The Transvaal Philatelist: 1966 to November 2024

Issue numbers 1 to 220

Subject Index P - R

All references are in the form of - issue/page number(s)
i.e. 102/58-59

A - F ---- G - O ---- P - R ---- S - Z ---- ----

---- Index Menu ---- Abbreviations ----

Initial Letter P - R --- P | Post | Post Office | Postage Stamps | Q | R | Revenue |

...... British Military Office - see Telegraph service - Army Telegraphs - Offices
...... Cover from - see Imperial Military Railways (I.M.R.) - 1901 addressed from Paardekop
...... Datestamps, (Paardekop, Paardenkop, Paardekraal), 219/37
...... Location of, 60/88
...... Railway datestamps - see Railways - Paardekop
"Pacific '97", 121/vi, 122/viii, 123/ii
Page, George - see Hattie F.S.M. and George Page
Paget self-toning paper - see Photography
Packing problems, De LA Rue, 171/70
'PAID' marks , 101/25, 102/58-59, 108/120; see also Official mail
Pakketpost - see Parcel Post
Palmietfontein, map location, 167/71; see also Datstamps - Palmietfontein
Pan datestamps, 219/38
Pan (Station), 91/55
...... British Military Office - see Telegraph service - Army Telegraphs - Offices
...... map location, 167/71
Penlan House, Johannesburg - see B.J. Bing grass seed correspondence
Panbult, 124/90
Paper, 135/124-133; see also Watermarks
...... Alexander Cowan papers - see Paper Mills
...... Asian machine made paper, 200/49-50
...... British made paper in the Transvaal, 208/14-15
...... Chain wires, 159/57
...... Chafford Mills, paper made by - see Paper Mills - Chafford Mills
...... Coloured paper for Revenue stamps, 42/55-56
...... Conditioning or ‘maturing’, 208/14-15
...... Davis adhesive stamps, 164/105-106
...... Delivery of paper for stamp production in the Netherlands, 116/xv
...... Edwin Amies & Co. - see Watermarks - Edwin Amies & Co.
...... Envelopes, 159/57
...... First Republic stamps, 134/xvi-xvii, 167/78
...... German paper and stationery, 195/125
...... Hand-made paper, 136/127
...... History of paper, 136/124-133
...... Humidity control, 208/14-15
...... Imported from Great Britain, 198/66
...... Imports to the ZAR, 195/125
...... Japanese made paper, 200/49-50
...... Laid paper, 159/57-59
...... Machine direction, 136/130, 133
...... Machine made paper, 136/127, 200/48-50
...... Made in Asia, 200/?
...... British papermakers held the monopoly, 208/14-15
...... Paget self-toning paper, 152/ix-x
...... Paper fold varieties, 38/40, 96/66, 100/95-96
............ First Republic, 38/40
...... Philatelists Exhibition of Paper-manufacture, January 1909, 136/124
...... Roughway Mills - see Paper Mills
...... Transport of paper to the Transvaal, 208/14-15
...... Wire marks, 136/128, 136/131-132, 136/128 (Figure 3), 167/78
...... Wire used in machine production, 136/128
Paper Mills; see also Paper, Watermarks
...... Asia, 200/49-50
...... British rural paper mills, 151/67
...... Chafford Mills, 67/62, 136/131, 140/125, 143/90-91, 151/63-77, 176/8, 186/57-59; see also Paper
............ Turner, George William, 186/57
...... Cowan, Alexander, and Sons, 159/58-59
...... G.W. & R. Tuner, 186/57
...... Roughway Mills, 151/74, 186/57-59
Parcel cancellations - see Cancellers - Parcel cancellations
Parcel Post, see also Agricultural Parcel Post
...... Parcels duty 1907/8 - see Customs - Parcels duty 1907/8
...... Rates for ordinary inland parcels
............ 1877, 54/42
............ 1908, 186/68
Parliamentary Debates, (British) - see 'Hansard'
Parry, Thos - see Post Office staff
Passenger cart services -see Mail, Mail Coach, Mail contract
Passenger fares on Mail Coaches, Mail carts etc. - see Mail Coach
Pass Stamps - see Revenue documents and ephemera, Revenue stamps - Pass Stamps
...... Passport Stamps, 16/94-96; see also Revenue stamps - Pass Stamps
Paul Pietersdorp (Paulpietersburg), 107/80, 219/38-39
Paulpietersburg - see Paul Pietersdorp (Paulpietersburg)
Paulpietersburg, (location of) 55/68-69
Paulpietersrust - see Paulpietersburg
Pella, 139/70; see also Datestamps - Pella
...... map location, 167/71
Pen cancellations, 54/42, 126/55
...... Early usage of pen cancellations, 159/18
Penalty stamp, 88/37
Peninsular and Oriental Styreem Navigation Company - see Shipping Lines
Pennefather, Lt-Col. E.G., 111/70-71, 136/146
Penny Post, 79/63-64
Penvaan / Mpenvana, 107/81
...... Agricultural Parcel Post - see Agricultural Parcel Post
...... Number of Parcels which were imported from 01.01.1908 to 31.03.1908, 203/64
...... Parcels / Pakketpost at Johannesburg - see Datestamps - Johannesburg
Perfins (Needle-perforated), 94-5/35, 200/40
...... Railway stamps
............ Perfined 'CS' over 'AR', 29/24-25, 117/v
............ Perfined 'NGR', 29/24-25
............ Perfined 'S' over 'AR', 29/25, 117/v
Perforations and Roulette
...... Perforations
........... 6d Revenue overprinted "POSTZEGEL", 46/50
........... Coil stamps, 201/80-81; see also Postage stamps - Edwardian - Coil stamps
........... Davis stamps, 164/130-131
........... Enschedé, large holes, 35/56-62, 36/90-91
..................... "Vurtheim" Panes and Plates, 169/16-18
............ Pin-holes, 165/11, 181/7-8
............ "Queens' Head" double perforations, 63/53
............ One Shilling green, printed by Celliers in 1883, 181/4-8
............ Swaziland - see Swaziland - Perforations
...... Roulette (Pin-rouletted stamps), 143/77-79, 144/vii
............ Forgery of the Wide roulette First Republic and First British Occupation, 216/12
............ Marginal copy of SG 131, 167/79
............ Medium roulette, 177/13-14
............ Double Roulette
..................... Viljoen 6d, 49/8
.......... Variety of mixed Roulettes
..................... Fine Roulette + Imperforated on First British Occupation stamps, 186/53
..................... Fine Roulette + Wide Roulette + Imperforated on First British Occupation stamps, 186/53
............ Wide Roulette with a difference, 202/14-15
Phillips, C.J. - see Stanley Gibbons - Phillips, C.J., Manager
Philippe, Alberto - see Collections - Philippe, Alberto
Philatelic Bibliography ( Note: Following most articles in The Transvaal Philatelist there is a Bibliography and References and Notes).
...... First Republic, 166/44, 198/51
...... General, 1/5-6, 2/13-20
...... Reviews - see Reviews and notices
Philatelic Congress of Great Britain, 1910 and 1911, 183/95-97
Philatelic conservation and restoration, 174/39
Philatelic Federation of Southern Africa, 94-95/35, 99/60, 100/98, 100/95, 124/iv, 128/v, 182/38
Philatelic history of South Africa, 33/15-21
Philatelic Record - see The Philatelic Record
Philatelic Research - a basic guide, 168/104-107
Philatelic Societies
...... American Philatelic Association (some members in the ZAR circa 1898), 201/93
...... Birmingham Philatelic Society - see Birmingham Philatelic Society
...... Dresden Philatelic Society members, 53/7
............ International Philatelic Association, Dresden (IPAD), circa 1898), 201/93
...... Johannesburg Philatelic Society - see Johannesburg Philatelic Society
...... Natal and Zululand Study Circle - see Natal and Zululand Study Circle
...... Orange Free State Study Circle Handbooks - see Orange Free State Study Circle
...... Philatelic Society for Greater Southern Africa, 94-5/35, 99/60, 100/98, 115/v, 116/iii-iv, 118/53
...... Philatelic Society of Natal, 66/30-31
...... Pretoria Philatelic Society Golden Jubilee Dinner Menu, 167/80, 197/39-40
...... The Colonial South Africa Society 37/3, 39/54, 55/54
Philatelists Exhibition of Paper-manufacture, January 1909, 136/124
PHILYMPIA 1970, 20/69-70
...... Cyanotype prints, 166/34-40, 152/94-96
...... Paget self-toning paper, 152/ix-x
...... Barnett - see Barnett, Joseph and David
...... Marks and Lewis building photograph - see Barberton
...... Nicholls, Horace W., 150/54
Phthisis, 186/67
Piercing stamps on documents - see Revenue cancellations and datestamps - Punching
Picture Postcard, A Magazine of Philately, Travel, & Art - see Richardson, E.W.
Picture postcards, 119/viii, 124/107-9, 150/54-56, 151/v, 167/65-66; see also Epstein Sallo
...... 1896 to 1900 a - see Reviews
...... AA postcard publisher, 150/54-56
...... ABOPhil postcards – see Reviews and notices - ABOPhil postcards
...... Ad Sonn - see Stamp Dealers - Ad. Sonn
...... Balfour Post Office circa 1907, 205/21
...... 'Barrack Room 98th Battery destroyed by fire', 148/vii
...... Beit Street, (Sallo Epstein number 1337), 113/26
...... Belfast Post & Telegraph Office, Sallo Epstein number 1339, 113/26
...... Belfast Station, (Sallo Epstein number 1345), 113/26
...... Basson & Co., 149/19-21
...... Bezuidenhout Valley, snow fall August, 1909, 171/68
...... Boer War, 147/iii 147/53, 151/vi, 184/15-17
.......... French Propaganda, 163/75
...... Braune, Franssen & Co., 106/viii, 107/iii, 200/?
...... Braune & Levy, 145/11
............ Captioned 'Pretorius Street - Pretoria' number 1593, 202/18
...... Breyten, 201/77
...... Burmester & Co., Printers - see Burmester, W.E.
...... C.S.A.R. Clerical Offices Stores Department photograph on private postcard, 169/24
...... Cape Times, publishers, 193/43
...... Cartoons; see also Picture Postcards - Propaganda cards - Propaganda cartoon picture postcards relating to the Chinese Labour Experiment in the Transvaal
............ Artist-drawn postmarks, 103/73
............ Ben, 193/43
............ Of Joseph Chamberlain, 173/18-19, 186/65
............ Daily Chronicle propaganda postcard, 170/38-39
............ Drawn on leather, 153/11 153/15, 154/vi
............ Drawn by Ewart B. Dawkins, 114/63-64, 115/xii
...... Chemnitz, Paul Kohi, 147/iii
...... Chinese indentured labour on the Witwatersrand, 170/38-39, 185/38, 186/65, 193/43, 195/123, 199/28, 200/50; see also Picture Postcards - Propaganda cards - Propaganda
cartoon picture postcards relating to the Chinese Labour Experiment in the Transvaal
............ Book review - see Reviews and notices - Chinese Indentured Labour on the Witwatersrand Gold Fields
...... Christiana, Post Office & Court House, 138/36, 167/70
...... Cleveland, Post Office, 167/66
...... Central South African Railways (C.S.A.R.) Postcards and postal stationery cards - see Central South African Railways (C.S.A.R.) - Postcards and postal stationery cards
...... Collectors 1900-1905, 184/15
...... 'COMPLETELY SNOWED UP - THE KENSINGTON CAR.' (Photo by O'Byrne.), 171/64
...... Cyanotype prints - see Picture postcards - Photograph type - Cyanotype prints
...... Cullinan, Post and Telegraph Office, 90/43
...... De Bussy J.H., 161/34, 185/36, 200/46
...... Dr. Jameson, 124/x-xi
...... Earliest documentation relating to Picture postcards, 147/48
...... Elections
............ Transvaal Colony Legislative Assembly - see Elections - Transvaal Colony Legislative Assembly 20th February 1907
............ Union 1910 - see Elections
...... Flag cards, 184/15
...... Frey & Kirsch, 151/78-80, 155/78-79
...... General Elections, Union of South Africa - see General Elections, Union of South Africa
...... Germiston Post Office - see Picture Postcards - Post offices and mail coaches
...... Grocott & Sherry, publisher, 195/123
...... Guest, H. M., publisher of Klerksdorp, postcard of Klerksdorp, 189/74
...... Hand-drawn Picture Postcards - Drawn by Ewart B. Dawkins - see Picture postcards - Cartoons
...... Heidelberg Dutch Reform Church 1908 - see Heidelberg - Heidelberg Dutch Reform Church 1908
...... Herald, W., & Co, Ermelo (published by) captioned 'View of Ermelo, Transvaal. From the North.', 167/65
...... Heidelberg Railway Station, 150/60
...... Illustrated postal stationery cards, 28/70, 29/7-8, 74/40-41, 86/39, 88/43, 101/1-9, 112/viii, 124/107-108, 131/x-xi, 139/81-83,
141/25-38, 142/vi, 145/xi, 146/40-42, 146/iv, 147/48-52, 150/xi, 150/44-46, 151/iv, 152/94-96, 173/11, 182/69; see also Epstein, Sallo
............ Alexandra Buildings, (T.L.& M. Buildings), 145/xi, 146/iv
............ "Buren Artillerie", 198/62
............ Enschedé issues of the Postcards, 28/70-71
............ Hand drawn, 114/63-64, 153/15, 185/38-39
............ Basson & Co., 149/19-20
............ Lawson's Liqueur Whisky, 88/43, 188/41
............ 'Lord Roberts, Johannesburg' photograph of 'Crowd Waiting to Recive Lord Roberts' on postal statonery card 1900, 199/25
............ Printing for Barnett & Co., 28/70
............ Proof, 147/47-52
............ Seiffert, Otto (Publisher), 104/76, 204/76; see also Picture postcards, Seiffert, Otto
............ 'THE LATE CRISIS IN JOHANNESBURG.', 86/39, 141/25, 120/130-131, 171/52-56
............ Reply-paid card, 151/83-84
............ Sallo Epstein, 147/49
............ T.L.& M. Buildings - see Picture postcards - Alexandra Buildings - Illustrated Second Republic postal stationery cards
............ The Jewish Schools and Synagogue - Johannesburg, 173/11
............ Used in 1901, 189/63
............ With adhered photograph(s), 146/41-42, 182/67-68
............ 'Zulu Warriors' (stick fight), 150/54-56, 151/iv
...... Illustrated Edwardian, postal stationery cards - see Picture postcards - Illustrated postal stationery cards
...... Indhlovukazi of Swazieland - see Swazieland - Picture postcard
...... Johannesburg Post Office
............ 1903, 183/98
...... Johannesburg-Cape Express, Raphael Tuck & Sons, 147/42
...... Johannesburg, General Post Office, 187/17-24
...... Joubert Park snow fall of August, 1909, 171/66-67
...... Klerksdorp Post Office, 189/74
...... Knight Brothers (publishers), 173/18-19
...... Kohi, Paul of Chemnitz, 147/iii
...... Krugersdorp
............ Pillar-Box, 187/29
............ Post Office, 189/74
...... Leather, printed on, 153/11, 153/15, 154/vi
...... Native Pass Office, Johannesburg, 141/v-vi
...... Muffat L., of Lyon, 161/34
...... Numbered picture postcards by the publishers, 103/57
...... Paul Kohi of Chemnitz, 147/iii
...... Photograph type
............ Cyanotype prints, 166/34, 152/94-96
............ Privately produced, 152/ix-x, 171/67
............ SAPSC postcards (South African Photo & Stereo Company), 171/66, 68
............ Marsh, Capt., F. Courtenay - see Marsh, Capt., F. Courtenay (2nd Border Regiment)
...... Picture Postcard, A Magazine of Philately, Travel, & Art : A Review, 184/15-17, 201/94
...... 'Post Cart leaving Klerksdorp', 189/74
...... Post offices and mail coaches
............ 106/viii, 107/iii
............ General Post Office Johannesburg, 151/v, 187/22-24
............ Germiston (Sallo Epstein card), 172/99
............ Klerksdorp, 189/74
............ Pilgrims Rest and Royal Mail Coach, 146/46
............ Mail Coach, 147/75, 147/78
............ Standerton Military, 90/43
...... Postcard rates - see Postage rates
...... Propaganda cards, 184/17
............ Propaganda cartoon picture postcards relating to the Chinese Labour Experiment in the Transvaal, 170/38, 185/38, 186/65, 193/123
...... Pretoria Railway Station, 157/13-17, 172/100
...... Queens Jubilee Procession 1897, 165/19
...... Railway Stations, 124/99-104
...... Rissik Street, showing Stuttaford and the General Post Office Stuttaford & Co. - see Post Offices and Postal Agencies - Johannesburg - Stuttaford & Co.
