The Transvaal Philatelist: 1966 to November 2024

Issue numbers 1 to 220

Subject Index A - F

All references are in the form of - issue/page number(s)
i.e. 150/45

A - F ---- G - O ---- P - R ---- S - Z ----

---- Index Menu ---- Abbreviations ----

Initial Letter A - F --- A | B | C | D | E | F

50 years of the Transvaal Study Circle - see Transvaal Study Circle - History of the Study CIrcle - 50th
AA, postcard publisher, 150/45
Abner Cohen - see Cohen, Abner
ABOPhil, 132/ii-iii
ABPS - see The Association of British Philatelic Societies
Accountancy marks, 13/27-41, 15/63-70, 16/101-102, 18/35-37, 20/68, 21/82, 24/82, 31/60-61, 33/7-9, 36/86-87, 41/7-8, 50/35, 72/95, 75/62, 112/vii, 119/80-81, 125/16, 20, 126/46-47, 50, 126/46-47/55
...... Bechuanaland Protectorate Cover, 17/4
Ad. Sonn - see Stamp Dealers - Ad. Sonn
Ackhurst, J., Post Agent - see Post Office staff - Ackhurst, J.
Acts - see Postgids, The Transvaal Government Gazette, Staatscourant
Acutt correspondence - see Tati Goldfields
Abbreviations used in the text and/or index of The Transvaal Philatelist
...... 4/40, 77/5; see also Abbreviations
Addresses to Congress
....... 1995 (Alan Drysdall - Combination covers), 116/ix
....... 1996 (Leo Crandel - Youth philately, etc.), 121/ii
Adolph Otto - see Otto, Adolph
Adhesive; see also Stamp adhesive
...... Long and short gum (envelopes), 177/10
Advertised and published mail, 214/9-17 - see Returned Letter Office, Unclaimed Mail
Advertisements from other sources
...... Booleman & Co., M.Z., January 1895, 177/21
...... Davis & Sons, P., Maritzburg & Durban, 1885, 112/120
...... Humber Cycle Depot, Johannesburg, 193/42
...... Senf advert from the 24th July 1897 edition of The Stamp Collectors' Fortnightly, 173/13
...... The Circus Stamp Company, 184/16
...... Williams' W., Passenger Cart between Rustenburg & Pretoria, 112/115
Advice card, Postkantoor box holder taxed item, 152/98, 187/21; see also Post Office Boxes
Aerial Post - see Air Mail, Kenilworth to Mulzenberg first South African Aerial Post
Agents, Forwarding 124/110-112
Africa III - see Yardley, R. B., quotes from Africa III
'Africa' stamps - see Essay and Proof and Colour Trials - 'Africa' stamps by de la Rue
Afrikaans language, 3/31
Afrikander Mine 1912 - see Datestamps - Colonial period - Double Circle datestamps
A.G.M. - see Transvaal Study Circle - A.G.M., Minutes and Annual Reports
Agricultural Parcel Post
...... Agricultural Parcel Post system, extract from a memo of the Post Office, 100/91
...... 1908 report from the Johannesburg Chamber of Commerce, 186/68
Air Mail, First South African Air Mail, 13/23, 14/46-47, 18/32, 47/69-70, 55/61, 63/50
...... Air crash 1913 Kimberley to Bulawayo, 47/70, 54/30
Aerial Post - see Air Mail
Airlie, locality, 167/71
Albania, Province of, 120/142
Albasini, Joao, Settlement, 85/9-12; see also Postal Routes - 1858
Albasini's Place - see Spelonken
Alberto Philippe - see Collections - Philippe, Alberto
Alberton, 53/12; see also Postmarks - Alberton
Alcock correspondence, 106/51, 108/92, 110/50-51, 111/iv-v, 112/115, 122/47, 126/36, 126/41, 48 & 52-53, 132/126-127, 144/106-107; see also Combination covers, Transvaal Natal
Alex. A. Osborn - see Handstamps - Alex. A. Osborn, Osborn, Alex. A., (Postmaster, Johannesburg)
Alexandra Buildings - see Picture postcards - Alexandra Buildings - Illustrated Second Republic postal stationery cards
'Alfred H. Caspary' Auction - see Auctions
Algoapex, 144/iv-v
...... 1877 - see Jeppe, Friedrich - Almanac & Directory for 1877
...... Cape Almanac 1872, 65/19
Alkmaar, locality, 167/71
Allisonia, locality, 167/71
Albasini's Place - see Mission Stations - Spelonken
Almmaar, 53/12
Alpha, 107/80; see also Kongolona
Amalgamating the four Colonial Postl Departments, 81-82/12-36
Ambulance Corps - see Second Anglo-Boer War - Ambulance Corps
American Civil War, 124/110-112
Amersfoort, 53/12; see also Datestamps - Amersfoort
...... locality, 167/71
Ammunition licenses - see Revenue documents and ephemera - Ammunition licenses
Amphilex, 143/ii
Amsterdam (Transvaal & South African Republic), 53/12, 121/1-3; see also Post Offices and Postal Agencies
...... location, 167/71
Angelo and Angelo Rail - see Datestamps - Colonial period - Double Circle datestamps
Anglo Boer War - see First Anglo-Boer War, Second Anglo-Boer War
Aniline ink - see Postage Stamps, including those used for both postage and revenue - Edwardian issues - 1d. printed in Aniline ink
Annexation of 1877, 120/111-112, 143/80-86 & 87-90, 144/112-114, 162/41-43, 167/60, 192/73
Annual General meeting - see Transvaal Study Circle - A.G.M., Minutes and Annual Reports
Annual Reports of the Postmaster-General - see Post Office
'aan Vaalriver', 194/51; see also Standerton
Annysspruit, 124/89-90; see also Post Offices and Postal Agencies
...... (Anysspruit) location, 167/71
Ardentinny - see Union of South Africa
Argent - see Union of South Africa
Ariston datestamp, - see Union of South Africa
Approval books (1913), 183/95-97
'AR' - see Instructional markings
Arcadia, Almmaar, 53/12
Archer, A - see Post Office staff
Archie Atkinson floating trophy - see Awards and Honours
Argentina, 102/61
Army Mail / Letters - see Soldiers' letters - First British Occupation of the Transvaal, Offical Mail
Army Post Office - see Military mail
Army Post Office Corps, Post Office sorting list - see Military mail
Army Telegraphs - see Telegraph Service
Army Telegraphs cancellations used postally - see Telegraph service - Army Telegraphs
Arrival of the mails, 73/10, 143/76; see also Mail Coach - Bugle calls
Association of British Philatelic Societies - see The Association of British Philatelic Societies
...... Lunatic or Leprosy - see Pretoria - Asyums
...... Transvaal Asylums Board - see Portoria - Asyums
Ardagh, Sir John, Director of Military Intelligence, 204/95-97
Artist-drawn postmarks, 103/73; see also Picture postcards - Cartoons
...... Artillery and Canons, 199/14-15
...... Haenertsbury gun, 158/39
Athalia - see also Datestamps, Post Offices and Postal Agencies
...... Renamed 'de Grens', 188/36
Athene or Minerva 'Head' - see Essay and Proof and Colour Trials - 'Africa' stamps by de la Rue
Atlee, W., Dudley, Correspondence 1870 to Jeppe, Friedrich, 46/32-35
Atty, Lt. L., 144/120-122, 145/xiv
Auctions; see also various named sales
...... 'Alfred H. Caspary' New York, (26.2.1958), 12/66-68, 13/12-13
...... Argyll Etkin Limited, 179/53, 180/71
...... 'Beaumont' sale (02.02.1966) Robson Lowe, KE VII G.B. 'Transvaal' Essays, 7/32
...... Caspary, Alfred H. - see Auctions - 'Alfred H. Caspary' New York, (26.2.1958)
...... Crocker, David, sale by Robson Lowe, 5.11.1993, 61/9-10
...... Dunnett, 41/83
...... Hadlow W., British & Colonial Fiscal & Telegraph Stamps, 7 April, 1905, 136/124-126
...... Ernest Hunt sale of New Republic see Auctions - Hunt, E.
...... Ferrari, (08.11.1923), 16/91-93
...... Gosling Collection of Transvaal (1992) - see Collections - Gosling, J.R.
...... Hind (Arthur) collection sold 14th June 1934, 19/61-61
...... Hunt E., Sale of New Republic, 18/33
...... Internet sales, 188/45
.......... Transvaal wrappers, 179/59-61
...... Pearce, R, Gold Medal collection, 41/13-16
...... Philippe, Alberto, 43/88-90
...... Realisations for other Postal bid sales, 83/49, 84/66-72, 91/64, 103/viii, 105/x,109/xii, 112/iv, 121/iv, 127/iii, 130/x, 134/x, 139/iii, 150/x
...... Robson Lowe, 14th December, 1982, 69/17-21
...... Stephan Welz, 06.09.00, 136/137-141
...... Spink & Sons
............ Alan Drysdall Collection, 01.03.2006, 158/23-25, 158/26
..................... Prices realised 158/xiii-xiv, 159/iv
..................... Selected stamps from lot no.1358, 168/108-109
............ Change of ownership, 142/iii
............ Peter van der Molen Swaziland Collection (20.05.2015), 191/23
............ Swaziland (12.03.1997), 122/42-45
............ Talbot Cox (2016), 195/94, 195/98
...... Transvaal Study Circle Postal bid sales, 192/61
............ 1980, Notice of First Auction, being a Joint Postal Auction with the Orange Free State Study Circle, 58/26
............ 1981, Notice of Second Joint Postal Auction with the Orange Free State Study Circle, 62/26
............ 1982, Notice of Third Joint Postal Auction with the Orange Free State Study Circle, 66/30
..................... 1982, October, prices realised, 68/69
............ 1983, Notice of forth Joint Postal Auction with the Orange Free State Study Circle, 70/24
..................... October, prices realised, 73/4
............ 1984, August, prices realised, 75/52
............ 1985, February, prices realised, 76/no page number
............ 1995, Postal Bid Sale Realisations, 115/vi
............ No. 11, 161/30-34 and prices realised, 163/63
............ No. 12, 163/80-82 and prices realised, 164/89
............ No. 13, 168/111-112 and prices realised, 169/9
...... Selling through retailers, 147/iii
Auditor-General (Z.A.R.), Bergsma, H.C., 20/76-79; see also Stamp Commission
Augustin, W., - see Picture Postcards - Cyanotype prints
Avis de réception, 92/82, 106/55-56, 122/49
Automatic Machine Cancellers - see Machine Cancellers
Avoca, 76/77-78, 124/94; see also Post Offices and Postal Agencies
Awards and Honours, 17/5, 20/75, 22/27-28, 26/22, 28/64, 84/64, 86/24-5, 91/61-62, 97/ii, 98/iii, 100/97, 104/ii, 105/v, 108/iii, 109/iii-iv,
112/ii-iii, 113/ii, 114/vii, 115/ii, 116/ii & vi, 120/iii, 123/ii, 124/iv, 132/ii, 136/v-vi, 138/vi, 158/x, 140/ii-iii, 144/i-v,145/ix,
148/ii-iii, 149/ii, 152/ii, 153/ii,155/iii, 156/iv, 160/iv, 164/86, 165/8, 166/28, 168/83,173/8 & 11, 176/78, 182/42, 183/74-75, 186/48, 189/55,
192/46; see also Major Ian B. Mathews, Members, Transvaal Study Circle - Members
...... Archie Atkinson floating trophy, 173/11
...... Jørgensen, L., Paris - Salon du Timbre 2012, 182/42
...... Leeflang, B., Bloemfontein 2009 National Stamp Show, 173/11
...... Philatelic Federation of South Africa Congress Awards, 121/ii,124/iv, 128/iv, 136/v,144/iv, 160/iv, 164/86, 169/10, 172/74-76, 180/70
...... Philatelic Federation of South Africa Congress Awards sponsored by the Transvaal Study Circle; see also Members
............ The Tony Chilton Transvaal Award, 148/iii, 169/11, 186/48
............ Transvaal Study Circle Gold Award, for best articles, 120/ii, 132/ii, 136/v, 158/x, 152/ii, 161/8, 169/10, 172/75-76, 176/78, 180/70
............ Transvaal Study Circle Silver Award, for best articles, 120/ii, 132/ii, 136/v, 156/iv
...... The Transvaal Philatelist, 167/48-49
............ Society Journal of the Year, 167/48-49, 168/86
............ STAMPEX 1984, 73/1
...... (The) Stamp Show 2000, 134/76

Babanango area, 107/80
Badfontein, location, 167/71
Backhouse, 120/142
Badplaas - see Warmbath
Bag Fees 1905-1909 - see Post Office - Bag Fees
Bag seals, 57/5-12, 133/12, 146/37
...... Bronkhorstspruit, 144/117
...... German? (Boer War), 57/16
...... Johannesburg, 116/143-144
...... Komati, 105/25-26
...... Llanwarne, 77/2, 185/40
...... Wolhuterskop, 38/35
Bagot, Water L., Major, Administrator of Civil Posts, 8th July 1900, 100/90, 191/25-29
............ Signature on cover, 191/27
Bailey, Corp./ Serg. J.J., 110/52-53
Bakker Express, 8/49, 14/47-48, 21/88, 24/88, 57/19, 91/56-58, 113/vii, 113/15-18, 127/91
'Bald eagle' variety, 97/9, 168/108
Balfour, 53/12
...... Datestamps to Union, 205/34
...... location, 167/71
...... History of the Postal Agencies 1874-1905, 205/13-24
Balmoral, location, 167/71
Balmoral Military - see Telegraph service - Army Telegraphs - Offices
Bambata Rebellion of 1906, 106/37-39
...... and Dinuzulu, 218/12
...... Photograph of men serving with the Field Signals Company, 106/x
Bank, 136/123
...... Datestamps 205/35
...... location, 167/71
Bankfontein, 122/29, (There is also a note, 205/25)
Bankkop, 122/29
Banknotes, 153/23
Bankop, location, 167/71 see also Datestamps - Bankop
...... Cheques - see Revenue stamps - Cheques
...... Standard Bank
............ 1877, 143/87, 193/29-33
............ Cape Town branch - see Wilkinson, Henry Straughan - Working at the Standard Bank Cape Town
...... Johannseburg Savings Bank datestamps - see Datestamps - Johannesburg
Bannister, Frederick - see Forgeries (and reprints) - 'London Gang'
Banque Philatelico Antiquaire, Mirza-Hadi letter to Emil Tamsen, 17/9; see also Unauthorised reprintings and overprintings - Enschedé and Mirza Hadi, Tamsen
Bapsfontein, location, 167/71; see also Datestamps - Bapsfontein
Baragwanath, 53/13
Barnett, Joseph and David, 187/23
...... Photographs by Barnett of Johannesburg
............ Dynamite Explosion, 202/27
Barperspan, location, 167/71
Barberton, 53/13-14, 109/x, 218/16-18
...... Barmaids, 218/18
...... location, 167/71
...... Marks and Lewis building photograph, 218/17
...... Number of troops during 1904, 167/67
...... Town proclaimed, 218/16
Barotseland, 132/122-125
Barred Oval - see Cancellers - Numeral-coded barred-oval (BONC) cancellers
Barrington, Hon. Henry, 141/39-40
Basutoland, 112/141-142, 125/23-24, 129/iii; see also Gun War
...... Interprovincial Period, 81-82/29-36
...... Missionary mail, 142/62-65, 147/56, 148/88-90
...... Postal fiscal, 101/12-14, 102/56
...... Postcard from Peru, 146/44
...... Warren, Sir Charles, 56/78; see also Goshen, Stellaland
Beerlaagte, location, 167/71; see also Datestamps - Beerlaagte
Berinderlyn, location, 167/71
Belfast, Transvaal, 53/14, 113/26, 113/27
...... location, 167/71
...... Military - Telegraph service - Army Telegraphs - Offices
Bergplaats - see Post Offices and Postal Agencies
Bernichon, Jules, letter (27.05.1911) - see Unauthorised reprintings and overprintings - Enschedé and Mirza Hadi
BELGICA 72 - see Enschedé
Belgica Philatelic Exhibition (1972) - see Enschedé
Bell, Col. Sir John, 137/30
Benjamin, Alfred - see also Forgery (and reprints) - 'London Gang'
...... Release from prison, 71/51
Bennett, Thomas, 122/52
Benoni, location, 167/71
