---- Index Menu ---- Abbreviations ----
Initial Letter G - O --- G | H | I | J | K | L | M | Maps | N | New Republic | O
Gabb, Frances Georgina - see Swaziland
Gabriel Stoltz, location, 172/90
Gandhi, 176/71
Galle - see Pointe du Galle (Ceylon)
Gazette - see The Transvaal Government Gazette and Staatscourant
Gebrüder Senf - see Senf
Geduld, History of, 56/88
Geelhoutboom, 140/97
Geheime Dienst, - see Secret Service
Geduld, history of, 56/88
Geldenhuis, history and location, 56/87, 167/71
Geluk, 116/126-127
Gemsbokfontein, 56/88, 183/81
Gender, attitude towards, 1900, 184/16
General Elections, Great Britain
...... 1900 - the so called Khaki Election, 173/19
...... 1906, 170/38-39, 173/19
General Elections, Union of South Africa, 191/43-44
General Post Office - see Post Offices and Postal Agencies - Johannesburg (including the General Post Office)
General Screw Steam Shipping Co., 144/122, 145/xiv, 147/76-77
'GEREGISTREERD' handstamps, - see Registered mail
'GEREADRESSEERD' handstamps - see Re-addressed/reposted mail
German labels on incoming mail (“Von Auslande Uber”) registered (“Eingeschreiben”), 198/55
Germiston, history and location, 56/88, 167/71; see also Post Offices - Germiston, Elandsfontein / Germiston
...... Military -
...... President Street, Germiston (Indo Native [Post] Office) - see Datestamps - Germiston
'Getting Started' articles, 166/42-43, 167/78, 168/104-107, 169/22, 172/98, 173/20, 174/39-40, 175/61, 178/43-45, 179/62-63, 183/100-102, 189/70
Geysdorp, History and location, 56/88, 167/71
Gezina, History and location, 56/88, 167/71
Ghosts - see Post Offices - Johannesburg - Ghosts of Rissik Street Post Office [General Post Office]
Gibbons - see Catalogues - Stanley Gibbons, Stanley Gibbons
Girouard, E.G.C., Lt. Col. - see Imperial Military Railways
Glencoe, 112/142, 141/vi
Glenelg, Lord, 137/28-29
Goddefroy, Marinus Joseph, 200/53
Godwan River
...... Godwan River R.O., 130/52-53
...... Location, 167/71
...... Military -
Goedehoop, 107/80
Goldfields Malmani and Ottoshoop, 103/84-86
Gold-rush at Tati and Potchefstroom, 148/79-95
Golden Jubilee of the Transvaal Study Circle - see Transvaal Study Circle - History - 50th
Goldner Julius; see also Forgeries - Cancellations - Goldner, Julius, Luff Plates and the articles by Luff, J., in the "AUTHOR INDEX" articles by Luff, J.
...... Death announcement, 51/61
Gommamaan, 107/80
Goosen Land, Republic - see Goshen, Republic of
Gopanie, 167/71
Goshen Republic, 24/78-79, 25/4, 55/62, 58/29, 157/10
...... History of, 56/78-79, 167/59-60
...... Map, 167/59
Gosling Collection - see Collections
Government Gazette (Transvaal / ZAR) - see The Transvaal Government Gazette, The Transvaal Government Gazette - Staatscourant
Government notes, 21/14-24, 106/35-36
Gouvernement Artillerie Werken, Johannesburg, 110/ix
Gravelotte, History of, 56/88
Grange - see The Grange
Grassridge, 167/71
Green, M. (Green, M. & Co.), 195/121
Green, Mr. - see Mail - Mr. Green
Green T.T. - see Mail contract
Great Britain
...... 'Transvaal' Edwardian essays, 146/34, 203/69-71
...... 1d black, 153/26-8
Great Snowstorm 1881 - see Snow
Great Spelonken, 167/71
Greet Trek, 215/13,
...... Location, 167/71, 194/50
...... Military mail - see Military mail, Telegraph service - Army Telegraphs - Offices
Griffith, Kenneth see Telegraph service - Army Telegraphs - Griffith, Kenneth material
Greijlingstad - see Post Offices and Postal Agencies
Griqualand West, 105/3-6, 106/34, 107/89-90, 108/viii, 109/34-35, 120/141-142; see also Cape Colony, Combination covers and pieces, 'Specimen' overprints
...... South African, Griqualand West, Cape of Good Hope combination piece - see Covers
...... Revenue stamps, 122/xv, 138/56, 151/66
............ Revenue proof in black with SPECIMEN' handstamp, 63/50, 138/56
............ Proof in black with SPECIMEN' handstamp, 63/50, 138/56
Grobler Treaty with Chief Lobengula (1887), 142/45-46
Groenplaats, location, 167/71
Grornvlei, 107/80
Groot Afdeling, location, 167/71
Groot Olifants River - see Railways
Groot Spelonken, History of, 56/88
Groot Suikerboschkop, 118/57-59, 193/16; see also Dullstroom
Gum; see also Stamp adhesive
...... Long and short gum, (envelopes), 177/10
...... No gum on early stamps, 175/61
Gun War, 115/ix, 120/v, 122/ix, 129/iii, 147/viii, 152/v
Guns and ammunition hidden in mines, 132/93
Gunning, Dr., Director Government Museum and Zoological Gardens Pretoria, 191/29-30
Hactorspruit, location of, 56/90
Hadi, Mirza; see also Unauthorised reprintings and overprintings - Enschedéa nd Mirza Hadi, Handstamps
...... An anecdote 1913, 50/31
Hadlow, W. (Mr) - see Stamp Dealers
Hafnia, 140/iii, 135
Haenertsburg, 183/82; see also Post Offices and Postal Agencies
...... History and location 56/89, 167/71
Haggard, (Sir) H. Rider, 120/111-112, 143/87, 162/42
...... Covers sent by, 105/3-4, 105/16-17
...... Manuscript cancellations of H. Rider Haggard, 172/83
...... Signature of H. Rider Haggard on revenue stamps, 140/123
Hairy sheep, 167/61
Hamburg (Hamberg), location of, 56/90
Hamelfontein, location, 167/71
Hamilton, 139/68
Hammanskraal, location of, 56/90, 167/71
Handbook (Transvaal Study Circle publications) - see Transvaal Study Circle - Handbooks of Transvaal Philately
Hand drawn postcards - see Picture Postcards - Drawn by Ewart B. Dawkins, Picture Postcards - Cartoons
Hand drawn Revenue stamps, 140/117-121
Hand drawn stamps, 144/117-178
Handelton, location, 167/71
Henderson, Col. G.F.R., 204/95
Hanertsburg, location, 167/71
Handelton, location, 167/71
Handstamps, 133/21-5, 144/105 & 115-116; see also Bag seals, Cancellers, Instructional markings, Seals, 'Specimen' overprints,