...... Railway stations, etc., 118/65-9, 124/97-104, 143/79, 160/xv, 168/98-101, 170/44, 172/100, 194/79-83
............ C.S.A.R., 92/67-78, 101/15, 101/24, 123/v-vi, 158/27-36
............ Pretoria Station, 157/13-17
................ Published by SECD, 172/100
...... Roberts Heights, 148/viii
...... Sallo Epstein, (publisher) 105/viii, 106/vii, 109/v-vii, 110/vii-viii, 115/109, 145/7 - see also Epstein, Picture Postcard - Illustrated Second Republic postal stationery cards
............ Captioned 'Birds eye view of Germiston' 167/63
............ Captioned 'Heidelberg', 167/63
............ Captioned 'Standerton from the Post Office', 167/63
...... Seiffert, Otto, a picture postcard published by Otto Seiffert, 189/62
.............. Illustrated Postal Stationery card - see Picture postcards - Illustrated postal stationery cards - Seiffert, Otto (Publisher)
...... Sonn, Ad., Publisher - see Stamp Dealers - Ad. Sonn
...... Snow in Johannesburg postcards, 171/64-68, 172/100, 176/98, 180/92, 201/96; see also Snow
............ Roodepoort, 201/77
............ Message on a picture postcard 1900, 199/30
...... South African Photo & Stereo Company (publisher), 171/66, 68
...... Sprigg, Sir, John Gordon H.C.M.G., premier Cape Colony, 167/55
...... Standard Bank Cape Town, 193/29
...... Standerton, Cantonment Post Office, 90/43
...... Swaziland - seeSwaziland (Swazieland) - Picture postcard. ...... Tamsen, Emil, 161/3, 201/75-76, 203/52-57
...... "The Late Crisis in Johannesburg.", 86/39, 120/130-131
...... Transvaal coat of arms, 147/iii, 147/53
...... Transvaal Pavilion, Paris - see Exhibitions - 1900 Exposition Universelle
...... University College, Johannesburg, 199/30
...... Vallentine, M.P., (publisher) Johannesburg - see Vallentine, M.P.
...... Vlakfontein Railway Station, published by, Sallo Epstein & Cp. Durban, 205/17
...... Volksrust Station, 150/68
...... Wonderboom, wild fig tree, 172/96
...... ZASM package notification ½d & 1d postal stationery card series - see Railways - Netherlands South African Railway Company (N.Z.A.S.M.) - Postal Stationery cards
Pienaarspoort, 130/52, 130/58; see also Datestamps
Pienaarsrivier (Pienaars Rivier), 130/58
...... map location, 167/71
Piers, Charles - see Post Office staff in the Cape of Good Hope
Piet Potgieters Rust, 139/70
...... postal routes, call for tenders 1869 - see Postal routes
Piet Retief, 124/87-91; see Datestamps, Post Offices and Postal Agencies
...... Datestamps - see Datestamps
...... map location, 167/71
...... Proclamation of, 60/89
Pietersburg, 3/23-31, 4/45-48, 24/91-93, 49/21-24, 63/51, 68/93, 119/97-105, 120/vii, 138/52-53, 170/36; see also Upsal, Polokwane, Forgeries - Pietersburg stamps, the Carter imitations
...... ½d duty, 109/xii, 110/vi, 115/85-92
...... 2d duty, 178/46, 179/49
...... British Military Office - see Telegraph service - Army Telegraphs - Offices
...... Cancellations, 9/14, 123/ix, 124/vii-ix, 176/80
...... Carter imitations - see Forgery - Carter imitations of Pietersburg stamps
...... Cover addressed to 'Master Emil Tamsen', 173/12, 174/29
...... Covers mostly philatelic, 24/93
...... Datestamps - see Datestamps
...... Forgery of Pietersburg stamps - see Forgeries (and reprints) - Pietersburg stamps
...... Gosling Collection, 105/21-22
...... Halfpenny stamp, 108/xii, 115/85-92
...... Location, 167/71
...... Mail route to Iron Mine Hill, 18/30
...... Magato Campaign and special conveyance of mails Pietersburg aand Hoofdlager - see Magato Campaign
...... Local cover, 76/77-78
...... Notes on a few covers, 7/33-34
...... Overprint, 114/ix
...... Plate, two clichés from the ½d. plate, 176/69
...... Post & Telegraph Offices, picture postcard, 167/66
...... Postal stationery card, with added Pieterburg 1d. stamp, 2020/9
...... Printing of, 59/48-50
...... Proof Issue, 4/45
...... Registered cover addressed to Capt. Oscar Dahi, 154/advertisement
...... R.O. Circular Date Stamp, 155/63-64
...... Short history of, 60/88-89
...... Stamps bearing telegraph cancellations, 164/100
...... Stamps issued authorised, 24/92
...... Tamsen Pietersburg cover, 173/12
...... Third printing of the halfpenny stamp, 115/85-92
Pigg's Peak Post - see Swaziland
...... History of the Post Office - see Swaziland - Pigg's Peak Post Office
Pilgrims Rest, 81-82/39, 100/95, 139/66-67, 144/113; see also Datestamps
...... map location, 167/71
...... Short history of, 60/89
...... Triple circle target cancellation, 171/49
Pillar-boxes & Wall boxes etc, 21/21, 104/iv-v, 105/vii
...... From 1885 to 1896, 8/42
...... Krugersdorp, Picture Postcard, 187/29
...... On trams ('Mobile Post Boxes'), 34/39
...... Opposition to Pillar-boxes in Pretoria, 1892, 71/55
...... Pretoria railway station, 104/v
...... Sealed (Lydenburg) during 1900, 77/10-11
Pin-holes, 165/11, 168/109
Pin perforated stamps - see Perforations and Roulette
Pin-rouletted stamps - see Perforations and Roulette
Pinedene - see Datestamps - Pinedene
Pirie, Dr J.H. Harvey, Letter from about a proposed booklet on Swaziland and the New Republic, 204/89-91
Plate X - see Forgeries - Stamps - Plate X, Luff Plates
Platrand, map location, 167/71
Plates; see also Luff Plates, Printing
...... Enschedé’s "Vurtheim" Panes and Plates, 169/16-18
...... Otto's small plates, 139/vi
'Plots and intrigues against the Queen's authority' 135/224
Poemeroy-Colley, Gen. Sir George, 142/53-57
Pokwani, map location, 167/71
Pointe du Galle (Ceylon), 121/24
Police - see South African Constabulary
Phokeng - see Datestamps - Phokeng
Polokwane (Pietersburg), 139/iii
Pondoland Mission Stations - see Swaziland (Swazieland) - Carmichael, Eva L.
Pongola Strip, 46/444
Population of Transvaal towns (1904) - see Transvaal - Population of towns (1904)
Portuguese black labour in the ZAR and Transvaal, 190/15-16
Portuguese Curator of Natives - Privilege Mail, 190/15-16
Portuguese handstamp on stamps - see Specimen - 'ULTRAMAR' overprint
Population; also see Census of The Transvaal Colony
...... European population of the ZAR c1873, ?/?
...... Towns in the Transvaal, 1904, 167/68
Post, Aerial - see Air Mail
Post, Air - see Air Mail
Post Book of the Postmaster of Potchefstroom 1859, 133/6-9
Post boxes (collection of mail) in Post Offices - see Post Office Boxes
Post boxes (public pillar-boxes) - see Pillar-boxes & Wall boxes etc.
Post Cards - see Machadodorp, Picture Postcards, Postal Stationery
...... Illustrated Second Republic cards - see Picture postcards - Illustrated Second Republic cards
...... Postcard rates - see Postage rates
Post Carts - see Mail, Mail Coach, Mail contract
Post marks - see Cancellers, Datestamps, Instructional markings, Machine cancellers, Pen cancellations, Railways - Travelling Post offices (T.P.O.s)
...... From manuscript to postmark 1859 to 1881 - see Manuscript cancellations
...... Putzel's updates, 165/6; see also Post Offices and Postal Agencies
Post Office.
Post Office, 21/14-24; see also Post Offices and Postal Agencies, Postgids
...... Agricultural Parcel Post system - see Agricultural Parcel Post
...... Amalgamating the four Colonial Postal Departments - see Amalgamating the four Colonial Postal Departments
...... Annual reports of the Transvaal, (extracts) 1903-1909, 155/66-74, 156/114-128
............ Held at the Library of the London School of Economics, 159/v
...... Bag Fees 1905-1909, 187/19, 187/28 (Ref.8-13)
...... Civil Post Offices 1901 and 1902, 67/47-53, 189/64
............ Civil parcel post after the Second Anglo-Boer War, 189/64
...... Christmas cards - see Christmas cards
...... de la Hunt, A.W., 147/iii; see also Post Office staff - de la Hunt, A.W.
...... Distributor of Stamps - see Distributor of Stamps
...... Establish letter post to Delagoa Bay 1850, 21/14; see also Delagoa Bay
...... Exchange of specimens between Mr M. Neuberger and the PMG, 179/63
...... Extracts from official correspondence and reports 1901-1908, 100/90-91
...... First Bar and Post Office - see Post Office staff - Edgson, Mr.
...... Free Services, 195/116-120
...... Johannesburg name changed from Witwatersrand, 42/48
...... Licensed Stamp Venders in Johannesburg - see Licensed Stamp Venders in Johannesburg
...... Imperial Penny Postage - see Imperial Penny Postage
...... Inauguration of Postal Deliveries - see Postal Deliveries
...... Language used by ZAR officials, 133/1
...... Local Postage Rates 1905-6, Johannesburg, 137/22
...... Martial Law 16 October 1899, 77/10
...... Newspapers mails resumed - see Newspapers
...... Official printed notes 1877 - see Postal stationery, Official mail and stationery - First Republic
...... Official mail and stationery - see Postal stationery, Official mail and stationery
...... Official printed notes
............ 1877 from postal agent at Rolfontein, 192/76
............ 1877 from postal agent at Strydkraal, 192/76
...... Postmaster General’s report for the year ending 30th June, 1905, 195/116-117
...... Pillar boxes - see Pillar-boxes & Wall boxes etc.
...... Post Office to destroy Newspapers if not claimed - see Newspapers
...... Post Office Profit and Loss Accounts from 1900 to 30th May 1910, 195/118
...... Post Offices opened between 31th May to 8th 1900, 83/48-49
...... Postage Revenue Collected at Johannesburg Post Offices during 1912 and 1913, 83/44-45
...... Postmaster Circular No.43, 49/11
...... Postgids - see Postgids, Maps - Postgids
...... Privilege mail - see Official mail and stationery
...... Redirected mail requests to the Post Office - see Redirected mail requests to the Post Office
...... Resumption of Civil Post work following the Second Anglo Boer War, 100/90
...... Shortage of cancellers, 21/10
...... Town Post, 147/iii
...... Transport and Mails, 21/14-24
...... White River, 27/42
...... Witwatersrand name changed to Johannesburg, 42/48
Post Office Acts (Government); 33/8-9, 50/62, 54/39, 69/4-16, 112/106-109, 112/110-116; see also Postal Conventions, Postgids, The Transvaal Government Gazette and Staatscourant
...... 1959-1869, 192/74-76
...... 1859, Late Letter, 125/16
...... 1866, 145/8-11
...... 1869, Article 31, 193/13
............ Regarding postage stamps, 54/39
...... 1870, 140/97-116
...... 1874, 65/10-13
...... 1882, 33/8-9
...... 1886, Act.1, 93/2-3
...... 1890, Act.24, 93/3
...... 1899, Requirement to advertise undelivered mail in the Government Gazette abolished, 93/3-4
...... 1900, 18/31, 69/5-8; see also The Transvaal Government Gazette and Staatscourant
...... 1901
............ Franking of privilege mail, regulations, 191/27-28
............ Changes in the to the franking regulations, 191/31-34
...... 1903, Regulations governing Franking of Official Correspondence, 191/31-33
...... 1904, Small Triangle cancellation, 50/37-38
...... Circular No.324 (extract) of November, 1908, 55/62
Post Office Agents - see Post Office staff, Post Offices and Postal Agencies, Postal Agents
Post Office Archives, 131/69-72, 131/73-75
Post Office Boxes, 187/17-28
...... Advice card - see Advice card
...... 'Beginderlyn', 'Beginderlijn', 'Begin der Lijn', 68/86
...... Box Keys, 187/26, 187/28
...... Johannesburg, 187/17-28
............ Box passage at the General Post Office illustration, 187/21
............ During 1900, 69/8
............ Municipal area, 187/19
...... Pretoria, 187/18-19, 187/27
............ Box 372 Pretoria, 132/96
............ Box 445 Pretoria, 132/94-96
............ Box 453 Pretoria, 132/96
............ Number of Boxes during 1894 to 1900, 132/96
...... Registration receipt 16th February, 1894, 193/23
...... Returned Letter Office Official Envelope, 60/78
...... Second Republic 1897-1898, 187/17
...... Union of South Africa cost of Post Office Boxes November 1910 - see Union of South Africa - Cost of Post Office Boxes November 1910
Post Office Ephemera,
...... 1866 - 1894, 193/14-23
...... Christmas and New Year cards from the Post Office - see Christmas cards
...... From Postmaster Newcastle to M. S. Stroom, 193/19, 193/21
...... Recipt of a registered letter from Alice to Wakkerstroom 1873, 193/19
...... Recipt of a registered letter from Newcastle to M. W. Stroom 1879, 193/19
...... Internal notice used at M.W. Stroom 1882, 193/22
Post Office Laws - see Post Office Acts (Government)
Post Office Officials - see Post Office staff
Post Office and Agency staff, 18/43, 19/54-62, 21/13-24, 109/1, 110/44-45, 125/iv; see also van Blokland, Beelaerts the Controller of stamps in Netherlands
...... 1866, 2/16
...... Ackermann, E.W., 42/47
...... Ackhurst, J., Post Agent, Hartebeestfontein, 38/43
...... Albertyn, C.J., Post Agent at Jaccbsdal, 38/44
...... Archer A., 77/9-14
...... Ash, W.M., Postmaster, 38/42, 139/68
...... Backer J., Postmaster, 38/42
...... Bagot, W.L., Administrator of Civil Posts, 8th July 1900 - see Bagot, Walter L., Major, Administrator of Civil Posts
...... Bailey, J.A., 119/92
...... Barrett brothers at Bushman's Spruit, 194/59
...... Boegman, Gerrit Jan, 77/9-12
...... Bierma - see New Republic (Nieuwe Republiek) - History of - Bierma
...... Blaaubank - see Blaaubank
...... Brooks, W.W., 77/9-10
...... Brown J. Frank, Postmaster General, 75(?)/53(?), 187/17; see also Eastern Counties Association
............ Privilege mail and the "extensively taken advantage of", 191/34-35, 195/116-120
............ Transvaal £5 Edwardian stamps (1907), 179/63
...... Bührmann, H.T., 139/68; see also Post Offices and Postal Agencies - Emigratie
...... Butner, J. A., Postmaster, 38/42
...... Button, Edward, Postmaster, 139/68
...... Carney, G., Assistant Postmaster, murdered, 71/53
...... Clarke, S.C., Postal Agent, 139/69
...... Coetser, J.J., Postal Agent, 121/3
...... Clarke. S. C., Post Agental, 38/43
...... Cohen, Amber, 136/136; see also Cohen, Abner
...... Cunningham, A.J., 42/47
...... Daly, C., Postmaster, 38/42
...... de Vletter, Antony - see New Republic (Nieuwe Republiek) - History of - de Vletter
............ First official postmaster, 52/81
...... de Vogel, J.A., 38/41, 73/9, 147/iii, 205/14
............ Appointed Postmaster, 192/75
............ Privilege (Official) mail, 38/41, 152/87
............ Reports on the 'Queen's' Head stamps, 151/63
............ privilege mail, 152/63
...... de la Hunt, Postmaster General, 21/20, 73/9, 147/iii
............ New Republic (Nieuwe Republiek) - see New Republic (Nieuwe Republiek) - Postmasters
...... de Meillon, 140/104
...... de Vogel, 140/104-105, 192/75
............ Concerns regarding Privilege (Official) Mail, 152/87-88
...... de Waal, E.H., 38/41
...... Dekker, F. - see> Stellaland
...... Dennison, Charles George - see> Stellaland
...... Dietrich, M., Post Agent, 38/44
...... Dobson, Frederick Lyster, 198/65
...... Dormehl, Cornellius Alwyn, Witwatersrand Post Office, 42/47
...... Driver, E.R., Postmaster at Leydsdorp, 78/33-40
...... Duiven, Jacob - see Swaziland
...... During, H, 139/66
...... Eaton, Frances - see> Stellaland
...... Eckert, Postal Agent, 139/70
...... Edgson, Mr., First Bar and Post Office, 41/8
...... Engelbrecht, J.D. Rev., Post Agent, 38/44, 65/11, 139/71
...... Evans, James, Acting Postmaster General, 1863, 110/44
...... Eyssel, Mathinus, Postmaster Botsabelo, 139/66, 192/75
...... Eyssell, M., Post Agent, 38/42
...... Filter, H., 65/11, 193/14
...... Florey, Post Agent at Steelport, 139/71
...... Fraser, David - see Post Offices and Postal Agencies - Strydkraal
...... Fraser, J.H., 194/53
...... Friend, Alfred John - see Friend, Jack
...... Frankleyne, J.W., 194/53
...... Garrard, H.H., 205/14-15
...... Gardner, C.R. at Johannesburg 1886, 214/9
...... Genis, M.C., Postmaster, 38/42
...... Glinister, J.E., Postmaster, 38/42, 139/67
...... Glynn, H., 38/45, 139/70
...... Goonwin, Mr., 205/14
...... Green, H. - see Post Office Staff - Higginson, Frederick Blablay
...... Grieve, Wm., Post Agent, Post Agent, 38/44, 139/71
...... Gaum, Johan Sebastian - see Oersonskraal, Maquasi-spruit
...... Hamilton, Jas, 38/45, 65/11, 139/71
...... Hamilton, W.G., Postmaster General, 71/60, 100/90, 191/28-29
...... Hartzenberg, Ferdinand - see> Stellaland
...... Henning, H., 50/32
...... Higginson, Frederick Blablay, Coach Agent to Messrs. M Green & Co. - see Higginson, Frederick Blablay
...... Hinds, L.f., 119/92
...... Hoal, W.T. - see Union of South Africa
...... Hodgson's Hotel, Store and Post Office - see Post Offices and Postal Agencies
...... Holloway, C., 38/44; see also Zijferfontein Maquasi
...... Hoofdlager, 77/11
...... Hoffman, C.H., Postmaster, 38/42, 192/76
...... Holland, Charles, 65/11
...... Holloway J. - see Makwassiespruit
...... Hooyer, C., Postmaster, 38/42
...... Hutchinson Y.S., 192/76
...... Hunt - see Post Office staff - de la Hunt, A.W.
