1966 to November 2024 - Issue numbers 1 to 220
Updated 24th November, 2024
All references are in the form of - issue/page number(s)
Initial Letter K - W --- K | L | M | N | P | R | S | T | V | W |
Kamffer, G., 1998, The 24 mm. single-circle datestamps of the ZAR, 127/67-71
Kamffer, G., 1999, The Secret Service of the South African Republic and the postal system (1894-1900), 132/91-100
Kamffer, G., 2000, From manuscript to postmark; a study of the development of postmarks and handstamps in the Zuid-Afrikaansche Republiek, 133/1-27
Kamffer, G., 2015, The Functioning of the Postal System in the Zuid-Afrikaansche Republiek / Transvaal in the Period 1869 to 1899 etc [Part 1], 192/73-79
Kamffer, G., 2016, The Functioning of the Postal System in the Zuid-Afrikaansche Republiek / Transvaal in the Period 1869 to 1899 etc [Part 2], 193/13-24
Kamffer, G., 2016, The Functioning of the Post of the Postal System in the Zuid-Afrikaansche Republiek / Transvaal in the Period 1869 to 1899 etc [Part 3], 194/50-66
Kamffer, G., 2023, Early Official Correspondence ini the “Voortrekker Republics” and the Zuid-Afrikaansche Republiek from 1844 to 1875, 215/13-21
Kamffer, G., 1996, Kuitenbrouwer, C., and Drysdall, A.R., 1996, Second Republic P.W.K. datestamps, 120/117
Kamffer, G., 1999, Kuitenbrouwer, C., and Drysdall, A.R., 1999, 1859 - a landmark in the development of the postal service of the ZAR, 130/37-40
Kamffer, G., and Joubert, J., 2020, Changing names of Transvaal Postal Agencies 1874-1905: The Grange / Vlakfontein / McHattiesburg / Balfour, Transvaal, 205/13-24
Kantey, B. A., 1985, The numeral in triangle canceller of the Transvaal, 77/3-8
Kantey, B. A., 1985, The numeral in triangle canceller of the Transvaal, 79/44-47
Kantey, B. A., 1985, The numeral in triangle canceller of the Transvaal, 80/67-71
Kantey, B. A., 1986, The numeral in triangle canceller of the Transvaal, an updating, 83/56-7
Kantey, B. A., 1987, The 1889 numbers in triangles, 85/1-3
Kantey, B. A., 1987, The numeral in triangle obliterator of the Transvaal, 85/4-9
Kantey, B. A., and Tinsley, W.E., 1988, Another numeral in triangle obliterator, 87/17-19
Kaupe, J., 1999, The early stamps of Swaziland, 130/x-xiii
Kaupe, J., 2005, The Vurtheim five pounds - twenty years on, 154/29-56
Kaupe, J., 2005, The V. R. I. overprint of Lydenburg: 156/85-101
Kaupe, J., 2009, Enschedé's "Vurtheim" Panes and Plates, 169/16-18
Kaupe, J., and Drysdall, A.R., 2005, A possibly unique Transvaal forgery, 155/57-58
Kaupe, J., Torres, F., and Drysdall, A.R., 1999, An essay for the 'V. R. I.' overprint and an overprint variety, 131/73-75
Kaupe, J., Torres, F., and Drysdall, A.R., 2003, The 'Have' for 'Halve' variety of SG 213, 145/ 12-13
Klugman K., and Drysdall, A.R., 1999, Transvaal-Natal combination covers, 132/101-115
Knight, R., 1996, An interesting cover from the far interior, 119/77-79
Knight, R., 1999, A missionary cover from Barotseland, 132/122-125
Koster, J., 2017, 1s Borrius: Bird with missing beak, 198/53
Kravcik, S., 2004, My eureka moment - a rare Rustenburg provisional, 150/51-52
Kruger, G., 2005, Albert Kuit, postmaster extraordinaire, 155/59-62
Kruger, G., 2005, Who printed the issues of the Stamp Commission?, 156/102-105
Kruger, G., 2006, Anton van Wouw, stamps and the Transvaal Republic, 157/18-19
Kruger, G., 2006, The Republics of Stellaland and Goshen, 157/9-10
Kruger, G., 2006, The Transvaal Gouvernements Noot, Bluebacks and the Kruger Millions, 158/37-42
Kruger, G., 2006, The Waterval Boven tunnel, 157/11-12
Kruger, G., 2007, The use of Raman Spectroscopy in Philately, 164/111-114
Kruger, G., 2009, Manuscript cancellations of von Brandis and Rider Haggard, 172/83-86
Kruger, G., 2011, Plate Ea: Another example, ?/?
