Turks Islands, 134/74-75
Turner, David - see Printing - Edwardian Stamps and the Master Dies of the King
Turner, George William - see Paper Mills - Chafford Mills
Turner, Richard - see Paper Mills - Chafford Mills
Turner, William - see Paper Mills - Chafford Mills
Tweefontein, 81-82/6-7
Twenty-Four Rivers, short note on it's location, 61/22
Twinings "RARE STAMPS", 166/46
Typewritten stamps - see Ermelo to Caroline Local Post typewritten stamps, New Republic
Ueckerman, C. - see Post Office staff
Ueckermann, C. Sr. 80/84
Uityk, map reference, 167/71
'Uitvoerende Rand' - see New Republic
Ulundi, battle of, 102/28
Umbegesa annexation 1895, 141/48-49
Umtonganoni (Entonjaneni) - see Paul Pietersdorp (Paulpietersburg)
Umtonjaneni, 111/99-100; see also Entonjaneni, Umtonganoni
Umtulwana, 122/34
...... map reference, 167/71
Umvunyana, 107/81
Unauthorised reprinting and overprintings; see also Forgeries
...... Enschedé and Mirza Hadi, 5/5, 17/8-11, 52/99, 86/33-34, 113/6-13, 115/xii-xiv, 116/xiii-xiv
............ An anecdote 1913, 50/31
............ Booklet of stamps, 113/7, 115/xii-xiv, 116/xiv
............ eBay etc., 194/49
............ Forged postmarks on the "Mirza Hirza" Reprints 1885-1902, 51/61-75
............ Letter to Mirza-Hadi from Jules Bernichon, (27.05.1911), 17/8
............ Half penny of Vurtheim three pence, 37/18-19
............ Handstamp, 144/ix
............ Initial interest, 147/47
............ Margins, 131/v
............ Miniature Albums 131/v; see also ?
............ Signature, 145/x
............ 'Value omitted', 113/12, 144/ix, 153/23-25, 155/81-82
............ £5, 128/120, 144/117, 154/42, 155/57-58, 162/52
...... 'POSTZEGEL' overprints of the 6d fiscal stamp of 1895, 55/73
Unclaimed Mail, 214/9-18; see also Returnrd Letter Office, Poste Restante mail
...... Letter Office Onafghaalde Brievenkantoor, 81-82/7, 93/2-21, 96/80-81
............ 'ONAFGEHAALD', 231-15
............ 'NON-RECLAME / ONAFGEHAALD', 93/11, 214/13-15
...... Unclaimed mail at Johannesburg 1901, 198/49
...... Unclaimed mail at Pretoria 1887, 73/10
...... Undeliverable letters returned to sender - see Mail - Undeliverable letters returned to sender Udenrigs Posttaksten - see Danish 1903 Postal guideline for foreign mail
Underfranked mail, 112/116, 156/v & 106-108
Underwoods of "Stereoscope" fame, 51/55
Unified colour scheme (1894), 144/95-104, 145/x, 145/14-20
Uitvalfontein - see Datestamps - Double Circle datestamps
Uniforms - see Post Office uniforms
Union Railway Junction, a short note, 61/22
Union of South Africa
...... Ardentinny datestamp, 205/32
...... Argent datestamp, 205/32
...... Ariston datestamp, 205/32
...... Ashbury Railway datestamp, 205/32-33
...... Bandolierkop datestamp - see Datestamps - Bandolierkop
...... Cost of Free Mail etc. 195/118, 195/120
...... Cost of Post Office Boxes November 1910, 187/26-27
...... Triple-circle Transvaal datestamp
........... De Wittekrans - see De Wittekrans
...... Hoal. W.T., Postmaster General, 195/117, 195/120 (Ref.10a
...... Postage due Markings, 66/31-37, 66/38; see also Postage due markings and labels
............ Eight line Maching Canceller, 54/32
...... Postal stationery envelopes, change of size, 72/74-75
...... Enselberg datestamps, 209/26
...... Enselberg (Enzelberg) Union and possible pre-Union datestamp, 209/26
...... Farthing newspaper rate, 101/25, 102/58, 103/vii
...... First printing of stationery envelopes, 72/75
...... Fontainebleau datestamps, 209/30
...... Import of paper during 1914, 193/35
...... Invalidation of Transvaal Stamps - see Transvaal Stamps - Invalidated
...... (SG1) the first stamp, 135/77-87, 174/7, 176/96-97; see also Wilkinson, Henry Straughan
