Recent articles

The Transvaal Philatelist November 2024, issue number 220.

Wilbert Davids, More findings on the £5 Vürtheim, 220/12-14
Tim Harrison, The Pietersburg postal station card, 220/9-12
Fernando Torres, and Danna Strydom, The imperforated varieties of the Penny Post Commemorative, 220/5-8
Bas Payne, and Alex Visser, ZAR and Transvaal date-stamps until Union: a working catalogue. Part 14, Pretoria

The Transvaal Philatelist July 2024, issue number 219.

Garth, Kruger, Gustaaf Molengraaff , the Cullinan diamond and the Machadodorp postcard
Bas Payne and Alex Visser, ZAR and Transvaal date-stamps until Union: a working catalogue. Part 13, Ohrigstad to President Street

The Transvaal Philatelist March 2024, issue number 218.

Garth Kruger, Antonij de Vletter - postmaster, prospector, teacher
Lars Jørgensen, 1883 re-issue 1d black double print, copy number 4
Bas Payne and Alex Visser, ZAR and Transvaal date-stamps until Union: a working catalogue. Part 12, Naauwte to Nylstroom

Issue number 217.

- see 'Subject Index S - Z' - The Transvaal Philatelist - Supplements and other items - The Z.A.R. £5 green: ...'

The Transvaal Philatelist November 2023, issue number 216.

Andrew Higson, A Cape of Good Hope half penny postal stationery postcard in Swaziland during the Interprovincial period
Danna Strydom, A Dangerous Wide Roulette Forgery
Danna Strydom and Fernando Torres, The lined “R” and weak “I” varieties of the V.R.I. issue
Bas Payne and Alex Visser, ZAR and Transvaal date-stamps until Union: a working catalogue. Part 11, Luneberg to Mulders Drift

The Transvaal Philatelist July 2023, issue number 215.

Chris Board, Tax marks on mail during the Second British occupation
Gerhard Kamffer, Early Official Correspondence ini the “Voortrekker Republics” and the Zuid-Afrikaansche Republiek from 1844 to 1875
Garth Kruger, Wars, revenue stamps, Stellaland and C.G. Dennison
Bas Payne and Alex Visser, ZAR and Transvaal date-stamps until Union: a working catalogue. Part 10, Korannafontein to Luipaardsvlei

The Transvaal Philatelist March 2023, issue number 214.

Tim Bartshe, Reposted, Advertised and Unclaimed. how the ZAR (Transvaal) Post Office dealt with undeliverable mail, during the 1890s
Lars Jørgensen, New Publication. "The Transvaal One Penny Arms Stamps 1870-1885"
Bas Payne and Alex Visser, ZAR and Transvaal date-stamps until Union: a working catalogue. Part 9, Johannesburg Agricultural Shows to Koperfontein

The Transvaal Philatelist November 2022, issue number 213.

Tjaart de Beer, Recent Pietersburg Forgeries
Garth Kruger, Jan Borrius the printer and Jack Borrius the son.
Danna Strydom and Fernando Torres, Another Vürtheim £5 forgery riddle uncovered
Bas Payne and Alex Visser, ZAR and Transvaal date-stamps until Union: a working catalogue. Part 8, Johannesburg (Part 2)

The Transvaal Philatelist July 2022, issue number 212.

Andrew Higson, The Discovery of a Bremersdorp Relief Cancellation dated 1911
Garth Kruger, Fort Hendrina: the what, the where and the when
Bas Payne and Alex Visser, ZAR and Transvaal date-stamps until Union: a working catalogue. Part 7, Johannesburg (Part 1)

The Transvaal Philatelist March 2022, issue number 211.

Andrew Higson, Book Review, Transvaal Postal Department Staff before and after the South African War, by Jeff Woolgar.
Andrew Higson, Pigg's Peak Post and Telegraph Office 1904
Andrew Higson, Sulphur Springs / sulphur Spring
Garth Kruger, The Emigratie postal agency
Bas Payne and Alex Visser, ZAR and Transvaal date-stamps until Union: a working catalogue. Part 6, Haenertsburg to Jeppestown

The Transvaal Philatelist November 2021, issue number 210.