Beresford, Capt. Chas F.C., 96/78-79, 104/vii, 113/28-29, 148/101-102, 151/iv
Beresford, Brig.-Gen. Sir W. Carr, 142/68-69
Bergen, 124/90; see also Post Offices and Postal Agencies
Bergendal, 113/24-27
Bergendale, History of, 53/15
Bergplaats - see Datestamps, Post Offices and Postal Agencies
Bergvlei datestamps - see Datestamps
Bergsma, H.C., Stamp Commission, 20/76-79; see also Stamp Commission
Bergvlei, location, 167/71
Berlin Missionaries, 130/67, 131/x, 132/129-30, 199/24; see also Missionary mail, Mission Stations
...... Berlin Society and Ludwig Krause, 220/11
Bethal - see Datestamps, Railways
Bethal, location 53/15; see also Datestamps, Railways
Bethanie, Post Card written from (1890), 38/35; for datestamps - see Datestamps
Beurs, Johannesburg (including the General Post Office)
...... Wall post box, 8/42; see also Pillar-boxes & Wall boxes
...... Postmarks - see Datestamps- Second Republic - De Beurs<
Bremersdorp - see Swaziland
Berne Collection, National Postal Museum, 115/104
Bierma, Dick Douwe - see New Republic - Bierma
Bertrams, 53/15
Bethanie, 53/15; see also Datestamps
...... location, 167/71
Bezuidenhort Valley history, 53/15; see also Datestamps - Johannesburg - Bezuidenhort Valley
'Bibliophilist' (pseudonym) - see Marsh, Victor
Biesjesvlei, location, 167/71
...... Biesjsvlei datestamps - see Datestamps
B.J. Bing grass seed correspondence, 201/88-89
Biography - see Philatelic Biography
Birdwood, Lord, 154/39
Birmingham Philatelic Society, 183/95-97
Birthday (mine) 83/58-59
Bisects; see also Combination covers and pieces
...... Bisects used during 1881, 24/84
...... Bisect on Combination Cover, 39/60-61
...... First British Occupation, 112/138, 126/48-51, 126/53-54, 138/45-49, 150/26, 168/109
...... First Republic, 31/62, 94-5/47, 98/24, 126/39-40, 127/67, 138/45-49, 152/96, 159/vii, 160/65
............. Cover posted at Ventersdorp 1887, 53/8
............. Government Notice no.76, 1879, 160/65
............. One Shilling on cover, 64/94, 64/95, 104/98-101
............. Revenue Stamp, 7/27
............. With Upsal cancel, 159/vii
...... Second Republic, 71/54, 101/23, 107/75, 127/88-89, 138/45-49, 143/92-93, 151/82
.......... Addressed outside the Republic, 127/88-89
Bisected Stamps - see Bisects
Bishop, Percy C., 53/7, 143/90-91; see also Watermarks - 'ZA / R', for the Kruger Essays/stamps of 1899
Bisley postmark - see Datestamps - Colonial period Bisley
'Blauwbank' datestamps - see Dateastamps - Second Republic - Double-circle types- Blauwbank
Blaauwbank, [west of Krugersdorp] 53/16, 119/91-94
...... 'Blauwbank' datestamps - see Datestamps - 'Blauwbank'
...... Datestamps - Squared octagon - Blaauwbank
...... location, 167/71
...... 1905 datestamps - see Datestamps - Double-circle types - Colonial period - Double Circle datestamps - Blaauwbank
Blaauwbank, [north west of Pietersburg] datestamp, 206/22
Black miners see Swaziland - Danial
Blasting Certificate, 181/32-33, 185/42, 186/66-67
...... 1903, 143/advertisement
...... First Adhesive stamp applied, 186/66
Bloemfontein 2009 National Stamp Show, 173/11
Bloemhof, 53/16, 139/65; see also Keate Award Line, Post Offices and Postal Agencies - Bloemhof
...... Location, 167/71; see also Datestamps
...... Map, 167/map
Bloedrivier - see Umvunyana
Blokland - see van Blokland, J.,
Blood River, 46/44
Blue view - Picture postcards - Photograph type - Cyanotype prints
Bluebacks, 158/37-42
Boegman, Gerrit Jan - see Post Office staff
Bouguereau, William Adolphe (Marsh, Capt., F. Courtenay), 203/73

Bogus Stamps; see also Fantasies Stamps, Forgeries
...... King Edward VI, 191/37
...... Left Facing Eagle, 204/80-81
...... Modern fantasies with Portrait of Queen Elizabeth II, 173/22
...... Overprints
............ 'POST ZEGAL', 44/119
............ 'POSTZEGEL', 44/118-120; see also 41/18-22
..................... Boxed, 44/120
............ 'V.R.I. on 1d 1895 commemorative, 163/80
............ 'Z.A.R. / ENN PENNY.' on a Natal 1d stamp, 39/54
...... Tamsen, Emil, letter of 1911, 28/81-84
...... Tête-Bêche in orange (First Republic type), 39/57
Bokkraal farm, 200/67
Boksburg, location, 167/71
Boksburg Military - Telegraph service - Army Telegraphs - Offices
BONC - see Cancellers, Cancellers - BONC - Barred Oval
Bonnefoi, location, 167/71
Booklets - see Postage stamps, Edwardian issues
Boer War - see First Anglo-Boer War, Second Anglo-Boer War
Book reviews - see Reviews and notices
Books - see Philatelic Bibliography
...... Books published by the Tansvaal Study Circle - see Tansvaal Study Circle - books
Booleman, M.Z. - see Stamp Dealers - Booleman, M.Z.
Booysens, 53/17
Bosbokrand, History of, 54/34
Boschpan, location, 167/71
. Boshoek, History of, 54/34
Boschpoot, location, 167/71
Bosmandpan, location, 167/71
Bosmanffontein - see Post Offices and Postal Agencies - Bosmanffontein
Bosmansrust, location, 167/71
Borrius, Jack (Jan), 213/12-15
Borrius, (Jan) Johannes Philppus Borrius - see Stamp Printers - Borrius, Johannes Philippus (Jan)
...... Death, 213/13-14
...... His newspapers, 213/12-14; also see Newspapers
...... Printing the Paardekraal in 1880, 213/13.
Botha, Louis, (General), 218/14
...... 1907 Election - see Elections - Transvaal Colony Legislative Assembly 20th February 1907
Bothabelo, History of, 54/34-35
Bothsabelo, 199/53-25
Botsabelo, 139/66
...... Eyssel, Mathinus, Postmaster, 139/66
...... Postal routes between Pretoria and Botsabelo from 1872 - see Post routes
Bothaskraal - see Kraal
'Bourne Head', see Griqualand West, 'Queens Head'
Box Keys - see Post Office Boxes - Box Keys
Boxburg, 53/16-17
Braamfontein, History of, 54/35
Bradbury, Wilkinson & Company - see Postage Stamps, Eassy, Postage Stamps - First British Occupation issues, 'Queens Head', Griqualand West
Brakfontein, 122/29
Brakkloof, location, 167/71
Brakpan, History and location, 54/35, 167/71
Brandspruit, location, 167/71
Braune & Levy - see Picture postcards - Braune & Levy
Bremersdorp - see Swaziland
Bronkhorstspruit - see Military mail - Greylingsstad, Telegraph service - Army Telegraphs - Offices
Bramley, History of, 54/35
Brandis, Carl von, 172/83-86
Brereton, 124/90
...... location, 167/71
Breyten, 44/101, 122/29
...... History and location, 54/35, 167/71; also see Lead Mines or Leadmines
...... Picture Poscards - see Breyten - Picture Poscards
Breyton, 55/68; see also Breyton, Lead Mines or Leadmines
Brickfields - see Bubonic plague
Brighton Forgeries, 159/60
Britannia - see 'Africa' stamps
'Britannia Waives the Rules', 42/49-56
British Association for the Advancement of Science, 1905 meeting, 115/98-103, 132/130
British Electric Automatic Machine Company Ltd. early in 1912 - see Postage Stamps - Edwardian issues - Coil stamps - Attached to a coil leader
British-German Legion, 172/83-84
British Guiana - see Second Anglo-Boer War - Cover addressed to British Guiana
British Parliamentary Debates - see Hansard
British India Steam Navigation Company - see Shipping Lines
British Library (The), 94-5/53-58, 115/104, 122/vii, 124/v, 151/iii, 124/v, 170/34-35, 178/42
...... Catalogue error, 189/66
...... Collections, 94-95/53-58, 115/104, 122/vii, 124/v, 151/iii, 170/34-35, 178/42
...... Crawford Library, 177/18, 177/22, 189/66
............ Snippets from the Crawford Library held at The British Library, 201/93
...... The British Library papers, 202/4-5
...... Exhibitions (Philatelic) - see Exhibitions, Philatelic
...... Foreign and Commonwealth Office Collection, 152/89-90
...... The British Library Treasures in Focus - Stamps, 173/9
...... Mosely Collection, 144/vii, 141,v, 189/34
............ Mosely, Ermelo and Caroline Local postage stamps District, 14/46
...... Tapling, T.K., 52/89, 94-95/53-58, 176/72
...... Removed poststamps from incomming reports 1908 to 1910 - see British Museum
British Museum
...... Removed poststamps from incomming reports 1908 to 1910, 203/64-65
...... Transvaal Study Circle - Meeting - see Transvaal Study Circle - Meetings - London - (The) British Museum, (15.10.1966)
...... The way reports were recived in the early 1900s - see British Library (The) - Catalogue error
British Philatelic Association, 45/3, 45/6, 115/109
British Philatelic Exhibition
...... 1983, 71/45
British Philatelic Federation, 1934 Congress, 113/20, 114/47, 115/82
...... 1982 Congress, 68/70-71
...... Fee rise from £1.05 to £3.00, 31/57
British Postal Museum and Archive, 153/v
British Resident, Transvaal State, 121/11, 122/ix
British-German Legion, 172/83-84
Brits, History of, 54/36
Brixton, Transvaal, History of, 54/36
Bronkhorstspruit, 144/117
...... History and location, 54/36, 167/71
Brooke correspondence, 112/106-9
Brooke, E.T., Colonel, 162/41-43
Brooks, W.W.- see Post Office staff
Broom, Dr Robert, 108/125-126, 128/123-125
Brown J. Frank, Postmaster General - see Post Office staff - Brown J. Frank, Postmaster General
Brugspruit, location, 167/71
Bubonic plague 1904, 134/136
Buffalo River - see Paul Pietersdorp (Paulpietersburg)
Buffalo River Republic, 55/68
Buffels, location, 167/71
Buffelsdoorn, 195/121-122
Buffelsvlei, location, 167/71
Bugle calls - see Mail Coach
Bunbury, Sir Charles James Fox, 137/28
Burghers identity cards - see Second Anglo-Boer War - Identity Bureau in Pretoria
Burgers, Thomas Francois, 23/68-69, 167/59
...... Elected President, 21/19
...... Picture on an Illustrated Postal Stationery Card, May 1899, 199/14
Burmester, W.E., 109/34-35, 167/59; see also Printers, Ruling
...... Bookbinders, 204/101
...... Publisher, 204/102
...... Promissory notes - see Cheuqes and Promissory notes
Bührmann, H.T., 193/16, 211/15-21; see also Post Offices and Postal Agencies - Emigratie
Buhrman's Drift, location, 167/71
Bushman's Spruit, 139/67, 194/59
Bussy - see De Bussy

'Cable Anchor' Watermark - see Watermarks
Cachet - see Handstamps, Seals; (see also Datestamps - when used by a Government Office )
...... Potchefstroom - see Handstamps - Potchefstroom
...... Standerton 1900 - see Standerton - 1900-1901
Caffer Drift Post, 129/iii-iv, 130/ix
Caledonia, 122/29
...... Datestamps - see Datestamps - Caledonia
...... location, 167/71
....... Johannesburg, 1905 report on postal changes, 187/18
Cambden, 122/30
Cancellers; see also Datestamps, Instructional markings, Machine cancellers, Pen cancellations, Telegraph service, Railways,
Railways - Travelling Post Offices (T.P.O.s), Revenue
...... '2' in circles used during 1900, 118/xi, 148/108-109
...... 'AR' - see Instructional markings
...... Barred Oval Numeral - see Cancellers - Numeral-coded barred-oval, (BONC) cancellers
...... BONC - see Cancellers - Numeral-coded barred-oval (BONC) cancellers
...... Columbia G machine - see Machine cancellers
...... Concentric rings cancels - see Cancellers - 'Dumb' target-type
...... Cork cancellers, 10/27-28, 54/42, 94-5/60, 138/55, 169/14-15, 175/62, 176/81
............ Cork handstamp of lancer on horse, 9/15
...... de Vletter own canceller - see New Republic (Nieuwe Republiek)
...... 'Dumb' target-type, 108/103-104, 133/15
...... 'D/1', 'D/2', 'D/3' in single circle, 89/1-14, 161/25-27, 161/ 25-29, 162/57-58; see also Instructional markings
...... 'DULLSTROOM' box cancel - see Railways
...... Duplex - see Datestamps - Second Republic - Duplex
...... Four concentric rings cancels - see Cancellers - 'Dumb' target-type
...... From manuscript to postmark 1859 to 1881 - see Manuscript cancellations
...... Genuine cancellation on forged Otto stamp see Forgeries (and reprints) - Genuine cancellation on forged Otto stamp
...... Goldner, Julius - see Forgeries - Cancellers - Goldner, Julius
...... Hadi, Mirza - see Unauthorised reprintings and overprintings - Enschedé and Mirza Hadi
...... Heidelberg Killers (single circle), 83/60
...... Johannesburg Duplex Canceller of the 2nd Republic, 47/61
...... Johannesburg 'Seal' canceller, 22/41
...... Kazerne, 46/46
............ Kazerne [Barracks] - see Handstamps
...... Krugerspost, triangle cancel, 174/37
...... Lijdenburg single circle cancel - see Military mail - Lijdenburg single circle cancel
...... Manuscript Cancellations - see Manuscript cancellations
...... Malmani Goldfields (Goudvelden), 175/62, 176/81
...... Natal POA type '43', 116/128-129
...... New Republic (Nieuwe Republiek) - see New Republic (Nieuwe Republiek)
...... Numeral-coded barred-oval, (BONC) cancellers, 108/102-103
.............. '2' in seven barred numeral oval, 63/63-64, 100/98, 191/37-38
.............. '2' in twelve barred numeral oval, 191/37-38, 193/11-12, 194/49
....................... Recorded date on cover, 200/53
.............. '7', 63/63-64, 41/16
.............. '10' over small '5', 69/13-14
.............. '560', 103/85, 109/33
.............. '607', 203/50-51
.............. '620', 105/27, 108/103
.............. '621', 108/103
.............. '627', 112/118
.............. '628', 146/38-39, 147/v, 195/124; see also Swaziland - Numeral-coded barred-oval (BONC)
.............. '718', 108/103; see also Swaziland - Numeral-coded barred-oval (BONC)
...... Numeral-coded triangular cancellers, 6/20-23, 10/27, 20/64, 38/41-45, 48/85-91, 60/76, 62/34-35, 67/57-59, 77/3-8, 81/9-10, 83/43, 104/91-96, 120/132,
133/21, 178/28-33; also see Cancellers - Colonial period, Reviews - The numeral in triangle obliterator of the Transvaal
............ '1', 71/56, 77/6, 94-5/34
..................... '1' used in 1908, 48/85-84, 49/11, 50/38
............ '2', 77/6, 134/xv
..................... '2' used after 1902?, 48/84, 49/11, 50/38
............ '3', 77/6, 88/43, 102/59-60, 108/103-104, 118/54-55, 184/12-14, 186/46
............ '4', 12/84, 77/6
............ '6', 12/84, 74/48, 77/6
............ '7', 84/56-57
............ '8', 84/56-57, 111/74-75, 118/54-55, 184/12-14, 186/46
............ '9', 84/56-57, 83/60
............ '10' 77/6, 81/56-57, 83/43
............ '11', 77/6, 85/17-20
............ '12', 77/6
............ '13', 12/84, 77/6
............ '14', 77/6, 171/49