............ Cancellation by Small Triangle, 50/37
...... Ohrigstad - see Ohrigstad
...... Revenue Stamps
............ First Revenue Stamps, 88/35
............ Post Office circular No. 44 of (01.03.14), 88/36-37; see also Revenue stamps - Interprovincial period
............ Revenue stamps to be returned to the Distributor of Stamps March 1914 - see Revenue Stamps
............ Stamp Laws differ in the provinces, 88/35-36
............ Stock of Revenue Stamps on 31st January 1911, 88/39; see also Revenue Stamps
...... Supply of postage stamps available for use, 81-82/33-36
...... Union postage due markings, 66/31
...... Wrappers 72/73-75
............ Stock audit 1911, 72/78
Union Steam Ship Co., - see Shipping Lines
United Langlaagte Gold Mining Company Ltd., share certificate - see Share certificates
Universal Postal Union (UPU), 39/59-60, 196/15
University of Potchefstroom - see Fleischack Collection
Urugasmandiya POW Camp, 109/viii
Utrecht, 142/v; see also Datestamps - Second Republic - Double Circle datestamps - Post Offices
...... British Military Office 1900 - Telegraph service - Army Telegraphs - Offices
...... District proclaimed, 192/74
...... Republic, 24/78, 46/44
...... Post Office incorporated in Natal in 1902, 107/80-83
...... The early town, 61/22
Upsal, 159/vii, 160/65
Uys, D.C. - see Wakkerstroom
Vaalbank, map reference, 167/71
Vaalkop, map reference, 167/71
Vaalkrans, map reference, 167/71
Val, map location, 167/71
Val Station, 194/62
Valakhoek, 107/80-83
...... map location, 167/71
Valdezia - see Mission Stations - Valdezia
Valklaagte, 194/62-63
...... Renamed, 194/63, 195/98
Vallentine, M.P., 141/iii & iv, 142/v
Van Alphen, Isaac - see Post Office staff
Van der Merwe, map location, 167/71
van Blokland, Jonkheer, 36/81
van Blokland, Beelaerts the Controller of stamps in Netherlands
...... Accusation of interference, causing delays for stamps ?, 131/iv
...... Cover addressed to van Blokland after van Blokland death, 131/vi
Van Breda, Stamp Commission, 20/77; see also Stamp Commission
Van Oordt, Herman Frederik (1862-1907), 146/iii; - see Zambns-Land
Van Oordt van Lauwenrecht, H., 113/29-33
Van Trotsenburg, C.K., 123/x
van Tulleken, Alphen H. - see Post Office staff - van Tulleken, Alphen H.
Van Rooy or Von Rooy - see Telegraph service - Telegraph Staff
Van Wouw, A. 157/18-19
Van Warmelo, Nicolas and Hansie, 114/ix-x & 39-41
Vavasseur, James and Helen, 116/147-148
Vending machine stamps, 49/7, 63/52, 185/7
Ventersdorp, 62/22, 139/72
Ventersdorp 1900 British Military Office - Telegraph service - Army Telegraphs - Offices
Vanterskroom, map location, 167/71
Vereeniging, short note on the early history of, 61/22
...... British Military Office - Telegraph service - Army Telegraphs - Offices
...... map location, 167/71
'Verlofbrirvenboek' 145/xi-xii
Vermooten, J.F., 113/25
Victoria Falls, 111/77, 112/142
View Cards - see Postcards, Postcards - Illustrated Second Republic postal stationery cards
Vijfhoek or Vyfhook, 201/91
Viljoenspost, 107/81
Villieria, map location, 167/71
Visits - see Transvaal Study Circle - Visits
Vlakfontein, 202/11, 201/73, 205/13-22; see also Balfour
Vlaklaagte Post Office change of name - see Post Offices and Postal Agencies - Vlaklaagte Post Office change of name
Vlaklaagte Stations between Greylingstad and Standerton, 194/50
Vletter - see New Republic (Nieuwe Republiek) - History of - de Vletter
Volksraad, 24/78-79
...... Volksraad Debates 1892 and 1894, 71/55
Volksrust, 30/55, 35/68-71, 60/86, 67/63, 66, 108/122-124, 109/x, 128/108, 153/59, 155/59-62; see also Post Offices and Postal Agencies
...... Gosling, J.R., Auction, 105/22
...... Map location, 167/71
...... Railway Station, 150/68; see also Picture Postcards