Garth Kruger, The London gang, revisited
Ian Paterson, Crossing Over. Blurring the Lines between Postal and Fiscal
Bas Payne and Alex Visser, ZAR and Transvaal date-stamps until Union: a working catalogue. Part 5, Gardens to Groot Suikerboschkop

The Transvaal Philatelist July 2021, issue number 209.

Garth Kruger, Luff Plate G, revisited
Barry Larking and Lars Jørgensen, One Penny Goldner Forgery (Luff plate S)
Bas Payne and Alex Visser, ZAR and Transvaal date-stamps until Union: a working catalogue. Part 4, Elim to Freya

The Transvaal Philatelist March 2021, issue number 208.

Andrew Higson, Book Review, Richard Stroud, The Closure and Restpration of Civil Postal Services in the Orange
Free River Colony and the Transvaal 1900 to 1902
Barry Larking, First Occupation 3d mauve on green paper - triple overprint or kiss print
Bas Payne and Alex Visser, ZAR and Transvaal date-stamps until Union: a working catalogue. Part 3, Caledonia to Elandsrivier

The Transvaal Philatelist November 2020, issue number 207.

Tim Bartshe, The Halve/Penny on 1 SHILLING green of 1895. Printing Freaks and Errors
Barry Larking, The 1879 “V.R. /Transvaal” overprinted 3d mauve printed on green paper revisited – raised stops and dropped letters
Jeff Woolgar and Ann Stone, The "Mrs. Head" correspondence - Eva L. Carmichael

The Transvaal Philatelist July 2020, issue number 206.

Bas Payne and Alex Visser, ZAR and Transvaal date-stamps until Union: a working catalogue. Part 2: Blaauwbank to Bushman's Spruit
Jon, Talbot, A well-travelled cover from T.B. Beckett & Co. Limited. Pretoria

The Transvaal Philatelist March 2020, issue number 205.

Gerhard Kamffer and Johan Joubert, Changing names of Transvaal Postal Agencies 1874-1905: The Grange / Vlakfontein
McHattiesburg / Balfour, Transvaal
Bas Payne and Alex Visser, ZAR and Transvaal date-stamps until Union: a working catalogue. Part 1: Aangewijs to Bisley
Tord Tutturen, Book Review, Richard Wadley, Waterberg Echoes

The Transvaal Philatelist November 2019, issue number 204.

Lindsay Frederick Braun, Map of the Transvaal, 1899
George Coetzee, A late usage combination 1880 Transvaal Cover
Chris Board, First Republic bisected 1s stamps on cover: another view
Andrew Higson, Letter from Dr J.H. Harvey Pirie about a proposed booklet, on Swaziland and the New Republic
Frank Høgberg, A late cover cancelled with Embekelweni No.1
Garth Kruger, Left Facing Eagle, a bogus Transvaal Stamp
Bas Payne and Jeff Woolgar, KRAAL R.O. datestamp
Jeff Woolgar, Heidelberg Dutch Reform Church - “daar gaat de toren”
Jeff Woolgar, Printed by W.E. Burmester & Co., Printers, Bookbinders and Rulers
Jeff Woolgar, and Ann Stone, The "Mrs. Head" correspondence, revisited – Daniel

The Transvaal Philatelist July 2019, issue number 203.

Tim Bartshe, Twee Shilling embossed and printed Revenue stamp
Chris Board, Matjesspruit
Chris Board, Testing the postal service June 1900 ?
Chris Board, The Prince of Wales’s ideas of stamp design: Edwardian stamps of Transvaal praised
George Coetzee, Another Surgeon Ward Cover of 1880
Chris Cordes, An invalid stamp on a postcard
Bram Leeflang, BONC 607 and early Johannesburg cancel
Tord J. Tutturen, Emil Tamsen’s picture postcards – an update
[Jeff Woolgar], New Publication by Bram Leeflang
Jeff Woolgar, Messages on postcards, F. Courtenay Marsh, ‘LE NU AU SALON’
Jeff Woolgar, Parcels Post Importations and the Customs Department 1908

The Transvaal Philatelist March 2019, issue number 202.