............ '15', 12/84, 77/6, 192/75
............ '16', 77/6, 202/17
............ '17', 24/87, 46/46, 64/83-84, 77/6
............ '18', 58/29, 77/6, 81/56-57
............ '19', 85/16, 118/55
............ '20', 77/6, 94-5/59, 194/51
............ '21', 192/76
............ '22', 192/76-77
............ '23', 77/6, 80/70, 192/76
............ '24', 77/6
............ '25', 12/84, 77/6, 80/70, 122/47-48, 170/32-33, 172/88-92, 202/17
............ '26', 24/82, 79/46, 113/34, 135/106, 170/34-35, 172/88
............ '28', Late use of, 202/17
............ '48', 181/5
............ '28', 79/46
............ '30', 79/46, 80/68, 98/44
............ '31', 172/88
............ '32', 20/64, 79/46
............ '33', 16/88, 38/44, 171/50, 184/14
............ '34', 87/17-19, 178/29
.............'35', 178/29
............ '36', 79/46, 80/70, 81/56-57, 109/30-31, 178/29
............ '45', 79/46, 80/68, 114/49-50
............ '47', 174/37, 176/80, 176/80, 183/82-83
............ '48', 174/37, 198/57-58, 200/57
............ '49', 67/61-62, 84/56-57, 174/37, 200/57
............ '50', 120/123, 122/xii, 123/viii, 174/37, 200/56-58
............ '51', 174/37, 200/57
............ '52', 174/37, 200/57
............ '53', 174/3, 200/577
............ '54', 102/59, 107/86-87, 111/73, 174/32. 198/57-58
............ '60' 79/46
............ '61', 118/55-56
............ '62', 79/46, 80/68
............ '65', 84/56-57, 175/50-51
............ '66', 175/50-51
............ '67', 87/16, 98/44, 175/50-51
............ '70', 106/54
............ '71', 79/46, 80/68, 108/103-104
............ '73', 79/46, 80/68, 86/37
............ '81', 115/81
............ '83', 79/46, 80/68, 84/56-57
............ '84', 74/42-44, 79/46, 80/68, 84/56-57, 98/44
............ '85', 38/35, 79/47 80/68
............ '86', 41/8-9, 79/47, 24/83, 80/68, 181/26-27, 183/84
............ '88', 84/56-57, 84/72
............ Frist came into use, 77/5
............ Klein Paardekraal - see 200/56-58
............ Late use of, 202/17
............ Maps 1889, 178/29-32
............ Of 1889 and maps, 178/29-32
............ 'OFFICIEEL GEREADRRESSEERD' 214/1; see also Re-addressed/reposted mail
............ on £5 green, 162/52
............ 'ONAFGEHAALD', 231-15
............ 'NON-RECLAME / ONAFGEHAALD', 214/15
............ Research in Progress, 180/69
............ Rhodesia Post Office Circular No.11 of 1904, 83/43
............ Roossenekal proving cover, 87/16
............ Succeeded by, 80/86
............ Telegraph - see Telegraph service
............ Variation of the numerals, 184/12-14
............ 'Z.A.R.' in concentric circles, 48/99
..................... subtype of Matthews Type 3b, 197/30
...... Natal barred oval number "20" (Newcastle), 181/30-31
...... New Republic first Post Office cancellation, 78/29
...... Official Postage during after the British occupation of 1900 - see Privilege mail
...... Otto's duplicate cancellers - see Otto, Adolph - Duplicate cancellers
...... Parcel cancellations, 54/42, 81/6, 81/8, 115/vii, 117/v, 120/vi, 121/v, 121/8, 124/97
.............. Parcel cancellations (?), 41/165
...... Pen cancellations - see Pen cancellations
...... Punching, piercing stamps on documents - see Revenue cancellations and datestamps - Punching
...... Putzel postmark updates, 165/6
...... Rubber handstamps after the British Occupation of 1900 - see Privilege mail
...... Second Republic, 77/3-8, 81-2/9-10, 83/56-57, 85/1-9, 87/15-16, 108/103-104, 172/88-92; see also Cancellers - Numeral-coded barred-oval, (BONC) cancellers
...... Spiro's forgeries - see Forgeries - Spiro
...... Target-type cancels - see Cancellers - 'Dumb' target-type
...... T.P.O.s - see Railways - Travelling Post Offices
...... Triangular cancel coded 'J. H.', 124/x
............ Krugerspost, triangle cancel, 174/37
...... Triple Circle (double outer circles and inner single circle), 80/72
...... Triple Circle Numeral-coded Cancellers (3-ring, Coded Multi-ring Obliterator, Numeral in Circles, Target Cancellers,
Killers, Numeral-coded target cancellers), 2/17, 10/25-27,
16/87-88, 38/41-45, 48/80-84, 54/39-41, 55/39, 56/92, 65/10, 77/3-8
............ '1', 49/11, 54/40, 65/10, 104/93, 175/59 & 63
............ '2', 49/11, 54/40, 65/10, 126/33, 161/13
............ '3', 102/59-60, 65/10, 104/94
............ '6', 65/10, 100/73
............ '8', 65/10, 104/91, 104/107, 143/92
............ '9', 65/10, 83/60
............ '10', 16/87, 54/40, 65/10, 104/94
............ '11', 54/40, 65/10, 104/102, 107/85, 135/iv
............ '12', 16/87, 54/40, 65/10
............ '13', 2/17-18, 54/39-40, 65/10, 96/74, 175/63
............ '14', 65/10, 100/95, 133/23, 135/iv
............ '15', 54/40, 65/10
............ '16', 54/40, 65/10, 80/86, 98/24, 103/85, 104/109, 204/98
............ '17', 3/36, 61/41
............ '18', 16/87
............ '19', 16/87
............ '20', 16/87
............ '21', 16/87
............ '22', 16/87
............ '23', 16/87, 48/82, 72/89, 105/26-7, 111/72-73, 172/91, 193/17, 215/21
............ '24', 16/87, 96/74-5, 174/90
............ '25', 80/80-81, 80/86, 84/73-4, 85/17-20, 87/16, 105/25-26, 113/34, 170/32-33, 172/90
............ '26', 62/40, 86/37-38, 111/71,
............ '27', 16/87
............ '28', 16/88, 97/20
............ '29', 16/88, 215/29
............ '30', 16/88
............ '31', 16/88, 96/71, 123/68
............ '32', 1/9-10, 16/88, 85/11-12, 120/119-121
............ '33', 171/50, 192/79
............ '34', 16/88
............ '35', 16/88
............ '36', 16/88
............ '37', 16/88, 38/45, 59/61
............ '38', 183/81
............ '39', 16/88, 200/67-68
............ '40', 16/88
............ '41', 121/20
............ '42', 16/88
............ '43', 3/34, 16/88, 175/49
............ Came into use, 77/5
............ First twelve, 54/39-39
............ In blue ink, 54/41
............ Late use of, 202/17
............ Notes from the Postmaster Circular No.43, 49/11
............ Replaced by the triangular cancel, 54/4
............ Succeeded by, 80/86
............ 'TERUGGEPOST' 214/11; see also Returned Letter Office, Unclaimed Mail
............ Without numeral, 54/39
...... Carmichael, Eva L., - see Swaziland (Swazieland), Carmichael, Eva L.
Canada Station, location, 167/71
Cantonments, 37/19, 39/55, 58/40-42, 167/67; see also Marsh, Capt., F. Courtenay (2nd Border Regiment)
...... 1904 Census, 167/67
...... Datestamps
............ Cantonment, 61/13-14, 118/viii, 123/x, 124/xii
..................... Cantonment and other Army postmarks of Transvaal, 23/64-68, 58/40-44, 60/78-79
............ Columbia G machine - see Machine cancellers
............ Double Circle datestamps, 62/42-43, 64/75, 68/72; see also Datestamps by town / city
.................... Amersfoort, 62/42
.................... Bosherville, 62/42
.................... Ngomo, 68/85, 87
.................... Rosherville, 62/42, 68/81, 68/83
.......................... with upper & lower arcs, 64/75
.................... Standerton, 90/43, 194/64-65, 194/65; - see also Picture Postcads - Standerton, Cantonment Post Office
.................... Silverkop, 68/85, 87
.................... Vogrlsfontein, 68/86, 87
.................... "SPRINGS" Temporary Rubber Handstamp, 49/6
...... Irene Volunteer Camp - see Military mail - Irene Volunteer Camp
...... Klip River Camp - see Military mail - Klip River Camp
...... location, 167/71
...... Middelburg, 124/xii
...... Potchefstroom, 39/55, 152/ix-x
.......... Datestamps, 219/53
...... Roberts Heights, 39/55, 148/viii
............ map location, 167/71
............ RO cancellation 123/x
...... Standton Cantonment Post Office, 194/64-65; see also Picture Postcads - Standerton
...... Union postage due markings, 66/35-36
Cape Colony, 112/139-141, 113/37-38, 115/110-112, 116/xi, 118/74-76, 124/110-112, 125/24-26, 137/25-30, 141/39-40, 145/22, 146/45-46, 147/74-75 & 76-78
...... Aitchison Postmaster-General, Cape Town succeeded Charles Piers, 141/4
...... The Annual Reports of the PMG for the Cape Colony, 1875, 1876, 1879 to 1883 and 1886, 20/79-82
...... Head, Mrs. Correspondence, 172/93, 176/83-94
...... Soldiers' letters, 112/140-141, 114/71-76, 123/72, 128/135-136, 138/56, 142/68-70, 143/93-94, 144/120-122, 148/116-117, 152/102-104 157/21
...... Cape Mail contracts - see Mail Contract - Cape Mail contracts
...... Cape mails; also see Postal Routes
............ via Zanzibar - see Mail Contracts
...... Cape postal stationery used in the ZAR, 174/36
...... Cape stamps used in Transvaal, 122/25-26, 141/22-23; see also Combination covers, Transvaal - Cape Colony
............ Cape of Good Hope stamps overprinted for use in Griqualand West - see Cape Colony, Combination covers and pieces, Griqualand West
............ Cover originating from Potchefstroom with Cape Triangular stamps, 141/22
............ Expenditure of the purchase of Cape Colony stamps 1878, 151/65
............ Octagonal handstamps (Cape), 143/93-94
...... Combination covers and pieces - see Combination covers and pieces, Griqualand West
...... Letter-cards, 1913, 71/63
...... Post Office after 1910, 81-82/11-30
............ Cost of Post Office Boxes November 1910 - see Union of South Africa
Cape General Mission, 176/84-94; see also Head, Mrs. Caroline (Carrie), correspondence
...... GB wrappers posted to South Africa by the Cape General Mission - see Wrappers
Cape of Good Hope stamps - see Cape Colony, Combination covers and pieces, Griqualand West
...... Carolina, location, 167/71
...... Datestamps - see Datestamps - Carolina
...... Local Post typewritten stamps - see Ermelo - Ermelo to Caroline Local Post typewritten stamps
...... History of, 54/36
Carrie Head - see Head, Mrs. Caroline (Carrie), correspondence
Carter imitations of the Pietersburg stamps - see Forgery - see Forgeries (and reprints) - Pietersburg stamps
Cartoons; see also Picture postcards
...... Hand-drawn postcards - see Picture postcards - Hand-drawn cards
...... Joseph Chamberlain, 169/20
...... Makhado, Chief, 212/11
...... Benn, 192/?
...... Dawkins, Ewart, B., 114/63-64, 115/xii
...... Wilson, David, 170/38-39
...... Cachet - see Handstamps
Caspary Auction, New York - see Auctions
Catalogues (stamp, postcards and postal stationery including some dealers price lists); see also Stamp Albums, Reviews and notices
...... Booleman & Co., price list of Transvaal Stamps January 1895, 177/18-21
...... Bright & Son's "ABC" catalogue (1898), 178/44-45
...... Catalogue compilers, 178/43-44
...... Catalogue updates, 88/28, 111/iii, 169/22, 186/51
...... Chinese Indentured Labour on the Witwatersrand Gold Fields illustrated by Picture Postcards published between 1904 and 1910 including an
analysis of postcards and covers, (2010), J. Woolgar, 178/27
...... Leeflang, Bram, (2019) Pioneer Postcards of South Africa 1896 – 1900, Stationery and non-stationery picture postcards of the Boer Republics, Cape of Good Hope and Natal, 203/47
...... Lincoln, W., (c.1892), 178/45
...... Moens J.B., on forged stamps, 148/43-45
...... Meisel, N., (1985) The Transvaal Handbook Vol. 1, 166/43-44
...... Nankivell, Edward, J., 178/43; see also Nankivell, Edward, J.
...... Nissen, Charles - see Nissen, Charles
......Pioneer Postcards of South Africa 1896 – 1900, Stationery and non-stationery picture postcards of the Boer Republics, Cape of Good Hope and Natal, 203/47
...... Schreiber, Wm. - see Stamp Dealers - Schreiber, Wm.
...... Senf’s Illustrierter Postwertztzeichen-Katalog of 1892 (1892-1909), see also Senf, Gebrüder
...... Senf, Gebrüder, 175/52; see also Senf, Gebrüder
...... South African Stamp Company - see Stamp Dealers - Schreiber, Wm.
...... Stanley Gibbons, 13/24, 21/3, 88/28, 155/v, 182/44; see also Reviews and notices - Stanley Gibbons, Stanley Gibbons
............ Changes for Transvaal; Stamp Catalogue Part 1, (1989), 87/28
............ Listing 'CSAR' stamps and overprints, 186/51
............ The Revenue Stamps of the Transvaal, 185/?
............ New Listings, 111/iii
............ Price ZAR £5 green, 13/24
............ Other changes and Expertising certificates, 169/22
............ Relisting of Army Telegraph stamps, 183/72
...... The collector's own catalogue of the adhesive stamps of all nations A. Bullard. Massachusetts [1908], 178/43-44
...... The Revenue Stamps of South Africa, 50/26
...... The Sherwood South Africa Revenue Stamps Catalogue - see Reviews and notices - The Sherwood South Africa Revenue Stamps Catalogue
...... Woolgar, J., (2010), Chinese Indentured Labour on the Witwatersrand Gold Fields illustrated by Picture Postcards published between 1904 and 1910 including an
analysis of postcards and covers, 178/27
CD Reviews - see Reviews
Celliers, J.F., - see Stamp Printers
Census of The Transvaal Colony; also see Population
...... 17th April, 1904
...... Cantoments - see Cantoments - 1904 Census
...... for the Zoutpansberg - Census District ‘8’, 202/41-42
Censored mail
...... First Anglo-Boer War, 126/44, 134/72-73, 142/66, 143/x
...... Labels, 120/136
...... Telegraph Transvaal in 1906, 168/93
...... Written in Russian, Greek or Hebrew (1900), 69/8
Central News Agency, 201/96
Central South African Railways - see Railways
Certificates see Expertising and Expertising certificates
Cetshwayo, 102/27; see also Zululand / Zulu War
...... Blue plaque in London, 218/12
...... Galle - see Pointe du Galle
...... Laws 1796, 188/38
Chafford Mills (paper) - see Paper Mills - Chafford Mills
Chamber of Commerce
...... Johannesburg Chamber of Commerce
............ 1892 plea for a reduction of inland mail, 91/59
............ Extracts from the Annual Reports, 173/22, 176/98, 186/68, 187/20-28
............ Report of the Executive Committee to be submitted to the Monthly General Meeting of Members
.................... 7th September, 1907, 187/28 - Ref 28a, 188/47
.................... 12th June, 1908, 203/64-65
............ Stuttaford & Co. - see Post Offices and Postal Agencies - Johannesburg - Stuttaford & Co.