...... Volksrust, temporary handstamp, 67/63, 67/65
Volunteer Camp - see Military mail - Irene
von Brandis, Carl, 172/83-86
...... Manuscript cancellation, 172/86
Von Rooy - see Telegraph service - Telegraph Staff
Vowell, Dr C.M., 107/75, 112/116, 121/19 Vox populae - see De Volksstem
Vredefort Dome from a philatelic perspective - see Fleischack Collection of Potchefstroom University
...... two photographs taken from Space, 219/11
Vryburg, 103/iii (incorrectly headed 'Lydenburg'), 104/viii-x, 105/vii-viii, 161/20-22; see also Stellaland
...... Cover bearing regular ZAR postage stamps, 171/8
Vryheid District, 20/82, 167/60; see also New Republic, Vryburg
...... Babanango, 107/80-81
...... British Military Office - see Telegraph service - Army Telegraphs - Offices
...... Late use of the oval Vryheid datestamp, Type ods 3, 140/v-vi; see also New Republic
...... Ngomo - see Ngomo
...... Post Offices incorporated in Natal in 1902, 107/80-83
Vrywilligersrust - see Goshen Republic - History of
Vürtheim, Joseph, 122/27-28; see also Postage Stamps, including those used for both postage and revenue - Second Republic issues - Enschedé issues
Wakefield Siding, 111/76-77
Wakkerstroom (M. W. Stroom)- see Marthinus Wesselstroom (Wakkerstroom), Maps
Wakkerstroom district - see Marthinus Wesselstroom (Wakkerstroom) - Wakkerstroom district
Wall post boxes, 8/42; see also Pillar-boxes & Wall boxes
Wallach family, 191/39 Walmer Castle, R.M.S. - see Ships
War of the Guns - see Basutoland
Ward correspondence, 105/2, 132/128-129, 163/69-70
..... Cover of 1880, 203/59-60
Warmbath (now Badplaas), 78/29
...... Picture postcard of the railway station, 161/33
Warmbaths British Military Office - see Telegraph service - Army Telegraphs - Offices
Warren, Sir Charles, 56/78; see also Goshen, Stellaland
Waterberg, 137/67; see also Nylstroom
Waterval, 66/39, 107/80-83
Waterval Boven, 66/39
...... Waterval-Boven, map location, 167/71
...... Waterval-Boven Tunnel, 157/11-12
Waterval North, 66/39
Waterval Onder, 66/39
...... map location, 167/71
Waterval poastal and Vlaklaagte Stations between Greylingstad and Standerton, 194/50
Waterval Standerton, 66/39
Waterval Utrecht, 66/40
Waterval Vrijheid, 66/40
Watermarks; see also Paper
...... 2½d Edward VII Postage and Revenue stamp, no watermark, 45/23, 151/74, 183/75, 185/27
...... Alexander Cowan 159/57-59
...... All over watermarks, 151/77 Note 116
...... 'Cable Anchor' watermark, 17/12-17, 39/57, 186/64
.......... With Nelspruit cancel, 186/64
...... Edwin Amies & Co., 151/73
...... First Transvaal stamp printed on a watermarked paper - see Paper Mills - Chafford Mills
...... History of, 136/130-131
...... Laid paper, 159/56-58, 176/80
...... Letter sheet, 34/30, 77/14
...... National Philatelic Library, 172/79
...... Postal stationery envelope, 159/56-58, 176/80
...... 'R TURNER / CHAFFORD MILLS', 67/62, 143/90-91, 151/63-66, 140/125, 176/80, 195/99-103; see also Paper Mills - Chafford Mills
............ Last known dates of 'R Turner' watermarks, 186/58-59
...... Used for British stamps printed by 'de la Rue', 186/57; see also de la Rue
...... 'SILVERBURN LINEN', 204/102
...... 'Small Garter' for the 1855 stamps of Great Britain, 186/57
...... Sorting watermarked paper for postage stamps, 151/75 Note 75
...... Varieties of the 'Crown CA' watermarks, 45/23
...... Wiggins, Teape & Alax., Pirie (Sales), London Paper Suppliers (1935 & 1939), 186/58-59
...... William Joyson & Son, 33/10-14
...... Wire marks, 136/131-132, 136/128 (Figure 3)
...... 'ZA / R', for the Kruger Essays/stamps of 1899, 21/44-46, 33/10-14, 44/97, 61/35-36, 62/35-36, 66/30, 119/95-96, 124/vi, 136/126, 136/130, 143/90-91;
see also Bishop, Percy C.