...... Jakoby, O, Post Agent, 38/43, 86/37
...... Jensen, Rev.Thomas at Linokana - missionary and post agent, 38/45, 65/13, 123/66-69, 139/71
...... Jeppe, Friedrich - see Jeppe, Friedrich
............. 1877 Almanac - see Jeppe, Friedrich - Almanac & Directory for 1877
...... Jeppe, Heinrich, 21/17-20
...... Jeppe, Herman, 72/92, 73/8
............ Post Book of the Postmaster of Potchefstroom, 133/6-9
...... Jeppe, C.T.L.A., - see New Republic (Nieuwe Republiek) - Postmasters
...... Jooste, C.W., 77/12
...... King, H.E., 77/9-13
...... Kleyn, Godfried Jacob, 139/65
...... Kriegler, S.G., 155/60
...... Kooy, A, 103/85
...... Kuit, Albert, Postmaster - see Kuit, Albert
...... Kuit, H.J., Postmaster, 121/6
...... Le Roux, Aubrey, 71/53
...... Leask, T. - see Wolmaransstad - Mr Leask
...... Leask, W., 181/27
...... Leenhof, J.G.C., Postmaster Pretoria, 72/91-92
...... Lawson, J., resigned 1876, 194/51, 139/68
...... Lennox, John. N.G., 73/8
............ Postmaster, Potchefstroom, 110/44-45
...... Mars, G., (Rev.) Post Agent, 38/44, 139/71
...... Middel, Post Agent, 38/43
...... McHattie, F.S., Post Agent, 38/43, 205/13-15
...... Number at the General Post Office 1903-1909, 187/17, 205/13
...... Osborn, Alex. A. (Postmaster, Johannesburg), 42/48; see also Handstamps - Alex. A. Osborn
...... Opperman, A., second assistant at Lydenburg 1899, 77/12
...... Parry, Thos, 77/9,
...... Poen, W., Postmaster, 38/42
...... Pollack, M.B., 198/65
...... Postman, 42/43; see also Post Office staff - Uniforms
............ First Transvaal Postmen, 41/43-45
............ Salary in 1896, 42/44
...... Postmaster at Wakkerstroom, 149/18
...... Postmaster salary at Pretoria and Potchefstroom (First Republic), 172/82
...... Postmasters, 38/41
...... Postmasters of the New Republic (Nieuwe Republiek) Postmasters -see New Republic (Nieuwe Republiek) - Postmasters
...... Preiss, J.A., Post Agent, Bushman's Spruit, 38/43, 194/59
...... Prinsloo, J.J.P., 72/91-92
...... Proksch, F., Agent 1977-8, 65/112, 119/91
...... Rae, Thos., 38/44, 139/70; see also Makwassiespruit
...... Rest, P.G., 139/67
...... Rink, W.E., Clark at Lydenburg Office, 78/36
...... Robertson, A.M., 192/77
...... Robertson, C.G., 38/43, 192/77
...... Rocher, 78/40
...... Rogh, T.G., 38/41
...... Scheffer, C. L., 38/42
...... Schalkwijk, V., New Republic, 76/77
...... Scheffer, Christopher Louis, Postmaster, 38/42, 193/14
.......... Detail of Post Office book, 193/15
...... Scheffer, F. A., Appointed Postmaster 1893, 193/14, 193/23
...... Schikkerling, A.F., Post Master at Potchefstroom, 21/17, 38/41
...... Schikkerling, J., Post Master at Potchefstroom, 94-95/41
...... Scholtz, Postmaster, 38/42
...... Schulze, Carl Ferdinand Ludolph Dietrich, Postmaster, 77/9-14, 78/33-40
............ Request for leave, 77/12, 78/36
...... Springhorn, Heir. Wilhelm. Post Agent, 38/44, 139/70; see also Pella
...... Steadman, J.H., Post Agent, Stander's Drift, 38/43
...... Steyn, D.F., Pretoria, 73/8-11
...... Taylor, Jas, Postmaster Klerksdorp, 38/41
...... Thom, W., 42/48
...... Ueckerman, C., Postmaster, 38/42; see also Ueckermann, C. Sr.
...... Uniforms - see Post Office Uniforms
...... van Alphen, I.
............ Appointed P.M.G., 29/22
............ Correspondence to John Chadwick the Natal Postmaster General, 145/14-20
............ Cover addressed to van Blokland after van Blokland death, 131/vi
............ First Postmen (letter-carriers), 42/43-45
............ Last Postmaster-General of the ZAR, 13/22, 21/22, 73/9, 112/138, 155/59
............ van Alphen letter to the Director of the State Printing Works 26 July 1900 see Machadodorp - "Machadodorp" postcard
...... van Alphen, I.N., 65/15
...... van Leenhof, J.G.C., Pretoria 1860, 72/92-93, 73/9
...... van Tulleken, Alphen H., 42/43-45
...... van der Linden, H., Pretoria 1866, 73/8
...... Vermaas, C.W., 139/70
...... Vilkwi, W., 119/92
...... Visser, Arie Johannes, Acting Postmaster at Bremersdorp - see Swaziland - Acting Postmaster at Bremersdorp
...... Vletter, Antonij de, 218/9-20; see also New Republic - Postmasters
...... Vogel, J.A. - see Post Office Staff - de Vogel, J.A.
...... von Brandis, 172/84
...... Walters. J.A., 139/66-67
...... Watking, 65/15
...... Wilkinson, H.S., Distributor of Stamps - see Wilkinson, H.S.
...... Wilson, Jer., Acting Postmaster General, 195/117
...... Woolley, Acting Postmaster General, Memo 1908, 72/82, 188/47, 195/116
...... Zulch, J.W., 42/47
Post Office staff in the Cape of Good Hope; see also Cape of Good Hope
...... Aitchison, Postmaster-General, Cape Town succeeds Charles Piers, 141/4
...... Piers, Charles, Postmaster-General, 141/1-3
Post Office uniforms
...... 1896, 42/43-44
...... 1903, 183/98-99
Post Offices and Postal Agencies, 4/40-43, 7/28-32, 8/40-43, 10/31-33, 11/56, 15/62, 18/40-43, 19/54-61, 40/90-97, 41/23-29, 42/57-61,
60/81-83, 83/52-55, 86/35-36, 88/41-42, 103/84-85, 106/45-50, 107/iv, 108/vi, 139/64-73, 160/77; see also Cancellers,
Datestamps, Postal routes, Picture postcards, Post Office Staff
...... 1880-1890, 77/5
...... 1901 and 1902, 67/47-54
...... Aangewijs, 56/82, 108/ 110, 205/29
...... Aangewus, 205/29
...... Abor, 56/83
...... Adamont, 56/83, 205/29
...... Afrikandermijn, 56/83
...... Agatha, 108/110
...... Agencies falling under Middelburg, 192/76
...... Agencies, the number open between 1890 and 1902, 83/48-51
...... Airlie and Airlie Rail, 56/83, 205/29
...... Albasini's Place, 205/29
...... Alberton, 56/83, 205/30
...... Alewijnskop, 56/83, 108/110,
...... Alkmaar and Alkmaar Rail, 56/83, 167/71, 205/30
...... Allisonia, 56/83, 205/30
...... Alma, 56/83, 205/30
...... Amsterdam, 56/84, 80/68, 108/110, 205/31
...... Angelo and Angelo Rail 205/31
...... Anglo (East Rand), 56/84
...... Anniesspruit or Annijsspruit, 56/84, 124/89
...... Annysspruit, 205/31
...... Annysspruit and Annysspruit Rail, 205/32
...... Anstruther Rail, 205/32
...... Apex, 56/84
............ Apex Rail, 205/32
...... Ardentinny, 56/84, 205/32
...... Argent, 56/84, 205/32
...... Argent Station (or) Rail, 56/85
...... Ariston, 56/85, 205/33
...... Ashbury Rail, 205/32
...... Athalia, 56/85, 124/89, 205/32-33
...... Auckland Park, 56/85, 205/32
............ Revenue collected during 1912 and 1913, 83/44
...... Avoca, 56/85, 108/110, 205/33
...... Badfontein, 77/9, 108/110, 205/32-33
...... Balfour see also Belfour
............ Picture of Balfour Post Office circa - see Picture Postcards
...... Balmoral, 205/34
...... Barberton, 218/16-18
............ Barberton Rail - see Railways
............ Head Office open (1901) for civil traffic, 55/70
...... Badzunloop, 205/34
...... Beginderlijn (Beginderlyn), 68/86
...... Bandolierkop, 205/35
...... Badzijnloop, 108/110
...... Balmoral, 108/110
...... Bank and Bank Rail - see Datestamps
...... Bankfontein, a short note, 205/35
...... Bankpan, 205/35-36
...... Bergvlei - see Datestamps
...... Bertrams - see Datestamps
...... Bethal - see Datestamps
...... Baviaanskrans (Baviaanskrantz), 205/38
...... Bergen, 124/90
...... Bergendal, 192/79
...... Breyten, 200/68
...... Breyton, 44/101, 200/68
...... Bergplaats, 124/90
...... Betty Street, Revenue collected during in 1912 and 1913, 83/44
...... Belfast, 79/44, 80/68
...... Belgravia, Revenue collected during in 1912 and 1913, 83/44; see also Post Offices and Postal Agencies - Johannesburg - Belgravia
...... Bezuidenhout Valley, Revenue collected during in 1912 and 1913, 83/44; see also Datestamps
...... Biesjeslaagte, 205/45
...... Blaauwbank, 79/44
...... Bloemhof, 79/44; see also Bloemhof, Keate Award Line
...... Boksburg, 42/48
............ Head Office open (1901) for civil traffic, 55/70
...... Bonne-Fooi, 192/79
...... Bothaskraal, 204/92
...... Bosmanffontein, 194/59
...... Bptsabelo replacment of Postmaster 1872, 192/75
...... Braamfontein, 8/43
............ Number of Post Office Boxes 1903-1910, 187/19
...... Bree Street, 8/43
...... Bremersdorp - see Swaziland
...... Bronkhorstspruit Railway “RO”, 200/54
...... Buffelsdoorn, 195/121-122
...... Buffelsvlei, 77/10-11
...... Bushmans Spruit, 194/51, 194/59
...... Cantonments - see Cantonments
...... Caroline (1894), 80/68
...... Carried stocks of Cape and Natal stamps, 21/17
...... Chimes - see Chimes
...... Chrissies Meer, 44/101
...... Christiana, 44/101
...... Civil Post offices in the Transvaal
............ 1900, 83/48
............ 1901 and 1902 - see Military Mail, Treble, G.W., Lt.Col.
...... Cleveland
............ Head Office open (1901) for civil traffic, 55/70
............ Number of Post Office Boxes 1903-1904 and 1909-1910, 187/19
............ Revenue collected during in 1912 and 1913, 83/44
...... Closing times for Post Offices from a Postal Notice of 1876, 140/116
...... Crown Mines, Revenue collected during in 1912 and 1913, 83/44
...... Cullinan, Post and Telegraph Office - see Picture Postcards
...... Davel, postal agency, 122/31
...... De Jagersdrift - see De Jagersdrift
...... De Emigratie - see Post Offices and Postal Agencies - Emigratie
...... De Wildt, 55/65
...... De Wittekrand, post agency, 122/31
...... Denver
............ Number of Post Office Boxes 1909-1910, 187/19
............ Revenue collected during in 1912 and 1913, 83/44
...... Derby, 124/90
...... Doornfontein, 8/43
............ Revenue collected during in 1912 and 1913, 83/44
...... Doornhoek, 205/14
...... Dorpsplaats see Post Offices and Postal Agencies - Dorpsplaats
...... Drinkwater, 122/32
...... Dullstroom, 208/19-20, 218/18-20
............ Photograph of 1903, after 'the ravages of war', 218/20
...... Edenvale - see Edenvale
...... Effect on Post Offices during the Second Anglo-Boer War - see Second Anglo-Boer War - Effect on Post Offices
...... Elandsfontein - see Post Offices - Germiston
...... Ermelo, date opened, 77/7, 79/46
...... Emigratie; 122/32; see also Covers - 1875, Emigratie
............ Opened (1873), 192/76-77
............ History of, 211/15-21
............ Post Agent, 38/43, 193/16
...... Enkeldoorn (Pretoria), 206/26
...... Entonjaneni - see Entonjaneni
...... Enselberg - see Union of South Africa
...... Eureka, date opened, 77/7; see also Eureka
...... Eureka Kaap Goudv - see Eureka, Post Offices - Eureka
...... Evergreen, 124/90
...... Ferreira's Camp, 42/46
...... Field, note on temporary post office - see Post Offices - Johannesburg - Field
...... Field Post Office - see Field Post Office
...... Fire at Middelburg Government Building 1907 - see Post Offices and Postal Agencies - Middelburg
...... First Republic, 133/9-14, 139/64-73
............ The first Post Offices, 133/9
...... Fordsburg
............ 1895, 80/68
............ Number of Post Office Boxes 1903 & 1910, 187/19
............ Revenue collected during in 1912 and 1913, 83/44
............ Fraser Street, 8/43
...... Forlorn Hope - see Forlorn
...... Fort Schutte, 212/8
...... Fort Edward, 209/33
...... General Post Office, 187/17-28; see also Post Offices and Postal Agencies - Johannesburg (including the General Post Office)
...... Germiston Post Office, 42/48, 60/73, 80/68
............ 1900, open for the sale of stamps, 69/6
............ President Street (Indo Native Office) - see Datestamps - Germiston
............ Head Office open (1901) for civil traffic, 55/70
...... Germiston Station Post Office a Sanitation Problem, 72/82
...... Goedehoop - see Goedehoop
...... Gommamaan - see Gommamaan
...... Grornvlei - see Grornvlei
...... Greijlingstad, 205/14-15
...... Groot Suikerboschkop, 192/78
...... 'Gin Case Post Office', 44/98
............ Picture postcard posted 1907, 172/99
...... Indo-Native Office - see Post Offices and Postal Agencies - Johannesburg - Market Street West
...... Inshlasaje (Inhlazatje) - see Inshlasaje (Inhlazatje)
...... Haenertsburg, date opened, 77/7
...... McHattiesburg, 205/18-20; see also Balfour, The Grange.