Postage due markings and labels, Railways
...... '¼d / PAID' see Handstamps used in the Orange River Colony
...... '2' in circles handstamp, 118/xi, 148/108-109
...... '2½' - see Accountancy marks
...... 1874 order of, 54/40
...... Accountancy Marks - see Accountancy marks
...... Alex. A. Osborn, 96/66 & 80, 98/22, 100/95-96, 108/98, 179/62-63
...... 'AR' - see Instructional markings
...... Avoca boxed handstamp, 76/77-78, 200/43-44
...... Applied to the reverse of stamps, 179/62-63
...... Barred Oval Numeral - see Cancellers - Numeral-coded barred-oval, (BONC) cancellers
...... BONC - see Cancellers - Numeral-coded barred-oval (BONC) cancellers
...... Booleman M.Z. - see Stamp Dealers
...... Boksburg, - see Station handstamps
...... Boxed 'P.Z.' Hand Stamp [Postzegel], 68/80
...... Consular handstamps, 136/119, 155/80
...... Cork cancellations of the ZAR/Transvaal, 94-5/60, 138/55, 169/14-15
...... Customs handstamps and datestamps, 141/vii
...... "De Treincontroleur V / D Benedenlyn. Steinborn.", 153/viii
...... 'DEBIT', 109/ix, 214/9-16
...... Dealers, 179/62-63
...... Department of Agriculture, 191/31
...... Darters, 54/39
...... Denver - see Station handstamps
...... Director of Civil Supplies, 191/34
...... Driehoek - see Station handstamps
...... Duiven, Jacob, 178/35
...... 'DULLSTROOM' in rectangle box, 199/4
...... Dynamite Explosion handstamp:'Ontvangen / 17 Sep 96 / AFDEELING B, / Staats Secretaris Bureau', 202/26
...... 'ELECTION. If not Delivered, Return to Box, 2195' - see Elections - Transvaal Colony Legislative Assembly 20th February 1907
...... 'FAUX' and '...FAC-SIMILE-FAC-SIMILE-FAC...' - see Fournier, François
...... First Republic, 104/87-92
............ First Republic, Revenue stamps - Revenue stamps - First Republic - Handmade Stamps
...... 'GEREGISTREERD' / REGISTERED for Johannesburg, 213/17-21; see also Datestamps - Johanneasburg
...... 'GEPUBLICEERD', 93/5, 93/11, 96/80
...... 'GEPUBLISEEED', 93/5, 93/11,
...... 'GEREGISTREERD' handstamps, - see Registered mail
...... 'GEREADRESSEERD' handstamps - see Re-addressed/reposted mail
...... Inscribed in French and English, 93/6-7
...... Lodged with the National Cultural Museum, Pretoria, 146/35-37
...... Heinrich Henning - see Stamp Dealers
...... 'INCONNU / ONBEKEND' (first 'N' of 'INCONNU, inverted), 80/75-76
...... 'INCONNU / UNKNOWN', 93/9-11, 162/58
...... Insufficiently Paid, 136/vii-viii
...... Johannesburg "DEBIT" mark, 109/ix
...... Kazerne [Barracks], 36/97
...... Kitchener, C. in C., personal handstamp - see Kitchener
...... 'KROKODILPOORT', 66/40-41
......'KRUGERSDORP' - see Railways - Netherlands South African Railway Company (N.Z.A.S.M.)
...... 'MBABANE', 178/39
...... 'MIDDELBURG' temporary handstamp, 72/82
...... Mirza Hadi - see Unauthorised reprintings and overprintings - Handstamp - Enschedé and Mirza Hadi
...... 'OFFICIAL PAID', 117/40
...... National Cultural Museum, Pretoria, collection of Datestamps and handstamps, 146/35-37
...... 'Native Affairs Office, TRANSVAAL.', 191/29
...... 'NON-RECLAME / ONAFGEHAALD' - see Unclaimed Mail
...... N.Z.A.S.M. handstamp - see Railways
...... 'O.H.M.S.' underlined, 93/17
...... Office of the Inspector of Mines - see Blasting Certificate
...... 'ONAFGEHAALD', 93/5-6, 93/11, 96/80; see also Unclaimed Letter Office Onafghaalde Brievenkantoor, Unclaimed Mail
...... Olifontsfontein - see Railways - Netherlands South African Railway Company (N.Z.A.S.M.)
...... Osborn, A. A., handstamp - see Handstamps - Alex. A. Osborn
...... Poste Restante mail ["Till Called For"] - see Poste Restante mail ["Till Called For"]
...... POSTMEEERS KANTOOR for Johannesburg, 213/24
...... Portuguese handstamp on stamps - see Specimen - 'ULTRAMAR' overprint
...... 'POSTCARDS TO THIS ADDRESS / CANNOT BE FORWARDED', 170/advertisement, 171/advertisement
...... 'POSTED LATE 5' in double box, 194/64
...... Potchefstroom 'flag'-type, 114/67, 115/xi, 119,vii, 123/61, 133/14-15
............ Single lines type, 104/88, 126/28-29
............ Potchefstroom Single line handstamp mistaken as manuscript, 145/1-2
...... 'PREPAID' boxed, 124/77
...... 'PRETORIA' temprary Handstamp, 1900, 69/13-14
...... 'P.Z.' in stamp margins, 36/64, 36/86, 40/85, 68/80, 116/xv
...... 'P.Z.' in 8mm Circle, 46/50
...... Railway Station handstamps - see Station handstamps
...... Registered mail / Registration fee - see Registered mail / Registration fee
...... Registration handstamp of 1900, 41/17
...... 'RESIDENT COMMISSIONER', 1908 - see Swaziland - handstamp
...... Rietvlei - see Station handstamps
...... 'SCHWEIZER RENEKR.' boxed, 181/29
............ Temporary rubber handstamp, 1900, 69/21
............ Second Temporary rubber handstamp 63/60-61
............ "SPRINGS" temporary rubber 1901, 66/42
...... Standton Cantonment, 194/65
......'STANDERTON' temporary rubber handstamp, Second British Occupation, 69/21
...... Stamp dealers, 179/62-63
............ Booleman, M.Z. handstamps see Stamp Dealers - Booleman, M.Z.
............ Heinrich Henning - see Stamp Dealers
............ Sallo Epstein, 186/60-61; see also Epstein, Sallo
...... Station handstamps - see Handstamps, Railways
...... Station Roodekop - see Railways - Netherlands South African Railway Company (N.Z.A.S.M.)
...... Surveyor-General's Department handstamp used on revenue stamps, 162/56
...... 'T' - see Tax marks
...... 'TELEGRAAFKANTOOR / SCHWEIZER RENEKE' with telegraph lightning bolts in its centre, 181/29
...... 'TERUGGEPOST' - see Re-addressed / reposted mail
......'UNKNOWN', 93/9-10
...... 'VAN DER MERWE' - see Railways - Netherlands South African Railway Company (N.Z.A.S.M.)