Kruger, G., 2018, Illustrated Postal stationery card - 1899, 199/14-15
Kruger, G., 2018, President Paul Kruger’s Left Thumb, 199/18-22
Kruger, G., 2019, Left Facing Eagle, a bogus Transvaal Stamp, 204/83-84
Kruger, G., 2021, Luff Plate G, revisited, 209/19-20
Kruger, G., 2021, The London gang, revisited, 210/16-20
Kruger, G., 2022, The Emigratie postal agency, 211/15-21
Kruger, G., 2022, Fort Hendrina: the what, the where and the when, 212/7-23; see also 213/4
Kruger, G., 2022, Jan Borrius the printer and Jack Borrius the son, 213/12-15
Kruger, G., 2023, Early Official Correspondence ini the “Voortrekker Republics” and the Zuid-Afrikaansche Republiek from 1844 to 1875, 215/6-11
Kruger, G., 2024, Antonij de Vletter - postmaster, prospector, teacher, 218/9-20
Kruger, G., 2024, Gustaaf Molengraaff , the Cullinan diamond and the Machadodorp postcard, 219/5-30
Kuitenbrouwer, C., 1996, Railway matters (continued), 118/65-69
Kuitenbrouwer, C., and Drysdall, A.R., 1993, A nice little earner, 106/35-36
Kuitenbrouwer, C., and Drysdall, A.R., 1993, Winnaarspoort, 108/106-109
Kuitenbrouwer, C., and Drysdall, A.R., 1999, Railwayana, 130/50-54
Kuitenbrouwer, C., and Drysdall, A.R., 2001, Overseas postage rates via the Cape Colony in 1876, 140/134-135
Kuitenbrouwer, C., and Drysdall, A.R., 2002, An order for handstamps and postage stamps dated 1866, 144/105
Kuitenbrouwer, C., and Drysdall, A.R., 2003, The 1866 ordinance concerning the postal service: 145/8-11
Kuitenbrouwer, C., Drysdall, A.R., and Crandel, L., 1997, Enschedé's plates, 121/12-16
Kuitenbrouwer, C., Drysdall, A.R., and Crandel, L., 2000, 'Shafts' and a 'disselboom',135/91-99
Kuitenbrouwer, C., Kamffer, G., and Drysdall, A.R., 1996, Second Republic P.W.K. datestamps, 120/117
Kuitenbrouwer, C., Kamffer, G., and Drysdall, A.R., 1999, 1859 - a landmark in the development of the postal service of the ZAR, 130/37-40
Kuitenbrouwer, C., Kamffer, G., and Drysdall, A.R., 2003, Some comments concerning the postal stationery, 147/48-49
Larking, B., 2011, "Medium roulette" from the First British Occupation, 177/13
Larking, B., 2011, Otto's "atypical" six-pennies, 180/73-85
Larking, B., 2016, The damaged ‘V’ in ‘V.R.’ on the overprinted stamps of the First British Occupation, 194/67-74
Larking, B., 2019, Otto’s ‘1d black jacket’ revisited (Plate Ax) and a possibly related but unrecorded plate, ‘1d rose’ (Plate Ay), 202/31-39
Larking, B., 2019, Wide Roulette with a difference, 202/14-15
Larking, B., 2021, First Occupation 3d mauve on green paper - triple overprint or kiss print, 208/13-17
Larking, B. and Jørgensen, L., 2021, One Penny Goldner Forgery (Luff plate S), 209/7-18
Leeflang, B., 2002, View cards of the Zuid-Afrikaansche Republiek, 141/25-38
Leeflang, B., 2004, It must be Basson & Co., 149/19-22
Leeflang, B., 2005, Frey & Kirsch revisited, 155/78-79
Leeflang, B., 2014, "Lawson's Liqueur Whisky" advertising postcard, 199/41
Leeflang, B., 2019, BONC 607 and early Johannesburg cancel, 203/??-??