...... Hectorspruit - see Hectorspruit
...... Heidelberg, 205/13-21
............ Head Office open (1901) for civil traffic, 55/70
............ Date opened, 77/7
............ Mail, 1885-1890 - see Heidelberg
...... Helvetia, 79/44
...... Hodgson's Hotel, Store and Post Office, 42/47
...... Holmdene Post Office - see Post Offices and Postal Agencies - Vlaklaagte Post Office change of name
...... Holbank - see Holbank
...... Incorporated in Natal in 1902, 107/80-82
...... Jeppesdorp, 8/42
...... Jeppestown, number of Post Office Boxes 1903 & 1909, 187/19
...... Johannesburg (including the General Post Office), 42/46-49, 44/98, 83/44-49, 54-55, 135/100-104, 136/134-136,
187/17-28; see also Post Offices and Postal Agencies - Named Offices
............ 1900, Opened after the war, 69/5, 69/8, 83/51 see also The Transvaal Government Gazette - Johannesburg
............ 1st Bar and Post Office, 42/46
............ Beit Street, 205/39
............ Belgravia, 205/40
..................... Revenue collected during in 1912 and 1913, 83/44
............ Beurs, 8/42, 80/68 - see also Datestamps
............ Branch Offices 1904-1906, 83/46, 83/51-55
............ Business during 1912 and 1913, 83/44-49
............ Commissioner Street, 8/43
............ Edgson's canteen, 42/46-47
............ Field, note on temporary post office, 209/30
............ For the use of 'coloured' mostly Asian - see Post Offices - Market Street West
............ Goldreich Building, Joubert Street, 42/49
............ Ghosts of Rissik Street Post Office [General Post Office], 71/53
............ Head Office open (1901) for civil traffic, 55/70
............ Hodgson's Hotel, Store and Post Office, 42/47
............ History of, 42/46-49
............ Igwenya - see Igwenya
............ Indo-Native Office - see Post Offices and Postal Agencies - Johannesburg - Market Street West
............ Inland Mail and International Mail 1897, 83/45
............ Langlaagte - see Post Offices - Langlaagte
............ Main Street, 8/43
............ Map of Johannesburg Post Offices 1912, 83/47
............ Marketstraat/Indo N. Kantoor - see Post Offices and Postal Agencies - Johannesburg - Market Street West
............ Market Street - see Post Offices and Postal Agencies - Market Street West
............ Market Street West, 8/43, 136/134
............ Mgwenia - see Igwenya
............ Newclare, 83/46-47
............ Norwood, 83/46-47
............ Post Office Boxes - see Post Office Boxes
............ Post Offices 1912, 81/47, 84/44
............ Revenue collected during in 1912 and 1913, 83/44
............ Rockey Street, 155/v-vi
............ Stock Exchange, 42/49; see also Datestamps - Beurs, Pillar-boxes & Wall boxes - Beurs
............ Stuttaford & Co., 188/47
............ Witwatersrand Post Office, 42/47
...... Joubertskroon - Zoutpansberg, 77/8
...... Kaffirskraal - see Kaffirskraal
...... Klein Letaba, 80/68
...... Klein Paardekraal, 200/57
...... Klerlsdorp, 44/101, 77/5-6, 79.44
............ Date opened, 77/7
............ Head Office open (1901) for civil traffic, 55/70
...... Klipval, 124/90
...... Kraal R.O., 204/92
...... Komatiepoort, 80/68
...... Krokodilriver, Agency 1870s, 119/91
...... Krugersdorp, 42/48, 44/101; see also Krugersdorp
...... Krugerspost, 77/9
...... Langlaagte, 42/48, 80/68, 83/46-47
............ Number of Post Office Boxes 1903 & 1910, 187/19
...... Leeuwspruit, 8/43
...... Leeuwnek - see Leeuwnek
...... List of, 1901 to 1902, 67/47-54
...... List of, 1906, 8/43, 167/71
...... List of Second Republic, 108/110-115
...... Llanwarne Post Office, 108/109, 172/94
...... Louis Trichardt, 44/101
...... Luneburg postal agency 1874, 193/14; see also Luneberg (later Luneburg)
...... Lydenburg, 44/101 see also Lydenburg
............ Lydenburg, during the Second Anglo-Boer War, 77/9-14
...... M.W. Stroom - see Marthinus Wesselstroom (Wakkerstroom), Post Offices and Postal Agencies - Marthinus Wesselstroom (Wakkerstroom)
...... Machadodorp, Head Office open (1901) for civil traffic, 55/70
............ 1894 and 1895, 80/68
...... McHattiesburg, 205/18-20; see also Belfour
...... Malmani Oog, 1103/84-85
...... Maquasi, 65/11
............ Spelled 'Mequassi', 10/33
...... Marthinus Wesselstroom (Wakkerstroom); see also Marthinus Wesselstroom (Wakkerstroom)
............ Change of name, 88/41
............ Established, 192/76
............ Postal items handled 1890, 193/16
...... Middelburg, 194/50-52
............ Agencies falling under Middelburg, 192/76
............ District 1868-1969 District proclaimed, 192/75
............ Fire at Middelburg Government Building 1907, 160/77
............ Head Office open (1901) for civil traffic, 55/70
............ Postal items handled 1890, 193/16
...... Mill Site, 189/74
...... Modderfontein, Head Office open (1901) for civil traffic, 55/70
............ Outbreak of the war (1899), 77/10
...... Modderspruit, 77/9
...... Nazareth, 192/74
...... New Clare, number of Post Office Boxes 1910, 187/19
...... New Hariot, 200/55
...... New Republic - see New Republic - Post Office
...... Newlands postal Agency, 189/71
...... Ngomo - see Ngomo
...... Nondweni, last listed, 88/42 - see also Nondweni
...... Norwood, during 1912 and 1913, 83/46
...... Ohrigstad, 44/101
...... Olifants River, 192/74
...... Opened during 31st May to 8th July, 1900, 83/48-49
...... Paardekop, 194/63
...... Paulpietersrust, 10/32, 10/33
...... Pelgrimsrust, 77/11, 80/68
...... Piet Retief, date opened, 77/7, 124/89
...... Pietersburg, 44/101 see also Pietersburg
...... Pietpotgietersrust (1894), 80/68
...... Platrand, 164/63
...... Postal Agents first paid - see Postal Agents - Paid Postal Agents
...... Postal agencies opened during the later years of the First Republic, 139/64-73
...... Potchefstroom, 1850-1870, 133/5-27
.......... Drawing of the, Landdrost, Post and Telegraafkantoor, lent by the Architects, 101/14
............ Head Office open (1901) for civil traffic, 55/70
...... Potgietersrust, 10/32, 10/33
...... Pretoria
............ First regular postal service, 72/92
............ Head Office open (1901) for civil traffic, 55/70
............ History of, 72/90-92, 73/8-11
............ New building 1887, 73/9-10
............ Schoeman Street West, Pretoria, 196/26
............ Temporary premises until 1887, 73/9
...... Punbult, 124/90
...... Republic (ZAR)
.......... First, 1859-1874, 133/12-20
.......... Second, 108/110-21,109/viii-ix, 139/64-71
................ Opened during the later years, 139/64-65
...... Rockey Street - see Post Offices and Postal Agencies - Johannesburg - Rockey Street
...... Rolfontein, 79/46, 192/76-77
...... Roodepoort, 42/48, 80/68
............ Head Office open (1901) for civil traffic, 55/70
.......Rustenburg, date opened, 77/7
...... Revenue, circular punches, 188/37
...... Sale of stamps in shops, 21/20
...... Segregation post offices; Indo-Native Office - see Post Offices and Postal Agencies - Johannesburg - Market Street West
...... Smitsdorp, 77/6, 79/45
...... Spelonken, 65/11, 80/68
...... Springs, 190/13
............ 1894, 80/68
............ Head Office open (1901) for civil traffic, 55/70
...... Schweizeer-Reneke 1895, 80/68
...... South African Constabulary running post offices - see South African Constabulary
...... Standerton, 194/50-66
............ Date opened, 77/7
............ Head Office open (1901) for civil traffic, 55/70, 77/7
............ Mail received 1890 and 1894, 194/53
............ Postal items handled 1890, 193/16
...... Standerton Cantonment - see Cantonments, Picture Postcads - Standerton, Cantonment Post Office, 90/43
...... Steyndorp, 77/7
...... Strydkraal or Strijdkraal, 38/43, 139/68, 192/76
...... Sulphur Spring or Sulphur Springs - see Sulphur Springs
...... Swaziland - see Swaziland
...... Temporary offices, 73/12
...... Town Sub-Office - see T.S.O.s
...... Troyville, 8/43
...... Utrech, 193/13-16; see also Post Office Staff - Scheffer Christopher Louis
............ Postal items handled 1890, 193/16
...... Val (Rail Station), 194/60
...... Vereniging, Head Office open (1901) for civil traffic, 55/70
............ 1892, 80/68
...... Ventersdorp, 80/68
...... Viljoenspost - see Belfour, Viljoenspost
...... Valkfontein, 205/13-23; se also Balfour
...... Vlaklaagte Post Office change of name, 195/98
...... Volksrust; see also Post Offices and Postal Agencies - Llanwarne
............ Date opened, 77/7
............ Head Office open (1901) for civil traffic, 55/70
............ Pre-1885, 79/45
...... Vonbrandis, 8/43
...... Vryheid, 218/14
...... Wakkerstroom - see Marthinus Wesselstroom (Wakkerstroom), Post Offices and Postal Agencies - Marthinus Wesselstroom (Wakkerstroom)
...... Weltevreden - see Weltevreden
...... Waterval postal agency, 194/60-61
...... Welgevonden, 85/20; see also Welgevonden
...... Welverdiend, 108/120
...... Winnarspoort, 108/109
...... Witpoort, 42/48
...... Wolhuterskop, 79/45
...... Wolmaranssted, 80/68
...... Wolvaardts, 155/v-vi
...... Zijeferfontein, 65/11
Post Statien (Post Station) - see Post Offices and Postal Agencies
'POST ZEGAL'overprint - see Bogus Stamps - Overprints
Postagentskantoor - see Post Offices and Postal Agencies
Postage due markings and labels, 17/22, 43/66-68, 73/6-8, 74/53-59, 78/32 81-2/39, 87/14, 89/23, 90/44, 96/80-81, 101/viii, 102/35, 104/v-vii & 110,107/88, 108/131,
109/30-31, 121/20-21, 122/x-xi, 127/94-102, 137/iii, 138/55, 145/21-22, 147/iv; see also 'DEBIT' handstamp, TPOs, under franked mail
...... Cape, 126/27-8, 156/106-108
...... interpanneau block of the 1d. duty, 115/viii
...... Cover 1888 to Berlin, 196/14-15
...... Cover from Darkton to Bulawayo, 193/27-28
...... Cover from Swaziland to London during 1894, 193/25-26 - for other covers from Swaziland see Swaziland (Swazieland) - covers
...... Not prepaid with Transvaal stamps, 156/vi
...... Numeral-coded handstamps, 115/108, 116/xiii, xv & 130, 118/ix, 127/96-98 & 104-5,134/xvi, 139/27
...... Postcard sent to the Netherlands 10th December, 1898, 185/32
...... Second Republic - Pretoria Tax Marks, 72/93-94
...... Stamps - see Postage Stamps - Edwardian issues - Postage due Stamps
...... Swaziland
............ Bremersdorp, Swaziland, 74/48
............ Mbabane (Embabaan) Swaziland, 74/48
...... 'T 5D' in oval, 1901, 59/66-67
...... 'T' L', 215/12
...... 'T LXVII', 205/21
...... 'T LXXX', 90/44
...... 'T LXXXV', 194/65
...... Unframed 'T' handstamp, 127/90-91, 134/xiv-xv, 138/45-49, 146/35
............ T symbol First Republic bisected 1s stamps on cover, 204/98-101
...... Union Postage due Markings, 66/31-37, 66/38
Postage rates; see also Postal conventions
...... Cape Colony, 20/79, 110/4-45, 114/75-76, 115/111-112, 119/80-81, 119/82-85, 129/10-15, 131/90, 140/134-135, 149/22-24
............ Cape Government uniform rate of 6d per half ounce, 94-95/50
...... Edwardian
............ 1900, 69/6, 69/9
............ Agricultural Parcel Post - see Agricultural Parcel Post
............ Local Postage Rates 1905-6, Johannesburg, 173/22
............ Farthing newspaper rate - see Union of South Africa
............ One and a half penny postage rate, 200/40
............ Ordinary inland parcels post in 1908, 186,68
............ Postcard rates 1903-1910, 185/37
...... First British Occupation, 20/79, 96/67-78, 111/ix, 122/xi, 125/19, 132/119-21, 134/xviii, 136/146, 137/22
............ 1869-1871, 124/77
............ 1869-1879, 10/34-38
............ 1877, 47/66-67
..................... 4d letter rate between Transvaal and Natal, 125/1-3
..................... Reduced of rate with Natal, 193/23
............ 1892 reduction of postal tariffs, 142/67
............ Soldiers' concession rate, 96/76-8, 107/83-84, 108/91-2,111/ix, 125/18, 148/96 -101, 150/xi, 152/87-88
............ Natal rates, 114/41, 124/77-82, 125/1-3
............ Orange Free State rates, 111/x, 123/57
............ Postcard rates 1900-02, 134/x-xiii
...... First Republic
............ 1863 April, 132/105-106
............ 1869-1871, 124/77
............ 1869-1878, 10/34-35
............ First Republic, 73/11-12, 94-5/36-52, 98/42, 110/44-45, 114/42-43, 120/133-134, 122/46, 123/53-57, 127/60, 130/37-40, 134/xviii, 140/134-135, 145/8-11; see also Luff Plates
............ Stamp cost compared with wages during the during the First Republic, 213/12
...... Local Postage Rates 1905-6, Johannesburg, 137/22
...... Postcard rates, 134/x
...... Second Republic, 20/79, 87/5-10, 91/59-60, 100/96, 108/129, 114/66, 127/86-87, 130/46-49, 133/34-35, 134/xviii, 142/67, 152/85-86, 174/32-35, 179/50-51, 185/32-37
............ Changes in 1882-3, 174/32-35
............ German UPU reply-card, 185/33
............ Newspapers, 114/67-68
............ Overseas destinations franked at the letter rate, 185/32-38
............ Postcards, 87/5-10, 91/59-60, 130/46-49, 138/vii-ix, 151/vi, 173/14-15, 185/32-37
............ Postcard rates 1885 to 1895, 185/32-37
............ 1882-3, 174/32, 179/51, 194/75-76
............ 1885, 10/36-38, 194/76
............ 1885 to 1895 to the USA, 185/37
............ 1888, 196/15
............ 1891, 179/51
............ 1892, 142/67
............ 1893, 179/50
............ 1894, 91/59-61
..................... Opposition to the reduction of postage from 2d to 1d, 71/55
..................... 1899, 41/11
...... Union of South Africa, Farthing Newspaper rate, 50/36-37

Postage Stamps.

Postage Stamps, including those used for both postage and revenue. (For Revenue only - see Revenue Stamps); see also Forgeries, Combination covers and pieces, Specimen
...... Bisected Stamps - see Bisects
...... Colonial period - see Postage, including those used for both postage and revenue - Edwardian issues
...... Edwardian issues, 65/5-7, 114/x, 145/vi-vii, 146/23-33, 147/viii; see also Vending machine stamps
............ ½d. with inverted centre, 51/55
............ 1d. printed in Aniline ink, 65/5-7
............ 2d. Grey, 61/19, 64/81, 144/vii; see also 'Specimen'
............ 2½d. No watermark - see Watermarks
............ 2/6d. Printing Error?, 65/18
............ £1 postage stamp used in Swaziland, 144/111, 186/55; see also Swaziland
............ £5 postage stamps, 160/66-68; see also Forgeries, The Transvaal Philatelist - Supplements and other items (inset or insert).
.................. Letter from the J. Frank Brown of 1907, 179/64
.................. Possible use, 179/64
.................. Printing quantities, 170/43
............ Booklets, 9/15, 16/104, 73/18- 29, 84/74, 98/42, 149/1-4, 162/40 (advertisement)
............ Centre omitted, 103/vii
............ Coil stamps, 120/viii, 182/43, 183/75
..................... Attached to a coil leader, 201/80-81
..................... Vending machine stamps, 63/52
............ Colour trials - see Essays
............ 'Doubly printed' 2d duty, 23/63-64, 105/28
............ Embossed size, 71/61
............ Error of colour, Colour trials - see Essays
............ Error of colour, brown and grey, Postage - Revenue stamps on 'CA' watermarked paper, 87/11-12, 87/13-14
............ Gosling Collection, 105/21
............ Invalidated of Transvaal Stamps - see Transvaal Stamps - Invalidated of
............ Overprinted 'V.R.I.' - see Overprinted - 'V.R.I.' & 'E.R.I.'
............ Postage and Revenue stamps, dual-purpose and De La Rue, 146/23-33
............ Postage due Stamps, 115/viii; see also Postage due markings and labels
.................... 1911, 81-82/26-27
............ Second requisition 1902, 71/61
............ Used in South West Africa, 73/29-30
............ Varieties of the 'CROWN CA' watermarks - see Watermarks
...... Ermelo and Carolina locals - see Ermelo - Ermelo to Caroline Local Post typewritten stamps
...... First British Occupation issues, 21/11- 13, 117/14-17, 131/70-72; see also Essay, 'Queens Head' stamps, Combination covers and pieces, Proofs, Tête-bêche varieties
............ Bisected 6d on blue paper, 168/109
............ Bradbury, Wilkinson issue ("Queens' Head") - see 'Queen's Head' stamps
............ Curle Collection, 117/1-13
............ De La Rue Essays, 153/1-9
............ Gosling Collection, 105/16-19
............ Hunt Collection, 128/113-118,123-125
............ Lord Roberts' War Stamps, 184/16
............ 'Queens Head' stamps - see 'Queens Head' stamps, 'Specimen' overprints
............ Quote from Philatelic Quarterly 1st July, 1977, 62/28
............ Repaired Stamps, 168/109
............ Royal Collection, 98/26-33
............ Small 'T' settings, 104/103-105
............ Tapling Collection, 94-5/55-57
............ 'V. R. / TRANSVAAL.' overprints, 42/56, 97/1-5, 100/96, 101/21-22, 120/132
..................... 1d, 100/96, 168/53
..................... 3d Overprinted red with Utrecht single datestamp, 185/40
..................... 3d Overprinted red on the reverse, 46/42
..................... 6d Setting I, 151/80 & 81
..................... 6d Setting II, 105/1-2
..................... 6d on rose paper, 97/6-7, 101/21-22, 123/63, 154/vi
..................... 1s, 103/72-3, 151/80-81
..................... A pane of the 1s. overprinted 'V.R. TRANSVAAL' in red, 21/11-13
..................... Overprinted in red, 46/42
..................... Wide spaced overprint
..................... 6d, 50/50
............ 'V. R. / Transvaal' overprints, 100/62-68, 100/95-96, 112/vii, 117/14-17, 123/62-63
.................. 1d, 108/127, 112/103-104, 121/19, 123/62, 125/17, 139/74-80
.................. 1d, red on orange paper, position 8, 162/48-49, 169/22
.......................... fine roulette, 183/100-101
.................. 3d on buff paper, 'V. R. / Transvaal', 123/62-63
.................. 3d mauve printed on green paper, 182/45-66, 297/14-29
.................. 3d on green paper, 97/8-9, 119/105, 120/113, 122/12, 127/103, 128/123-125, 151/80-81
.................. 6d, 123/62-63
.................. 6d blue on blue, 14/51
.................. 6d blue on blue bisected, 168/109
...... First Republic issues, 11/46, 12/73-83, 24/75-80, 26/32-36, 27/42-44, 29/12-19, 30/34, 31/66-80, 32/96-10072-74,131/69-70, 134/xvi-xvii, 144/105, 183/76-80 see also Luff Plates, Proofs
............ An overview of the issues, 134/xvi-xvii
............ Borrius' printings, 48/100, 65/8-9, 68/79, 97/7, 99/58, 116/117, 121/v, 124/85-86, 138/37-44, 151/80 & 81, 152/v
................. 1d under-inked, 48/100
................. 1d, duty from position 32, 45/24
................. 1s 'Crowned Eagle' with 1d set-off, 168/108
................. 1s green Position 27 from the left pane, 183/77-79
................. 1s with missing beak, 198/53
................. 6d, 54/33
.......................... Reconstructed block of four on thick dense paper, 168/108
............ Celliers' printings, 99/47-53, 137/14-20, 165/10-14
............ Criddle Collection, 162/47
............ Curle Collection, 107/60-71, 176/72-73
............ Davis printings, 135/iv, 161/13, 164/105-06, 176/73
............ Getting Started, 166/42-43
............ Gosling Collection, 105/15-16
............ Hunt Collection, 128/112-113, 162/47
............ Literature, 166/42-43
............ Otto's printings, 11/46, 24/75-80, 26/32-36, 27/42-44, 29/12-19, 30/34, 31/66-80, 32/96-100,51/56-57, 87/4, 110/68, 114/44-45; see also Luff, Essay and Proof
..................... 'A parcel from Otto', 113/v-vi
..................... 1d duty, 41/14, 45/24, 49/9, 53/9, 57/19, 115/80, 141/24
..................... 1d duty "close-set", 54/27
..................... 1d duty "black jacket" or plate "Ax", 141/24, 202/31-38
..................... 1d duty [Plate Ay], 202/2, 202/31-39
..................... 1d. lilac proof, 161/17
..................... 3d duty, 30/35-50, 65/9, 98/34-41, 111/iii, 118/52-53, 136/120-123, 137/iv, 139/iv
..................... 3d defaced plates, 118/52-53
..................... 3d Essay - see Luff Plates - 'L', 'M' and 'H'
..................... 3d Printings in fancy colours, 30/40-41
..................... 3d 'trials', 136/120-123
..................... 6d duty, 39/56, 180/73-85
..................... 6d duty, (Type I) 54/33, 99/45-53, 121/v, 151/80-81, 207/14
........................... Plate position 37, 39/56
........................... Plate position L12, 199/27
..................... 6d duty, (Type II), 31/66-68, 137/1-12, 145/xiii, 210/5-6
..................... 1s green position 27 from the left pane, 183/76-79
..................... "Kiss print" - Otto proof, 158/xvi, 179/62-63
..................... Otto, Adolph of Mecklenburg-Schwerin - see Forgeries - Otto, Luff Plates, Jeppe
..................... Otto's small plates, 139/vi-vii, 202/36; see also Luff - Plates, Otto
............ Paper folds - see Paper
............ Pin-rouletted, 143/77-79, 144/vii
............ Royal Collection, 98/21-26
............ Stamp Commission (Celliers') printings, 96/66, 97/9, 99/45-53, 100/95- 96, 176/73
.................... Handstamped on the reverse, 179/62-63
............ Tapling Collection - see British Library (The)
............ Tête-Bêche varieties -see Tête-bêche varieties
............ Viljoen printings, 99/58, 101/20, 114/65, 123/60-61, 135/88-89, 136/143, 143/71-76
........................... 1s green, position 27 from the left pane, 183/77-79
...... Overprinted 'E. R. I.', 122/xii-xiv, 148/107-8, 149/24; see also Overprints
............ Invalidation, 154/42, 155/62
...... Overprinted 'V. R. I.', 108/iii, 146/33, 147/iii & 57-58; see also Overprints
............. Essay, 131/73-5, 133/iv-v, 135/v; see also Lydenburg
............. Gosling Collection, 105/20
............. Invalidation, 154/42, 155/62
............. 'No stop' varieties, 155/82-4
............. Unauthorised overprints, 144/117
............. £5 duty, 115/92-3, 116/xii-xiii, 118/xi, 119/iii-v, 122/50, 153/15, 154/29-54, 162/52-55; see also The Transvaal Philatelist - Supplements and other items (inset or insert).