...... 'VOLKSRUST', 67/63
...... 'WEST KOPPIES. TRANSVAAL.', 195/119 - see also Pretoria Lunatic Asylum
...... Wolmaransstad - see Wolmaransstad - 2d olive-bistre handstamped Wolmaransstad
...... 'W.L.P', 127/90
Handstamps used in the Orange River Colony
...... '¼d / PAID', 39/56; see also Orange Free State - Instrusctional mark for the recipient assist the post office in sorting mail
Hanover, 125/24
Hansard (The British Parliamentary Debates), 1906 extract, 187/25
Harries, Patrick, book, Work, Culture and Identity published in 1994, 204/85
Harris, Clara - see Swaziland
...... Photograph of, 193/25
...... Welcome Mission Station August 1894, 204/85
Harrison, Bob - see Langlaagte
Hatherley, location, 167/71
...... Military -
Hattie F.S.M. and George Page, 166/31
Hartebeestfontein, 139/70
...... Location of, 56/90, 167/71
Hartingburg - see Warmbath
Hartley, Dr. E.B., 125/23-24
Hart's River, location, 167/71
Hauptsrust, location, 167/71
Haverklip, location, 167/71
Hawes, Lt.-Col. 138/56
Head, Mrs. Caroline (Carrie), correspondence, 130/58, 171/51, 172/93, 173/10, 176/83-94, 193/25-23; see also Swaziland
...... GB wrappers posted to South Africa by the Cape General Mission - see Wrappers - GB wrappers posted to South Africa by the Cape General Mission
Hebron, Branch Post, location, 167/71
Hebron (Windsorton), 140/97
Hebron Mission Station, Swazieland - see Swazieland, Mission Stations
Hectorspruit, location, 167/71, 196/20; see also Railways - Hectorspruit
...... Early single circle datestamp on cover with 'E.R.I.' overprinted stamps, 196/20
...... Military -
Hekpoort, location, 167/71
Heidelberg, 116/145; see also Datestamps - Second Republic - Double Circle datestamps, Post Offices and Postal Agencies
...... Heidelberg Dutch Reform Church 1908, 204/104
...... 'Killers' - see Cancellers - Heidelberg Killers
...... Heidelburg datestamp used in 1872 - see Datestamps
...... History of, 56/90-91
...... Mail handled 1885-1890, 205/14
...... Military -
Hekpoort, location of, 56/91
Heligoland, 138/56-58
Hellaby, T.R., 109/35
Hellgate, 159/48, 160/73
Helvetia, 114/48-51
...... Location of, 56/91, 167/71
Henley-on-Klip, location of, 56/91
Henderson, Col. G.F.R. (Lord Roberts’ Director of Intelligence at the Cape), 204/95
Henderson, T. - see Johannesburg United Philatelic Society
Henning, Heinrich - see Stamp Dealers
Henry Straughan Wilkinson - see Wilkinson, Henry Straughan
Hermannsburg Missionary Society see Luneburg
Heys, George Jessie, 85/11, 94-5/30-33, 133/25
Higginson, Frederick Blablay, 195/121/122
Highveld, London residence in London of the Ambassador of the Republic of South Africa - see Visits
Hill, Edwin, 186/59 (Fig.7)
Hill, Ormond, 186/57-59
Hillbrow, established, 57/17
...... Hospital - see Hospitals
Hind, Arthur - see Auctions - Hind (Arthur)
Hintza, 137/29
Hirschburger, Charles, 183/94
History of the Transvaal Study Circle - see Transvaal Study Circle - History of the Study CIrcle
Hlatikulu, location, 167/71
Holbane, Battle of, 215/8
HlomoHlom, 178/29
H.M.S.; see also Ships
...... H.M.S. Andromanche, 129/34-36
...... H.M.S. Devastation, 125/25
...... H.M.S. Espiegle, 131/90
...... H.M.S. Good Hope, 169/20
...... H.M.S. Severn, 133/36-37
...... H.M.S. Winchester, 129/34-36
H.M.S.O., Mail - see Official mail and stationery
Hoedspruit, established, 57/17
...... location, 167/71
Hoekberg, 138/54-55
Hoal, W.T. - see Union of South Africa
Holbank, 211/34-35, 122/33
...... location, 167/71
Hoedspruit, established, 57/17
...... Hillbrow 1888, 172/85
...... Long's Hotel, Johannesburg cover - see Long's Hotel, Johannesburg
...... Monument Hotel and Store, Krugersdorp, 136/136
...... Transvaal Hotel, 220/11
Houtbosch - see Woodbush
Houtboschdorp - see Woodbush
Holmdene Post Office - see Post Offices and Postal Agencies - Vlaklaagte Post Office change of name
Holub, Dr Emil, 119/77-79
Honeywell, George - see Langlaagte
Honden River, identifying numeral in triangle obliterator 47, 174/37, 176/80
Honours and Awards, Transvaal Study Circle' members - see Awards and Honours
Hoofdlager, 150/xii, 196/17
Hope, Percy, 142/57-59
Houtbosch (Houtboschdorp), identifying the place and the numeral in triangle canceller 47, 174/37, 183/82
Hudson, George, - see British Resident, Transvaal State
Hughes, Isaac, 120/141-142
Hunt, Ernest
...... Hunt Collection, 18/33, 126/27-54, 127/84-93, 128/107-132, 160/ix, 162/47
............ Ernest Hunt sale of New Republic see Auctions - Hunt, E.
Kaap Goldfields, 119/108
Kaalfontein, 57/18; see also Datestamps
...... location, 167/71
Kaapmuiden, 160/iv
...... Location of, 59/51
Kaapsche Hoop (KaapscheHoop), 109/33; see also Datestamps
...... History and location 59/51, 167/71
...... interpanneau pair on cover, 165/13
"Kaffir Sheep - see Hairy sheep
Kaffirskraal, location of Branch Post, 167/71
...... Farm number, 200/67
Kaffirspruit, 122/33
Kaffraria, 141/39, 143/94
Kalekaleskop, 38/44; see also Lekalekale's Kop
Kareepan, location, 167/71
Kazerne [Barracks] - see Handstamps
Keate Award Line, 80/68, 167/59
...... ZAR regained Bloemhof and Christiana, 167/60
Kenilworth to Mulzenberg first South African Aerial Post - see Air Mail
Khaki Election - see Elections, British - 1900 General Election
Kinder, Ralph of the South African Constabulary -see South African Constabulary
King, H.E. - see Post Office staff
Kinross (location of), 59/51
'Killers' - see Cancellers
Kirkman, Dr A.H.B., 84/79, 111/101-102
"Kiss print", 23/63, 179/62-63, 208/14-15
...... First British Occupation, 3d mauve on green, 208/13-17
...... First Republic, 47/47
............ Otto proof, 158/xvi, 179/63
...... Second Republic
............ 3d mauve printing on green paper, 208/13-17
............ Double print of the Arms 1d re-issued in 1883, 180/86-87
Kitchener, C. in C., personal handstamp, 150/48
Klein Letaba (mine), 83/58-59; see also Datestamps
...... location of Branch Post, 167/71
Klein Vrij Staat (Klein Vrystad), 3/32, 37-38, 24/78-80, 25/4-5, 33/20-23 55/69-70; see also Maps
...... Incorporated with the ZAR, 55/BR
...... Map, 167/59
...... Population, 55/60
...... The Great Seal, 55/70
Klerksdorp, 139/65, 140/97; see also Datestamps, Post Offices and Postal Agencies
...... History and location, 50/51-51, 176/71
Klerkskraal, location, 167/71; see also Datestamps
Klip River, location, 167/71
Klip River Camp, 80/80; see also Datestamps
Klipdam, 175/50-51; see also Datestamps
...... History of and map location 59/52
...... Klipdam, Triangle handstamp, 174/37
Klipdrift, 138/58
...... Jeppe's 1871 visit to see the Postmaster there, 141/2-3
Klipkop, location, 167/71; see also Datestamps
Klipheuvel, 139/71
Klipspruit - see Bubonic plague
Klipval, 124/90; see also Post Offices and Postal Agencies
Knights, location, 167/71; see also Datestamps
Knobel, J.B. Dr., 182/69-70
Koekemoer, location, 167/71; see also Postal routes - Buffelsdoorn
König, RPD, 134/43
Komati, 7/30-31, 139/69, 172/88-92
...... Komati (Mission Station) - see Mission Stations
Komatipoort, location, 59/52, 167/71
...... Komatipoort, occupied by Imperial forces, 219/20
Komatipoort R.O., 147/68
Komatie River, location, 167/71
Kongolona, 107/81
Korana Wars, 112/140-141
Korannafontein, location, 167/71
Koster, location of, 59/52
Kotze, John Sir, travelling to the ZAR in 1877, 143/83
Krause, Ludwig - see Second Anglo-Boer War - Krause, Ludwig
Krause, F.E.T., Dr - see Second Anglo-Boer War - Krause, F.E.T.