............ Durban philatelic exhibition, 1928, monograph by C.S. Morton, 143/91
Wax seal used as a revenue stamp, 109/xi
'Waybill' - see Railways - Central South African Railways (C.S.A.R.) - 'Waybill'
Weather, 171/65-68
Website address, 138/vi, 172/80, 175/45, 179/49, 191/inside front cover, 196/10
...... Transvaal Study Circle Website - see Transvaal Study Circle - Website
Weinthal, Leo, manager The Press Printing & Publishing Works, Pretoria, a letter - see Printers - The Press Printing & Publishing Works
'Welcome' Mission Station - see Swaziland - Daniel
Welgevonden, 85/20, 107/80-83, 108/120
Wells, Frederick George Stanley see Cullinan diamond
Weltevreden, 107/80-83, 122/34
West Koppies - see Pretoria - Lunatic Asylum
Whisky - see Picture Postcards - Illustrated Second Republic postal stationery cards - Lawson's Liqueur Whisky
White River; see also Post Office
...... location, 167/71
...... Wijk, a translation problem - see Wijk
Wilkinson, Henry Straughan, 72/77, 81-82/13-22, 88/35, 135/77-87, 193/29-38; see also Union of South Africa (SG 1)
...... Imperial servant, 193/29-38
...... Night-Pass, 193/30
...... Photograph of Wilkinson, 193/36
...... Took over the main stocks of stamps and postal material from the other provinces, 72/78
...... Letter to the Acting Postmaster General, 81-82/13, 81-82/21-23
...... Offered a job in the Government Printing Works, 193/33
...... Photograph, 193/36
...... Working at the Standard Bank Cape Town, 193/29-30
...... Working with George Fiddes, 193/29-34
William Joyson & Son - see Watermarks
Williams, E. L., Editor of The Johannesburg Gazette, 191/25-26
Williamson, Lt C., 142/69-70
Wilson, David - see Cartoonist
Wimbledon, Surrey, England - see Head, Mrs. correspondence
Winnaarspoort, 108/106-109, 109/xi, 115/81-82
Winsloe, Colonel R. W. C., 159/vii
Wijk, a translation problem, 65/12
Wire marks - see Watermarks - Wire Marks
Withoogte, 179/29
Witkop, 124/90
Witpoort British Military Office - see Telegraph service - Army Telegraphs - Offices
Witwatersrand; also see Johannesburg, Langlaagte, Sterkfontein and other towns
...... Witwatersrand before the discovery of gold
............ Muldersdrift, 86/30
............ Sterkfontein, 86/37-38
...... Witwatersrand Native Labour Association, 135/v
'W.L.P.' handstamp - see Handstamps - 'W.L.P'
W.N.L.A. - see Witwatersrand - Witwatersrand Native Labour Association
Wolfshoek, 124/90; i see also 146/iv
Wholesale stamp dealers - see Stamp dealers, Duiven, Jacob, Stamp Dealers - Tamsen, E - Wholesale Price List
Wolmaransstad, 25/26, 30/55, 43/87, 63/51, 75/60, 125/21-22, 200/62-66
...... 2d olive-bistre handstamped Wolmaransstad, 185/41, 186/67, 190/advertisement
...... Gosling, J.R., Auction, 105/23
...... Mr. Leask, 24/89, 28/84, 166?/?, 200/62-66
Wolseley, Garnet Joseph, General, 1876 correspondence, 143/88
Wolvaarts, 155/v-vi
Wonderboom, 172/96
Wonderdraai, 75/60, 107/80
Wonderfontein, 139/69-70
Wonderfontein (Belf), Map Location, 167/71
Wonderfontein (Zeer), Map Location, 167/71
Woodbush (Houtboschdorp), 57/17, 183/82, 198/58-59
...... location, 167/71
World Exhibition - Paris (1899), see Exhibitions - World Exhibition - Paris (1899)
Wrappers, 28/71-72, 39/70-76, 179/58-61, 180/89, 181/34; see also Postal stationery, Cancellers - Numeral-coded barred-oval - '2' in twelve barred numeral oval