Tim Bartshe, NZASM Railway Station Markings
Johan Bezuidenhout and Chris Board, Duplex Hand Canceller of ZAR – a Study of the Coding
Chris Board, An invalid stamp on a postcard sent to Returned Letter Office, Johannesburg 28 SEP. 08
Chris Board, Swazieland overprints: a possible fake produced by Postmaster
Chris Board, Uitvalfontein
Harley, A., The South African 1904 Census, 202/41-42 Ed., New Publication by Everhard Vissers
Barry Larking, Otto’s ‘1d black jacket’ revisited (Plate Ax) and a possibly related but unrecorded plate, ‘1d rose’ (Plate Ay)
Barry Larking, Wide Roulette with a difference
Bas Payne, Late use of multi-ring numeral obliterators and numbered triangular obliterators in the Z.A.R.
[Jeff Woolgar], New Publiction by Everhard Vissers
Jeff Woolgar, Compensation Damage - Dynamite Explosion

The Transvaal Philatelist November 2018, issue number 201.

Tim Bartshe,Telegraph station acting as a postal office and cancelling a letter?
Chris Board,The elusive 2d grey of the single colour Transvaal Edward VII issue of 1909
Chris Board, Transvaal Roll or Coil stamps in the Interprovincial period
Chris Board and Jeff Woolgar, VIJFHOEK (later spelt Vyfhoek)
Andrew Higson, An Orange River Colony ½d postal stationery postcard used in Swaziland during the Interprovincial period
Andrew Higson, The Bremersdorp Squared Circle Cancellation June-August 1894
Jeff Woolgar, Correspondence with curiosity: B.J. Bing and the grass seed correspondence
Jeff Woolgar, Season’s Greeting cards – a humorous greeting
Jeff Woolgar and Johan Bezuidenhout, Thabina 24mm datestamp on cover to Jersey

The Transvaal Philatelist July 2018, issue number 200.

Tim Bartshe, NZASM Railway Station Markings
Johan Bezuidenhout, Barred Oval “2”
Johan Bezuidenhout, Bronkhorstspruit Railway “RO” datestamp
Johan Bezuidenhout, New Heriot
Chris Board, 200th Edition
Chris Board, Why Maraisburg’s numeral 50 in triangle canceller might first have been issued to Klein Paardekraal
Chris Board, The Whereabouts of Leadmines
Chris Board and Jeff Woolgar, The Road to Pietersburg and the Middelburg Forwarding Agency
Andrew Higson, From Swaziland to eSwatini
Andrew Higson, A late Duiven cover
Bas Payne, Wolmaransstad 1895: the status of the pre-dated commemorative covers
Jeff Woolgar, Advertising cover from List Brothers of Johannesburg
Jeff Woolgar, Chinese Red Band 1904 Cover from Germiston to Canterbury, England

The Transvaal Philatelist March 2018, issue number 199.

Tim Bartshe, The Transvaal “Spread Wings” 6d Stamps 1870-1878 by Lars Jorgensen - A Review
Tim Bartshe, A Traveling Post Office Discovery
Johan Bezuidenhout, Bothsabelo – Place of Shelter – A Great New Cover
Johan Bezuidenhout, A new postmark discovery [Doornboom]
Lars Jørgensen, A fake First Republic Arms stamp with a genuine cancellation
Garth Kruger, Illustrated Postal stationery card, May 1899
Garth Kruger, President Paul Kruger’s Left Thumb
Jeff Woolgar, Not an Illustrated Postal Stationery Card ?

The Transvaal Philatelist November 2017, issue number 198.

Johan Bezuidenhout and Chris Board, Another numeral in triangle for Luneburg, Transvaal
George Coetzee and Johan Bezuidenhout, An interesting 1896 cover from the Transvaal to Germany
Alan Harley, A new illustrated postal stationery card
Alan Harley, Derby, East or West?
Andrew Higson, A very early incoming Swaziland postal item
Jack Koster, 1s Borrius: Bird with missing beak
Jeff Woolgar, An appraisal of Lars Jørgensen’s 2017 publication:The Transvaal 'Spread Wings' 6d stamps 1870-1878
Jeff Woolgar, Christmas and New Year Greetings from the Transvaal Colony Post Office

The Transvaal Philatelist July 2017, issue number 197.