...... Location, 167/71
...... Kraal R.O., 81-82/6-7
...... Designation of the Post Office, 108/115
Kraalkop, location of Brance Post, 167/71
Kraayfontein Convict Station, 123/74-75
Krokodilpoort, 66/40-41, 124/105
Kromdraai, location, 167/71
Kroondal, history of, 59/52
Kroonstad included in Jeppe's report, 133/11
Kruger, Paul, 116/145-146, 121/22-23
Kruger, Tjaaet, 132/91-93, 155/59
Kruger, Stephanus Johannes Paulus, 23/69, 24/79-80, 192/73
...... Derogatory sentence about President Kruger, 30th September 1899, 200/68
...... Kruger Essays - see Essay - Kruger essays
...... Kruger Millions, 158/37-42
...... Kruger Piet - see Rustenburg - Surrender by Field Cornet Piet Kruger
...... Kruger's thumb, 199/18-20
...... Picture of a young S.J.P. Kruger on an Illustrated Postal Stationery Card, May 1899, 199/14
Krugersdorp, 44/101, 136/136; see also Datestamps
...... History and location, 59/52, 167/71
...... Military -
...... Pillar-Box, 187/29
Krugerspost, 139/70
...... location, 167/71
...... Triangle cancel, 174/37
Kuit, Albert, 155/59-62
Kuitenbrouwer Collection, 132/126-130
Kuruman, 108/124, 109/x, 115/xii, 116/147-148
Labels; see also De Volkstem
...... (Post department ZAR), 121/17
...... 'Te Betalen' label - see Bakker Express
...... Second Republic, Boer "Propaganda Labels", 55/60
Labouchere, F. A. - see Lydenburg
Labour Recruiting Office, Lourenço Marques, 135/v
Laid paper, 159/56-58; see also Paper
Lake Banagher, 122/33 see also Datestamps
Lake Chrissie - see Chrissies Meer
Lambaréné, 130/68
Lamoen, 114/viii
Langlaagte, 125/11-15
...... History and map location, 50/53-54
...... United Langlaagte Gold Mining Company Ltd., share certificate - see Revenue documents and ephemera - share certificate
Language used by ZAR officials - see Post Office - Language used by ZAR officials, 133/1
Last day cover, 30th May, 1910, 175/64
"Late Crisis Cards" - see Picture postcards - Illustrated Second Republic postal stationery cards - 'THE LATE CRISIS IN JOHANNESBURG.'
Late fee, 38/36, 85/13-15, 87/4, 104/97-98, 122/49, 124/94, 125/16-17, 135/88-89, 140/116, 167/76-77
Laverty. Miss A.M. - seeSwaziland (Swazieland) - Laverty. Miss A.M.
Law correspondence, 98/42, 105/3, 107/83, 122/46-47, 125/17, 139/88-89, 143/92
Lawley, location, 167/71
Lawley, Sir Arthur, ?/?
Laws of the South African Republic and Transvaal, 21/16-24, 188/38-40; see also Post Office Acts, The Transvaal Government Gazette & Staatscourant
...... Artillery Law repealed, 188/38
...... Commando Law repealed, 188/38
...... Handmade Revenue stamps change in law 1874 - see Revenue stamps - First Republic - Handmade Stamps
...... Mining certificates Ordinance 1903, 181/89-91
...... Post Office Acts - see Post Office Acts
...... Revenue stamps of the First Republic, Handmade Stamps - see Revenue stamps - First Republic - Handmade Stamps
Lawson's Liqueur Whisky - see Picture Postcards - Illustrated Second Republic postal stationery cards - Lawson's Liqueur Whisky
Leask, Thomas - see Wolmaransstad
Lead Mines or Leadmines, 139/72, 200/67-68
Leather picture post card, 153/11 & 15, 154/vi
Leathern and Henderson, 142/61
Lee, Philip H., 159/iv
Leeuwdoorns, 135/105-107
...... location, 167/71
Leeuwklip, 8/43
...... location, 167/71
Leeuwnek, 107/80
Leeuwspruit, location, 167/71
'Left-facing' Eagle - see Forgeries - Stamps - 'Left-facing' Eagle
Leisk, J.R., 191/35
Lekalekale's Kop, 139/7; see also Makapa(a)nspoort Post Office
Letter Box - see Public pillar-box
Letter cards, Enschedé issues and order of - see Postal Stationery - Lettercards - Audited Stock as from 13th 1911
Letter rates - see Postal rates
Leyds, Willem Johannes, 119/88-91, 195/122
...... Driver, E.R., Postmaster at Leydsdorp - see Post Office Staff
...... French Bob's Camp, 50/54
...... History and map location, 50/54
...... Triangle obliterator, 174/37
Libraries and Archives
...... British Library of Political Science - see Libraries and Archives - London School of Economics and Political Science
...... Crawford Library - see British Library
...... London School of Economics and Political Science, 150/vii-viii, 159/v
...... National Archives of South Africa, 190/3
...... National Philatelic Society Library, 172/79
...... The British Library - see British Library (The)
...... The London Library of Political and Economic Science - see Libraries - London School of Economics
Licensed Stamp Venders in Johannesburg 1898/9 and 1903/4, 204/79
Lichtenburg, 139/66
...... history and map location, 50/54
...... Military -
Lindley's Poort, location, 167/71
Lindleyville, map location, 167/71
...... Spelling of, 167/69
Lijdenburg - see Military mail - Luneburg
Linokana, location, 167/71
Lindeque's Drift, Branch Post map location, 167/71
Lindleyville - see Datestamps - Lindleyville
Linokana, 38/45, 122/47-48, 139/71; see also Jensen, Rev. Thomas
...... The first Mission Station, 59/55
Lipman (M. Lipton & Co.) Klerksdorp, 195/121
Lionel Lewis Collection - see Collections
List Brothers - see Covers - Advertisting cover from List Brothers of Johannesburg
Little Free State - see Klein Vrij Staat (Klein Vrystad), Die Kleinvrystaat, (Republic)
Livingstone, Mary, 142/62-65
Llanwarne - see Volksrust
Lobengula, Chief of the Matabele - see Grobler Treaty (1887)
...... Post Office and Squared-Octagon Canceller, 172/94-5
...... Bag Seal -
...... Triangle obliterator, 174/37
Local Postage Rates, 1905-6 Johannesburg, 137/22
Local Postage stamps - see Bakker Express, Ermelo and Ermelo District, Ermelo - Ermelo to Caroline Local Post typewritten stamps
Logos of the Transvaal Study Circle - see Transvaal Study Circle - Logos
London Convention of 1884 - see Conventions
London and Limpopo Mining Co., 139/86-87
'London Gang' - see Forgeries
London School of Economics - see Libraries and Archives - London School of Economics and Political Science
Long and short gum - see Envelopes
Long's Hotel, Johannesburg illustrated on a commercial cover, 175/64
'Lord Roberts' War Stamps', 184/16
Losnerg, map location, 167/71
Loubad, 138/54-55
...... location, 167/71
Lourenço Marques - see Delagoa Bay
...... Lourenço Marques and South African Transport Company, 142/59-60
...... Mail forwarded via the ZAR, 131/76-85
...... Pott, Gerard - see Consular-General of Moçambique
...... Role of the Secret Service in Lourenço Marques - see Secret Service
Louis Moore (mine), 83/58-59
Louis Trichardt, 44/101
...... Established, 59/55
...... Map location, 167/71
Louis-Philippe Antoine-Marrie Augustin Raoul - see Marquis Ferrari
Louw, Reverend, 204/104
Lovedale Park, map location, 167/71
Lowe, Robson Transvaal 1878-1880 (1973) - see Transvaal Study Circle's sales - Robson Lowe
Luff, John, L.