Chamber of Trade
...... Johannesburg, extract from their reports, 187/18
Chamberlain, Joseph, 169/20, 173/18-19, 186/65
...... Resigned from the Cabinet, 186/65
Champion, H.M.S., 127/105-106
Changes of place names, 142/iii
Channel Islands - see Jersey
Charlestown Tunnel, 118/76, 119/v
'Check' mail, 139/89-90, 140/vii
Cheuqes and Promissory notes
...... Cheque stamp, 1877 essays - see Essay
...... Promissory note; printed by “W. E. Burmester & Co., Printers.”, 203/74
...... Standaerd Bank with 1d 'V.R.I.', 69/11-12
Chiappini, E., 146/45-46
Chimes, 138/54
China and Chinese labour, 47/71, 106/40-44, 115/105, 117/iii, 118/ix-x, 137/24, 152/91-93, 157/1-8, 170/38, 171/47, 61-63, 175/46,
176/73 (advertisement), 178/27, 185/38-39, 186/65, 195/123, 200/49-50; see also Eastern Counties Association, Reviews and notices
Chinese incoming mail 1898, 115/105, 117/iii
Chinese Red band cover to Canterbury, England, 200/48
Chinese working on farms etc. 200/49
Chrigstad - see Maps - Jeppe, F., 1868
Chrissies Meer (Chrissiemeer), 122/30
...... Lake Chrissie and Lake Chissie Rail, 139/69
...... Location of, 50/53
...... Named after, 44/101
Christian Fouries, 172/90
Christiana, 44/101, 109/30-1, 111/73-74, 121/22, 138/36, 139/66; see also Keate Award Line, Picture postcards
...... Ammunition licenses - see Revenue documents and ephemera - Ammunition licenses
...... History and location, 54/36, 167/59-61, 167/71
Christmas cards, 160/78, 164/116
...... Christmas and New Year Greetings Cards from the ZAR Telegraaf Kantoor 1894 to 1899, 148/118, 195/125-126
...... Christmas and New Year Greetings from the Transvaal Colony Post Office, 198/63-66
...... Christmas and New Year Greetings Card from the ZAR Telegraaf Kantoor at Lydenburg addressed to Telegraaf Staff at Roossenekal, 201/95
...... Secially designed as a luggage label, 201/92
............ Sent to the “Department of Posts, Uruguay", 198/64
Chuniespoort, History of, 54/36
Chunespoort, location, 167/71
Church of the Vow, 212/15-17
Churchill, Winston, Under Secretary of State for the Colonies, 187/25, 187/28 (Ref.25)
...... 1899, Wanted by the police, 71/58
Circular Revenue cancellations and datestamps - Punching
Cigarette cards, 107/79
Cigarette (type) cards, Twinings "RARE STAMPS", 166/46
Circular Date Stamps - see Datestamps
Civil War, 213/12
Clarendon, Earl of, 118/74-76
Cleveland, History of, 54/36
...... location, 167/71
...... picture postcard of the Post Office, 167/66
Climate, South Africa, 167/58-64
Cob & Co. coaches - see Mail Coach
Close-set plates - see Luff - Close-set Plates
Coach Agent at Buffelelsdoom - see Buffelelsdoom
Coded Multi-ring Obliterator - see Cancellers -Triple Circle Numeral-coded Cancellers
Cohen, Abner, 136/136, 176/96 (Handstamp only), 187/29, 188/36
Cohen, W.P., Hon. Treasurer The Philatelic Society, Johannesburg 1906, 184/20-21
Coillard, Rev. F., 112/141-142, 132/122-125
Cole, Sir Galbraith Lowry, 137/29-30
Colenso, John, 120/126-30
Colour Trials - see Essay and Proof and Colour Trials
Collections; see also British Library (The)
...... Avery, Wm. B. (Sir), 23/69
...... Basden, A.E., 126/27
...... Birch, B.J., Library, 143/91
...... Blokland collection - see Essay and Proof and Colour Trials - Enschedé essays, proofs and Colour Trials - Blokland collection
...... Criddle, H., 100/98, 162/47
...... Curle, J.H., 107/59-71, 116/xiii, 117/1-13, 176/72-73; see also Curle, J.H.
...... Dodd Collection of Revenue Stamps, 140/117-133
...... Dordrecht Collection, 44/94-96
...... Drysdall, A., 168/108-109
...... Dunnett, W.H., 43/83-84
...... Duveen, Henry J., 14/49-51
...... Ferrari, [Count] 16/91-93, 71/50
...... Forgeries at the Royal Philatelic Society, London, 153/i-ii
...... Glover, D., Library sold 2001, 143/90
...... Gosling, J.R., 105/15-24, 110/54-60
...... Hagan, W., Library sold 2000, 143/90
...... Hunt, E., 23/63, 126/27-54, 127/84-93, 128/107-132, 162/47
...... King George V, 98/21-33
.......... Royal Collection, 98/21-33, 153/ii-iii
...... Lewis, Lionel Collection, 121/ii
...... Mosely, Ermelo and Caroline Local postage stamps District - see British Library (The)
...... Pearce, gold medal collection to br auctioned, 41/13-16
...... Philippe, Alberto, 43/88-90
...... Tamsen collection of Swazieland and Transvaal, 43/85-87
...... Tapling Collection - see British Library (The) - Tapling T.K.
Collection de Timbers du Transvaal, 115/xii-xiv, 116/xiii-xiv; see also Mirza Hadi, Unauthorised reprintings and overprintings
Colonial South Africa Society - see Philatelic Societies - The Colonial South Africa Society
Columbia G machine - see Machine cancellers
Comati - see Komati
Comatie - see Komati
Combinations covers and pieces; 29/22-23; see also Bakker Express, Curle Collection, Hunt Collection and New Republic
...... 1877 cover from Potchefstroom to Cincinnati, 1/9-10, 3/32-33, 71/64, 71/66
...... 1880, late usage combination Transvaal Cover, 204/86
...... Mozambique, Moçambique-Transvaal, 97/19, 98/43, 127/92-3, 105/19-20, 131/76-85, 132/v-vi, 144/115, 162/46 (advertisement), 176/70-71
...... Stellaland-Transvaal, 100/71-77, 101/vi-vii, 111/69-70
...... Soldiers' concessionary rate during the First British Occupation of the Transvaal
...... Swaziland - see Swaziland - Covers - Combination covers and pieces
...... Transvaal-Cape Colony
............ First British Occupation, 1/10-12, 3/32-33, 29/22, 42/41, 61/9-12, 64/94-5, 77/15-16, 85/12, 94-5/45-48, 96/71-73, 98/25, 98/42, 102/35-36,
104/98 & 107, 105/2, 106/53, 107/83, 112/106-109, 119/80-81, 119/82-85, 122/46-47, 123/68, 132/126 -130, 139/87-89, 140/135, 143/92-3, 152/96,
155/80, 163/67-71
............ First Republic, 3/32-33, 52-90-91, 61/9-12, 72/95, 77/15, 100/95, 129/36, 130/67, 112/106 & 116, 119/77-79, 125/16-17, 126/35-36, 126/38-39,
135/90 &91, 143/92, 144/106-107, 157/12, 163/65-67, 164/114, 163/65-67
...... Transvaal - Cape of Good Hope
............ 1872 to England, 125/16
............ 1873 from the Oates correspondence, 58/33-34
............ 1877 to England, 125/17
............ 1878 to Scotland, 106/52
...... Transvaal - G.B., 124/xii-xiii
.......Transvaal - Griqualand West, 105/3-6, 106/34, 110/47-49 & 50-51, 126/45-46, 126/48-49, 151/81
...... Transvaal - Griqualand/Cape of Good Hope., 37/10-11, 39/59-60
...... Transvaal - Natal, 94-5/49, 101/21, 103/iv-v, 106/51, 108/92, 111/iv, 122/47, 126/36-38 & 43-44, 132/101-115, 133/vi-vii
...... Transvaal - Orange Free State, 54/30, 120/134, 126/34-35 & 44, 140/135-136, 152/97
...... Transvaal - Orange Free State - Cape Colony, 94-5/44, 119/82-83, 126/34, 127/63-64,160/64
...... USA - Transvaal, 57/16, 99/59-60
Combernations of stamps on revenue documents - see Revenue stamps - Interprovincial period - Stamp combernations on revenue documents
'Commando Brief' labels, 139/89-90, 140/vii
Commemorative 1d duty - see Postage Stamps - Second Republic issues - Commemorative 1d duty
Commonwealth Office Collection - see British library (The)
Compulsory registration, 92/79-82, 111/79, 133/vii, 140/135
Concentric rings cancels - see Cancellers - 'Dumb' target-type
Congress Awards - see Awards
Conservation - Restoration, 174/39
Consular handstamps, 136/119, 155/80
Consular-General of Moçambique, Gerard Pott
...... Criticised by M.G. Erasmus, 132/98
...... Imperial Conference in London and General Smuts, 196/23
...... Mail, 132/97
...... Official Cover with letter from Smuts, 196/23
Controller of stamps in the Netherlands, 116/xv; see also Handstamps - 'P.Z.' Handstamp in stamp margins
...... London Convention of 1884
............ Isolating the ZAR, 142/45
...... ZAR - UK Swaziland convention of 1890, 142/47-48
Cork cancellers - see Cancellers - Cork cancellers
Corrie Lodge, Wimbledon, Surrey - see Head, Mrs. Caroline (Carrie), correspondence
Courland, 147/74-75
Cover Pisture - see The Transvaal Philatelist - Cover Picture
Covers (including Entires and outer wrappers), 31/62-63; see also Combination covers and pieces, Bakker Express, Curle Collection,
Hunt Collection, Military mail, New Republic, Pre-Stamp mail, "Queens Head"
...... 1900 to 1910
............ 1900, from E.L. Williams to the Chairman of the Uitlander Committee in Durban, 191/25; see also Privileged Mail
...... Advertisting cover from List Brothers of Johannesburg, 200/52
...... First Anglo-Boer War
............ Nairne, Capt. 94th Regiment covers see Nairne correspondence
...... First British Occupation
............ 1878, 125/19
............ 1880, 1/9, 194/52
...... First Republic, 94-95/37-49, 122/xi; see also Bisects
............ 1864, Potchefstroom (wrapper)to Cape Town, 126/30; see also 172/80-81
............ 1864, Potchefstroom (wrapper) to Graaff-Reinet, 126/31; see also 172/80-81
............ 1865, Potchefstroom to Holland, 141/22; see also 172/80-81
............ 1870, 136/143, 193/18
............ 1871, 135/viii, 126/34-35, 193/19
............ 1874, 135/iv, 135/90, 193/17; see also Oates correspondence
............ 1875, 125/19, 126/35, 137/12
..................... Emigratie Cover to Middelburg, 192/77
..................... M.W. Stroom Cover to the Landdrost Middelberg, 192/76
............ 1876, 54/27, 193/17
............ 1877-1878, South African, Griqualand West, Cape of Good Hope combination piecr, 37/10-11
............ 1886, Used from Standerton, 194/50, 194/53
............ 1896 used from Standerton, 194/53
............ 1893 cover from Bloemhof, 71/54
............ 1897, Cover posted in Utrecht to Pretoria, 193/24
............ 1896, Cover with onr-penny Commemorative stamps to German, 198/55-60
............ 1898, Covers from Standerton, 194/53-60
...... Farthing newspaper rate - see Postage rates
...... Head, Mrs. Correspondence - see Swaziland - Head, Mrs. correspondence
...... Official mail and stationery - see Official mail and stationery
...... Returned Letter Office Official Envelope, 60/78 see also Returned Letter Office
...... Second Republic
............ 1882 with five 3d stamps, 194/??
............ 1883, Registered cover from Utrecht to Pietermaritzburg, 193/24
............ 1893 Cover - Bloemhof to U.K., 71/54
............ Covers used by during the Second Republic with 'Queen's Head' stamps, 29/26, 193/24
...... Swaziland - see Swaziland. Swaziland covers - see Swaziland - Covers - Combination covers and pieces
Cowan, Alexander, and Sons, 159/57-58
Craig, J.M., 137/30
Crawford Library - see British Library (The)
Crimean War, 123/72, 141/39-40
Crocodile River, 144/114
Crocodilepoort, location, 167/71
Crooks, Wm. (Will), MP, 167/25
Crosses pattée - see Datestamps - Second Republic
Crown Agents, complaints to De La Rue - see Packing problems
'Crowned eagle' variety, 116/117, 122/xv, 128/118-119
Crozier, Robert, 118/74-76
C.S.A.R. - see Railways - Central South African Railways - Datestamps
'Cullinan' diamond, 100/91, 219/5-12
Cullinan, History of, 54/36, 219/26
Cullinan Mine, 219/6
Curle, John H., 9/2
...... Curle Collection - see Collections
Curtis, Lionel, 191/25
Customs, 44/94-96; see also Revenue Stamps
...... 1900, 16/94-96, 23/60-61
...... Customs duty labels, 109/29
...... Customs duty stamps - see Revenue stamps - Customs duty
...... Customs handstamps and datestamps, 141/vii
...... Customs Permit - see Revenue stamps
...... Parcels duty 1907/8, 203/64
Cyanotype prints - see Picture postcards - Photograph type - Cyanotype prints
Cyferbult, location, 167/71
Dalmenutha, History and location, 54/37, 167/71
Daly, C. - see Post Office staff
Daniel - see Daniel - Swaziland
Danish 1903 Postal guideline for foreign mail 185/37
Darby (Transvaal)1899 cover, 1989/60
Darkton - see Swaziland - Darkton
Daspoort, History of, 54/37
Darby, 198/60
Data Protection Act, 85/20, 125/4, 178/27
Datestamps, 79/55-58, 107/iv, 109/2-18; see also Cancellations, Cantonments, Instructional markings, Machine cancellers, Manuscript cancellations,
Railways - N.Z.A.S.M., Pen cancellations, Second Anglo-Boer War, Swaizland, Telegraph service, T.P.O.s, Telegraph
...... 1859-80, 104/87-96
...... Aangewus - see Post Offices and Postal Agencies
...... Abelshop, 205/29
...... Afrikander Mine 1912 - see Datestamps - Colonial period - Double Circle datestamps
...... Airlie, 205/29
...... Alberton - see Post Offices and Postal Agencies
...... Alewijnskop, 205/30
...... Alkmaar and Alkmaar Rail - see Post Offices and Postal Agencies - Alkmaar Station
...... Allisonia, 205/30; see also 56/83
...... Alma, 205/30; see also 56/83
...... Almerfoort, 205/30-31
...... Amsterdam, 205/31-32; see also Amsterdam (Transvaal & South African Republic)
...... Annysspruit, 205/32; see also Annysspruit
...... Ardentinny - see Union of South Africa
...... Argent - see Union of South Africa
...... 'ARMY TELEGRAPHS' date of usage, 150/47
...... Athalia, 188/45, 205/33
...... Avoca, 205/33; see also Avoca, Post Offices and Postal Agencies - Avoca
...... Badfontein, 205/33; see also Badfontein, location, 167/71
............ Post Union, 205/34
...... Balfour and Ballfour Rail, 205; see also Balfour
...... Balmoal, 205/34-35; see also Balmoral, Balmoral Military - Telegraph service - Army Telegraphs - Offices, Balmoral - Railways
...... Bandolierkop, 205/35
...... Bank - see Bank
...... Bankop, 205/35
...... Bankpan, 205/35
...... Bapsfontein, 205/36; see also Bapsfontein, location
...... Barberspan, 208/36; see also Barperspan, location
...... Barberton, 208/36-38; see also Barbarton, Railways - Barberton Rail
...... Beerlaagte, 208/38; see also Barperspan
...... Begin Der Lijn (Begin Der Lyn), 205/38-39
...... Belfast, 205/39
...... Belgrave, - see Datestamps, Johannesburg - Belgrave
...... Benoni, 205/40-41; see alsoBenoni, location, Railways - Benoni Junction
...... Bergendal see datestamps - Squared octagon
...... Bergplaats, 124/90, 205/41
...... Bergvlei, 205/42
...... Bertrams 205/42
...... Bethal, 205/42-43; see also Datestamps
............ Bethal Rail datestamps - see Railways
...... Bethanie, 205/43-44; see also Bethanie
...... Beurs - see Datestamps - Second Republic - De Beurs
...... Biesjesvlei, 205/45
...... Bisley - see Datestamps - Colonial period - Bisley
...... Blaauwbank [west of Krugersdorp] - see Datestamps - Squared octagon - Blaauwbank
...... Blaauwbank 1905 datestamps - see Datestamps - Double-circle types - Colonial period - Double Circle datestamps - Blaauwbank
...... Blaauwbank, [north west of Pietersburg] datestamp, 206/22
...... Blackhill and Blackhill Rail, 206/22
...... Boer War types, 155/59-62
............ Burgersdorp, 174/42
............ Dannhauser, 167/57
............ Hoofdlager, Glencoe, 40/82, 141/vi, 174/41
............ Irene, 69/15
............ Lichtenburg, 69/15
............ Middelburg, 67/63-64, 65
............ Pietersburg, 123/ix, 124/vii-ix, 163/77
............ 'Veld-Post' oval datestamps, 80/81-82
............ Vryburg, 168/110
............ 'V. R. / SPECIAL POST', 170/42
...... Caledonia, 208/19
...... Canada Station / junction, 124/96-97, 208/19
...... Cape of Good Hope oval type, 113/37-38
...... Carolina, 208/19
...... Central Telegraph Office - see Telegraph service - Central Telegraph Office - Johannesburg datestamps
...... Chrissies Meer (Chrissiemeer), ??/?? 122/20-21
...... Christiana, 208-21-22
...... Chunes Poort, 208/22
...... Church Street West, Pretoria - see Datestamps - Pretoria
...... Colonial period, 62/42-43, 62/72, 63/42, 106/vii, 118/59-63, 205/22-45
............ 1904 Small Triangle cancellation - see Small Post Office Acts - 1904 Small Triangle cancellation
............ Beerlaagte, 205/38
............ Bethanie, 205/43
............ Bisley, 44/111-113, 101/25, 205/45; see also 102/57
............ BOKSBURG, POST OFFICE 117/iv-v
............ Bothsabelo, 199/23-24
............ Bronkhorstspruit Railway “RO” datestamp, 200/54
............ Brugsprint, 68/85, 68/87
............ Bramley/ Johannesburg, 173/21
............ Cantonments - see Cantonments
............ Crocodile Poort - see Datestamps -Krokodilpoort, Krokodilpoort Rail
............ C.S.A.R. - see Railways - Central South African Railways - Datestamps
............ S.A.R. - see Railways - Central South African Railways - Datestamps - S.A.R.