..................... Genuine stamp with forged overprint, 118/xi, 154/35
...... Pietersburg issues, 119/97-105, 120/vii, 138/52-53, 170/36, 180/88 see also Pietersburg, Forgeries - Pietersburg stamps, the Carter imitations
............ Gosling Collection, 105/21-22
............ Plates, 176/69
............ ½d duty, 109/xii, 110/vi, 115/85-92, 176/69
...... Royal Mail "Smilers", 176/80
...... Local Postage stamps - see Bakker Express, Ermelo and Ermelo District
...... Second British Occupation- see Postage, including those used for both postage and revenue - Edwardian issues
...... Second Republic issues; see also 'Africa' stamps, Enschedé, Printing
............ ½ Enschedé "Duel plate" issue, Green - primary & secondary flaws, 46/40-41
..................... Constant flaws on the ½d. value, 49/14-17
............. ½ Enschedé Vurtheim imperf x perf, 30/29, 50/45
............ 1d on 2½d Vurtheim provisional, 50/46-49, 60/74-75, 71/65, 85/21
............ 2½d Vurtheim duty (1893) oversized stamps, 118/viii
..................... 2½ Vurtheim duty and its Provisionals, 50/39-45
............ 6d Revenue stamp overprinted 'POSTZEGEL', 41/18-22, 53/17; see also Perforations
............ 2s 6d, (1892) Enschedé records, 118/viii
............ £5 - see Postage Stamps - Second Republic issues - 1892
............ 1882 'EEN PENNY' provisional (on 4d sage-green 'Queen's Head' stamp), 21/2, 45/62, 59/62, 103/78-84, 104/106, 114/66
............ 1883 1d black, 32/86-95, 34/32-39, 35/71-77, 36/98-99, 38/46-50, 39/66-70
..................... 1d double print, 180/86-87, 218/21-23
..................... 1d with pin-hole, 168/109
..................... 1d interpanneau block 108/126; see also Interpanneau blocks
............ 1883 1d black on rose paper, 185/28-31
............ 1883 1s green, 106/53-54, 181/4-25
..................... Tête-Bêche, 150/39, 175/59 (advertisement)
............ 1883-85, 101/23, 150/28-39, 152/85-86, 165/10-14
..................... 3d pale Red, 98/34-41, 111/iii
........................... 3d stamp said to have been printed on laid paper (?), 118/52-53
..................... 1s green plating study, 181/4-25
............ 1885 2d Brown-Purple, 163/72, 165/15-16
............ 1885 2d overprint on Vurtheim 3d mauve, 59/64
............ 1885 'HALVE PENNY' between lines overprint on 3d pale red, 59/62-63
............ 1885 'HALVE PENNY' between lines overprint on 1s green, 59/63
............ 1885 'HALVE PENNY / Z.A.R.' on 'Queens Head' provisionals, 59/63-64
...................... 1885 Tête-Bêche, overprinted 'HALVE PENNY' between lines, 175/59 (advertisement), 181/32-33
............ 1887 'HALVE PENNY' between lines on Vurtheim 3d mauve, 59/64
............ 1887 2d, overprinted on 3d mauve, 168/90-92
............ 1891, 179/50-51
............ 1892 £5, 13/24, 52/83, 80/79, 118/xi, 119/iv, 154/29-56, 2020/12-14; see also Fournier François, Overprints - 'V.R.I.', £5 Enschedé
.................... Cancellations, 65/9, 162/52-55; see also The Transvaal Philatelist - Supplements and other items (inset or insert).
.................... Blue fiscal cancellation, 62/28
.................... Dutch Post Office copies, 147/51
.................... Gold by registered post, 80/79
.................... Major Nugent, 109/26-28
.................... Numbers printed, 109/26-28
.................... Parcel tag of 1895, 193/44, 220/12
.................... Plating the stamps, 154/29-56
.................... Stamps sold, 1892-1896, 1892-1900, 109/26-28
.................... Stamp from column two, 163/82
.................... Used during the Boer invasion of Natal, 118/viii, 173/17
............ 1893 Provisionals, 100/78-88, 115/106, 116/xi-xii, 131/xiii
...................... 1893 1d on Vurtheim 6d blue, 59/65
...................... 1893 2½d overprint on Vurtheim 1s green, 59/64-65
...................... 1893 'Halve Penny', 9/8-12
.............................. in red or black, date of issue, 59/65
.............................. First day cover, 163/79
............ 1895 (July) 1d on 2½d, 59/65, 85/21, 97/12-15, 125/20
............ 1895 (August) 'Halve / Penny' on 1s, 59/66, 97/16-18, 145/12-13, 12?/18?, 207/31-34
............ 1895 (September) 1d Commemorative, 88/29, 108/viii & 128, 116/124-125, 117/iii, 129/31-33, 198/55-56
.................... Cracked plate, 198/55-56
.................... Post Office open on Sunday, 197/30
.................... "V.R.I." Overprint, 163/80, 166/32
............ Cancelled in Cape Town on 27 June, 1900, 153/14-15
........................... Position 27 from the left pane, 183/76-80
............ Commemorative 1d duty, 12/72-74, 18/29, 21/10, 88/29, 108/128, 116/124-125, 117/iii, 129/31-33, 169/23, 182/67-68, 103/72, 103/74, 220/5-8
............ Enschedé issues, 21/13, 22/29-31, 28/66-72, 113/1-13, 125/5-7, 20/70-75; see also Vürtheim, Joseph
..................... Blokland collection - see Essay and Proof and Colour Trials - Enschedé essays, proofs and Colour Trials - Blokland collection
..................... Enschedé 12½ comb perforators (Large Holes), 25/8-14
..................... Holdings of The Netherlands PTT Museum, 116/118-24
..................... Printing and delivery to the Controller, 125/5-7
..................... Shaft and Disselboom, 22/29-31, 28/66-72
........................... Duel plate series, 28/66-69
................................. 2d value in brown and green, 37/5-9
..................... Vürtheim
........................... Dates of issue, 20/70-75, 21/13
........................... Panes and Plates, 34/40-52 + two insets, 36/81-82, 154/33, 169/16-18
........................... The Half Penny on "Vurtheim" Three Pence, 1975, 37/13-19
............ Essays and proofs, 135/91-99, 147/47-52, 148/iv; see also Essays
............ 'Specimen' overprint - see 'Specimen' overprints - Second Republic issues
............ Colour changelings, 145/xiii
............ Gosling Collection, 105/1920, 110/54-60
............ Hunt Collection, 128/118-20
............ Handstamped 'SPECIMEN', 115/83-4
............ 'POSTZEGEL' overprint - see Postage stamps used for revenue purposes
............ 'Queen's Head' stamps - see 'Queen's Head'- Used during the Second Republic
............ UPU colours, 28/67
...... Siege issues; see also Kuruman, Lydenburg, Rustenburg, Volksrust, Wolmaransstad
...... 'Te Betalen' label - Bakker Express
...... Tête-bêche varieties - Tête-bêche varieties
............ Gosling Collection, 105/22-23, 114/xi-xii
...... Union of South Africa (SG 1) see Union of South Africa
...... Vending machine stamps - see Postage Stamps - Coil stamps
Postage stamps used for revenue purposes, 109/32-33, 210/9-16
...... Second Republic
............ 6d Revenue stamp overprinted 'POSTZEGEL', 28/84, 40/85, 41/18-22, 44/118-119, 59/66
Postage Tariffs - see Postage rates
Postal Agents; see also Post Office staff, Post Offices and Postal Agencies
...... Pay of Postal Agents, 121/3, 193/68, 192/76
Postal arrangements before 1868, 54/38
Postal bid sales - see Auctions - Transvaal Study Circle - Postal bid sales
...... Selling through retailers, 147/iii
Postal contractors - see Mail Contractors
Postal Conventions
...... Cape Colony, 129/1-15
...... Natal, 94-5/40
.......... 1877, 132/105-106
...... Orange Free State, 132/116-118
...... Transvaal with other states in South Africa
............ 1886, 179???/50?
Postal Deliveries, 187/20, 187/25, 187/25; also see Post Office Boxes, Postal routes
...... Inauguration of Postal Deliveries, 41/17, 157/17
...... Wild Animals, 78/37-38
Postal history; also see Postage rates, Postal routes
...... First Republic, 141/1-21, 145/8-11
...... First British Occupation, 112/110-6
Postal orders, 100/90-91, 102/49-55, 106/ix, 113/38, 150/xii, 151/v
...... Sold in 1889, 77/6-7
...... Transvaal Postal Orders resumed after the Second Boer War, 100/90-91
...... Use of British Postal Orders in the Transvaal
Postal practices - see Post Office
Postal rates - see Postage rates
Postal routes; see also Mail, Mail Cart, Mail Coach, Mail Contract, Maps, Postal contractors, Railways, Transport within the ZAR/Transvaal
...... 1857, Pretoria, 72/92
...... 1858, 85/10
...... 1864-1871, 140/94-96
...... 1872 Pretoria to Pothchefstroom, 140/93
...... 1873, Change in the timetables of three routes, 140/97
...... 1877, 140/110-113
...... 1878, 21/20
...... 1899-1902, 78/33-38
...... 1900 - see The Transvaal Government Gazette 1900 - Extracts from The Johannesburg Gazette
...... Bechuanaland via Zeerust, 142/62-65, 147/56, 148/79-95
...... Buffelsdoorn during 1895 and via Koekemoer 1898, 195/121
...... Cape Colony 1872-76, 20/79, 79-140/97-101
............ 1872-1876, 140/97-101
............ 1875-1886, 20/79-82
............ Cape mails via Zanzibar, 140/iv-v
...... Eastern Transvaal 1899-1902, 78/33-42
...... First Republic, 28/76, 140/93-116
...... Fort Hendrina 1898/9 mail route 16 - see Fort Hendrina
...... Griqualaland West 1872, 140/93
...... Internal routes 1872 - 1877, 140/107-116
............ 1864-1871, 140/94-96
............ Map postal routes mid-1870s, 140/96
...... Johannesburg to Klerksdorp 1895 and 1898, 195/121
...... Klerksdorp to Christiana prior to 1895, 135/105
...... Klerksdorp to Zeerust, from 1872, 140/109-110
...... Later years of the First Republic, 140/93-116
...... Lourenço Marques, 142/53-61
...... Lydenburg
............ Gold-Fields, 140/106
............ to Bloemfontein via Natal, 147/54-55,148/v
............ to Leydenburg, July 1900, 78/35-39
............ to Natal viaa M.W. Stroom during 1872, 140/105
............ to Spitskop, discontinuation of direct postal link, 77/11
...... Moçambique to Mashonaland via Pretoria, 120/124-125, 121/v
...... Marico to Potchefstroom from 1872, 140/107
...... Natal-Cape via OFS, 112/141-142, 114/41, 115/105-106, 120/131, 120/134- 135
...... Natal to Transvaal, 118/41-51, 124/77-82, 132/101-115, 133/34-5, 149/15-16, 149/17-18
............ 1868, 40/83-42
............ 1870, 40/84
...... Newcastle and Wakkerstroom, 149/17-18
...... Nylstroom, call for tenders 1869, 140/95
...... Orange Free State and via the Orange Free State to Natal, 1872 - 1876, 140/101 - 103
...... Organisation and Transport of Mails, 21/14-24
...... Organisation and Transport of Mails, The Railways, 22/32-40; see also Railways
...... Organisation and Transport of Mails, The Travelling Post Officers, 23/50-59; see also Railways - Travelling Post offices (T.P.O.s)
...... Peru to Bechuanaland, 146/44
...... Piet Potgieters Rust, call for tenders 1869, 140/95
...... Piet Retief (1910), 124/89
............ Piet Retief and Mahamba and Mhotsheni, 211/12
...... Potchefstroom
............ to Klerksdorp during 1895, 195/121
............ to Marico from 1872, 140/107-108
............ to Pretoria from 1872, 140/107-108
............ to Rustenburg from 1872, 140/107-109
...... Pretoria to Botsabelo from 1872, 140/107-108
...... Pretoria to Kimberley, 143/87-90
............ via Kimberley to Cape Town and Port Elizabeth from 1977, 140/110-112
............ via Kroonstad to Bloemfontein from 1977, 140/110-112
...... Pretoria to Newcastle, 166/31
...... Pretoria to Pilgrim's Rest from 1977, 140/110-112
...... Pretoria via Wakkerstroom to Durban, Port Natal from 1977, 140/110-112
...... Pretoria Station, 157/13-17
...... Pretoria to Natal via M. W. Stroom and the link to Utrecht, 1872 - 1876, 140/104-107
...... Runners between Lydenburg and Laydsdorp during 1900, 78/36-37
...... Schoemansdal via Strydpoortberg, Upsal, Makapaanspoort anda Waterberg - see Postal Routes - 1858
...... Spitskop to Lydenburg, discontinuation of direct poatal link, 68/84, 77/11
...... Tenders for the conveyance of mail
............ 1877, 65/14, 68/84; see also Postal contractors - Green T.T.