...... Plates, 26/32-36, 30/50
............ Close-set Plates, 180/75
............ Wide-set plates
..................... [Plate Ax] 1d duty see Postage Stamps - First Republic issues - Otto's printings - 1d duty "black jacket" or plate "Ax"
..................... [Plate Ay] 1d duty see Postage Stamps - First Republic issues - Otto's printings - 1d duty [Plate Ay]
..................... Plate E, 180/73-85
..................... [Plate Ea], 110/46-47, 177/12, 180/73-85
..................... Plate G, 27/42-43, 151/vii, 202/32, 207/19-20
..................... Plate H, 29/12-13, 202/31
..................... Plate L, 30/36-39, 48, 136/120, 30/36-39, 158/26, 189/58-59
............................ Another printing ?, 189/58-59
..................... Plate J, 29/14-15, 128/126
..................... Plate K, 29/17-18
..................... Plate P, 130/41-40, 139/iv
..................... Plate M, 30/42-44, 136/121-123, 189/58.
..................... Plate N, 30/39-40, 139/iv
..................... Plate Na, 189/58-59
..................... Plate O, 30/44-50, 49
..................... Plate P, 30/45-50
..................... Plate Q, 30/46-50, 137/31-36, 139/iv,v
..................... Plate R, 137/1-12
..................... [Plate Ra] (New 6d.), 137/10-12, 161/13
..................... Plate S, 32/96-100, 139/vi, 157/8, 209/7-19
..................... Plate T, 32/96-100
..................... Plate U, 32/96-100, 153/22
..................... Plate V, 32/96-100, 38/35-36
..................... Plate W, 32/96-100
..................... [Plate X], 114/45, 118/ix 153/vi
............ Reference to the 'John N. Luff Lecture given in 1915, 188/34
............ 'New plate' of the 1d. duty, 141/24, 161/13
............ Working for Stanley Gibbons, 201/94
...... What Philately Teaches published 1899, 188/34
...... Surreptitious printings of the wide-set six pence, 26/35
Lunatic Asylum - see Pretoria
L’Union Philatélique de Genève - see Fournier, François
Luneberg (later Luneburg), 38/44, 107/80-81, 139/71
...... Mission Station, 59/55, 206/10-13
............ Inshlasatje / Inhlazatje / Nhlazatje, 206/10-13
..................... For Post Offices incorporated in Natal in 1902 - see 107/80-83
...... Postal Agenct, 171/50
...... Hermannsburg Missionary Society, 206-11-13
...... Single circle datestamp, 16/103-104
............ Other datestamps - see Datestamps
...... Triple Circle Numeral-coded Canceller 171/50, 174/37
Luipaards Vlei, map location, 167/71
...... British Post office original files, 64/85-93
...... Discontinuation of direct postal like with Spitskop, 77/11-12
...... Established, 59/55, 192/73
...... Gosling, J.R., Auction, 105/22
...... Letter (1858) to Bloemfontein, 147/54-55, 148/v
...... Letter from F.A. Labouchere, 64/85
...... Listing of covers posted during 1880, 126/51-52
...... Lijdenburg single circle datestamp 1889 - see Datestamps - Lydenburg 1884
...... Location, 72/87-88
...... Lydenburg Republic, 193/16
...... Lydenburg, during the Second Anglo-Boer War, 77/9-14
...... Problems facing the Postmaster at and after the outbreak of the Anglo-Boer War in 1899, 77/9-14
...... Map location, 167/71
...... Newspapers mailed to Burghers while in military service, 1899, 77/11
...... Mail runners from 1899, 78/33-40
...... Post Office Revenue earned 1899-1900, 77/14
...... Postal Agents receive no salaries, 77/12
...... Republic, 24/78
...... Siege issue, 126/vii-viii, 126/29-30, 131/73-75, 133/iv-v
...... 'V.R.I.' on the 1d. Commemorative ZAR stamp, 12/65
............ Size of, Height and length of overprint, 38/39
...... Wrappers, 179/58
Lys, J.R., 112/115-116
...... Lys correspondence, 126/45-47, 143/80-86
Lyttelton, Alfred, Colonial Secretary (UK Government), 193/33
...... 1838-59 showing the 'colonies' settled by the voortrekkers, 133/4
...... 1890 sketch map of the whole of South Africa (illustrated), 178/30
...... 1902 and 1909 Snowstorms in South Africa, 171/66 (please note, caption is on page 3)
...... 1900 Waterval poastal and Vlaklaagte Stations between Greylingstad and Standerton, 194/50
...... Baines's map of 1874 comparing with Jeppe's map of 1977, 172/90
...... Blizzard of 1902 and the snowstorm of 1909, 171/66
...... Bloemhof to Wolmaranssted, detail from Jeppe's map of 1889, 181/26
...... Bremersdorp, Map of the town in 1890, 197/34
...... Buffelsdoorn showing the mail routes 1895 and 1898, 195/121
...... Chafford Mills, Kent, England, 151/68, 151/73
...... Col. Mudge's map showing the location of Chafford Mills, 151/68
...... Delagoa Bay, 142/iv
...... Delagoa Bay railway during the Anglo-Boer War, 159/47
...... Diagrammatic maps of post offices, agencies and "routes", 178/32
...... Ermelo District - detail from an official map of ZAR post and telegraph offices1898, 121/2, 153/19
...... Eastern Transvaal postal routes 1899, 77/13
...... Ferreira's Camp and Ferrirstown, 117/22-23
...... First Republic, districts and wards, 133/3 (please note, caption is on page 4)
...... Fort Hendrina 1898, 196/18
...... Government Printer sale of maps1905, 162/56
...... Grocott & Sherry, publisher, 195/123
...... Heidelberg, military map, 167/69
...... Jeppe, F., 178/28-30; see also Maps
............. 1868, 33/17
............. 1877 map, 178/28-29
.................... comparing with Baines's map of 1874, 172/90
.................... Komati, 172/89
.................... location of numbered post offices, 172/88
.................... Rhenoster Poort, from the 1889 map, 175/51
.............1889 map (detail)
.................... Klipdam from Jeppe's 1889 map, 175/51
.............1899 map of the Transvaal, detail of the western Transvaal around Potchefstroom, 178/31
..................... British Acquisition of Jeppe’s Map of the Transvaal, 204/95-97
..................... Doornhoek, Haenertsburg (detail), 183/83
..................... Printing of, Jeppe's 1899 map - sww Printing - Printing of, Jeppe's 1899 map
............ Compaing Jeppe's Map with Baines's map of 1874, 172/90
............ Publication, by the Transvaal Study Circle of the 1899 maps - see Transvaal Study Circle - Publication
............ Set of six maps compiled by Fred Jeppe in 1899, 201/76
............ Tokyo conference of cartography and the Jeppe Maps, 204/79
...... Johannesburg
............ Development of its suburbs 1912, 117/24