............ Datestamps held at the National Cultural History & Open-air Museum, South Africa as at 1979, 57/5-12
............ Doornboom, 199/22
............ Double Circle datestamps; see also 'Names of post offices listed under 'Datestamps'
..................... Abelskop, 205/29
..................... Afrikander Mine, 1912, 205/29
..................... Airlie and Airlskop Rail - see Post Offices and Postal Agencies
..................... Alberton - see Post Offices and Postal Agencies
..................... Allisonia - see Post Offices and Postal Agencies
..................... Amsterdam - see Post Offices and Postal Agencies
..................... Angelo and Angelo Rail, 205/31
..................... Annysspruit, 205/31
..................... Athalia, 188/36, 205/33
..................... Avoca, 205/33
..................... Belfast, 205/39-40
..................... Bellevue, Johannesburg, 205/40
..................... Balmoral - see Post Offices and Postal Agencies - Balmoral
..................... Bank, 205/35
..................... Bankkop, 205/35
..................... Bankpan, 205/35
..................... Banksfontein, 205/35
..................... Banoni, 205/40-41
..................... Begin Der Lun (Begin Der Lyn), 205/39
..................... Bergen - see Bergen
..................... Blaauwbank, 205/22
..................... Bothaskraal, 204/92
..................... Denver, 188/50
..................... Darby - see Darby
..................... Fort Hendrina - see Fort Hendrina
..................... President Street, Germiston (Native Office), 219/54
..................... Johannesburg, 212/25-43, 213/17-26
..................... Klerksdorp - see Datestamps - Klerksdorp
..................... Klerksraal, 214/34
..................... Klipgat [1909], - see Datestamps - Klipgat
..................... Klipkop, - see Datestamps - Klipkop
..................... Klip River Camp, - see Datestamps - Klip River Camp
..................... KRAAL R.O. datestamp, 204/92, 206/16, 215/24
..................... Maraisburg 1902, 200/39
..................... Money Order Office and Savings Bank). This is dated 23rd December 1904, 198/64
..................... Naauwte, 218/24; see also Naauwte, map location
..................... Nancefield, early and late dates, 186/51, 187/9, 218/24; see also Railways - Nancefield
..................... New Agatha, 218/26
..................... New Clare - 218/26-27
..................... Nilspruit, 218/25; see also Railways
..................... Nomahasha - see Swaziland (Swazieland) - Nomahasha
..................... Nylstroom - see Datestamps - Nylstroom
..................... Piet Retief, 219/44-45
..................... Pieterburg - see Datestamps - Datestamps - Pieterburg
..................... Pretoria, 220/23-31
..................... 'OPHIRTON' with Z.A.R. removed, 199/29
..................... Saulspoort 1901, 200/38
..................... Schoeman Street West, Pretoria - see Post Offices and Postal Agencies - Pretoria
..................... Schoemansrust, 1898, 208/38
..................... Silverkop, 68/85, 68/87
..................... Single line date, 186/46, 187/8
..................... Sulphur Springs and Sulphur Spring - see Datestamps - Sulphur Springs
..................... Thabina 24mm, 201/87
..................... Tsama River, 68/86-87
..................... Uitvalfontein, 202/15
..................... Vlakaagte, 195/98; see alsoVlakaagte
............ Field Post Office '1', 157/iii
............ Heideberg 1901 early datestamp on cover, 196/26
............ Johannesburg, 117/iv, 118/ix, 212/24-43, 213/17-28; see also Datestamps Squared cirice
..................... Army Telegraph- see Telegraph service - Army Telegraphs
..................... Bite Street, 205/39
..................... Early cancel BONC 607 - see Cancellers - Numeral-coded barred-oval, (BONC) cancellers
..................... Johannesburg Station, 'R.O.', 214/24
..................... Machine cancellers - see Machine cancellers
............ Kraal and Kraal Rail, 215/23
............ Malmani Oog, 103/85
............ Middelburg Cantonment 'T' datestamps, 124/xii
............ 'MIDDELBURG' Rubber handstamp, 64/74
............ Minnaar R.O., 188/36
............ New Heriot - see New Heriot
............ Money Order Office and Savings Bank). This is dated 23rd December 1904, 198/64
............ 'NGOMO / Z.A.R., double circle datestamp, 170/41, 218/27
............ Oshoek, 68/81
............ 'PR M-' see Telegraph service - Datestamps
............ Paardekop on Army Telegraphs - see Telegraph service - Army Telegraphs
............ Pietersburg on Army Telegraphs - see Telegraph service - Army Telegraphs
............ Potchefstroom 'flag' type, 114/67, 115/xi, 117/17, 119/vii, 123/61
............ Pretoria, 220/22-31
..................... Used on 18th and 20th June 1900 and later, 50/33-34
............ Pretoria Residency datestamp- see Pretoria - Residency - datestamp
............ Pilgrims Rest, 219/45
............ Pinedene, 219/47
............ Premier Mine, 219/53
............ Railway offices (datestamps inscribed 'R. O.', etc.), 120/137, 122/51, 124/96-97, 155/63-64; see also Railways
............ Registered mail, 103/63-71
............ Returned Letter office, 114/69, 213/25; see also Returned Letter Office
............ Rietfontein Mines, 119/vi
............ Rockey Street, Johannesburg, 155/v-vi
............ Rooidraal on Army Telegraphs - Telegraph service - Army Telegraphs
............ Roberts Heights, 123/x
............ Rubber handstamps
..................... 'MIDDELBURG', 64/74
..................... 'CHRISTIANA' - see Datestamps - Colonial period - Single circle
..................... 'SPRINGS' temporary rubber handstamp - see Datestamps - Colonial period - 'SPRINGS' temporary rubber handstamp
............ S. B. Dept., 107/ii
............ Single circle, 64/74, 101/25, 102/57; see also Datestamps - Colonial period - Bisley
.................... Christiana, 114/68
.................... 'FORDBURG JO BURG', 102/57
.................... 'CAMP PO / BOOYSENS', 102/57; see also Datestamps - Colonial period - Bisley
.................... 'KRUGERS / DORP', 101/25
.................... 'MIDDELBURG TVL' (blamk at foot), 102/57
.................... PAKKETPOST / PARCELS, Johannesburg, 213/23
.................... PIET RETIEF ZAR, 219/44
.................... Tsama River, 68/86, 68/87
............ Skeleton type postmarks; see also Datestamps - Colonial period - Single Circle
..................... 'POTCHEF STROOM' 1905, 199/29
............ 'SPRINGS' temporary rubber handstamp, 49/6
............ Squared Circle; see also Datestamps - Squared Circle
..................... Johannesburg, 212/27, 212/37, 2012/38
..................... Johannesburg Beurs see Datestamps - Second Republic - De Beurs
..................... Piet Retief, 219/44
..................... Pietetpotgietersrust, 219/43
............ Standerton, 194/58-64
..................... Standerton Telegraph Department datestamp set for Christmas day “25 DEC.04”., 198/64
............ Sulphur Spring or Sulphur Springs, 211/12-13
............ 'T' type, 117/17, 118/viii, 121/22, 124/xii
............ Triple-circle type, [Triple-Ring] 68/88, 81-2/38, 81/57-60, 82/34, 83/59, 83/64, 84/75, 84/76, 69/88, 96/80-1, 99/viii & 61, 100/92-93, 101/23-24, 102/57, 121/22, 122/33
.................... De Wittekrans - see De Wittekrans
.................... List of, 1/58-60
.................... 'MOOIFONTEIN', 117/iv
.................... 'LOUIS TRICHARDT', 63/59,64
.................... 'PELLA', 219/39
.................... 'REMHOOGHTE', 102/57
.................... 'SECOCOENIE', 102/57
.................... 'DE WITTEKRAMS, 122/31
.................... 'NOOITGEDACHT, 122/33, 218/29
.................... 'NOOITGEDACHT SPRINGS, 218/29
............ T.S.O. (Town Sub-Office) - see T.S.O.s
............ Witwatersrand, 41/7-8
............ Wonderboom, 172/96
............ Zwartfolozi, 119/vi
...... Columbia G machine - see Machine cancellers
...... De Wittekrans - see De Wittekrans
...... Devel, 122/31
...... Drinkwater, 122/32
...... Duplex - see Datestamps - Second Republic - Duplex
...... Early Town date stamps, 43/68-70
...... Embabaan - see Swaziland
...... Embekelweni - see Swaziland
...... Elim, 209/24
...... Elim Hospital, 209/24
...... Elsburg, and Elsburg R.O., 209/24
...... Embabaan - see Swaziland
...... Embekelweini - see Swaziland
...... Endicott - see Railways - Endicott
...... Enkeldoorn (Middelburg), 209/26
...... Ermelo, 209/26-27
............ Nooitgedacht (Ermelo) - see Nooitgedacht (Ermelo) 218/29
...... Enselberg - see Union of South Africa
...... Eureka Kaap Goudvelden, 209/28-29
............ Eureka Station - see Railways - Eureka Station datestamps
...... Evaton, 209/29
...... Evergreen, 209/29
...... Ezulweni - see Swaziland
...... Fairview, 209/29
...... Ferguson (opened in March 1910), 209/29
...... Field - see Post Offices - Johannesburg - Field
...... First British Occupation, 104/99-102, 109/30, 107/iv, 133/21-3 & 25, 146/35-37, 159/vii; see also Covers, Queen's Head
............ Jeppestown, 169/18, 171/48
...... First Republic, 104/87-92, 119/86-7,122/xi, 124/77-82, 127/67-71, 133/15-20 & 25, 136/145, 138/50-51, 149/22, 104/87-92, 138/50- 51; see also Postal
stationery envelopes, Potchefstroom, Pre-stamp mail
............ 24mm (approx.) circular datestamps used of, 127/67-71, 133/1-27, 185/40, 219/48
.................... Potchefstroom datestamps, 52/96-97, 52/100, 104/87-90, 104/107, 106/29-33, 116/113-116, 136/115-119, 136/145, 139/60, 149/22, 199/29
.................... Potchefstroom 24 mm. datestamp, 104/87-90, 106/29-33, 116/113-116, 119/86-87, 120/vi, 123/53-57, 123/58-59, 123/60, 124/80-81,
139/59-63, 187/10-15; see also Postal stationery envelopes, Potchefstroom
.......................... Possible forgery, 199/6
..................... Type 1, 139/59-63, 187/10-15
..................... Type 2, 139/59-63, 187/10-15
..................... Pieterburg - see Datestamps - Datestamps - Pieterburg
................ Potchefstroom 30 mm. datestamp, 94/36, 104/88-9, 106/31-33, 116/113-116, 120/133,122/25-26, 123/53, 123/58-59,
124/77-78, 126/30-32, 133/8, 15, 17, 25, 136/115-159, 148/93, 177/10 138/50-51, 219/48
206/14; see also Postal stationery envelopes, Potchefstroom
.......................... Possible forgery, 199/6
.......................... Potchefstroom envelops - see Postal stationery - Envelopes - Potchefstroom (Jeppe)
.......................... M. S. Stroom datestamps used in 1872, 133/3
................................. Other dates, 192/?, 193/?, 206/14., 207/7
.......................... Heidelberg used in 1872, 133/3
...... Florida, 209/30
...... Fontainebleau - see Union of South Africa
...... Forbes Reef datestamps - see Swaziland (Swazieland)
...... Forsburg, 209/31-32
...... Forlorn Hope, 209/32-33
...... Fort Edward, 209/33
...... Fort Hendrina, 209/33
...... Fortuna, 209/33
............ Fortuna R.O. - see Railways
...... Fraser Street - see Datestamps -Johannesburg - Fraser Street
...... Frederikstad and Frederikstad Camp, 209/34
...... Freya, 209/34
...... Haenertsburg, 211/23-24
...... Hanburg, 211/24
...... Handelton, 211/24
...... Harrisburg, 211/24
...... Hartebeestfontein or Hartebeesetefontein, 211/25
...... Hartbeestpoory, 211?24-25
...... Hartingsburg, 211/26
...... Hartsriver, 211/26
...... Hatherley, 211/27
...... Hauptsrust, 211/27
...... Hatherley, 211/27
...... Haverklip, 211/27
...... Hebron, 211/27-28
...... Hectorspruit, 211/28; see also Hectorspruit Rail
...... Heidelberg, 211/28-32
...... Hekpoort, 211/33
...... Helvetia, 211/33
...... Hendriksdal or Hendrikzdal, 211/33
...... Henley on Klip, 211/33
...... Hillbrow - see Datestamps - Johannesburg - Hillbrow
...... Hlatikulu - see Datestamps - Swaziland - Hlatikulu
...... Hoekberg, 211/34
...... Holbank - see Holbank
...... Honingfontrin, 211/35
...... Hoofglager, 211/35
...... Johannesburg, 212/24-43, 213/16-28
............ Belgrave, 205/40
............ Bezuidenhort Valley, 205/44-45; see also Bezuidenhort Valley - location
............ Beurs - see Datestamps - Second Republic - De Beurs
............ Central Telegraph Office - see Telegraph service - Central Telegraph Office - Johannesburg datestamps
............ Fraser Street, 209/33
............ Hillbrow, 211/33
............ Johannesburg Station 'R.O.', 214/24; see also Railways
............ Money Order Office, 213/22-23
............ Parcels / Pakketpost, 213/23-24
............ Re-post, 213/24-25
............ Returned Letter Office - see Returned Letter Office
............ Savings Bank, 213/25
...... Joubertskroon [1892-1865?], 214/24
...... Jupiter, 214/24; see also Railways - Jupiter R.O.
...... Kaalfontein, 214/24-25; see also Railways - Kaalfontein R.O.