...... 1859?, Potchefstroom, 215/18
...... 1864, Potchefstroom (wrapper)to Cape Town, 126/30; see also 172/80-81
...... 1864, Potchefstroom (wrapper) to Graaff-Reinet, 126/31; see also 172/80-81
...... Edwardian; see also Postal stationery - Edwardian
............ 1900, 39/70, 71/61-63
............ 1910 printings, 71/62-63
............ Audited Stock as from 13th 1911, 81-82/17-20
............ Numbers printed, 72/72
...... Enschedé issues and order of, 28/71-72
...... Farthing newspaper rates - see Union of South Africa
...... De Volksskem (Volkskem), 191/38-39
...... Lydenburg - see Lydenburg - Wrappers
...... Postal rates, 1899, 41/11
...... Printings, 72/73
............ December, 1910, 71/62-63
...... GB wrappers posted to South Africa by the Cape General Mission, 180/91
...... Sales resumed after the Second Boer War, 100/90
...... Union of South Africa - see Union of South Africa - Wrappers
...... Wrappers bearing private printing, 179/60
...... Wrapper addressed to the United States 2nd November, 1877, 126/43
Xmas - see Christmas Cards
Yaar - see De Raay, Léon
Yardley, R. B.
...... Quotes from Africa III, 36/81
...... Stamp paper references, 137/14-20, 138/37-44, 143/71-76
Yeoville, 62/40, 66/42
...... Volunteer Camp - see Military mail - Irene
Zambaan's-land, 142/44-52, 146/iii
...... Annexation (1895), 141/48-49
Zand River Poort, map location, 167/71
Zandspruit, map location, 167/71
'ZA / R' watermarked paper - see Watermarks
ZAR (South African Republic (Zuid Afrikaansche Republiek) - see Transvaal - ZAR
Zanzibar, Cape mails via 1873, 140/iv-v
ZASM - see Railways - Parcel stamps
ZASM package notification ½d & 1d postal stationery card series - see Railways - Netherlands South African Railway Company (N.Z.A.S.M.) - Postal Stationery cards
Zebediela’s people, 200/61
Zeerust, 61/15-18, 143/92-93, 148/91, 167/58, 179/54-55
...... The basic stamp, 15/71
...... Map Location, 167/71
...... Revenue stamps, 35/64-66
Zendelingsfontein, map location, 167/71
'ZES' flaw, 128/121-122
Zuid Afrikaansche Republiek - see ZAR
Zijferfontein (farm) agency, 181/28
...... Zijferfontein Maquasi, C. Holloway, Postal Agent, 139/70
Zoutpansberg 1904 Census - see Census - for the Zoutpansberg - Census District ‘8’
Zoutpansberg Republic, 24/78, 60/93
...... De Zoutpansburg Wacher, 24/92 - see Stamp Printers
Zoutpansbergdorp, 60/93
Zululand / Zulu War, 24/84-85, 46/45,102/27-28 & 31-32, 104/vi-vii, 107/84-86, 111/v-vi, 127/84-85, 167/60; see also Natal
...... Cetshwayo, 218, 11-12
.............. In London, 218/12
...... Datestamps
............ 'NONDWENI ZULULAND', 107/80
...... Dinizulu in 1884, 43/76, 218/11-12
............ St. Helena, 218/12
...... Entonjaneni, 107/81
...... Nondweni, 88/42; see also Nondweni
...... War of Succession - see Zululand / Zulu War - Dinizulu in 1884
Zululand Railway, 148/110-111
Zunckelsdrift, 107/81-82; see also Sulphur Springs (Zunckelsdrift)
Zuurfontein, map location, 167/71
Zwartkops Sorting Tender, 24/86
Zwagershoek, Map Location, 167/71
Zwartfolozi, 109/30
...... datestamp, 119/vi
Zwartfontein, Map Location, 167/71
Zwartfolose (Zwartfolozi), 107/80
Zwartlaagte, Map Location, 167/71
Zwartruggens, Map Location, 167/71
Zwartwater, 122/34