Leeflang, B., 2019, The 1879 “V.R. /Transvaal” overprinted 3d mauve printed on green paper revisited – raised stops and dropped letters, 207/14-28
Leeflang, B., and Woolgar, J., 2004, Blue views, 152/94-96
Leon, A.L., 1982, (First published 1972), A President and a Philatelic Society, 66/30-31
Lloyd, E. K., Chinese Covers to the Transvaal Goldmines, 171/61-63
Lomax, L. H., 1970, The Railway Stamps of the 2nd. British Occupation, The C.S.A.R. Overprints, 18/38-39
Lomax, L. H., 1969, Transvaal Stamp Booklets, 16/104
Lomax, L. H., 1970, Transvaal Stamps on mail from Rhodesia, 18/30
Luff, J. L., 1972, (First published 1913), Otto's printings of the Transvaal Stamps, part I, 24/75-80
Luff, J. L., 1972, (First published 1913), Otto's printings of the Transvaal Stamps, part II, 26/32-36
Luff, J. L., 1972, (First published 1913), Otto's printings of the Transvaal Stamps, part III, 27/42-44
Luff, J. L., 1973, (First published 1913), Otto's printings of the Transvaal Stamps, part IV, 29/12-19
Luff, J. L., 1973, (First published 1913), Otto's printings of the Transvaal Stamps, part V, 30/34
Luff, J. L., 1973, (First published 1913), Otto's printings of the Transvaal Stamps, part VI, 31/66-80
Luff, J. L., 1973, (First published 1913), Otto's printings of the Transvaal Stamps, part VII, 32/96-100
Lydall, K.E.W., and Pirie, J.H.H., 1982, Union postage due markings, 66/31
MacGregor, A., 1993, An inventory of the Curle Collection; part I - the First Republic, 107/59-71
MacGregor, A., and Chilton, A.R., 1988, Gibbons catalogue number changes for Transvaal, 88/28
MacGregor, A., and Drysdall, A.R., 1990, The Tapling Collection, 94-5/53-58
MacGregor, A., and Drysdall, A.R., 1990, The handstamp of Alex. A. Osborn, Postmaster, Johannesburg, 96/80
MacGregor, A., and Drysdall, A.R., 1992, The 1992 edition of Gibbons Part I, 101/19
MacGregor, A., and Drysdall, A.R., 1996, An inventory of the Curle Collection; part II - the First British Occupation, 1877-1879, 117/1-13
MacGregor, A., Drysdall, A.R., and van den Hurk, G., 1993, The post offices of the Second Republic, 108/110-121
Marshall, E. E. B., 1981, Notes on determining the layout of items within a forme of surcharges, 63/54-56
Marshall, E. E. B., 1981, Notes on determining the layout of items within a forme of surcharges, Part 2, 64/77-79
Marshall, E. E. B., 1989, Compiling an index, 92/83
Marshall, E. E. B., and Drysdall, A.R., 1994, The 6d duty of the Bradbury, Wilkinson issue, 110/37-42
Marshall, E. E. B., and Drysdall, A.R., 1994, A dangerous forgery, 110/43
Mathews, I. B., 1981, KE VII - 2d. Grey, 61/19
Mathews, I. B., 1981, Another Transvaal fake - KE VII 2d grey, 64/80-81
Mathews, I. B., 1981, The Transvaal triple ring circular date stamp, 63/57-60
Mathews, I. B., 1982, KE VII Aniline, 65/5-7
Mathews, I. B., 1982, Imperial Military Railways, an unusual cover, 65/16
Mathews, I. B., 1982, Some interesting Transvaal Postmarks, 68/85-86
Mathews, I. B., 1983, Second Republic - Pretoria Tax Marks, 72/93-94