...... Kaapmuiden, 214/25
...... Kaapsche Hoop, 214/25-26
...... Kaffirskkraal, 214/27
...... Kaffirspruit, 214/27
...... Kalkbank, 214/27
...... Kareefontein, 214/28
...... Karreelaagte, (Union of South Africa datestamp, but perhaps using Transvaal datestamp), 214/28
...... Kendal, 214/28
...... Kingswood, 214/28; see also Railways - Kingswood Rail
...... Kinross, 214/29
...... Kleinfontein, 214/29
...... Klein Letaba, 214/29-30
...... klerksdorp, 214/30-34
.............. Old Town, 219/33
...... Klerksraal, 214/33-34
...... Klipdam, 214/34
...... Klipfontein, 214/34
...... Klipgat [1909], 214/35
...... Klipkop, 214/35
...... Klip River, Kliprivier, Klip River, 214/36
...... Klip River Camp, Klip River Station, Klip River Rail, 214/35, 214/36
...... Kliptown, 214/36
...... Kluitfontein, 214/37
...... Knights, 214/37
...... Kocksoord, 214/37
...... Koekemoer, 214/38
...... Koperfontein, 214/38
...... Komati, (Post Komati) 1896 oval datestamp, 214/38
...... Koornpunt, 214/38
...... Koperfontein, 214/38
...... Korannafontein, 215/23
...... Krokodilpoort, 68/77
...... Koster, 215/23
...... Kosterfontein [Wolmaransstad], 215/24
...... Kraalkop, 215/24
...... Kroko, 215/25
...... Kromdraai and Kromdraai Rail', 215/24-25
...... Kroondal, 215/26
...... Krugersdorp, 215/26-30
...... KRUGERSDORP (N), 191/24
...... Krugerspost, 215/30
...... Ladersdrift / Lagersdrift, 215/31
...... Lake Banagher, 122/33, 215/31
...... Lake Chrissie - see Datestamps - Chrissies Meer
...... Lammerkop, 215/31
...... Langlaagte, 215/31-32
...... Larchney, 215/32
...... Leeuwdoorns and , Leeuwdoorns Station, 215/33
...... Leeuwfontein, 215/34
...... Leeuwnek, 215/34
...... Leeuwspruit, 215/34
...... Leslie and Leslie Rail, 215/35
...... Les Marais, 215/35
...... Les Marais, 215/35
...... Leydsdorp, 215/35-36
...... Lichtenburg, 215/36-37
...... Lijdenburg, 185/41, ; see also Datestamps - Lydenburg (Lijdenburg)
...... Lindequesdrift, 215/37-38
...... Lindleysport, 215/38
...... Linleyville, 215/38
...... Linokana, 215/38
...... Llanwarne, 215/38-39
...... location - see Johannesburg
...... Losberg, 215/39
...... Loubad, 215/39
...... Louis Trichardt, 215/39-40
...... Lovedale Park, 215/40
...... Luipaardsvlei, 215/40
...... Lydenburg, (Lijdenburg), 185/41, 216,14-16
...... Lyttelton Junction (Lyttleton Junction), 216/16
...... Machine cancellers - see Machine cancellers
...... Manuscript to postmark 1859 to 1881 - see Manuscript cancellations
............ Pretoria, 139/81-83
............ Utrecht, 142/v, 185/40
............ Interprovincial period, 113/29-33 & 36
............ Johannesburg, 115/94-97, 117/iv, 118/ix
...... Mhlotsheni, 124/91; see also Swaziland - Datestamps
...... Middelburg
............ Enkeldoorn - see Datestamps - Enkeldoorn (Middelburg) [For Enkeldoorn (Pretoria) - see Post Office - Pretoria]
...... Minnaar R.O., Minnaar railway opened, ?/?
...... Naboomspruit, 218/24; see also Railways - Naboomspruit Rail
...... Natalspruit / Natal Spruit, 218/25
...... New Agatha - see New Agatha - see Datestamps - Colonial period - Double Circle datestamps
...... New Clare - see New Clare - Datestamps - Colonial period - Double Circle datestamps
...... New Denmark - see New Denmark
...... New Heriot - see New Heriot
...... Newlands - see Newlands
...... New Smitsdorp datestamps, 218/27
...... Niekerksrust - see Datestamps - Second Republic - Squared-circle types
...... Niekersvlei datestamps - see Niekersvlei
...... Nieuw Smitsdorp - see New Smitsdorp
...... Nigel, 218/28
...... Nilspruit Datestamps, ???/??/
...... Nondweni - see Datestamps - Second Republic - Double-circle types - Nondweni
...... Nooitgedacht (Ermelo) 218/29; see also Datestamps - Colonial period,Triple-circle type
...... Nooitgedacht (Springs) 218/29
............ Nooitgedacht Rail (Caroline) - see Railways
...... North Bridge, 218/29-30
...... Noordkaap, 218/30
...... Norwood, 218/30
...... Nijlstroom - see Datestamps - Nylstroom
...... Nylstroom, 218/30-32
...... Obliterators - see Cancellers
...... Official Mail used from 1900; see also Privilege Mail
............ Postmasters Generals Office, 4.1.01, 191/27
............ Pretoria Town Council 8.12.1900, 191/26
...... Ohrigstad datestamp - see Ohrigstad datestamp
...... Olifantsfontein - see Raliways - Olifantsfontein Rail
...... Olifantsvallei, 219/33-34
...... Olifantshoek, 219/33
...... Olifants River, 219/33
...... Onverwacht, 219/34
...... Oogies, Ogies and Oogie Rail datestamps, 219/34
...... Ophirton, 219/34
...... Oshoek, 219/35
...... Ottoshoop, 219/35-36
...... Paardekop - see Paardekop
............ Paardekop Rail - see Railways - Paardekop
...... Pan, 219/38; see also Pan (Station)
...... Palmietfontein, 219/38
...... Paul Pietersdorp (Paulpietersburg) - see Paul Pietersdorp (Paulpietersburg)
...... Paulpietersburg - see Paul Pietersdorp (Paulpietersburg)
...... Pella, 219/39
............ Pella Triple-circle type - see Datestamps - Colonial period - Triple-circle type - Pella
...... Phokeng, 219/39
...... Pienaars River or Pienaarsriver, 219/39
...... Pienaars River Rail - see Railways
...... Pietersburg, 219/39-43
...... Piet Potgietersrust, Potgieter, Potgietersrust, 219/43-44
...... Piet Retief, 219/43-44
...... Pinedene, 219/47
...... Platrand, 219/47
...... Pokwani, 219/47
...... Polfontein, 219/47
...... Post Komati 1896 oval datestamp - see Datestamps - Komati, (Post Komati) 1896 oval datestamp
...... Potchefstroom datestamps, 219/48-53
............ Boxed rectangle, 219/51
............ 'POTCHEF STROOM' 1905, 199/29
...... Pretoria, 220/16-32
............ Church Street West, Pretoria, 208/22
...... President Street, Germiston (Native Office) postmarks, - see Datestamps - Colonial period -Double Circle datestamps - President Street, Germiston (Native Office)
...... Premier Mine, 219/53-54
...... Second British Occupation - see Datestamps - Colonial period
...... Second Republic, 62/1, 105/7, 107/72-79, 108/93-105, 125/vi-viii, 146/35-37
............ Bank, 160/xiii
............ Banoni, 205/40-41
............ Begin Der Lun (Begin Der Lyn), 205/38-39
............ Bethal, 205/41
............ Bethanie, 205/43
............ De Beurs, 43/71-73, 68/80, 69/15, 205/44
............ Crosses pattée, 107/iv, 169/12
............ Customs handstamps and datestamps, 141/vii
............ Datestamps and handstamps lodged with the National Cultural Museum, Pretoria, 146/35-37
............ De Jagersdrift, 114/ix
............ Double-circle types, 60/77, 64/73, 74, 109/2-18, 205/45; see also Datestamps (the names of post offices)
..................... Alewijnskop, 205/30
..................... Amersfoot, 205/30
..................... Amsterdam, 205/31
..................... Avoca, 205/33
..................... Badfontein, 205/33
......................Balmoral - see Post Offices and Postal Agencies - Balmoral
..................... Barbarton, 205/37-38
..................... Belfast, 205/39
..................... Bergvlei, 205/42
..................... Bethal, 205/42
..................... Betty Street, Johannesburg, 205/44
..................... Bezuidenhout Vally, 205/44
..................... Biesjesvlei - see Datestamps - Biesjesvlei
..................... Elim - see Datestamps - Elim
..................... 'Geregistreerd', 167/56, 175/63
..................... Heidelburg, 43/69
..................... Letter codes, 186/46
..................... Luneburg, 216/14
..................... Lydenburg (Lijdenburg) - see Datestamps - Lydenburg (Lijdenburg)
..................... Lydenburg, 43/69
..................... Jeppestown, 168/92, 169/9
..................... Johannesburg, 212/25-43, 213/16-28
..................... Malanskraal - see Malanskraal
..................... Marabas stad, 43/69
..................... Marico, 43/70
..................... M.W. Stroom, 43/70
..................... Nondweni, 218/29
..................... Pieterburg - see Datestamps - Datestamps - Pieterburg
..................... Potchefstroom, 43/70
..................... Pretoria, 43/70, 220/19-21
........................... 'P.W.K', 179/64, 220/31
........................... Sunday Date, 197/30
..................... Pilgrimsrust, 219/45
..................... Piet Retief, 219/44
..................... Ngomo, 68/85, 68/87, 170/44
..................... Nylstroom P.W.K., 181/30-31
..................... Rietfontein, 135/105
..................... Schweizer Reneke, 181/29, 187/30
..................... Spitskop, 115/vii
..................... Utrecht, 43/70, 83/73-74, 85/19-20
..................... Waterval Boven
........................... For use on 'Machadodorp Postcards', 68/74-77; see also Machadodorp - "Machadodorp" postcard
..................... Waterval Onder
........................... For use on 'Machadodorp Postcards', 58/33, 68/74-77; see also Machadodorp - "Machadodorp" postcard
..................... With wheels to adjust date, 187/8
..................... Wolmaransstad cancellations dated 1st September 1895 and later, 200/62-66
..................... Wollvaardts, 155/v-vi
............ Oval and Double-oval types
..................... Ottoshoop, 219/35
..................... Pretoria, 220/17, 220/27-28, 220/30
........................... Kantoor van den Postmeedtergeneraal Pretoria, 181/30-31
............ Duplex, 47/61, 50/38, 108/102-3, 110/ix, 111/vii
..................... A Study of the Coding, 202/21-24, 203/46
.................... Johannesburg, 47/61, 212/28-29
............ 'GEREGISTREERD / BARBERTON', 147/41, 205/35
.............'GEREGISTREERD / PRETORIA', 220/28-29
............ 'JEPPESTOWN' / 5. OCT.99, 168/92, & 'JEPPESTOWN' / 13. OCT.99, 169/9
............ Johannesburg Beurs, 153/20-21; see also Datestamps - Second Republic - De Beurs
............ Llanwarne squared-octagon - see Datestamps - Squared octagon
............ Lydenburg 1884, 175/63
............ N.Z.A.S.M. / PRETORIA, 161/14
............ Malmani Goudveiden, 103/86, 104/106, 175/62, 176/81
............ Maraisburg, 145/xii
............ on £5 green, 162/52-53
............ Onafghaalde Brievenkantoor - see Unclaimed Letter Office
............ 'P.W.K.' datestamps, 64/73, 120/117, 170/41
............ 'R.P.K. HEEN', 23/51, 54/24
............ 'RUSTENBERG', 102/59-60
............ Single circle datestamps
..................... Johannesburg 1887, 22mm with no time code before the month and year, 190/12
..................... Lijdenburg, 185/41; see also Datestamps - Lydenburg
..................... Malmani Goudvelden, 104/106
..................... Pretoria, 220/17
..................... Nylstroom, 218/30
..................... Springs, 189/63, 190/13
........................... 21.5 Springs 1901, 190/13
............ Truncated double circle types, ?/52-88, 187/8
............ 'Z.A.R.' in concentric circle, 23/59
...... Segmented Inner Circle with numerals in lower part of the datestamp, 115/94-95
...... Single-circle types, 64/72, 107/72-79; see also Datestamps - Second Republic - Single circle datestamp
............ Agatha, 205/29
............ Amsterdam, 205/31
............ Ardentinny - see Post Offices and Postal Agencies - Ardentinny
............ Barberton, 205/36-37
............ Beurs, 43/73; see also Datestamps - Second Republic - De Beurs
............ Bisley postmark - see Datestamps - Colonial period - Bisley
............ Chrissiesmeer, 113/35
............ Malmani Goudvelden, 147/41
............ Newlans, 189/71
............ Johannesburg, 167/55
............ Komatipoort R.O., 147/68
............ Luneburg - see Luneburg
............ Pieiersburg, 219/41
............ Pilgrims Rest, 219/45
............ Potchefstroom, 126/56, 219/51
............ Springs ZAR 22mm single circle used in 1901, 189/63
............ The Grange, 113/35
...... Single-lined oval, 102/57, 108/93
...... South West Africa 1915-1916, 73/29-30
...... Springs ZAR 22mm single circle used in 1901, 189/63
............ Nooitgedacht (Springs) see Datestamps - Nooitgedacht (Springs)
...... Squared-circle types, 64/73, 108/97-101
............ Amsterdam - see Post Offices and Postal Agencies
............ Barbarton, 205/37
............ Bergendal, 205/41
............ Beurs, 43/73, 68/80; see also Datestamps - Second Republic - De Beurs
............ Carolina, 108/99
............ Embabaan, 159/43
............ Eureka, late use of, 168/110
............ Hekpoort, 211/32
............ Helvetia, 211/33
............ Lijdenburg, 185/41
............ Johannesburg, 212/27, 212/31, 212/37; see also Datestamps - Johannesburg
..................... Johannesburg, 44/93, 108/97-101
..................... Johannesburg Beurs - see Datestamps - Second Republic - De Beurs
..................... Johannesburg, unusual block of the 1895 ZAR 'Penny Post' commemorative, 169/23
............ Niekerksrust, 218/27-28
............ Pretoria, 44/93, 220/17, 220/18
...................... Used on a Orange River Colony stamp during 1900, 189/72
............ Pilgrimsrust, 219/45
............ Schweizer Reneke, 181/29
............ Standerton, 117/iv, 194/53
............ Wesselst 193/23
...... Squared octagon, 64/73, 108/95-97
............ Bergendal, 113/24, 113/25, 113/27, 192/77, 205/41
............ Beurs, 69/15
............ Bethal, 205/42
............ Blaauwbank, 119/94, 205/22
............ Germiston, 181/30-31
............ Helvetia, 113/25, 114/50
............ Llanwarne, 172/94
............ Luneburg, 102/59, 216/14
............ M Wesselstroom, 193/23
............ Makwasie, 181/30-31
............ Niekerksrust, 165/25
............ Pretoria, 108/100-101
............ Pilgrimsrust, 219/45
............ Spelonken, 163/73
............ Smitsdorp, 165/25
............ Standerton, 117/v
............ Winnaarspoort, 115/81
...... Triple-circle datestamp see also Datestamps - Colonial period, Triple-circle type
........... De Wittekrans - see De Wittekrans
...... Truncated double-circle, 53/11, 62/41, 64/72, 108/95
...... Second British Occupation
............ Middelburg, 122/xiv
............ Standerton, 117/v-vi
............ on £5 green overprinted 'V.R.I.', 162/53-55
............ Johannesburg/S.B." date Stamp, 47/58-59
...... Sulphur Springs and Sulphur Spring 211/12-13
...... Swaziland - see Swaziland - Datestamps
...... Telegraph, 150/40-50
.......... 'ARMY TELEGRAPHS' date of usage, 150/47
...... Town Sub-Office - see T.S.O.s
...... Triple-circle type - see Datestamps - Colonial period - Triple-circle type, [Triple-Ring]
...... Uitvalfontein - see Datestamps - Double Circle datestamps
...... Vryheid datestamp - see Vryheid
...... Zululand - see Zululand
Davel, 122/31
Davis of Pietermaritzburg, Natal - see Stamp printers
...... Davis postal Stationery, - see Postal Stationery - Envelopes
Dawkins, Edward B., 114/63-64
De Beers - see Datestamps - Second Republic - De Beurs
De Beurs - see Datestamps - Second Republic - De Beurs
De Bussy, 161/34
De Deur, History of, 54/37
De Emigratie - see Emigratie, Post Offices and Postal Agencies - Emigratie
De Geheime Dienst - see Secret Service
de Grens - see Athalia
De Jagersdrift, 107/80, 114/ix
De Kuiper's Drift, History of, 54/37
De Meillon - see Post Office staff
De Raay, Léon, 136/vii, 137/iv
De Volkstem, 23/62-63, 42/50, 156/102-105
De V. Smit, I. T., Government Comptroller, 24/92
De Villiers, J.F., 57/18
De Vletter - see New Republiek - de Vletter
De Witt Hamer, Capt. B.G. and Glady Versélewel, 120/138, 124/94-95
De Wittkrans, 122/31
de la Court Schröder, 132/92-93
de la Hunt, A.W., 147/iii
de la Rue, 171/70; see also De La Rue [Ltd], Essay, watermarks
...... 'Africa stamps' see Essay and Proof and Colour Trials - 'Africa' stamps by de la Rue
...... Archive display to Transvaal Study Circle members, 4/44
...... British stamps printed by 'de la Rue' on paper made at Chafford Mill, Kent, 186/57
...... Revenue and postage hand painted 1877 essays, 153/3-6
De La Rue [Ltd.], 80/98; see also de la Rue, Essays
...... Coil stamps in the Interprovincial period, 201/80-81
...... Correspondence Books, postage and revenue stamps, 146/29-33
...... Dual-purpose postage and revenue stamps, 146/23-33
...... Edward VII £5 postage stamps, printing quantities, 170/46
...... Edwardian Postal Stationery 1900 - see Postal stationery - Edwardian issues - Origins of
...... Edwardian dual-purpose postage and revenue stamps, 146/23-33
...... Essay of Oct' 77, 9/13
...... Limited Liability, 186/59 (Fig. 15)
...... Material from La Rue's Records, 146/27-33
...... Packing problem, 171/70
...... Postal Stationery, 39/70-76
............ Quantities of Transvaal postal stationery supplied by De La Rue - see Postal stationery - Edwardian issues
..... Printing of the first stamp of the Union of South Africa, 193/35
de Vletter, Anyony - see New Republic (Nieuwe Republiek) - History of - de Vletter
de Vogel, J.A., - see Post Office Staff
De Volksskem (Volkskem)
...... Newspaper Wrappers - see Wrappers
...... Silver Jubilee Lables, 23/62-63
De Wildt, History of, 55/65
De Wittekrans, 122/31
De Zoutpansberg Wachter - see Newspapers
Dealers price lists, see Catalogues, Stamp dealers
"Dead Africans" - see Stamps - "Dead Africans"
'Debit' handstamp, 108/viii, 109/ix, 127/94-95
Delagoa Bay; 33/17; see also Labour Recruiting Office
...... Derby - Delagoa Bay, 108/vi-vii, 124/90
...... British and Portugal's claims for a port, 167/59
...... Establish letter post to Delagoa Bay 1850, 21/14
...... Mail via 1899-1902, 134/39-73, 135/iv, 141/v
...... P.O. Box 21, 135/v-vii, 142/iv-5
...... Railway to, 22/35
Delmas, History of, 55/65
Denver; see also Datestamps
...... History of, 55/65, 188/50
Dennison, Charles George - see> Stellaland
Design - see Stamp design and designers
Deydalton / Denny Dalton, 107/81-82
Der Philatelist, 2/15
Derby; see also Post Offices and Postal Agencies
...... location, 167/71
...... Derby - Delagoa Bay, 108/vi-vii, 124/90
Devastation, H.M.S., 125/25
Devel - see Datestamps
die Volkstem, Special Editions - see Newspapers
Die Kleinvrystaat, (Republic); see also Klein Vrij Staat ( Klein Vrystad)
Dies - see Essay, Printing, Proofs
Diepsluit, location, 167/71
Dinuzulu - see Zululand
Dinokana - see Linokana
Displays by the Transvaal Study Circle - see Transvaal Study Circle - Displays by the Transvaal Study Circle
Distributor of Stamps; also see Wilkinson, Henry Straughan
...... Controller of stamps in the Netherlands - see Controller of stamps in the Netherlands
...... Henning, H., 50/32
District posts, 135/105-7
Disrupted Mail
...... Censor, August 1900, 69/8
...... Weather - see Snow - Snowstorm 1881
Dodd Collection, 140/117-133
“Dog Tag” Informatie-Burcau van het Roode Kruis, Pretoria - see Second Anglo-Boer War - Ambulance Corps
Dogs - see also Railways - Central South African Railways (C.S.A.R.) - 'Waybill'
...... Dog and Game Licences, 195/116, 195/120(Ref.1a)
Donkin, Sir Rufane Shaw, 137/29
Doordrift, location, 167/71
...... Farm number, 200/67
Doornbult, location, 167/71
Doornfontein, History of, 55/65
Dorpsplaats see Post Offices and Postal Agencies - Dorpsplaats
Dormehl, Cornellius Alwyn, Witwatersrand Post Office - see Post Office staff
"Dos-y-Medio", 71/50; see also Forgeries (and reprints) - 'London Gang'
Douglas, Major, 142/68-69
Dovesdale, location, 167/71
Dresden Philatelic Society members, 53/7, 201/?