...... Transport of Mails, 21/14-24
...... Transvaal-Cape via OFS, 120/133, 126/27-33, 127/59-64, 135/88-89, 136/142
...... Via Delagoa Bay, 1899-1902, 134/39-73, 135/iv, 137/22-23, 139/vii
...... Via Mauritius and Marseilles, 141/22-23
...... Volksrust, 155/59
...... Wakkerstroom, 149/17
.......... Wakkerstroom to Utrecht in 1871, 140/95
...... Winnaarspoort, Second Republic Post Office contract, 108/106
...... Zanzibar
............ Cape mails to Aden, 140/iv-v
...... ZAR/Transvaal, 130/37
...... Zeerust to Klerksdorp, from 1874, 140/109-110
...... Zeerust to Linokana 1899, 123/68
Postal stationery; see also Picture postcards - Illustrated postal stationery cards, Union of South Africa
...... Articles and books published before 1983, 71/60
.......... Buckley, Gerard, 71/60-62
...... Boer War; see also Postcards, Machadodorp cards, Wolmaransstad
............ ‘Kennisgeving van Aankomist’ (Notice of Arrival) larger size cards 1900 - see Railways - Netherlands South African Railway Company (N.Z.A.S.M.) - Postal Stationery cards
............ Sales resumed after the Second Boer War, 100/90
............ Testing the postal service June 1900?, 203/63
...... Central South African Railways, receipt of letter, 158/27-28
...... Edwardian issues, 39/70-76, 43/74-76, 71/61-62, 72/74-76, 72/76-79, 193/33-34; see also Wrappers
............ ½d locally printed single postcards, 72/79, 81-82/28-19
..................... Difference between London and Pretoria printings, 71/62
..................... ½d Printing plates worn out, 72/76
............ ½d Reply cards cut in half, 72/79, 193/34
............ 1d Reply cards would last 2000 year, 193/34
............ Audited main stocks of, 72/78-79
............ After the 1911 Audit, 81-82/27-30
............ Cape of Good Hope - see Cape Colony - Letter-cards, 1913
............ Hand drawn by Ewart B. Dawkins, 114/63-64, 115/xii
............ Letter Cards - see Postal stationery - Envelopes - Letter Cards
............ Madagascar postal authorities’ specimen material distributed through the UPU, 176/69-70
............ Newspaper wrappers - see Wrappers
............ Numbers printed, 72/72-73
............ Origins of, 71/60-63
............ Overprinted
..................... 'SPECIMEN', 72/73
..................... 'V. R. I.', 152/vi & viii, 153/vii-viii
............ Quantities of Transvaal postal stationery supplied by De La Rue, 72/72-74
............ Postage Envelopes, 72/75-76
............ Pretoria Postcard Proofs, 43/74-76; see also 71/72-76, 72/76-79
............ Printing dates, 71/61, 72/74
............ Proofs, 72/76
............ Reasons for printing locally, 72/79
............ Reply-paid cards
..................... Halfpenny, the Postmaster General consulted about cutting them in half, 193/34-35
..................... One penny, would last 2000 years, 193/34
............ Size of Envelopes, 72/75; see also Union of South Africa
............ Supplied by De La Rue, 72/72-76
............ Wear of electros, 71/62
............ Wrappers - see Wrappers
...... Envelopes
............ Audited Stock as from 1313 1911, 81-82/17-20
............ Davis printings, 62/27-28, 96/62-66, 105/24, 116/143, 135/89, 137/13, 144/108-111, 159/57-58, 176/80
.................... Senf's stamp catalogue of 1892, 171/54, 175/52-3
.................... Booleman M.Z., available in 1897, 171/54
............ Edwardian
..................... Embossed and Registration envelopes, printing in South Africa, 71/62
..................... Issues never printed, Audited Stock as from 13th 1911, 81-82/17-20
..................... Letter Cards, 28/71-72
..................... Letter Card from Sulphur Springs, 166/41, 193/33-34
..................... Newspaper Wrappers - see Wrappers
..................... Supplied by De La Rue, 72/74-76
............ Enschedé issues, 28/72
............ First requisition of August 1900, 71/61
............ H.S.M.O., 1902, 136/Advertisement
............ Long and short gum, 177/10
............ Potchefstroom (Jeppe), 46/32-39, 60/76-97, 60/95-97, 104/87-90, 106/29-33, 116/113-116, 136/115-119, 139/60, 177/10, 210/6-8; see also Datestamps - First Republic - Jeppe
..................... Potchefstroom envelops with the datestamp struck in the bottom left corner, 136/115-119, 210/6-7
............ Printed locally, 39/70, 71/61-63
............ Registered Envelopes
..................... Audited Stock as from 13th 1911, 81-82/17-20
..................... Registered Second Republic Envelopes, 28/72, 71/60
............ Embossed postal stationery, 71/61
............ Size of postal stationery, 1900, 71/61
...... First Republic
............ Development of the postal system in the south-eastern part of the ZAR, 192/74-76
............ Official printed notes 1877, 192/74-78
............ Potchefstroom envelops - see Postal stationery - Envelopes - Potchefstroom (Jeppe)
...... Intended for domestic use only, 196/15
...... Issued between 1906 and 1908, 72/78
...... Illustrated Second Republic postcards, see also Picture postcards
............ Had drawn cartoon - see Picture Postcards - Illustrated Second Republic postal stationery cards
............ Machadodorp - see Machadodorp
...... Lettercards
............ Audited Stock as from 13th 1911, 81-82/17-20, 193/34
...... Machadodorp - see Machadodorp
...... New Republic (Nieuwe Republiek) - see New Republic (Nieuwe Republiek)
...... Postcards, 86/39, 101/1-9, 112/viii, 125/v, 131/x-xiii, 151/ii, 153/28; see also Picture postcards and NZASM postcards
............ Edwardian Audited Stock as from 13th 1911, 81-82/17-20
............ Hand drawn - see Picture postcards - Illustrated Postal stationery
............ Schweizer-Reneke, Money Order envelope dated 1895, 181/29
...... Proclamation Card - see Machadodorp - Proclamation Card
............ Supplied by De La Rue, 76/74-76
...... Registered Envelopes - see Postal stationery - Envelopes
...... Second Republic, 28/69-70, 125/8-10
............ De La Rue supplied stationery via Holland, 71/66
............ Enschedé printings, 28/66-72; see also Enschedé
..................... Letter cards, Enschedé issues and order of - see Postal Stationery - Lettercards - Audited Stock as from 13th 1911
..................... 'Vurtheim Issue of Enschedé & Sons, 24/90 see also Railways - postcards
..................... Overprinted 'V. R. I.', 152/vi & viii, 153/vii-viii
..................... Proofs, 75/61, 77/15
..................... Railway postcards - see Railways
..................... Small size Vürtheim postal stationery card, 190/12
..................... Stamps and Postal Stationery printed and despatched by Enschedé, 125/5-10
..................... With printed backs, 190/12; see also Picture postcards - Illustrated postal stationery cards
.......................... Used in 1900, 203/63
.......................... Used in 1901, 189/63
..................... Wrappers - see Wrappers
............. First issued of postcards, 185/32-33
...... 'Staatsdrukkerij te velde', 78/30-31, 83/60
...... Staats Courant cards - see Machadodorp - Proclamation Card
...... Union of South Africa - Audit of stocks after 1911, 81-82/27-28
...... Wrappers - see Wrappers
...... Zambaan's-land, 142/44, 146/iii
Postal stationery of Natal, 141/21
Postal Union, 79/59-63
Postcard rates - see Postage rates - Postcard rates
Postcards - see Picture postcards, Postal Stationery
...... Illustrated Second Republic postal stationery - see Picture postcards
...... Machadodorp cards - see Postal Stationery - Machadodorp cards
Poste Restante mail ["Till Called For"], 214/9-17 see also Returned Letter Office, Unclaimed Mail
'Posted late' handstamps, 116/xvi; see also Handstamps
Posted out of course - see Instructional markings
Poster Stamps, 161/34
'POSTZEGEL' overprint - see Bogus Stamps - Overprints, Postage stamps used for revenue purposes
Potgeitersrust, 44/103
Potgietersrust, short history of, 60/90
...... map location, 167/71
Postgids, 179/50 (Footnote.); see also Post Office Acts
...... Postgids maps - see Maps - Postgids
Postkantoor box holder taxed item cards -see Advice card
Postman - see Post Office staff – Postman
Postmarks - see Cancellers, Datestamps, Instructional markings, Machine cancellers, Pen cancellations, Railways - Travelling Post offices (T.P.O.s)
Postmaster-General - see Post Office staff
Postmasters - see Post Office staff
Potchefstroom, 44/101, 101/14, 167/58-61, 172/81-82; see also Cantonments - Potchefstroom, Post Offices - Potchefstroom
...... British Military O)ffice to 1902 - Telegraph service - Army Telegraphs - Offices
...... Datestamps and Handstamps, 96/66, 80, 100/95-96, 108/98, 114/67, 115/xi, 119,vii, 123/61, 126/28-29, 133/8 &14-15; see also Datestamps
...... Drawing of the, Landdrost, Post and Telegraafkantoor, 101/14
...... First Anglo-Boer War - see First Anglo-Boer War
...... Fleischack Collection at Potchefstroom University - see Fleischack Collection
...... Gold-rush - see Gold-rush
...... Jeppe, Herman, Post Book of the Postmaster of Potchefstroom, 133/6-9
...... List of covers previously published in The Transvaal Philatelist, 172/82
...... Map location, 167/59, 167/71
...... Name derived from, 55/69
...... Potchefstroom envelops - see Postal stationery - Envelopes - Potchefstroom (Jeppe)
...... Picture postcard showing the Hervormde, 167/66
...... Postal affairs in the ZAR, 133/5-6
...... Postal routes between Potchefstroom and Marico from 1872 - see Postal routes
...... Short extract from Cape Almanac of 1872), 65/19-21
...... Short note on, 60/89
...... Station, 143/79
...... Siege of, 162/43
...... Republic, 24/78
...... Telegram usage, 145/1-7
...... Transport link to Blaauwbank, 119/92
...... University - see Fleischack Collection of Potchefstroom University
Potgitersrust, 60/90
Pott, Gérard - see Consular-General of Mocambique
Premier Mine, short history of, 60/90
...... Datestamps, 219/53
...... map location, 167/71
Pre-stamp mail, 22/40-41, 24/86-87, 80/83, 94-95/36-37, 115/77-80, 120/133, 123/53-57, 124/77-80, 126/27-32, 127/67-71, 136/145, 149/22
...... 1841 from 'Kantoor van den Volksrand Pietermaritzburg, 215/13-16
...... 1846 addressed to H. Potgieter, 215/13-16
...... 1854 addressed to Volksraad in Lydenburg, 215/17
...... 1866 addressed to ZAR at Mooi River Dorp (Potchefstroom) 215/17
...... 1859? Potchefstroom, 215/18
...... 1869, Potchefstroom, 215/18
...... 1869, Potchefstroom to Landddrost Lydenburg, 215/19
...... 1883, From Kruger in Rustenburg to the Field-cornet for the Rustenburg- district, 215/19
...... 1875, posted from Maquasi (Makwassie) Potchefstroom, 215/20
...... Jeppe Potchefstroom datestamps - see Datestamps - First Republic - Jeppe Potchefstroom datestamps
...... Potchefstroom envelops - see Postal stationery - Envelopes - Potchefstroom (Jeppe)
Press Printing & Publishing Works, a letter - see The Press Printing & Publishing Works
Pretoria; 60/80-81, 167/59-71; see also Datestamps, Post Offices
...... Ambulance Corp, 182/70-71, 219/13-18
...... Asylums
............ A cover which may be the Lunatic or Leprosy Asylum, 118/xii
............ Leprosy Asylum, 196/24
............ Lunatic Asylum, 195/121-122, 196/24
............ Transvaal Asylums Board, 196/24
...... Becomes the seat of Government, 72/91
...... British Military Office - see Telegraph service - Army Telegraphs - Offices
...... Christmas card, 148/118
...... Convention, 167/60
...... Datestamps - see Datestamps - Pretoria
...... Early days, 21/16-24, 44/103
.......... Government building photograph 1875, 2121/19
...... History of the Post Office in Pretoria, 72/90-92, 73/8-11
............ Short history of, 60/90-91
...... Pretoria became the capital, 132/13
...... Pretoria Philatelic Society Golden jubilee Exhibition 1948 - see Philatelic Societies
...... Pretoria Station, 157/13-17
...... Pretoria weather, 171/65
...... Residency
............ British Military Office - see Telegraph service - Army Telegraphs - Offices
............ Datestamp, 150/48
...... Schoeman Street West, Pretoria - see Post Offices and Postal Agencies - Pretoria
Pretorius, Marthinus Wessel, 23/68, 192/73
...... House he never occupied, 72/291
President Street, Germiston (Native Office) postmarks, - see Datestamps - Colonial period -Double Circle datestamps - President Street, Germiston (Native Office)
Price lists (dealers), see Catalogues
Primrose, map location, 167/71
Premier Mine, 219/5-8; - see also Cullinan diamond
...... Postmarks - see Datestamps
Printers, see also Stamp Printers
...... Borrius - see Stamp Printers
............ Print Shop in Potchefstroom, 213/12-14
............ prints bank notes for the ZAR, 213/13
...... Burmester & Co., Printers, Bookbinders and Rulers, 104/101-103
............ Postcards see Burmester, W.E., Picture Postcards
...... de la Rue - see de la Rue, De La Rue [Ltd.]
...... Double print - see Postage Stamps - Second Republic issues - 1883 1d black
...... Enschedé and Sons - see Enschedé at BELGICA 72, Essays, Stamps, Stamp Printers, Forgeries - Cancellations, Datestamps, Handstamps, Unauthorised reprintings and overprintings - Enschedé and Mirza Hadi
...... Government Printing Works, Pretoria, 46/42; see also Printers - State Printing Works
............ 'Staatsdrukkerij te velde', Postal stationery cards, 46/49, 78/30, 83/60-61; see also Machadodorp - Proclamation Card, (Postal stationery) 7th June 1900
...... Moll, Cornelius, first Government Printer, 213/12
...... Otto, Adolph - see Otto, Adolph
...... Press Litho Works, Pretoria - see Thomson, W., Chief Artist, Press Litho Works, Pretoria
...... Printing & Publishing Works - see The Press
...... Rous, James Cooper, 155/59, 156/105; see also Stamp Printers
...... Schlumpf - see Printing - Printing of, Jeppe's 1899 map, 204/96
...... Second printing of the proclamation card - see First Anglo-Boer War - Second printing of the proclamation
...... State Printing Works; see also Printers - Government Printing Works, Pretoria
............ van Alphen letter to the Director of the State Printing Works 26 July 1900 - see Machadodorp - Proclamation Card, (Postal stationery)
...... State Printing Works in the Field, 78/30-31
...... Printers - 'Staatsdrukkerij te velde' - see Printers - State Printing Works in the Field
...... The Press Printing & Publishing Works
............ New Year Greeting Card, 195/125
............ The Press 'Printing & Publishing Works', a letter, 116/124-125 [The same letter is mentioned in 88/29]
............ Weinthal, Leo, manager The Press Printing & Publishing Works, Pretoria, a letter, 88/29, 116/124-125
...................... The Mphephu campaign, 121/11
...... Thomson, W. - see Thomson, W., Chief Artist, Press Litho Works, Pretoria Printing; see also Ruling
...... Cyanotype - see Picture postcards - Photograph type - Cyanotype prints
...... Damage to the face of the lead, 154/33
...... Dies and Plates used for the first printing of First Republic stamps, 24/76-77
...... Edwardian Stamps
............ Master Dies of the King, 60/98
............ Wear of electros - see Postal stationery - Edwardian issues - Wear of electros
...... Enschedé
............ Plate Production of the £5 Vurtheim stamps, 154/33; see also Postage Stamps - Second Republic issues
...... Kiss print - see "Kiss print"; see also Postage Stamps - Second Republic issues - 1883 1d black - Double print
...... 'Lay slur', 23/63
...... Layout within a forme, 63/54-56
...... Platen printing press, 208/14-15
...... Printing of the Machadodorp, Proclamation Card - see Machadodorp - Proclamation Card
...... Printing of, Jeppe's 1899 map, 204/96-97
...... Printing machines and plant
............ Field printing press, 78/30-31, 83/60
............ Litho, ordered during the Second Republic, 83/60
............ Moll, Cornelius, First Government printer, 213/12
...... Morden 21st fantasy items - see Forgeries (and reprints) - Revenue King Ed. V11
...... Punch marks - see 'Queen's Head' stamps - Punch marks
...... Set-off, 168/108, 183/85
...... ZAR Printing Works did not have adequate facilities, 22/42
Prisoner-of-war mail, 114/68
Private Brievenbussen - see Post Office Boxes
Private Letter Boxes - see Post Office Boxes
Privilege mail - see Official mail and stationery, Soldiers' letters
...... Portuguese Curator of Natives - Privilege Mail srr Portuguese Curator of Natives - Privilege Mail
Proclamation Card, 7th June 1900, 18/31; see also Machadodorp, Postal Stationery - Machadodorp cards
Proclamations - see The Transvaal Government Gazette
...... Postal Stationery - see Postal Stationery - Machadodorp cards - Staatscourant cards
...... Staatscourant - see The Transvaal Government Gazette
...... Pro-Boer party, 187/28 (Ref.27)
Proofs - see Essay and Proof and Colour Trials, Printing, Queen's Head Stamps
Propaganda Labels (Second Republic) - see Labels
...... 'Bibliophilist' - see Marsh, Victor
Public pillar-box - see Pillar-boxes & Wall boxes etc.