Mathews, I. B., 1983, The "V.R.I." Overprints on the Postage issue, 70/35-42
Mathews, I. B., 1984 [The Transvaal VRI Overprints on Postage Stamps]. A Supplement, 49/inset at back after page 62, as 63-71
Mathews, I. B., 1984, Transvaal: per-Union booklets, 73/18-29
Mathews, I. B., 1986, The 1889 numerals in triangles; an alternative hypothesis, 81-2/9-10
Mathews, I. B., 1986, More about Transvaal booklets, 84/74
Mathews, I. B., 1987, Utrecht triple circle cancellers, 85/17-20
Mathews, I. B., 1988, Transvaal - a newly discovered error of colour, 87/11-12
Matthews, J., 1991, Johannesburg automatic machine cancellers - the Columbia G machine, 100/94
Matthews, J., and Woolgar, J., 2008, The Eastern Star and a 1d postal stationery card addressed to the Premier at Cape Town, 167/54-55
Matthews, J., and Woolgar, J., 2010, Gebrüder Senf, stamp facsimiles and contrived postal stationery cards, 173/13-15
Matthews, J., and Woolgar, J., 2011, Stamp Dealers (1) - Heinrick Henning, 179/52
Matthews, J., and Woolgar, J., 2012, Stamp Dealers (2) - Stafford Smith & Son, 182/69-70
Matthews, J., and Woolgar, J., 2012, Stamp Dealers (3) - Tamsen and a Philatelic Society Secretary, 183/95-97
Matthews, J., and Woolgar, J., 2013, Stamp Dealers (4) - Howard Davis, 184/20-21
Matthews, J., and Woolgar, J., 2013, Stamp Dealers (5) - Sallo Epstein and French Indo-China, 186/60-61
Matthews, J., and Woolgar, J., 2015, Portuguese Curator of Natives Transvaal – Official Mail, 190/15-16
Matthews, J., and Woolgar, J., 2016, Stamp Dealers (8) – Ad. Sonn, 193/39-42
Melz, P. J., 1973, Transvaal 119 (SG.171). The stamp that embarrassed me, 29/20-21
Melz, P. J., 1976, Additional forged postmarks in Enschedé issues, 42/42-43
Melz, P. J., 2011, The Pietersburg 2d with no stop after 1901, 180/88
Naylor, S., Drysdall, A.R., and Hagen, H., 1989, Central South African Railways postcards, 92/67-77
[Nankivell, E. J.], 1976 (First published over a number of years), 'Stray notes on Transvaals', 41/12-15
Reisener, H. O., 1976, Cantonment and other army postmarks of Transvaal special Bisley postmarks, 44/110-113
Reisener, H. O., 1976, (First published 1975), De Beers in Johannesburg?, 43/71-73
Reisener, H. O., 1976, (First published 1975), Interim use of Z.A.R. stamps, 43/76-78
Reisener, H. O., 1976, (First published ?), New Republic interim use of ZAR stamps, 43/76-78
Reisener, H. O., 1976, (First published 1975), Pretoria Postcard Proofs, 43/74-76
[Reynolds, C.R.], 1977, (First published 1955), The Organisation and Transport of Mails, 48/96
[Rossouw, J. D.], 1977, (First published 1955), The Machadodorp Proclamation Card, 46/49
Rossouw, T., and Drysdall, A.R., 2001, The post offices and postal agencies opened during the later years of the First Republic, 139/64-73
Rossouw, T., and Drysdall, A.R., 2001, The postal routes during the later years of the First Republic, 140/93-116
Schoeman, J., 1974, Accountancy markings, 33/7-9