Chris Board, A 1901 one penny postal stationery postcard of the ZAR overprinted “V.R.I.” from a recruit to the
South African Constabulary in Krugersdorp
Andrew Higson, A rare "Swazieland" cover to the USA
Andrew Higson, Forged "Swazieland" overprints on forged Vürtheim stamps
Andrew Higson, The colours of the inks used in the cancellations of Swaziland 1889-1894
Jeff Woolgar, Pretoria Philatelic Society Golden Jubilee Dinner Menu

The Transvaal Philatelist February 2017, issue number 196.

Johan Bezuidenhout, A new Hectorspruit discovery!
Chris Board and Jeff Woolgar, An Official Cover from Smuts to Gérard Pott in Lourenço Marques
Andrew Higson, Fort Hendrina
Andrew Higson, Fort Hendrina: Postscript
Andrew Higson and Jeff Woolgar, Scott of Swaziland
Robert Jack, The 1900 Exposition Universelle
Lars Jørgensen, A postage due mystery
Lars Jørgensen, Alan Drysdall In Memoriam – A Personal Account
Jeff Woolgar, Transvaal Legislative Assembly Election, 20th February, 1907
Jeff Woolgar, Westfort Leper Asylum Official Postage Handstamp

The Transvaal Philatelist November 2016, issue number 195.

Chris Board, Who produced the ZAR postcards handstamped “Swazieland”?
Andrew Higson, The Bremersdorp cds with and without the “Z.A.R.”
Andrew Higson, The Bremersdorp rectangular telegraph handstamp
Andrew Higson, The colours of the inks used in the cancellations of Swaziland 1889-1894
Andrew Higson, The earliest recorded regular Z.A.R. stamp used on cover from Swaziland
Andrew Higson, The Indhlovukazi of Swazieland
Andrew Higson, The telegraphic use of “Queen’s Head” revenue stamps during the First British Occupation of the Transvaal
Frank Høgberg and Andrew Higson, From Embabaan to Mbabane
Lars Jørgensen, The Bourne Head Queen Victoria One Shilling Stamp of Transvaal
Jeff Woolgar, Edwardian Official Mail and Post Office Free Services
Jeff Woolgar, West Koppies, Official Cover from Pretoria Lunatic Asylum and the Coach Agent at Buffelsdoorn
Jeff Woolgar, Propaganda cartoon picture postcards relating to the Chinese Labour Experiment in the Transvaal – a menu to die for!
Jeff Woolgar, Christmas and New Year Greetings Cards from the ZAR Telegraaf Kantoor 1894 to 1899

The Transvaal Philatelist July 2016, issue number 194.

Alan Drysdall and Fernando Torres, Central South African Railways’ postcards
Lars Jørgensen, The Transvaal Letter Rate to Europe in 1882
Gerhard Kamffer, The Functioning of the Postal System in the Zuid-Afrikaansche Republiek etc. [Part 2]
Barry Larking, The damaged ‘V’ in ‘V.R.’ on the overprinted stamps of the First British Occupation
Robert S. Carswell, The one-of-a-kind New Republic £15 duty: Fiscally or postally used?

The Transvaal Philatelist March 2016, issue number 193.

Chris Board, Henry Straughan Wilkinson: Imperial servant and stamp designer (1875-1953)
Andrew Higson, Ann Stone and Jeff Woolgar, A further "Mrs Head" Cover
Lars Jørgensen, A Mysterious - Transvaal - Rhodesia Cover
Gerhard Kamffer, The Functioning of the Post of the Postal System in the
Zuid-Afrikaansche Republiek / Transvaal in the Period 1869 to 1899 etc. [Part 2]
Joan Matthews and Jeff Woolgar, Stamp Dealers (8) – Ad. Sonn
Jeff Woolgar, Propaganda cartoon picture postcards relating to the Chinese Labour Experiment in the Transvaal – “Cape Times” Comic Series

The Transvaal Philatelist November 2015, issue number 192.