...... Burmester, W.E. & Co., 204/102
...... Moll, Cornelius, 156/162
...... Publishers of picture postcards) - see Picture Postcards
Punbuli - see Post Offices and Postal Agencies
Punch marks - see 'Queen's Head' stamps - Punch marks
Punching, piercing stamps on documents - see Revenue cancellations and datestamps - Punching
Putzel, Ralph, 133/2
...... postmark updates, 165/6; see also Payne, B., and Visser, A., ZAR and Transvaal date-stamps until Union: a working catalogue:
............ Obituary, 143/iv
'P.W.K. HEEN' and 'TERUG' datestamps - see Datestamps - Second Republic - 'P.W.K.' datestamps
'P.Z.' handstamps - see Handstamps - 'P.Z.' Handstamp in stamp margins, 'P.Z.' Handstamp - 'P.Z.' in circle
Pyramid, map location, 167/71


Quebec Act of 1774, 188/38
Queen Elizabeth II portraits on bogus stamps, 173/22
'Queen's Head' stamps, 110/37-42, 116/xvi, 118/ix, 137/22, 140/125, 147/vii, 147/53, 150/25-28, 151/77, 151/ 63- 77,153/1-9, 152/89, 160/68, 162/41-42; see also Essays
British Occupation Revenue stamps - Bradbury, Wilkinson issue, Privilege mail, 'Specimen' overprints, Watermarks
...... '1 PENNY' overprinted on 6d, 101/22, 104/99-102, 112/103-105
...... ½d duty with telegraph datestamp, 151/63
............ ½d duty proof and block of four, 200/32
...... 6d duty postage stamp, 204/86
...... 1s duty postage stamps, 195/99-102
...... 1878, Bradbury Plate Proofs, 67/62, 147/53
...... Bisects used during 1881, 24/84
...... Block of eight with blue target-type canceller, 151/63
...... Covers, 57/20 - see also Covers
............ Covers used by during the Second Republic with 'Queen's Head' stamps, 29/26
...... de la Rue essay of October 1877, 9/13
...... Double perforations, 63/53
...... Forgeries - see Fournier
...... Fournier Forgeries - see Fournier
...... Imperf along the outer edges, 53/11
...... late usage combination 1880 Transvaal Cover, 204/86
...... Lowe, R., (1973) Transvaal 1878-1880 - see Transvaal Study Circle's - Sales
...... Monograph by Robson Lowe [Transvaal 1878 printed by Bradbury, Wilkinson & Co. (1973)], 31/58, 32/84
...... One Shilling duty; see also Watermarks
.......... Die 1 and Die 2, 195/99-101
...... Proofs, 42/50-51, 200/32
............ Plate proof (6d) in blue, 168/89
..... 'Queens' Head, Bradbury, Wilkinson 1877 essays, 26/23-25, 48/99, 153/7-9, 157/12
...... Punch marks on intaglio printed stamps, 43/114-118, 195/100-102
...... Punching, piercing stamps on documents, 188/39-40; see also Revenue cancellations and datestamps - Punching
...... Revenue stamps, 60/99, 11/41-45, 12/69-71, 23/73, 42/50-56, 60/99, 140/123-126; see also Watermarks
............ Revenue and postage hand painted 1877 essays, 153/3-6, 153/12, 162/41-43
..................... Use of, 60/99, 140/124-127, 188/37
............ 'Queens Head' postage stamps used for telegraph stamps, 184/18
............ Signature of H. Rider Haggard, 140/123
...... 'Specimen' overprints - see 'Specimen' overprints
...... Used during the Second Republic, 43/63-64; see also Revenue
............ 'EEN PENNY' provisional (on 4d sage-green 'Queen's Head' stamp) of 1882, 21/2, 59/62, 103/78-84, 104/106, 114/66, 162/44
............ 1885 'HALVE PENNY / Z.A.R.' (surcharged in red) on 'Queens Head' Provisionals, 59/63-64
...... Used with Natal cancellations, 54/43
Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee in Johannesburg, 165/18-19

Railways, 22/32-40, 68/83, 122/xvii, 124/92-106, 167/60-70
...... 1890s organisation and transport, 68/83
...... Agricultural Parcel Post - see Agricultural Parcel Post
...... Airlie Railway - see Datestamps - Airlie
...... Alkmaar and Alkmaar Rail - see Post Offices and Postal Agencies - Alkmaar Station
...... Angelo Rail - see Datestamps - Colonial period - Double Circle datestamps - Angelo and Angelo Rail
...... Annysspruit Rail, 205/32
...... Apex Rail, 205/32
...... Ashbury Railway datestamp - see Union of South Africa
...... Balfour - see Balfour, Datestamps - Balfour
...... Balmoral Rail short note on date opened, 205/35
...... Bank Rail - see Datestamps
...... Barberton Rail, 205/38; see also Datestamps - Barbarton
...... Benoni junction datestamps, 205/41; see also Datestamps - Benoni
...... Bethal Rail datestamps, 205/43
...... Belfast Rail, 205/40
...... Bechwick Siding Rail, 205/38
...... Blackhill Rail datestamps - see Datestamps - Blackhill and Blackhill Rail
...... Bronkhorstspruit Railway - see Datestamps - Colonial period - Bronkhorstspruit Railway “RO” datestamp
...... Canada Station / junction datestamps - see Datestamps
...... Charlestown extension, 41/6-7
...... Central South African Railways (C.S.A.R.), 29/24, 58/39, 150/57-61, 183/91-94; see also Datestamps, Railways - Travelling Post offices (T.P.O.s)
............ 1909 stamp issue, 69/10, 123/73
............ Cancellation of postage stamps, 87/21, 91/52
............ Carrying mail, 91/50
............ Clerical Offices Stores Department photograph on private postcard, 169/24
............ European Mail, 160/69
............ Datestamps
.................... C.S.A.R. and S.A.R. datestamps, 111/77, 123/vi, 188/46
.................... S.A.R., datestamps, 111/77, 112/v, 113/vi-vii
............ Label with four CSAR stamps, 152/v-vi
............ Letter post, 87/20-21, 91/50-54
............ Manner of posting (1905), 87/20
............ Official mail and handstamps, 130/54, 135/114, 150/57-58; see also TPOs
............ Overprinted postage stamps, 18/38-39, 24/88-89, 141/iii-iv, 168/97, 183/91-94, 186/51
..................... Double 'C.S.A.R.' overprint may not exist, 186/54
..................... Forged overprints, 183/92-94
..................... No stop after 'R', 123/v
............ Weekly Traffic Notice No. 139 of 10th June 1905, 91/50-51
............ Weekly Traffic Notice No. 264 of 24th September 1907, 194/83
............ Weekly Traffic Notice No. 300 of 28th March 1908, 194/86
............ Parcel Stamp one penny, 50/50
............ Postcards and postal stationery cards, 92/67-78, 101/15, 101/24, 123/v-vi, 158/27-36, 194/78-92
..................... List of CSAR picture postcards, 194/91-92
..................... Remainders with reverse printed, 194/88-90
............ Posting letters at Railway Stationes (1905), 87/20
............ Station Master cancelling stamps, 91/52
............ 'Waybill' ('Parcels, Dogs etc., Waybill'), 152/vi-vii
...... Delagoe Bay to Pretoria line completed, 58/36, 167/61
...... Dates of formation of South African railways, 22/32-36, 58/35-39
...... Dullstroom box cancel, 200/38
...... Elsburg R.O. see Datestamp - Elsburg
...... Embabaan - see Swaziland
...... Embekelweini - see Swaziland
...... Endicott, 209/25
...... Enkeldoorn (Middelburg), 209/26
...... Enselberg - see Union of South Africa
...... Ermelo datestamp, 209/26
...... Eureka Station datstamp, 209/29
...... Ezulweni datestamps - see 209/29
...... Fortuna R.O. datestamps, 209/33
...... First line built by the British, 194/54
...... Forwarding of letters from one Railway Station to another, 100/91
...... Germiston Station Post Office - see Post Offices and Postal Agencies
.......... Datestamp, 124/97
...... Government-owned Railways amalgamated, 58/39
...... Groot Olifants River R.O. datestamp, 124/97
...... I.M.R. - see Imperial Military Railways
...... Hectorspruit Rail datstamp, 211/28; see also Datestamps - Hectorspruit
...... Jenkins' United South African Railway Guide, 168/96-97
...... Johannesburg Station, 'R.O.' datestamp, 214/24; see also Datestamps - Johannesburg
...... Junction Railway Store - see Picture Poscards - Breyten
...... Jupiter R.O. datestamp, 214/24; see also Datestamps - Jupiter
...... Kaalfontein datestamp, 214/25 see also Datestamps - Kaalfontein
...... Kaapmuiden railway station drawings, plan and picture postcard, 200/46
...... Kingswood Rail gatestamp, 214/29
...... Klip River Station and Klip River Rail - see Datestamps - Klip River Camp, Klip River Station, Klip River Rail
...... Kromdraai- see Datestamps - Kromdraai
...... Leeuwdoorns Station - see Datestamps - Leeuwdoorns
...... Leslie Rail datestamp - see Datestamps - Leslie
...... Lyttelton Junction (Lyttleton Junction) - see Datestamps - Lyttelton Junction (Lyttleton Junction)
...... Military Railways - see Imperial Military Railways
...... Minnaar railway opened - see Minnaar railway opened
...... Mountain View Railway Station, 91/53-54
...... Modderfontein, 147/62, 148/viii
...... Nancefield Rail Station datestamps, 218/25
...... Nelspruit Rail datestamp, 218/26
...... Nooitgedacht Rail (Caroline) datestamp, 218/29
...... Needle-perforated - see Perfins
...... Netherlands South African Railway Company (N.Z.A.S.M.), 58/36-37, 167/61, 200/43-47
............ Datestamps, 66/37, 38, 68/73, 124/94 & 97, 152/99
............ Drop letter, 148/106
............ "KROKODILPOORT" handstamp? see Handstamps - "KROKODILPOORT"
............ N.Z.A.S.M. handstamps, 68/73, 71/64, 200/43-47
............................... Dalmanutha, 200/43
............................... Dullstroom, 200/38, 200/43
............................... Driehoek, 152/100
............................... Kaapmuiden, 200/45
............................... Krugersdorp, 200/45
............................... Olifontsfontein, 200/45
............................... Pan and Pretoria, 200/45
............................... 'PAKKETTEN. / PRETORIA', 200/47
................................ Vlakfontein, 202/11-12
................................ 'ZUURFONTEIN', 202/11
..................... Boxed cancels
............................... Avoca, 200/44
............................... Boksburg, 152/100
............................... Pretoria, 202/12
............................... 'RANDFONTEIN', 202/13
............................... 'REITVLEI.', 202/12
............................... Station Roodekop, 200/44
............................... 'VAN DER MERWE', 200/44
............ Postcards
............ Postal Stationery cards
.................... Advice of goods cards, 123/71-73, 152/100
.......................... Locally printed, 124/92-93
.......................... Printing (1896 and 1897) of, 28/69-70
.................... ‘Kennisgeving van Aankomist’ (Notice of Arrival) larger size cards 1900, 124/92-93
............ Envelopes, 120/135-136, 147/57, 148/vii
............ Randfontein, 155/65-66
............ Telegraph - see Telegraph service - N.Z.A.S.M.
...... Oogie Rail datestamps - see Datestamps - Oogies, Ogies
...... Orange Free State Railway System, 58/35
...... Official oval handstamps
............ Central South African Railways, 150/58
............ Commissioner of Railways, 150/57
...... Olifantsfontein Rail datestamp, 219/33
...... Paardekop R.O. datestamp, 80/89
.......... Other datestamps 1904 to 1913, 219/37
...... Palmford, Palmford Rail, 219/38
...... Pan (Station) - see Pan (Station)
...... 'ONAFGEHAALD' handstamp, 214/14
...... Parcel stamps, 44/96, 124/105
...... Pienaars River datestamp, 124/96-97, 219/39
...... Postcards, 24/90, 92/67-78, 101/18, 101/24, 113/36, 114/70, 123,v-vi, 150/59, 156/vi, 158/27-36, 194/79-84
...... Perfins - see Perfins
...... Posting of letters to Railway Stations, 91/50-51
...... Pretoria to Cape and Orange Free State, 167/61
...... Pretoria to Delagoe Bay line completed, 58/36
............ Surveyed, 167/61
...... Pretoria to Pietersburg Railway, 58/38, 71/56
...... Railway letter post, 87/20-21, 91/50-54, 131/viii-ix
...... Railway loan, 144/119
...... Railway postcards, 28/69-70
...... Railway Pioneer Regiment, 147/63
...... Railway offices (datestamps inscribed 'R. O.', etc.), 120/137, 122/51, 124/96-97, 155/63-64
...... Railway-related correspondence, 153/viii
...... Railway stamps; see also postcards
............ Railway stamps of the Second Republic, 13/17-18, 29/23-25
..................... Perforated 'CS' over 'AR', 20/24-25
............ Railway stamps of the 2nd British Occupation, 16/84-8764/81-82
...... Railway Telegraphist, - see Spooner, Pte H.
...... Selati and Ermelo Railways, 58/38
...... Station handstamps, 124/94, 127/104, 200/43-47
............ Boksburg, 152/99-100
............ Denver, 150/60
............ Driehoek, 151/iv, 152/99-100
............ Rietvlei, 152/99
...... Single Circle Pretoria datestamp 9th January 1899, ??????? / 66, 37, 38
............ Camp PO see Datestamps - Bisley
...... Parcel Stamps, 150/52-53, 151/84, 152/v-vi
...... Randfontein datestamp, 155/65-66
...... Stencil-cut issues, 150/60-61
...... Telegraph service, 116/144
...... Travelling Post offices (T.P.O.s), 10/28-30, 22/37-40, 23/50-59, 124/95-96
............ 'R.P.K. HEEN', 23/51, 45/24, 54/24
............ Second Anglo-Boer War, 23/54
............ Cancel - 24mm in diameter cancel, 199/26-27
............ Cape Colony 1876, 20/79-80
...... Vlakfontein Railway Station (photograph) - see picture Postcards
...... Z.A.S.M. - see Railways - N.Z.A.S.M.
............ ZASM package notification ½d postal stationery card series - see ??
............ Parcel Stamps - see Railways - Parcel Stamps
...... Zululand Railway - see Zululand Railway
Raman, C. V. Sir, 164/111-114
Randfontein, short history of, 60/90
...... map location, 167/71
Randklipfontein, 153/28
Randtram, 21/21
'Rare Stamps of the World', Claridge's Hotel London, 115/iii-iv, 123/iii, 124/ix, 131/ii
'Rare stamp show 2000', Paarl, 136/iii-iv
Ras, Martinus Nicholas - see Artillery and Canons
Rayton, short history of, 60/90
...... map location, 167/71
Re-addressed / reposted mail, 89/1-14, 96/80-81, 104/109, 111/76-78, 133/28-34, 134/xv, 68/94, 170/47, 214/9-13
...... 1890s, 214/9-17
...... Cape Colony, 121/20-21, 122/x-xi
...... 'OFFICIEEL GEREADRRESSEERD' 214/11 see alsoReturned Letter Office, Unclaimed Mail
...... (to) Moodies Reef, 36/95-96
...... Natal, 128/134-135
...... 'TERUGGEPOST' handstamps, 133/28-34, 214/11
...... UK, 127/102-103
Redirected mail - see Re-addressed/reposted mail
Redirected mail requests to the Post Office, 199/5
References, bibliographies, maps, etc.; also see maps
..... London School of Economics (Library), 150/vii-viii
..... Philatelic Research - a basic guide, 168/104-107
...... Woolgar, J., 2008, (1): First republic Adhesive Stamps - Literature, 166/43-44
...... 2nd Border, 152/x
...... 2nd Queen's Royal Regiment of Foot, 144/120-122, 145/xiv
...... 6th (Warwickshires), 114/71-76
...... 9th, 128/56
...... 13th , 96/76, 107/84, 108/91, 125/18, 148/96-97, 166/31
...... 18th Hussars, 112/137
...... 58th, 96/76-7, 103/76-77, 148/100, 194/52
...... 59th, 148/116-167
...... 60th Rifles, 142/68-70
...... 80th, 107/85-6, 110/52-53, 111/v-vi
...... 94th 100/69-70, 102/27-43, 103/74-5, 194/52; see also Nairne correspondence
...... Cape Mounted Rifles, 143/94
...... Duke of Edinburgh Own Volunteer Rifles, 115/ix, 129/iii
...... Frontier Armed and Mounted Police, 152/102-104
...... King's Dragoon Guards, 96/77-78, 108/92, 148/99, 150/xi
...... Pulleine's Rangers, 152/102
...... Royal Engineers, 148/101-102
...... Staffordshire Volunteers (The) - see Regiments - 80th
Registered mail / Registration fee; see also Instructional markings, Compulsory registration, Handstamps,
...... 1859-1900, 103/63-71
.......... With oval datestamps, 103/65-67
...... Colonial period, 92/79-82, 106/56, 118/64, 120/138-139, 131/xiv-xv
.......... Acknowledgment of the delivery of a registered letter, 173/21
...... First British Occupation, 96/73, 138/xi
...... First Republic, 120/134, 135/viii, 140/97
...... 'G' size registered envelope overprinted V.R.I., 152/VI
...... 'GEREGISTREERD' handstamps, 133/21-25, 135/iv; see also Handstamps
...... Johannesburg handstamps, 213/17-20
...... Registered postcards, 134/x
...... Second Republic, 106/53, 125/20, 134/74-75
Reitz family, 39/63
Remhoogte, 122/34
...... Map location, 167/71
...... Triple-circle datestamps - see Datestamps - Colonial period - Triple Circle
Repaired Stamps, 168/109, 168/108-109, 183/102
Reprints - see Forgeries
Reposted Mail, 89/1-14, 133/28-34, 161/25-29
...... Johannesburg Re-post datestamps - see Datestamp - Johannseburg
Research a basic guide - see Philatelic Research - a basic guide, 168/104-107
Retailers; see also Stamp Dealers, Forgeries (and reprints) - 'London Gang', Unauthorised reprintings and overprintings - Enschedé and Mirza Hadi
...... Cullum Street, London - see Forgeries (and reprints) - 'London Gang'
...... Goldner, Julius - see Forgeries - Goldner, Julius
...... Juta, H.J., 1880s Pretoria, 147/iii
...... Kock & Co., 1880s Pretoria, 147/iii
...... M.Z. Booleman & Co. - see Stamp Dealers - M.Z. Booleman & Co.
...... Selling stamps, 147/iii; see also Sale of stamps from shops
...... Sold in shops, 21/20; - see also Post Office staff - de la Hunt, A.W., Sale of stamps from shops
...... Stuttaford & Co. - see Post Offices and Postal Agencies - Johannesburg - Stuttaford & Co.