............ Post Offices 1912, 81/47; see also Post Offices - Johannesburg
............ Suburbs about 1910, 134/136
...... Johnstone, W. & A. K., detail of 1899 showing various Post Office's Middelburg, M.W. Stroom, Utrecht and Standerton, 192/73
...... Klerksdorp to Bloemhof, postal rote, 135/105
...... Klein Vrij Staat ( Klein Vrystad), sketch map, 3/32
...... Klipdam from Jeppe's 1889 map, 175/51
...... Komati, 172/88-92
...... Lodged at the London School of Economics, 150/vii
...... Matjesspruit on Jeppe's map of 1899, 203/50
...... Mathews, I.B., Illustrated by, in Transvaal Philately 178/28
...... Marico District, 133/11
............ Detail from a map of 1911, 123/66
...... Middelburg to Komatie Pooit, 1892 Postmeester Generaal, 120/122
...... Military maps, 178/32
...... Mines of the northern Transvaal Lowveld, 85/59
...... Mudge - see Maps - Col. Mudge's map showing the location of Chafford Mills
...... New Scotland, 121/2
...... Numeral in Triangle obliterators/Cancellers - see Cancellers - Numeral-coded triangular cancellers
............ Numeral in Triangle obliterators of 1889 and maps, 178/29-32
...... Numbered Post Offices, 172/88
...... Piet Retief District - detail, 124/88
...... Pondoland 1911 with mission stations, 207/12
...... Postgids maps, 178/29, 33 (Ref.18)
...... Postal routes mid-1870s, 140/96
...... President Pretorius's Map, [postal route Durban to Pretoria], 118/44
...... Pretoria Station, Imperial Military Railways, 157/15
...... Rail and major towns of the OVS and ZAR border area during the Second Anglo-Boer War, 134/53
...... Railway between, Roodekop to Volksrust, 205/16
...... Railways of South Africa (1896?), published by Union Line in Dutch, 122/xvii
...... Sale of maps1905, 162/56
...... Shipping route of mail from Reunion via Zanzibar during the Second Anglo-Boer War, 134/45
...... Schetskaarje, 153/19
...... Snowstorms in South Africa 1902 & 1909, 171/66
...... South African Republic, changing boundaries, 167/59
...... Sulphur Springs, 166/41
...... Surveyor-General's Department handstamp, 162/56
...... Swaziland, detail of Jeppe's 1899 map, 160/73; see also Swaziland (Swazieland) - Maps
............ Mission Stations 1910, 176/87, 207/11
...... Troye, G.A., 178/28-33
............ copyright over Jeppe's map of 1889, 178/29
............ First Clerk in the Surveyor General's Office, 178/29
............ Maps, 178/28-33.195/123
............ Troye's New Map of the Transvaal Colony, Part sheet IV 1906, 178/31
............ Troye's Postal Map, detail of the eastern Transvaal, 178/30
...... Transvaal in 1906, 167/insert
...... Transvaal Gold Fields, 1874, map by Thomas Baines, 172/89
...... Transvaal Study Circle publication, by the Transvaal Study Circle of the 1899 maps - see Transvaal Study Circle - Publication
...... W. & A. K. Johnstone, Map of the Transvaal or South African Republic, second edition, 1899, (detail of), 193/13
...... Wakkerstroom district on 1899 map, 193/13
...... Witwatersrand 1902, 117/18
............ Postal routes 1897, 119/92
...... Wolmaranssted and Makwasie, Maquassie or Maquasi, detail from Jeppes map of 1889, 181/26
...... Zeerust, The probable telegraph connection between Zeerust and Mafeking 179/54
...... ZAR Postgids maps, 178/29
............ 195/121
Maquasi postal agency, 65/11
Maquasi (Spruit) - see Makwassie(spruit)
Maquassi Spruit - see Makwassie(spruit)
Marquis Ferrari, Louis-Philippe Antoine-Marrie Augustin Raoul, 17/91; see also Auctions, Collections
Mara, notes about the village, 59/57
...... Map location, 167/71
Marais, Petrus Johannes see Nigel
Marabas stad - see Datestamps - Double Circle - Second Republic - datestamps
Marabastad, map location, 167/71
...... Datestamps - see Datestamps - Second Republic - Double Circle datestamps
...... Postal routes between Marico and Potchefstroom from 1872 - see Post routes
Marks and Lewis building photograph - see Barberton
Marketstraat/Indo N. Kantoor - see Post Offices and Postal Agencies - Johannesburg - Market Street West
Marsh, Capt., F. Courtenay (2nd Border Regiment), 152/ix-x, 103/73
...... F. Courtenay Marsh, ‘LE NU AU SALON’, 203/73
Marsh, Victor (publisher), 188/35
Marthinus Wesselstroom (Wakkerstroom), 193/13; see also Maps
...... Wakkerstroom (M. W. Stroom), 192/73-79, 193/21-24
............ Datestamps used in 1872 - see Datestamps
...... Wakkerstroom district, 192/74
..................... Map, 193/13
............ Uys, D.C., 192/74
Martin, Sir Richard, 131/86-87
Maryland Forgeries, 171/70
Masonic Lodge, mail addressed to, 123/53-57
...... Aurora Lodge 1871, 123/55
...... Unie Lodge 1869, 123/53
Matabele War of 1893, 55/59
Mathews Memorial Lecture - see Major Ian B. Mathews Memorial Lecture
Matjesspruit (1912 to 1917), 203/49
Mauch, K., 148/79
Maunsell, Dr. H., 124/105
Mauritius, 138/58
Mauritius, 144/122
...... Canceller, 159/53
...... Map location, 167/71
McCorkindale, A., 144/105
McGillivray - see MacGilvary
McGilvary, 121/10-11, 122/ix
McGilvray - see McGilvary
McHattiesburg, 205/18-20; see also Belfour
Mecklenburg-Schwerin - see Otto, Adolph
McKee, H.J.A. Rev., author of "Terrors of the Transvaal", 186/52
Meyer, Lucas, 218/131-15 see also New Republic - Meyer, Lucas
Meyerton, map location, 167/71
Meetings; also see Transvaal Study Circle - Meetings
...... London, Marylebone, Meeting of the Royal Philatelic Society (20.11.2003), 148/iii
Members - see Transvaal Study Circle - Members
Memoirs - see Transvaal Study Circle - Publications
Merensky, Alexander and Hans - see Bothabelo
Methuen correspondence, 104/110, 136/vii-viii, 147/62, 189/64-65
Meyer, F., Article published in 1878 in Illustrirte Wiener Briefmarken Zeitung, 2/15
Meyer, Lucas - see New Republic (Nieuwe Republiek)
Meyerton, established, 59/58
Mhlotsheni - see - Swaziland (Swazieland) - Datestamps
Mgwenia - see Igwenya
Middelburg, 139/66, 160/77, 192/74; see also Nazareth and Cantonment
...... Map location, 167/71, 192/73
...... Military Office -
Middelfontein, map location, 167/71
Midpex - see Transvaal Study Circle - Displays by the Transvaal Study Circle
...... Army Post Office, ceased operations, 100/90
...... Army Post Office and the Civil Postal Systems, 189/71
...... Army Post Office Corps, Post Office sorting list, 67/47