Driefontein, location, 167/71
Driemanschap, 24/78-80; see also Die Kleinvrystaat
Drinkwater, 122/32
Dual-purpose postage and revenue stamps, 146/23-33
Duiven, Jacob - see Swaziland
Duivels Kloof, location, 167/71
Duiwelskloof, History of, 55/65-66
Duncan, Patrick, Colonial Secretary (Transvaal), 193/31
Duplex Canceller - see Datestamps - Second Republic - Duplex
Durnall, Natal, 16/103
Dullstroom, 118/57-59; see also Groot Suikerboschkop
...... Dutch immigrants, 218/19
...... History and location, 55/66, 167/71, 218/18-20
Dutch African Republic, 55/63
D'Urban, Sir Benjamin, 137/29
Dutoits Pan, 143/93
Duvenage, F.D.G., (Exact from thesis), 72/87-88
Dwaalfonteein, location, 167/71
Dwars River, location, 167/71
Dynamite Explosion, Braamfontein, 202/26-27
Earée, Robert Brisco, Rev. - see Forgeries - Jeppe's 30mm provisional datestamp
Earthquake, Messina, Sicily, 187/29
Eastern Counties Association, 137/24
East End Lictenburg, location, 167/71
Eastern Star - see Newspapers
Eastleigh, location, 167/71
East Rand, location, 167/71
Ede Correspondence, 128/133-135
Eden, Lt. William H., 114/71-76
Edenkop, location, 167/71
Edendale, 215/13
Edenvale (Transvaal), 135/107-108
...... History of, 55/66
Edwin Amies & Co. - see Watermarks - Edwin Amies & Co.
Eerstefabrieken Military - Telegraph service - Army Telegraphs - Offices
Eerste Fabrieke, History of, 55/66-67
Effect on Post Offices during the Second Anglo-Boer War - see Second Anglo-Boer War - Effect on Post Offices
Edgson, Arthur Ballantine, 42/46, 44/98
Eersteling, 3/36, 139/68
...... History of, 55/67
Edwardian era, 167/61-77
Edwardian Stamps, - see Postage Stamps - Edwardian issues, Revenue Stamps
Eikenhof, location, 167/71
Elandsfontein - see Post Offices and Postal Agencies - Germiston Post Office
...... Change of name to Germiston, 60/73
Elandshoek, location, 55/67, 176/71
Elands River (Elandsriver), location, 167/71
...... Elandsriver cancel, 96/?
Elgin (9th Earl) Victor Alexander Bruce, 187/28 (Ref.25)
...... Elgin Dispatch, 170/38-39
...... British
............ 1900 General Election ( Khaki Election), 173/19
............ 1906 General Election, 173/19
...... Transvaal Colony Legislative Assembly 20th February 1907, 191/43-44, 196/21
...... Union of South Africa, 191/43-44
Elim, location of, 55/67
Electrotype - see Printing - Dies and Plates
Ellenberger, R., 130/68
Elsburg, established, 55/67
...... map location, 167/71
Elzelberg, (location of) 55/67
Embabaan - see Swaziland
Embossed stamps - see Revenue stamps - Embossed types
Emigratie, 111/72-73, 139/68, 192/76-7, 193/16, 211/15-21; see also Covers - 1875, Covers - 1875, Post Offices and Postal Agencies
Endicott - see railways - Endicott
English, Edwin - see Stamp Dealers - English, Edwin
'ENN PENNY' overprint on the 1882 provisional 4d. 'Queens Head' stamp, 103/78-84, 162/44; see also 'Queen's Head' stamps - Used during the Second Republic
Enkeldoorm, location, 167/71
Enschedé, 17/8-11, 109/33, 113/1-13, 116/118-124, 118/viii, 121/12-16, 124/112, 125/5-10, 134/xviii, 147/47-49, 150/viii; see also Unauthorised reprinting
and overprintings, Vürtheim, Joseph, Postage stamps, Printing, Reviews, Reprints
...... Enschedé at BELGICA 72, 49/20
............ Belgica Philatelic Exhibition (1972), 154/39
...... Delvery of paper to, 116/xv
...... Enschedé and Sons; see also Essays, Stamps, Stamp Printers, Forgeries - Cancellations, Datestamps, Handstamps, Postal stationery - Second Republic,
Unauthorised reprintings and overprintings - Enschedé and Mirza Hadi
...... Mirza Hadi - see Unauthorised reprintings and overprintings - Enschedé and Mirza Hadi
...... Stamps and Postal Stationery printed and despatched by Enschedé, 125/5-10
...... Transvaal Reprints an Article by Emil Tamsen (1933) reprinted, 53/18-24
Enselberg - see Union of South Africa
Entires - see Covers
Entonjaneni, 112/v; see also Umtonjaneni1, Zululand - Entonjaneni
Envelopes, 159/57; see also Covers, Postal Stationery - Envelopes
....... 'Long and short gum', 177/10
Ephemera - see Revenue documents and ephemera, Post Office Ephemera
...... “Dog Tag” Informatie-Burcau van het Roode Kruis, Pretoria - see Second Anglo-Boer War - Ambulance Corps
Epstein, Sallo, 155/75-76
...... Death, 51/55
...... During the Second Angol-Boer War, 171/75-76
...... Johannesburg Philatelic Society, 53/24
...... Picture postcards, 171/50, 54
...... Postal Stationery Cards, 171/52-56
...... Stamp dealer, 186/60-61
...... Underwoods of "Stereoscope" fame - see Underwoods
Erasmus, Abel, 3/37; see also Klein Vrij Staat (Klein Vrystad)
Erasmus, M.G. - see Secret Service
Ermelo, 114/viii-ix; see also Post Offices and Postal Agencies
...... Ermelo and Ermelo District, 14/46, 121/1-9, 122/29-34
...... Ermelo to Caroline Local Post typewritten stamps, 16/98, 17/17
...... Ermelo Railway Company, 153/16-19
...... History and location, 56/86, 167/71
...... Ermelo Spoorwegmaatchappij, 153/16-19, 155/v
Esselen, D.J. - see New Republic
Essay and Proof and Colour Trials; see also 'Specimen' overprints, Printings
...... 'Africa' stamps by de la Rue, 43/82, 144/95-104, 145/x
...... Cheque stamp, 1877 essays, 153/6
...... de la Rue, essay for 1d cheque stamp, 153/6
...... de la Rue, essay of October 1877, 9/13
...... de la Rue Ltd.
............ 'Transvaal' Edwardian essays for Great Britain stamps - see Great Britain - 'Transvaal' Edwardian essays
...... Enschedé essays, proofs and Colour Trials, 36/81-86, 40/84-85, 113/1-13
............ Vurtheim, 169/16-18
...... Blokland collection, 113/1-13
............ The holdings of The Netherlands PTT Museum, 116/118-124
...... First British Occupation, Revenue series, 42/50-51
...... First Republic, Otto proofs, 41-38; see also British Library - Tapling
............ 1d fine roulette from the Close-set plate, 49/9
............ 3d stamps, 189/58-59
............ 1s, 72/94
............ "Kiss print" - Otto proof, 158/xvi, 179/63
...... Kruger essays, 22/42-46, 24/87, 33/10-15, 44/97, 45/30, 62/36, 63/93, 66/30-31, 119/95-96, 124/vi
............ of 1899 for the De La Rue files, 58/32
...... King Edward VII, Colour Trials, 55/56-57
............ 1d., 38/37
............ Essays with head facing left, 7/32
............ Great Britain Essay - see Auction, 'Beaumont' sale (02.02.1966)
............ Prince of Wales’s ideas of stamp design, 146/34, 20369-71
...... Luff Plate 'L' and 'M' - see Luff Plates - 'L' and 'M'
...... Minerva Head - see Essay and Proof and Colour Trials - 'Africa' stamps by de la Rue
...... Pietersburg Proof Issue - see Pietersburg - Proof
...... Proof material donated by the Museum voor Communicate, The Hague, to the PFSA, 178/26
..... 'Queens' Head, Bradbury, Wilkinson 1877 essays - see 'Queen's Head' stamps
...... Queen Victoria de la Rue's 1877 essays, 153/1-9
...... Queen Victoria photographic essays with head as halfpenny of Southern Nigeria, 63/61, 64
............ Sold at auction on 26.10.1976, 45/13
...... Second Republic, other items, 135/91-99, 147/47-52, 148/iv
...... 'Shaft' and 'Disselboom', 135/91-99
...... 'Transvaal' Edwardian essays for Great Britain stamps - see Great Britain - 'Transvaal' Edwardian essays
...... Union of South Africa (SG1) - see Union of South Africa (SG1)
...... 'V.R.I.', 1900, 131/73-75, 135/v, 183/90
eSwatini - see Swaziland (Swazieland) - eSwatini
'European Mail' CSAR datestamps and TPO tax marks, 160/69-72; see also Railways - Travelling Post offices (T.P.O.s)
Eureka, 81-82/6-7, 109/30-31, 121/vi, 165/17
...... History and location, 56/86-87, 167/71
Eureka Station, location, 167/71; see also Post Offices and Postal Agencies
Evergreen, 124/90; see also Post Offices and Postal Agencies
Examining Office of Customs in Johannesburg 1907, memo to the Postmaster General, 179/64
...... British Library - see Exhibitions, Philatelic
...... Brunei Gallery, The Life and Afterlife of David Livingstone: exploring missionary archives, Brunei Gallery, London from 22 October 2013 to 22 March 2014, 186/51
...... National Portrait Gallery, London
............ The Anglo-Zulu War, 1879, 178/42
............ 'No end of a lesson': The Boer War, 1899-1902, 188/34
Exhibitions, Philatelic
...... 1900 Exposition Universelle, 196/19
...... Bloemfontein 2009 National Stamp Show, 173/11
...... British Library, Euston Road, London
............ 'Good Graving is the best security, 188/34
............ Philatelic Exhibitions, 173/9, 178/42, 188/34
...... Cape Town 1971,22/27-28
...... Centapex 2012, 183/74-75
..... EuroPhilEx Birmingham 2025, 219/4
...... Independence & Postcolonial selection of stamp artwork and production materials from the Crown Agents Philatelic & Security Printing Archive, British Library, 203/46
...... Joburg 2010, 176/75-76
...... London 1980, 56/34-5
...... Philympia 1970, 20/69
...... Orange Free State Study Circle's 21st Anniversary Exhibition at the South African Embassy, London, 33/3
...... Poznan ?/73, 32/83
...... Rare Stamp Show 2000, Paarl, 136/iii-iv
...... South African Collector's Society at Spring Stampex 24-27 February, 2010, 173/2
...... Stamps & Postal History of the Transvaal, Toyal Gallery, Johannesburg, 3-13 December, 1985, 80/66
...... Stamp World London 90, 91/48; see also Transvaal Study Circle - A.G.M. Minutes Annual Reports Accounts and meeting - 1989
...... The Philatelic Congress of Great Britain, Paris 1974, 33/5-6
...... The Stamp Show 2000, 134/76
...... Toyal Gallery, Johannesburg, 3-13 December, 1985, 80/66
...... Vrijstaat '81, 64/67-68
...... World Exhibition - Paris (1899), 44/94-96
...... ZAR 100 - London, South Africa Embassy, 8/48, 13/1, 14/44-45, 15/55, 15/56-62
Expertising and Expertising certificates, 169/22, 183/100-102, 184/10-11, 184/18-22, 186/53
...... Incorrect certificates, 183/100-101, 186/53
...... Swazieland - see Swazieland - Duiven - Swazieland overprints: a possible fake produced by Postmaster
Expertising handstamps etc., 134/xiii, 179/64-65
...... Initials on the back of a ten shilling Swazieland stamp - see Swaziland - Initials on the back of a ten shilling Swazieland stamp
Express delivery, 105/8-9
Ezulweni, Mission Station, Swazieland - see Swaziland - Mission Stations
Fairview, 56/87
Fantasy stamps, 191/40-42 see also Bogus Stamps, Forgeries
...... King Edward VII Head, 193/11
............ ½d with an inverted centre, 190/19
...... Queen Elizabeth II portraits on bogus stamps, 173/22
...... 'Queen's Head' £100 duty, 191/42
...... Swazieland, 189/73, 191/41-42
Farthing newspaper rate - see Postage rates
Fels, Fritz - see Schweizer-Reneke - The Fels
Fels, Hennie - see Schweizer-Reneke - The Fels
FEPAPOST 94, 112/ii-iii
Ferguson, Abbie Park, 176/85-93
Ferrari, Marquis - see Auctions, Collections
Ferreira's Camp - see Johannesburg
Fiddes, George, Milner's Imperial Secretary, 193/29-33
Field cornets, 130/37
Field Post Office, 84/79
...... '1', 157/iii, 158/xvi
...... '2', 159/vii
...... Field postal service for ZAR troops in Natal see Second Anglo-Boer War - Field postal service for ZAR troops in Natal, 155/59-60
...... In the ZAR from the ZAR troops, 155/60-61
Fire at Middelburg Government Building 1907 - see Post Offices and Postal Agencies - Middelburg
First South African Air Mail - see Air Mail, Kenilworth to Mulzenberg first South African Aerial Post
First Anglo-Boer War, 102/27-31, 103/76-77, 213/14; see also Military mail
...... March back from Potchefstroom, letter of 1881 from Chas F.C. Bersford, 96/78-79
...... Nairne, Capt. 94th Regiment covers, 102/31-43
...... Terminated postal traffic, 21/21
...... Second printing of the proclamation, 162/43
...... Standerton, 194/52
...... Ward correspondence - see Ward correspondence
First day covers, 108/131, 109/viii, 122/51
...... Transvaal Study Circle at fifty see History of the Study Circle - 50th year - First Day Cover
...... GB 1d black, 136/vi
First Meetings of the Transvaal Study Circle; see also Transvaal Study Circle - Meetings
...... First meeting - see Meetings, Transvaal Study Circle - Carshalton, Surrey (13.11.1965) the Inaugural Meeting
...... First Meeting in South Africa of the Transvaal Study Circle - see Meetings, Transvaal Study Circle - Joint meeting with PPHS, Johannesburg, Crown Mines (08.10.1986)
...... Meetings of the Transvaal Study Circle in Chronological order; Meetings from 1966 to date
First Study Circle invited display, Norwood 20 March - see Transvaal Study Circle - Displays by the Transvaal Study Circle
First Penny Postage Stamp - see Postage Stamps - Second Republic issues - Commemorative 1d duty
First Transvaal Mounted Rifles, 106/37-39
First Union of South Africa postage stamp - see Union of South Africa
Five-star punching - see Revenue cancellations and datestamps - Punching
...... Black flag with characters B.M. in white, Pretoria Post Office, 73/10
...... Goshen, 157/10
...... New Republic, 218/10
...... Stellaland, 105/ix, 157/10
...... Vierkleur 192/58, 192/58, 198/73
Fleischack Collection of Potchefstroom University, 158/xvii; see also Telegraph service - Potchefstroom, Review - Moments in the history of the
Transvaal section of the Vredefort Dome from a philatelic perspective
...... Gandhi, 176/71
...... Telegram used in Potchefstroom 1888 to 1910, 145/1-7
Fontainebleau, History of, 56/86
Forbes Reef datestamps - see Swaziland (Swazieland) - Forbes Reef datestamps
Fordsburg, History and location, 56/86, 167/71
Florida, History and location, 56/86, 167/71
Foreign and Commonwealth Office Collection - see British Library (The)
Foreign Labour Department - see China and Chinese labour
Forgery, 178/43-45; see also Forgeries
Forlorn, 107/80-81
Forgeries (and reprints); see also Bogus Stamps, CSAR, Fantasy stamps, Luff Plates, Repaired Stamps, Stellaland, Unauthorised reprintings and overprintings
...... Article by Basden, A.E. and Hand, C. published in 1935, 55/71-72
...... Cancellations, datestamps and Handstamps
............ Artist-drawn postmarks, 103/73
............ Germiston - A forged postmark?, 29/6-7, 31/59
............ Goldner, Julius, 31/66-72, 76-80; see also Luff Plates and the articles by Luff, J., in the "AUTHOR INDEX" articles by Luff, J.