Returned Letter Office, 60/78, 93/2-21, 100/91, 101/10-11, 107/87-88, 109/30-31, 120/139, 159/vii, 214/9
...... Cape Town, 143/92-93
...... Debit markings on short paid mail in the 1890s, 214/9-18
...... Incomplete addressed mail, 93/4-10
...... Johanneburg datestamps, 114/69, 213/25
...... Laws, 93/3-4
...... Pretoria, 220/29
...... Requirement to advertise undelivered mail in the Government Gazette abolished, 93/3-4
...... Unclaimed mail 1890s, 214/9-17


Revenue cancellations and datestamps; see also Cancellations, Datestamps, Revenue documents and ephemera, Revenue stamps
...... Punching, piercing stamps on documents, 188/39-40, 210/9-16
...... Punching, Revenue cancellations and datestamps - Punching, 188/39-40, 210/9
...... Punching, five-star, 210/9-14
Revenue documents and ephemera, 135/109-13; see also Native Labourer's Monthly Pass, Telegraph service
...... Acknowledgement of the delivery of a registered letter (1907), 173/21
...... Ammunition licenses used at Christiana, 188/37
...... Blasting Certificate 1903 to 1907 - see Blasting Certificates
...... Certificate of registration of ZAR a patent, 150/61-62
...... Dodd Collection of Revenue Stamps - see Collections
...... Marriage Licence of 1887, 116/145-146
...... Night Pass -see Wilkinson, Henry Straughan
...... Share certificates
............ 1892, Transfer of shares in Companies, 188/38-40
............ The United Langlaagte Gold Mining Company Ltd, 188/39-40
............ The United Langlaagte Gold Mining Company Ltd., share ccertificate issued during 1894, 188/39
............ Transfer of shares 1892 and 1895, 188/38-40
...... Summons issued at Wakkerstroom after 1880, 193/22
Revenue stamps, 6/6-7, 7/26-27, 13/14-21, 28/73-75, 42-50-56, 135/109-113, 140/117-131; see also Bogus, Customs handstamps and datestamps,
Railway Stamps, Union of South Africa, Zeerust & Postage stamps used for revenue purposes
...... Advertisement (colour) of Transvaal Revenues), 175/58-59
...... Bechuanaland, 101/12-14, 102/56
...... Bradbury, Wilkinson issue, 116/145-146, 151/63-66, 151/1-9, 192/41-42
............ 1s 6d used on cover 1893, 179/64
............ £20, colour advertisement, 175/58
...... Cheques
............ Bearing embossed stamps, 139/91-92
............ Cheque duty 2nd British Occupation, 69/11-12
...... Customs duty, 16/94-96, 23/60-61, 44/96, 109/29, 117/iii
...... Customs Permit 1890 and 1894, 13/19-21, 140/131
...... Dodd Collection - see Collections
...... Embossed types, 108/viii, 111/vii-viii, 127/103, 139/91-92
............ Cheque fee paid when cashed, 203/67
............ Drysdall’s Type 5, 203/66
............ Twee Shilling embossed and printed Revenue stamp, 203/66-68
...... First British Occupation - see 'Queens Head'
...... First Republic, 6/18-19, 8/46-47, 23/73, 42/50-52, 44/94-96
............ First adhesive revenue stamps, 140/121-125
............ First printed stamps, 44/95-96
............ Handmade Stamps, 44/94-95
...... Five star punches - see Revenue cancellations and datestamps - Punching
...... Forged Cancellations and Datestamps etc.
........... Perforations, 139/91
........... 'REGISTERED JOHANNESBURG', 170/37
........... Revenue 1d blue overprinted 'V.R.I.' cancelled at Rustenburg, 167/78
...... Forged Overprints, Telegraphs, 184/18-19, 187/16
...... Hand-drawn, 140/117-121
...... Hunt Collection, 128/127-130
...... Impression in wax, 109/xi
...... Interprovincial period, 88/35; see also Union of South Africa
............ Usage, 88/35-40
............ Deed of Transfer 1912, 190/16-17
............ Distributor of Stamps - see also Wilkinson, H.S.
..................... Letter, Da La Rue (15.12.1911), 88/35
..................... Return of stamps to the Distributor of Stamps, 88/36-37
............ Government Notice, No. 349 (15.8.1910), 88/35
............ Stamp combinations on revenue documents, 88/36-37, 190/16-17
............ Stocks January 1911, 88/36
............ Transvaal stamps one shilling and two shilling duties, 88/35-36
...... KE VII issues, 73/14-18, 116/141-142, 120/140; see also Revenue stamps - Interprovincial period
............ King Edward V11 modern 21st fantasy items - see Forgeries (and reprints) - Revenue King Edward V11
............ Stamped under correcting penalty, 137/23
...... Native Pass
............ Embossed Native Pass Stamp, 16/96
............ Native labourer's monthly pass - Johannesburg, 140/132-133, 161/23-24
...... New Republic (Nieuwe Republiek) see New Republic (Nieuwe Republiek)
...... Octrooi Brief, 150/61-62
...... Night-Pass - Wilkinson, Henry Straughan - Night-Pass
...... Overprinted 'V. R. / TRANSVAAL.', 110/47-49, 112/v
.......... Costs of overprinting, 151/65
...... Overprinted 'V. R. I.', 146/33
............ in manuscript, 111/80
............ 'POSTZEGEL' - see Postage stamps used for revenue purposes
...... 'Queen's Head' - see - 'Queen's Head', Revenue stamps - First British Occupation
...... Pass stamps, 16/94-96, 111/79-80, 140/132-133, 161/23-25
...... Passport stamps, 1900-1902, 16/94-96
...... Penalty stamps, 23/73-74, 28/?, 88/37
...... Postage and Revenue stamps, dual-purpose and De La Rue, 146/23-33
...... Postal use, 107/82, 108/122-124, 114/xii, 120/138-139, 122/50, 126/45, 137/21, 138/ix-x
...... Punching, piercing stamps on documents - see Revenue cancellations and datestamps - Punching
...... 'P.Z.' handstamp - see Handstamps - 'P.Z.' Handstamp in stamp margins
...... Railway Stamps - see Railways
...... Revenue and Postage stamps, dual-purpose and De La Rue, 146/23-33
...... Revenue stamps to be returned to the Distributor of Stamps March 1914, 88/36-37
...... Second British Occupation, ?/71-76, 15/71-776, 16/97-98, 23/78
............ Telegraph Stamps, 16/97-98, 184/18-20
...... Second Republic, 13/14-21, 35/63-65, 37/20-24, 144/117, 145/xi-xii, 148/114-115
............ 6d overprinted 'POSTZEGEL' - Postage stamps used for revenue purposes
............ Circular punches - see Revenue - Punches - Circular
............ Enschedé issues, the printing and delivery to the Controller, 125/5-7
............ First printed stamps, 44/96
............ Printing quantities of the Enschedé Revenue stamps 1893-1899, 37/20-24
...... Sold by the Post Office June 1900 to June 1902, 100/90
...... Stock in 1911, 88/39-40
...... Swaziland, 89/15-22, 130/59-60; see also 191/23
...... Wax seal used as a revenue stamp, 109/xi
Reviews and notices
...... A rain of lead; the siege and surrender of the British at Potchefstroom 1880-1881, 140/iii
...... ABOPhil postcards, 131/xvi
...... Bibliography of the philately and postal history of Natal and Zululand, 132/iv
...... Billig's Philatelic Handbook, Volume 36, (undated), The Encyclopaedia of British Empire Postage Stamps, The Empire in Africa, Part 1, 166/43
...... British Army postal cancellations of the Anglo-Boer War 1899 to 1902, 148/iv
...... Chinese Indentured Labour on the Witwatersrand Gold Fields illustrated by Picture Postcards published between 1904 and 1910, including an analysis
of postcard and covers, (2010) by Jeff Woolgar (2010), 178/27
...... De restanten en herdrukken van Transvaal / The remainders and reprints of Transvaal 1910-1912, 131/iii-vi
...... Die Machadodorp-briefkaarte van die anglo-Boeroorlog, 160/v
...... First Republic Adhesive Stamps, 166/43-44
...... Forerunners, 153/iv
............ CD-ROM, 167/52
...... Die Vryburg-seëls van die Anglo-Boereoorlog, 177/8-9
...... Early covers from the Zuid Afrikaansche Republiek / Transvaal; a census and analysis of the known covers 1870 -ca1885, 180/85
...... Germany Philatelic Atlas of South Africa (2014) [CD], by Andreas Birken, 191/24
...... Gibbons Part I (1989) - see Reviews and notices - Stanley Gibbons
...... Historical railway postcard journeys in southern Africa, 149/iii
...... Kruger’s Bluebacks, paper currency issued by the Zuid-Afrikaansche Republiek during the Boer War 1899-1902, 202/25
...... KRUGERSDORP (N), By Steve Hannath, 191/24
...... Letters to and from British Central Africa, North Eastern Rhodesia and Moçambique - the Fletcher Jones correspondence, 148/iv
...... Moments in the history of the Transvaal section of the Vredefort Dome from a philatelic perspective, 158/xvii
...... Orange Free State, Handbook, Vol.III, 58/27
...... Paper currency of the Anglo-Boer War 1899-1902, 133/iii
...... Picture Postcard, A Magazine of Philately, Travel, & Art, 184/15-17
...... Pioneer Postcards of South Africa 1896 – 1900, Stationery and non-stationery picture postcards of the Boer Republics, Cape of Good Hope and Natal, 203/47
...... Railway Stamps - see Railways
...... Rhodesia and the Second Anglo-Boer War, 132/iv
...... Siege of Potchefstroom, 159/viii
...... Something of a Novelty, Postcards of South Africa, 166/29
...... Specialist Society journals (2005), 153/iv
...... Stanley Gibbons
............ Stanley Gibbons Stamp Catalogue; southern Africa, 155/v
............ Stanley Gibbons Stamp Commonwealth Stamp Catalogue, Southern & Central Africa, First Edition (published 2012), 182/44
............ Stanley Gibbons Part I (1989), 88/28
............ Stanley Gibbons Commonwealth Stamp Catalogue, Southern & Central Africa (2015), 190/11
...... Swaziland Philately to 1968, 186/49; see also 184/9
............ E-book version, 191/23
...... The Closure and Restoration of Civil Postal Services in the Orange River Colony and Transvaal 1900 to 1902, by Richard Stroud, 208/11
...... The British Library Treasures in Focus - Stamps, 173/9
...... The Cape Post Office during the South African Anglo-Boer War of 1899-1902: 149/ii-iii
...... The Edwardian stamps of the South African colonies; the postage stamps and revenue stamps of the Cape of Good Hope, Natal, the
Orange River Colony and the Transvaal issued 1902 -1909, 153/iii-iv
...... The Legacy of Lydenburg, 170/28
...... The numeral in triangle obliterator of the Transvaal, 91/48
...... The Oates Correspondence, a postal history of Frank Oates’ travels in Matabeleland and Zambesia 1873-75, 87/2
...... The Post Office Militant 1899-1902, the Anglo-Boer War, (1981) by A.G.M. Batten, 64/99
...... The Postal History of the Burgher, Refugee and Concentration Camps of the Anglo-Boer War during 1900-1903 (2015), 190/10
...... The postal stationery of Natal, 141/21, 142/ii-iii
...... The postal stationery of the Bechuanalands and Botswana, 150/ix
...... The post offices of Transvaal to 1910, 109/iv
...... The postal history of the Orange Free State 1830-1900 by Robert Alison (2015), 193/12
...... The postmarks of South Africa and former states and colonies (C-D), 109/iv
...... The postmarks of South Africa and former states and colonies (T-Z), 150/viii-ix
...... The pseudo-siege of Sweizer-Reneke, 155/iii-v
....... The Queen's stamps, 151/iii
...... The remainders and reprints of Transvaal 1910-1912, 150/x
...... The Riddle of Rustenburg, 160/xvi, 162/38, 178/41-41
...... The Roodewal Incident - 7 June 1900, (1981?), by A.G.M. Batten, 65/3
...... The Runner Post, 153/iv-v
...... The Sherwood South Africa Revenue Stamps Catalogue, 58/27
...... The South African Philatelist, 150/ix
...... The Stamps and postal History of Northern Rhodesia 1963-65 by Alan R. Drysdall, 45/5
...... The Swaziland Commando, Anglo-Boer War 1899-1902: A philatelic documentation of the movements as described in the Hilhorst correspondence, 174/30
...... The tête-bêche varieties of Transvaal, 106/xi
...... The Transvaal Handbook Vol. 1, (1985) N. Meisel, 166/43
...... The Transvaal 'Spread Wings' 6d stamps 1870-1878. A plating and identification study, 199/13
............ An appraisal, 198/51
...... The travelling post offices of Imperial Military Railways, 128/132
...... The wherewithal of Wolmaransstad, 128/123, 131/vi-vii
...... Transvaal 1878-1880, (1973) R. Lowe, 31/58; see also Transvaal Study Circle - Sales - Robson Lowe, (1973) Transvaal 1878-1880
...... Transvaal; the provisional issues of the First British Occupation see Transvaal Study Circle - see The Transvaal Philatelist - Memoirs
...... Transvaal Gold to England by Registered Post in the 1890's, 78/30
...... Transvaal Study Circle, Publications - see Transvaal Study Circle - Memoirs, Transvaal Study Circle - Handbooks
...... Transvaal; revenue and telegraph stamps, 115/ii
...... Transvaal Philately, 88/23-25, 179/50; see also 190/3
...... Transvaal Postal Department Staff before and after the South African War, by Jeff Woolgar, 211/10
...... Waterberg Echoes, by Richard Wadley, published by Protea Boekhuis (Pretoria), Review by Tord Tutturen, 205/48
...... Websites, 167/52
Rhenosterkop, map location, 167/71
...... Farm number, 200/67
Rhenosterpoort - see Roodewal
...... Rhodesia Post Office Circular No.11 of 1904 - see Cancellers - Numeral-coded triangular cancellers
...... Transvaal stamps on mail from Rhodesia, 18/30
Richard Turner - see Chafford Mills
Richardson, E.W., editor of Picture Postcard, A Magazine of Philately, Travel, & Art, 184/15-17, 200/94
Rieckertsdam, map location, 167/71
Rietfontein, 135/105-107, 135/107-108; see also Datestamps
...... Established, 60/90
...... map location, 167/71
...... Mines, 119/vi, 135/107-108
Reitpoort, map location, 167/71
Reitviei, map location, 167/71
Rietfontein West? British Military Office - see Telegraph service - Army Telegraphs - Offices
Rissik, Johan, 53/14, 57/18
(River) Tsama River, 83/58-59
Roberts Heights; see Cantonments - Roberts Heights, Picture postcards
Roberts, Redvers, Lord, 219/26
Robertsham, short note on, 60/91
Robinson, Joseph Benjamin, (Sir), 125/12
Rockey Street - see Datestamps, Post Offices and Postal Agencies - Johannesburg - Rockey Street
Rolfontein, 139/68, 175/50-51
Roodebank, map location, 167/71
Roodedraai, map location, 167/71
Roodegrond, map location, 167/71
Roodekop, map location, 167/71
Roodepoort, short history of, 60/92
...... map location, 167/71
...... Photo postcard of town following a snow storm, 201/77
Roodewal (Rhenosterport), 139/71
Rooidraii (sic) British Military Office - Telegraph service - Army Telegraphs - Offices
Rooigrond - see Goshen Republic - History of
Rooijanjesfontein, map location, 167/71
Roosenekal, short history of, 60/91
...... Roossenekal proving cover - see Cancellers - Numeral-coded triangular cancellers - Roossenekal
Roosisloot, map location, 167/71
Roos Senekal, map location, 167/71
Rosettenville, short history of, 60/91
Roughway Mills (paper), 151/74
Roulette - see Perforations and Roulette - Roulette (Pin-rouletted stamps)
...... Wide roulette with a difference, 202/14; see also Forgeries (and reprints) - Roulette
Royal Collection - see Collections - King George V
Royal Mail "Smilers" - see Transvaal Study Circle - Stamp - Royal Mail "Smilers"
Royalty and Transvaal stamps
...... 'Transvaal' Edwardian essays for Great Britain stamps - see Great Britain - 'Transvaal' Edwardian essays
'R.P.K. HEEN' - see Datestamps - Second Republic - 'P.W.K.' datestamps
R.S.M. Saxon, 108/105
...... Machine pen-ruled or disc-ruled, 104/101-103
Runner Post
...... Lydenburg and Laydsdorp during 1900, 78/36-37
...... Payment of Wages 1900, 78/38, 40
Rupublic of Wolfshoek see Wolfshoek
Rustenburg, 11/52-55, 12/65, 13/21, 15/71, 53/10; see also Post Offices and Postal Agencies
...... 1900 cover, 58/31
...... British Military Office - see Telegraph service - Army Telegraphs - Offices
...... 3d block of six, 49/4
...... Forged datestamp, 150/52
...... Gosling, J.R., Auction, 105/22
...... map location, 167/71
...... P.W.K. datestamp - see Second Republic Second Republic - 'P.W.K.' datestamps
...... 'RUSTENBERG' (misspelt) datestamp, 102/59-60
...... Handstamps, 144/155-156
...... Revenue stamps, 35/63-65
...... Surrender by Field Cornet Piet Kruger, 178/41
...... Town proclaimed, 60/91
...... Overprinted 'V. R.' in black, 150/51, 178/41
Rustpaats, map location, 167/71
Rutherford, B., 121/11, 122/ix

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