...... Army Telegraphs cancellations used postally, see Telegraph service - Army Telegraphs
...... Bambata Rebellion - see Bambata Rebellion
...... Cancelling by favour (1901), 189/64
...... Cantonments - see Cantonment
...... Durnall, Natal, 16/103
...... Field Post Office '1', 157/iii
...... First Anglo-Boer War, 194/52
............ Nairne, Capt. 94th Regiment covers see Nairne correspondence
...... Greylingsstad Army Manoeuvres, 23/67
...... Irene Volunteer Camp, 39/55
...... Klip River Camp, 80/80
...... Lijdenburg - see Military mail - Luneburg
...... Luneburg - single circle cancel, 16/103
...... Marsh, Capt., F. Courtenay - see Marsh, Capt., F. Courtenay (2nd Border Rrgiment)
...... Methuen, Lord, 189/64
...... Nairne Covers - see Nairne correspondence
...... Parcel post system and established Civil parcel Post Office, 189/64
...... Post Offices in the Transvaal opened in 1901, 67/47
...... Railway Pioneer Regiment, 147/63
...... Soldiers' Concessionary rate - First British Occupation of the Transvaal - see Soldiers' letters - First British Occupation of the Transvaal
...... Telegraph Braanch of the Royal Engineers 1902, 147/64
...... Transvaal stamps used in the Orange River Colony, 189/64
...... Treble, G.W., Lt.Col., 67/47
...... Volunteer Camp at Irene, 23/67-68
...... Volunteer Manoruvres at Frederikstad, 23/67-68
Millvale, map location, 167/71
Milner, Viscount Milner (1854-1925), 193/29-33, 193/32, 193/37 (Note 2)
...... 1900, 167/58
............ Approved some designs for stamps, 71/60-61
...... Drive to Anglicise the crown colony, 167/58
...... Burgher Land Settlements, 201/91
...... Telegram regarding penny post 9th November, 1900 - see Penny Post
...... Zone ear-marked for British settlers by the Milner government, 200/61
Miniature Albums - see Unauthorised reprinting and overprintings - Miniature Albums
...... Birthday, 83/58-59
...... Cullinan Mine, 219/6
...... Klein Letaba, 83/58-59
...... Leadmines - see Leadmines
...... Louis Moore, 83/58-59
...... New Haeriot, 200/55
...... Premier number 2 mine - see Mines - Cullinan Mine
...... Tsama Gold Mining, 83/58
Miner's strike (1913), 111/77-78
Minerva Head - see Essay and Proof and Colour Trials - 'Africa' stamps by de la Rue
...... Black miners see Swaziland - Danial
...... Blasting Certificates - see Blasting Certificates
...... Chinese Labour, 178/27; see also China and Chinese labour
Minerva 'Head' or Athena 'Head' - see Essay and Proof and Colour Trials - 'Africa' stamps by de la Rue
Minnaar railway opened, 188/36
Mirza-Hadi - see Unauthorised reprintings and overprintings - Enschedé and Mirza Hadi
Misdirected mail, 104/107
Missionary mail, 132/122; see also Head, Mrs. Caroline (Carrie) correspondence
...... Cover from Barotseland, 132/122-125
...... Inshlasatje / Inhlazatje / Nhlazatje etc - see Luneburg
...... Hermannsburg Missionary Society - see Luneburg
...... Jensen, Rev. Thomas at Linokana, 122/47-48
Missionaries; see also Bechuanaland, Head Mrs. Caroline (Carrie) correspondence
...... Bothsabelo, 199/23-24
...... Carmichael, Eva L., - see Swaziland (Swazieland) - Carmichael, Eva L.
...... Coillard, Francois, 132/122-125
...... Creux, Ernest, 2020/9
...... Moffat, Robert - see Moffat, Robert
...... Moffat, John Smith - see Moffat, John Smith
...... Notte, 3/37
...... Serote, Abraham, 199/24
Mission Stations; see also Berlin Missionaries, Swaziland - Head, Mrs. correspondence
...... Berthoud, Paul, 2020/9
...... Dinokana - see Linokana
...... Hermannsburg Missionary Society see Luneburg
...... Komati, 123/vii-viii
...... Linokana - see Linokana
............ Jensen, Rev. Thomas - see Jensen, Rev. Thomas
...... Luneburg - see Luneburg
...... Maquassi, 59/56-57
...... Norwegian Lutheran Mission - see Luneburg
...... Paris Evangelical Missionaries Station, 85/11
...... Pondoland - see Swaziland (Swazieland) - Carmichael, Eva L.
...... Saulspoort, a few notes about the Mission Station - see Saulspoort
...... Spelonken, a few notes on missionary societies, 60/94
...... Swaziland - see Swaziland - Mission Stations, Head, Mrs. Caroline (Carrie) correspondence
...... Valdezia, 60/94
...... 'Welcome' Mission Station - see Swaziland - Daniel
...... Woodbush, 183/82
Moçambique - see Mozambique
Modderfonrein, established, 59/58
...... map location, 167/71
...... Modderfonrein Station handstamp on cover, 147/621
Moedwil, Main Post map location, 167/71
Moffat, Robert, 55/63, 116/147-148
Moffat, John Smith, 142/62-65, 147/56
Molengraaff, Dr., G.A.F., 219/13-25, 219/26
...... Red Cross cover from the 'Informatie- Bureau van het Roode Kruis, 219/18
...... Photographs, 219/18
Molopo, Branch Post map location, 167/71
Molsgat, Branch Post map location, 167/71
Monaco Exhibition, 122/viii, 123/iv
...... Johannesburg datestamps - see Datestamps - Johannesburg
...... Money and postal orders, 102/44-55
...... Money Order Office / Dept. 94-5/60-61; see also Telegraph service - Money orders
.......Moey Order envelope 1895, 181/29
...... Money Orders, 148/103-105, 152/100-101
...... Money Order Stubs from 1898 to 1900, 198/48-49
Monograph by Robson Lowe Transvaal 1878 printed by Bradbury, Wilkingson & Co. (1973) - see 'Queen's Head' Stamps
Moodie, Alfred, Natal's Postmaster General, 125/2-3
Moodie's Goldfield, 112/117-119
...... Short note of the about the establishment, 59/58
Moodies Reef - see Re-addressed/reposted mail
...... map location, 167/71
Mooi River, 112/137
Moody and Sankey, 176/84
Morgenzon, town established, 59/59
...... map location, 167/71
Mosely Collection - see British Library - Mosely Collection (The)
Mosilikatze at Mosega, 55/63
'Monster'overprint -see Specimen Stamps - 'Monster'
Mountain View, 91/54
Moçambique - see also Consular-General of Moçambique, Gerard Pott
...... Delagoa Bay - see Delagoa Bay
...... Nomahasha - see Nomahasha
...... Portuguese handstamp on stamps - see Specimen - 'ULTRAMAR' overprint
"Mrs. Head" correspondence - see Head, Mrs. Caroline (Carrie) correspondence
Muffat L., 161/34
Mulder, Grieta (Miss), 44/98
Muldersdrift (Mulders Drift), 86/30
...... map location, 167/71
Mphephu campaign, 212/11-14
Mulready envelopes, 119/109-110
Murray, Helen, 176/85-93
Maureen's Pub - see Transvaal Study Circle - Meetings
...... Het Afrikaansch Museum, Dordrecht, Nederland - see Nijland, Hidde J.