Bob Allison, Philatelic Friendship
Chris Board, Reflections on the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Transvaal Study Circle by the Chairman
Alan Drysdall, Fifty Years and Counting: A reflection by the President
Andrew Higson, A View from the Hon. Editor's Desk
Andrew Higson, Major Harold Criddle RDPSA
Gerhard Kamffer, The Functioning of the Post of the Postal System
in the Zuid-Afrikaansche Republiek / Transvaal in the Period 1869 to 1899 etc. [Part 1]
Jeff Woolgar, Fifty Years of the Transvaal Study Circle

The Transvaal Philatelist July 2015, issue number 191.

Christopher Board, Franking Privileges in Transvaal after the British occupation (1900-1904)
Chris Cordes, The variety that never was! Alternatively, a sad case of wishful thinking!
Andrew Higson, Further Modern Forgeries
Jeff Woolgar, Numeral '2' Cancellers on Edwardian Wrappers
Jeff Woolgar, The General Post Office - 1910 Union of South Africa Parliamentary Election

The Transvaal Philatelist March 2015, issue number 190.

Johan Bezuidenhout, History of the town of Springs and its post office types
Otto Peetoom, The Transvaal King Edward ½ with an inverted centre
Jeff Woolgar, Interprovincial Combination Revenue Document – Deed of Transfer
Jeff Woolgar, Small size Vürtheim postal stationery card
Jeff Woolgar and Joan Matthews, Portuguese Curator of Natives, Transvaal Official Mail

The Transvaal Philatelist November 2014, issue number 189.

Richard Stroud, Transvaal stamps used in the Orange River Colony
Alan Drysdall, "I don't believe it"
Jeff Woolgar, Getting Started (12): Getting the illustration right - an historical observation *
Jeff Woolgar, Otto's 3d stamps, the proofs etc.
Jeff Woolgar, Springs ZAR small single datestamp in blue used during February 1901
Jeff Woolgar, Stamp Dealers (7) - Emil Tamsen Wholesale Price List

The Transvaal Philatelist July 2014, issue number 188.

Christopher Board, Early Correspondence in the Johannesburg United Philatelic Society 1911
Andrew Higson, "Seek, and ye shall find!" More Swaziland Discoveries
Bram Leeflang, "Lawson's Liqueur Whisky" advertising postcard
Leon Jacobson, Some "C.S.A.R." varieties
Richard Stroud, The Dissemination of War News by the ZAR, 1899 to 1900
Jeff Woolgar, Ammunition licenses issued at Christiana
Jeff Woolgar, Extracts from The Statute Law of the Transvaal, 1901 – Transfer of shares in Companies 1892 and 1895
Jeff Woolgar, Johannesburg, Branch Post Office - Stuttaford & Co.
Jeff Woolgar, Stamp Dealers (6) - Wm. Schreiber and the South African Stamp Company

The Transvaal Philatelist March 2014, issue number 187.

Andrew Higson, A comment on "ZAR/Transvaal Arms stamps cancelled with the First Republic 24mm circular datestamps"
Andrew Higson, An Edwardian Pillar-Box
Andrew Higson, Some rarely encountered Fourier Forgeries
Lars Jørgensen, ZAR/Transvaal Arms stamps cancelled with the First Republic 24mm circular datestamps
Jeff Woolgar, Post Office Box System in the Transvaal during the Edwardian period with particular emphasis on Johannesburg

The Transvaal Philatelist November 2013, issue number 186.

Alan Drysdall and Fernando Torres, Transvaal SG99 fine roulette and imperforate vertically: An Unlisted Variety
John Fletcher, Further Money Order Envelopes
John Fletcher, King Edward VII Definitives Overprinted "SPECIMEN"
Andrew Higson, A commit on "King Edward VII Definitives Overprinted "SPECIMEN"
Andrew Higson, "Terrors of the Transvaal"
Andrew Higson, The 1d Scarlet Watermarked "Cabled Anchor"
Frank Høgberg, A Spectacular Cover from Swaziland
Frank Høgberg and Andrew Higson, Recent Swaziland Discoveries
Jeff Woolgar, Agricultural Parcel Post – an extract from the Johannesburg Chamber of Commerce Annual Report of 1908
Jeff Woolgar, Blasting Certificate (3)
Jeff Woolgar, Chafford and Roughway Mills Revisited
Jeff Woolgar, Propaganda cartoon picture postcards relating to the Chinese Labour Experiment in the Transvaal – The Ex-Colonial Secretary
Jeff Woolgar and Joan Matthews, Stamp dealers (5) - Sallo Epstein and French Indo-China

The Transvaal Philatelist July 2013, issue number 185.