Sattin, G., and Drysdall, A.R., 1993, Soldier's letters posted during the First British Occupation, 108/91-92
Sattin, G., and Drysdall, A.R., 2003, Soldiers' letters sent during the First British Occupation of Transvaal, 1877-1880, and an historic officer's letter: 148/96-102
Seeba, W. K., 1979, History of the ZAR/Transvaal Towns and Villages (Pt.1), 53/12-17
Seeba, W. K., 1979, History of the ZAR/Transvaal Towns and Villages (Pt.2), 54/34-37
Seeba, W. K., 1979, History of the ZAR/Transvaal Towns and Villages (Pt.3), 55/65-67
Seeba, W. K., 1979, History of the ZAR/Transvaal Towne and Villages (Pt.4), 56/86-91
Seeba, W. K., 1979, History of the ZAR/Transvaal Towne and Villages (Pt.5), 58/51-59
Seeba, W. K., 1979, History of the ZAR/Transvaal Towne and Villages (Pt.6), 59/51-59
Seeba, W. K., 1979, History of the ZAR/Transvaal Towns and Villages (Pt.7), 60/87-94
Seeba, W. K., 1979, History of the ZAR/Transvaal Towns and Villages (Pt.8), 61/20-94
Seeba, W. K., 1987, Post Station Albasini's Place / Spelonken / Zoutpansberg District, 85/9-12
Seeba, W. K., 1989, Postal Agency Pan (Station), Middelburg District, 91/55
Seeba, W. K., 1990, George Jessie Heys, Transvaal's famous mail coach contractor, 94-5/30-33
Seeba, W. K., 1992, Malmani Goldfields and Ottoshoop, 103/84-86
Seeba, W. K., 1994, Moodies Goudvelden, 112/117-119
Seeba, W. K., 1995, Bergendal, 113/24-27
Seeba, W. K., 1995, Helvetia, 114/48-51
Seeba, W. K., 1995, Winnaarspoort, 115/81-82
Seeba, W. K., 1995, Machadodorp, 116/126-131
Seeba, W. K., 1996, Ferreira's Camp, Johannesburg, 117/18-25
Seeba, W. K., 1996, Groot Suikerboschkop / Dullstroom, 118/57-59
Seeba, W. K., 1996, Blaauwbank, 119/91-94
Seeba, W. K., 1996, Jamestown, 120/122-123
Seeba, W. K., 1996, The small numeral-coded triangular cancellers, 120/132
Seeba, W. K., 1997, Ermelo District - a postal history; Part I, 121/1-9
Seeba, W. K., 1997, Ermelo District - a postal history; Part II, 122/29-34
Seeba, W. K., 1997, Piet Retief, 124/87-91
Seeba, W. K., 1997, Thomas Jensen of Linokana - missionary and post agent, 123/66-69
Seeba, W. K., 1998, Langlaagte, 125/11-15
Seeba, W. K., 2009, The Dumb Cancellations of the ZAR/Transvaal, 169/14-15
Seeba, W. K., 2009, The triple circle target cancellation No.14: Pilgrim's Rest, 171/49
Seeba, W. K., 2009, The triple circle target cancellation No.33: Luneburg, 171/50
Seeba, W. K., 2009, Wonderboom, 172/96
Seeba, W. K., and Drysdall, A.R., 1996, The numeral-in-triangle cancellers coded '34' and '85', 120/118-21
Seeba, W. K., Drysdall, A.R., and Hutterer, P., 1991, Triple circle datestamps, 100/92- 93
Sherwood, C. E., (1966), Stellaland, the plain man's guide to forgeries, 12/64
Sherwood, C. E., (1966), Transvaal Topical Times, 1/3
Snowden, N., (1980), Cantonment and other Army Postmarks of Transvaal, 58/40-42
Steyl, P., 1997, Cape stamps used in the Transvaal in 1859, 122/25-26
Steyl, P., 1998, Fred Jeppe, pioneer and founder of the Transvaal postal service, 127/57-66
Steyl, P., 2002, The Fred Jeppe, correspondence, 141/1-20