..................... Cancels on Otto's forged stamps, 22/49
..................... Death announcement, 51/61
............ Lydenburg - see Lydenburg
............ On Enschedé Reprints, 39/64-65, 42/42-43, 49/20
............ 'REGISTERED JOHANNESBURG', 170/37
...... Enschedé - see Unauthorised reprintings and overprintings - Enschedé and Mirza Hadi
...... Fournier - see Fournier, François
...... Hadi, Mirza - see Unauthorised reprintings and overprintings - Enschedé and Mirza Hadi
...... Left Facing Eagle stamps - see Bogus Stamps
...... 'London Gang', 71/50-51, 119/106-108, 120/v, 131/88-89, 150/50, 210/16-19
...... Overprints - see Forgeries - Stamps and Overprints
...... Mirza Hadi - see Unauthorised reprintings and overprintings - Enschedé and Mirza Hadi
...... Perforations, 80/87, 139/91, 213/4-8
...... Pietersburg stamps
............ Carter imitations, 153/12-13
............ Other forgeries, 213/4-8
...... Postal use, 139/84-85
...... Postal stationery
............ Potchefstroom envelopes, 116/113-116, 159/57
............ Davis envelopes, 144/110-111, 159/57-59
............ Letter Sheet, 34/30, 77/14
............ "Queens Head", crude one penny duty, 160/68
............ Second Republic overprinted, 184/22
...... Postmarks - see Forgeries - Cancellations and datestamps
...... Roulette - Forgery of the Wide roulette First Republic and First British Occupation, 216/13; - see also 202/14
...... Second Republic, 11/47, 17/8-11, 29/9-11, 35/67, 107/78, 109/17-18, 116/xiii, 117/iv, 118/ix, 151/viii, 153/vi; see also Enschedé
............ Halfpenny overprinted on 3d stamp, 35/67
...... Spiro, Philip (Spiro Brothers) and Spiro's forgeries, 22/49, 145/xii-xiv, 146/iv
...... Stellaland - see Stellaland
...... Stamps; see also Luff Plates, Unauthorised reprintings and Forgeries - overprintings
............ £5 green, 29/5, 39/58, 39/59, 77/2, 80/81-82, 122/50, 127/104, 157/10, 183/101, 213/9-12; see also Forgeries - Cancellations, datestamps, Handstamps, Fournier, François - £5 green
............ £5 green overprinted 'V.R.I.', 154/34-36; see also The Transvaal Philatelist - Supplements and other items (inset or insert).
............ £5 green, lithography, 154/39
............ Bisect, 153/vi-vii
............ Benjamin & Sarpy, 21/3; see also Forgery - 'London Gang'
............ Bogus V.R.I. overprint, 163/80
............ Brighton Forgeries, 159/vii
............ Carter imitations of Pietersburg stamps, 153/12-13
............ 'C.S.A.R.' overprints, 141/iii-iv
............ 'Disselboom' issue, 40/95-100
............ Drysdall Plate "a" (1d and 1s duties), 39/57, 47/54-55, 72/81
............ Drysdall Plate "b" (1d duty), 47/55
............ Drysdall Plate "c" (3d duty), 47/55-56, 42/49-56
............ Drysdall Plate "d" (3d duty), 47/56
............ Drysdall Plate "e" (1s duty), 47/56-57, 42/49-56
............ Drysdall Plates cancellations, 47/57-58
............ Drysdall Plates overprinting, 47/57
............ Edward VII, 2d Grey, 61/19, 64/81
............ Edward VII, 2d duty (chemically treated), 143/x
............ Edward VII, 4d duty, 60/71
............ Edward VII, £5 duty, 51/54, 115/x-xi, 160/66-68, 160/10, 171/70
............ Edward VII, 'I' of 'SPECIMEN' missing on 10s stamp, 186/67
............ Enschedé, 150/viii; see also Forgeries - Cancellations, datestamps and Handstamps, Unauthorised reprintings and overprintings
.................... £5 green, 48/79, 52/89; see also Forgeries (and reprints) - Stamps - £5 green
............ 'FAUX' Handstamp on reverse of forged ten shilling disselboom Enschedé, 199/6
............ Fournier - see Fournier, François
............ Hadi, M., - see Unauthorised reprintings and overprintings - Enschedé and Mirza Hadi
............ Handstamps
.................'V. R. / SPECIAL POST', 170/42
............ Hyland, Des, Collection, 151/(four unnumbered pages), 153/123
............ Goldner, Julius - see Forgeries - Goldner, Julius
............ Intended to deceive collectors, 178/43
............ Jeppe's 30mm provisional datestamp, 116/114-115
............ 'Left-facing' Eagle, 14/45-46, 52/89
..................... Left-facing bird Type 1, 13/22-23
..................... Postmarks, 52/89
............ Leon de Raay Collection, 136/vii
............ 'London Gang', 60/77, 119/106-108, 120/v, 131/88-89, 150/50, 153/ii
............ L’Union Philatélique de Genève - see Fournier, François
............ 'Manipulated' cover, 144/106-107
............ Maryland Forgeries, 171/70
............ Otto, Adolph of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, 99/53, 110/46-49, 118/ix, 125/4, 128/126, 130/41-45, 137/10-12, 138/31-36, 139/iv, iv-v & vi, vi-vii, 141/24, 145/xiii, 151/vii, 153/22, 178/43-45
.................. Bicoloured, 153/10-11
.................. Genuine cancellation on forged Otto stamp, 199/16
.................. Luff Plates; see also Luff Plates and the articles by Luff, J., in the "AUTHOR INDEX"
....................... Plate G, 27/42-43, 151/vii, 209/19-20
....................... Plate H, 29/12-13
....................... Plate J, 29/14-15, 128/126
....................... Plate K, 29/17-18
....................... Plate O, 30/44-50, 49
....................... Plate P, 30/45-50, 130/41-45, 139/iv
....................... Plate R, 137/1-12
....................... Plate Ra (New 6d.) 137/10-12, 161/13
....................... Plate Q, 30/46-50, 137/31-36, 139/iv, v
....................... Plate S, 32/96-100, 139/vi, 157/8, 209/7-19
....................... Plate T, 32/96-100
....................... Plate U, 32/96-100, 153/22
....................... Plate V, 32/96-100
....................... Plate W, 32/96-100
....................... Otto's small plates, 139/vi-vii
............ Otto ?, 114/44-45, 115/x, 153/vi, 157/8
............ Otto's duplicate cancellers, 137/11
............ Overprints - see Stamps with Overprints
............ Plate X, 114/44-45, 118/ix, 153/vi
............ Perforations, 139/91
............ Queens Head; see also Fournier
.................. 1879 '1 PENNY' overprints, 110/43, 123/75, 125/v
.................. '1 PENNY' overprints on the 1879 Queen's Head, 110/43
.................. Bogus 'TWEE PENCE' 159/vii
.................. Bogus Bradbury, Wilkinson 6d doubly overprinted, 123/75
.................. Crude one penny, duty, 160/68
.................. Fournier - see Fournier
.................. Surcharged 1d red, reversed on the 6d duty, 29/21
............ Tête-bêche variety, 146/34
............ Revenue 1d blue overprinted 'V.R.I.' cancelled at Rustenburg, 167/78
............ Royal - Expert Committee reference collection, 153/ii
............ 'Shrunken centre' type, 97/10-11
............ Spiro, 40/97, 145/xii-xiv, 146/iv
............ Stock Exchange Forgeries (British), 159/60
...... Revenue King Edward V11 modern 21st fantasy items, 189/73
...... Stamps with Overprints, 184/10-11, 18-19; see also Forgeries (and reprints) - Stamps - £5 green, Unauthorised reprintings
............ 1877-1879 Overprints, 52/92-96
............'POST ZEGAL', 'POSTZEGEL' - see Bogus Stamps - Overprints
............ Provisional 'Halve Penny' of 1893, 9/8-12
............ Provisional 'Have Penny' of 1895, 145/12-13
............ 'V.I.R.', 184/22; Forgeries (and reprints) - Stamps - £5 green
............ 'V.R.I.' cancelled with a Rustenburg squared-circle dated 30 July 1900, 167/78
............ 'V. R. / TRANSVAAL.' overprint, 47/73-75, 122/46, 151/vii
..................... Overprinted 'SPECIMAN' on the back of the 1d and 1s, 47/74
............ 'V. R. I.' Overprints, 144/117; see also Supplement, 49/inset at back after page 62
...... Stellaland - see Stellaland
...... Swaziland
............ One shilling, 26/27-29
............ Forged “Swazieland” overprints on forged Vürtheim stamps, 197/35
............ Morden 21st fantasy items, 189/73
............ 'Swazieland' overprinted on ZAR stamps, 26/37-39, 150/viii, 175/61
...... Transvaal Reprints, Article by Emil Tamsen 1933 reprinted, 53/18-24
...... Telegraphs, 184/18-19
...... Telegraph stamps, 139/90-91, 140/iv
...... Trimmed perforated stamps, 132/126
.......'unknown' forgers, 40/97-100, 153/vi
...... £5 duty, 29/5, 39/58, 39/59, 77/2, 80/81-82, 122/50, 127/104, 157/10, 183/101; see also Forgeries - Cancellations, datestamps and
Handstamps, Fournier, François - £5 green
............ Five pound green overprinted 'V.R.I.' *TO BE UPDATED*
Fort Albert, 24/85
Fort Beaufort, 143/93-94
Fort Brown, 128/135-136
Fort Edward, History of, 56/87
...... Postmarks - see Datestamps - Fort Edward
Fort Hare, 144/120-122
Fort Hendrina, 108/v-vi, 196/17, 212/7-23
...... 1898/9 mail route 16, 196/18
...... Postmarks - see Datestamps - Fort Hendrina
Fort Schutte, 150/ xii
Fort Wilhelm - see Bothabelo
Foreign and Commonwealth Office Collection - see British Library (The)
The Foreign Labour Dept. Box 4, Florida, 1903 cover addresed to, 195/119
Forlorn Hope, 107/80
Fortuna, location, 167/71
Forwarding Agents, 124/110-112
...... Rossouw, 196/11
...... Kearns, W.C. of Middelburg, 200/60
...... Schenck, H', 200/60
Four Concentric rings cancels - see Cancellers - 'Dumb' target-type
Fournier, François, 40/96, 161/19, 163/72, 183/85
...... 'C.S.A.R' overprint forgery, 183/94
...... Datestamps, Putzel's numbers 41 & 241, 118/ix
...... Datestamps, 51/61-75, 109/18, 213/10 and 213/12
...... Facsimiles of the Transvaal, 40/96-97, 164/107-9, 183/85-89
............ £5 green, 154/38-39; see also The Transvaal Philatelist - Supplements and other items (inset or insert).
..................... Fournier Printings of the ZAR Five Pound Green, a Plating study, 183/85-89
...... L’Union Philatélique de Genève, 164/107-109, 183/85
...... New Republic Stamps, 161/19
...... Overprints, 140/iv, 159/vii; see also Supplement, 49/inset at back after page 62
............ Telegraphs, 187/16
...... "Philatelic Clinic", 164/110
...... 'Queen's Head', 160/68, 161/18, 187/16
...... 1914 Prize List of Philatelic Forgeries, 164/107-109, 164/109
Foxing - see Conservation
Franking privileges - see Official mail and stationery
Franking stamps - see Mail - Official mail and stationery
Franking of privilege mail, regulations and changes to the franking regulations 1900-1904 - see Official mail and stationery
French Bob's Camp - see Leydsdorp
Franschhoek, 147/77-78
Franz, Robert and Helene, 130/67, 131/x
...... Datestamps see also Darestamps - Frederikstad
...... location, 167/71
...... Military mail - see Military mail, Telegraph service - Army Telegraphs - Offices
Freya, 135/103-104; see also Darestamps - Freya
Free Mail - see Official mail and stationery
Friend, Jack, 114/67, 115/xi, 119/vii, 122/xvi, 123/61
Frontier Wars - see Cape Colony - Soldiers' letters

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