...... Museum voor Communicate, The Hague, proof material donated to the PFSA, 178/26
............ Datestamps held at Museum, as at 1979 - see Datstamps - Datestamps held at the National Cultural History & Open-air Museum
...... National Postal Museum, London, 103/69-71
...... New Republic Museum, 60/80
...... Postal Museum, London -see Museums - National Postal Museum
...... Postal Museum, Pretoria, 54/45
...... The British Postal Museum and Archive, 153/v
...... The National Cultural and History and Open-Air Museum, 44/94-96
...... The Netherlands PTT Museum - see Essay and Proof and Colour Trials - Enschedé essays, proofs and Colour Trials - The holdings of The Netherlands PTT Museum
...... Vryheid 2023, 218/14
Muizenberg - see Air Mail, First South African Air Mail
Muzimnene - see Swaziland
New Republic (Nieuwe Republiek), 16/82-83, 29/26, 18/33, 24/? , 43/76-78, 46/44-45, 48/93-98, 55/58-59, 78-80, 69/11, 91/56-58, 99/54-57, 117/29-37;
see also Vryburg
...... 1887 cover with transit, Rorke's Drift datestamp, 71/58
...... Bierma, Dirk Douwe - see New Republic (Nieuwe Republiek) - History of - Bierma
...... Boundaries of, 218/12
............ incorporated into Natal, 218/14
...... British Military Office - see Telegraph service - Army Telegraphs - Offices
...... Cancellations, 49/11-13, 218/13
............ First Post-Office, 78/29, 48/93-98, 218/14
...... Cancellers, 48/93-95, 51/58-59, 51/60, 79/51-58
............ Late use of the oval Vryheid datestamp, Type ods 3, 140/v-vi, 218/13
...... Ceased to exist, 20/82
...... Coat of Arms, 208/9
...... Covers, 51/59-60, 72/96, 72/99, 80/88-89, 105/27, 109/19-25, 111/x, 113/vii, 113/15-18, 119/iii, 177/15-16, 182/13
............ Bakker Express label 1887, 55/58
...... de Vletter, Antony - see New Republic (Nieuwe Republiek) - History of - de Vletter
............ First official postmaster, 52/81
...... Forged stamps, 112/135-136, 161/19
...... Flag - see Flags
...... Government building, 79/48, 218/14
...... History of, 43/76-78, 48/92-98, 52/81-83, 218/9-10
............ Bierma, 48/93, 52/82-83
............ de Vletter, 48/93-95, 52/81-83, 182/9-20
............ Esselen, D.J., 43/76
............ Meyer, Lucas, 43/76, 48/92-93
............ Taken from The Standard Encyclopaedia of Southern Africa, 60/80
...... Incorporation into the ZAR, 133/27, 136/136
...... Interim use of ZAR stamps, 43/76-78, 52/89-91
...... Licence Revenue, 79/49-51
...... Meyer, Lucas, 48/92, 218/14-15
...... Ngome - see New Republic
...... Philatelic literature, 113/19-20
...... Post Office, 43/77, 218/14
...... Post Offices incorporated in Natal in 1902, 107/80-83
...... Postal Stationery, 55/59
...... Postmasters, 1871 to 1880, 109/1
............ Vletter, Antonij de, 218/9-20
...... Recognised by Great Britain, 43/77, 46/45
...... Revenue
............ Document, 52/81-86166/45
............ Handstamps, 53/10
...... Sovereignty recognized, 218/12
...... Stamp issues, 57/13-15, 116/132-140
........... £15 duty, 48/98, 76/77, 194/77
........... First issue, 112/120-32, 113/v, 21-23, 114/52-62
........... Not recognized outside the borders, 218/12
........... Second issue, 111/81-98, 112/vi
........... Sold during 1889, 1890, 1891 and 1892, 20/82
........... SG 1, 113/v
...... Tamsen, 91/56-58, 113/14-18
...... Telegraph service, 69/11, 112/133-134, 113/vii-viii, 114/viii
...... 'Uitvoerende Rand' 43/77
...... Vryheid, 218/14-16; see also New Republic
............ Babanango, 107/80-81
............ Transvaal Post Offices incorporated in Natal in 1902, 107/80
...... Vryheid datestamp (late use), 140/v-vi
New Scotland, 121/1-2
Newspapers; see also The Transvaal Government Gazette and Staatscourant
...... De Volkstem - see De Volkstem, Wrappers
...... die Volkstem, Special Editions, 188/44
...... De Expresse, 156/102
...... De Oude Emigrant, 213/12
...... De Transvaal, 213/13
...... De Zoutpansberg Wachter, 188/44
...... Eastern Star, 167/54
...... Extracts from:
............ The Star, Johannesburg - see Post Offices - Johannesburg - Ghosts of Rissik Street Post Office
............ The Star, Johannesburg 16th September, 1910, 191/44
............ The Transvaal Leader, Johannesburg 16th September, 1910, 191/44
...... Farthing newspaper rate - see Union of South Africa>
...... Government Courant, 213/13
...... Heildeburg Bulletin, 188/44
...... Mailed to Burghers engaged on military service see Lydenburg - Newspapers mailed to Burghers doing military service
...... Newspapers in German, 103/vii
...... Newspapers mails resumed after the Second Boer War, 100/90
...... Newspaper Wrappers - see Wrappers
...... Oorlog Nieuws, Vryburg, 188/44
...... Rand Daily Mail 1911, 188/50
...... Post Office to destroy if not claimed 93/3-4
...... Standard and diggers News Johannesburg, 188/44
...... The Potchefstroomer, 213/13
...... The Star, 16th September, 1910, 191/43
...... The Transvaal Argus 132/12
...... The Transvaal Leader, 16th September, 1910, 191/43-44
...... The Potchefstroomer, 213/12
Newsagent, Johannesburg - see Vallentine, M.P.
Ngomo, 107/80
...... Covers addressed to Vryheid during 1901, 137/21
...... Cancellation on Revenu Stamps, 108/122
...... 'NGOMO / Z.A.R., double circle datestamp, 170/41, 218/27
Nicholls, Horace W. - see Photographers
Nieuwe Republiek - see New Republic
Niekerksrust - see Datestamps - Second Republic - Squared-circle types
Niekersvlei datestamps, 218/28
Nigel, 24/83; see also Datestamps
...... Location, 60/87, 167/71
Night-Pass used in 1901, 193/30
Nijland, Hidde J., 44/94-96
Nissen, Charles, 159/ix, 159/59-61, 160/xiv, 176/43
Nondweni, 107/80
...... Location of, 60/87
...... Datestamp - see Datestamps - Norwood
Nooitgedacht, 122/34
...... Map location, 167/71
...... Datestamp on Postal Stationery Card - see Datestamps - Colonial period - Double Circle datestamps
...... Nomahasha datestamp - see Swaziland - Nomahasha datestamp
...... Non-reclame mail - see Unclaimed Mail
Nooitgedachts, 167/70
Nooitgedachts (Erm) map location, 167/71
Nooitgedacht(s) (Heid) map location, 167/71, 122/33
Noord Kaap, map location, 167/71
Nugent, Major O., 109/26-28
Numeral Barred Oval cancellers - see Cancellers - Numeral-coded barred-oval, (BONC) cancellers
Numeral in Circles, Target - see Cancellers -Triple Circle Numeral-coded Cancellers
Numeral-coded target cancellers - see Cancellers -Triple Circle Numeral-coded Cancellers
Numeral-coded barred-oval - see Cancellers - Numeral-coded barred-oval, (BONC) cancellers
Nylstroom, 139/67; see also Tamsen, Emil, Waterberg
...... Cape Dutch Church,
...... History of, 60/87
...... Magistrate's Residence, 201/75-76, 203/53
...... Map location, 167/71
...... British Military O)ffice -
...... Water supply, 124/83
N.Z.A.S.M., see Railways - N.Z.A.S.M.
...... ‘Kennisgeving van Aankomist’ (Notice of Arrival) larger size cards 1900 - see Railways - Netherlands South African Railway Company
(N.Z.A.S.M.) - Postal Stationery cards
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