Steyl, P., Torres, F., and Drysdall, A.R., 2002, The Crimean War, London's sewers, and the Hon. Henry Barrington, 141/30-40
Stock, R., Z.A.R. stamps used in Dannhauser during the Boer invasion of Natal, 167/57
Stone, A., Higson, A., and Woolgar, J., 2016, A further "Mrs Head" Cover, 193/25-26
Stone, A., and Woolgar, J., 2019, Messages on picture postcards, F. Courtenay Marsh, ‘LE NU AU SALON’, p.73
Stone, A., and Woolgar, J., 2019, The "Mrs. Head" correspondence, revisited - Daniel, 204/85
Stone, A., and Woolgar, J., 2020, The "Mrs. Head" correspondence - Eva L. Carmichael, 10-12
Stroud, J. R., 1982, Civil Post offices in the Transvaal -1901 and 1902, 67/47-53
Stroud, J. R., 1982, Notes on the Civil Post offices in the Transvaal -1901 and 1902, 67/53-54
Stroud, J. R., 1982, Usage of the Machadodorp Postcard, 68/74-77
Stroud, J. R., 1983, Further notes on the Machadodorp Postcard, 72/80
Stroud, J. R., 1983, Usage of the Machadodorp Postcard, 69/16
Stroud, J. R., 1991, Turffontein T.S.O., 100/89
Stroud, J. R., 2005, After the fall of Pretoria: 153/14-15
Stroud, J. R., 2014, The Dissemination of War News by the ZAR, 1899 to 1900, 188/44-45
Stroud, J. R., 2014, Transvaal stamps used in the Orange River Colony
Stroud, J. R., and A., Higson, 2008, The Celebrations for Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee in Johannesburg, 165/18-19
'Student', 1993, Some Second Republic postmark discoveries, 105/7
'Student', 1993, A revised listing of Transvaal post offices, 106/45-50 [Up-dated, 108/iv]
Strydom, D., 2023, A Dangerous Wide Roulette Forgery, 216/12
Strydom, D., and Fernando Torres, 2022, Another Vürtheim £5 forgery riddle uncovered, 213/9-12
Strydom, D., and Fernando Torres, 2023, The lined “R” and weak “I” varieties of the V.R.I. issue, 216/6-11
Sydow, A. H., 1980 (first published 1942), Engravers of the Master Dies - Southern Africa, 60/98
Symons, J. E., 1996, The first telegrams sent from Johannesburg [First published in the SAP, June 1942], 120/114-146
Talbot, J., 2020, A well-travelled cover from T.B. Beckett & Co. Limited. Pretoria, 206/17, 207/9
Tamsen, E., 1979, (First published 1933), Transvaal Reprints, [1933 Article reprinted], 53/18-24
Taylor, J., 1995, Illustrated postcards, 114/63-4
Taylor, J., 2003, 'Transvaal' essays for GB Edwardian stamps: 146/34
The Star [Johannesburg Newspaper], 1983, The Ghosts of Rissik Street Post Office, 71/53
Tinsley, W. E., 1967, Transvaal Triangular Numeral Cancellers, 6/20-21
Tinsley, W. E., 1969, Thoughts on TVL 100 (or impressions of an overseas member), 14/55
Tinsley, W. E., 1977, The "Numeral in Circles" Cancel, 48/80-84
Tinsley, W. E., 1977, The Numeral in Triangle Circles Cancel, 48/85-91
Tinsley, W. E., 1979, The "Numeral in Circles" Cancel, 56/92-94
Tinsley, W. E., 1979, The Numeral in Triangle Circles Cancel, 56/95-99
Tinsley, W. E., and Kantey, B.A., 1988, Another numeral in triangle obliterator, 87/17-19
Torres, F., 1999, The forgotten plate, 129/31-33
Torres, F., 2002, Another new Otto plate, 141/24
Torres, F., 2002, The Johannesburg crisis; 60 hours in a cattle truck, 141/41-42
Torres, F., and Drysdall, A.R., 1999, Otto's forgery of the 3d duty printed from Luff's Plate P, 130/41-45
Torres, F., and Drysdall, A.R., 2000, Otto's trials for the 3d duty, 136/120-123
Torres, F., and Drysdall, A.R., 2001, Otto's 6d 'improved' eagle, 137/1-12
Torres, F., and Drysdall, A.R., 2001, Otto's forgery of the 3d duty printed from Luff's Plate Q, 138/31-36
Torres, F., and Drysdall, A.R., 2001, Bisected 1s stamps, 'T' handstamps and Emil Tamsen, 138/45-49
Torres, F., and Drysdall, A.R., 2001, Early use of the 24 mm. 'M.W. STROOM' and 'HEIDELBERG' First Republic datestamps, 138/50-51
Torres, F., and Drysdall, A.R., 2001, First Republic Potchefstroom and Pretoria datestamps - the two types, 139/59-63
Torres, F., and Drysdall, A.R., 2001, Postal use of Otto's forgeries? 139/84-85
Torres, F., and Drysdall, A.R., 2001, The Dodd Collection of revenue stamps: 140/117-135
Torres, F., and Drysdall, A.R., 2001, Transvaal-OFS combination covers: 140/135-136
Torres, F., and Drysdall, A.R., 2002, The annexation of the ZAR in 1877 - some documents from the Lys archive, 143/80-86
Torres, F., and Drysdall, A.R., 2002, The ZAR's proposal in 1894 for a common colour scheme for the stamp issues of the territories of southern Africa, 144/95-104
Torres, F., and Drysdall, A.R., 2003, BONC '628' used at Steynsdorp: 146/38-39
Torres, F., and Drysdall, A.R., 2004, Some observations concerning the stamps printed by Celliers in 1883-85, particularly the perforation varieties, 50/29-39
Torres, F., and Drysdall, A.R., 2008, Some further thoughts concerning the 1883-85 Celliers printings, 165/10-14
Torres, F., and Drysdall, A.R., and Kaupe, J., 1999, An essay for the 'V. R. I.' overprint and an overprint variety, 131/73-75
Torres, F., and Drysdall, A.R., and Kaupe, J., 2003, The 'Have' for 'Halve' variety of SG 213, 145/12-13
Torres, F., and Drysdall, A.R., and Steyl, P., 2002, The Crimean War, London's sewers, and the Hon. Henry Barrington, 141/30-40
Torres, F., and Higson, A., 2007, Native Pass Revenues, 161/23-25
Torres, F., and Strydom, D., 2022, Another Vürtheim £5 forgery riddle uncovered, 213/9-12
Torres, F., and Strydom, D., 2023, The lined “R” and weak “I” varieties of the V.R.I. issue, 216/6-11
Torres, F., and Strydom, D., 2024, The imperforated varieties of the Penny Post Commemorative, 220/5-8
Transvaal Study Circle, 2015, Congratulations to Dr. Christopher Board, OBE, FRPSL, 192/70
Trotter, B., 2003, The Edwardian dual-purpose postage and revenue stamps of the Transvaal, 146/23-33
Trotter, B., 2004, Stamp booklets of the Transvaal: 149/1-4
Trotter, B., 2006 The Transvaal gold mines and Chinese labour, 157/1-8
Tutturen, T.J., 2019, Emil Tamsen’s picture postcards – an update, 103/52-57
Initial Letter K - W --- | K | L | M | N | P | R | S | T | V |W |
Copyright © J. Woolgar 2024