Lars Jørgensen, The 1883 reissued 3d black on rose paper: The difficult positions
Lars Jørgensen, Transvaal Postcards to Overseas Destinations Franked at the Letter Rate
Jeff Woolgar, Hand drawn cartoon postal stationery card relating to the Indentured Chinese Labour in the Transvaal - "What price slavery"

The Transvaal Philatelist March 2013, issue number 184.

Christopher Board, Variations in the Transvaal Numerals in Triangles cancellers generally allocation to Johannesburg (with some
comments on those used in Barberton)
Andrew Higson, The inclusion of telegraph stamps in the 2013 edition of SG's Commonwealth & British Empire Stamps 1840-1970 catalogue
Jeff Woolgar, Picture Postcard, A Magazine of Philately, Travel, & Art : A Review
Jeff Woolgar and Joan Matthews, Stamp Dealers (4) - Howard Davis

The Transvaal Philatelist November 2012, issue number 183.

Christopher Board, Numeral in Triangle 38, probably Gemsbokfontein
Christopher Board, Use of the Makwasie canceller at Wolmaransstad
Christopher Board, ZAR's Numeral in Triangle obliterators of 1889: Haenertsburg and Houtboschdorp
Alan Drysdall, The 2½ Edward VII stamp overprinted ‘C.S.A.R.’ and other possible forgeries of the overprint
Lars Jørgensen, The Arms One Shilling position 27 in the Left Pane (L27)
Jeff Woolgar, Expertising Certificates
Jeff Woolgar, Fournier Printings of the ZAR Five Pound Green
Jeff Woolgar, Transvaal Edwardian Post Office Uniforms
Jeff Woolgar, Essay for the ‘V.R.I.’ overprint – one more
Jeff Woolgar and Joan Matthews, J., Stamp Dealers (3) - Tamsen and a Philatelic Society Secretary

The Transvaal Philatelist July 2012, issue number 182.

Lars Jørgensen, The 1879 "V.R./Transvaal" overprinted 3d mauve printed on green paper - two not three settings!
Jeff Woolgar, Illustrated postal stationery card from Dr and Mrs J.B. Knobel
Jeff Woolgar and Joan Matthews, Stamp Dealers' Business (2) - Stafford Smith & Son

The Transvaal Philatelist March 2012, issue number 181.

Christopher Board, Makwasie, Mapuassie or Mapuasi, and Wolmaranssted
Andrew Higson, An 1895 Money Order Envelope from Schweizer Reneke
Andrew Higson, An Interesting Presentation Sheet
Frank Høgberg, An Early Official Cover from Bremersdorp
Lars Jørgensen, The Second Republic 1 Shilling Printed by Celliers in 1883
Jeff Woolgar, Blasting Certificate

The Transvaal Philatelist November 2011, issue number 180.

Barry Larking, Otto's "atypical" six-pennies
Lass Jørgensen, Double print of the Arms 1d re-issued in 1883
Peter Melz, The Pietersburg 2d with no stop after 1901
Jeff Woolgar, Post Office and privately overprinted wrappers - a few notes

The Transvaal Philatelist August 2011, issue number 179.

Christopher Board, Postal Rates in the Second Republic: An update
John Courtis, Post Office Wrappers of Transvaal: An Analysis of Usage and Internet Sale
Andrew Higson, The Zeerust Provisional Issue of 1900
Andrew Higson, Three £5 greens overprinted "V.R.I. (SG237) on a re-joined piece
Jeff Woolgar, Getting Started (10): Handstamps applied to the reverse of stamps
Jeff Woolgar & Joan Mathews, Stamp Dealers (1) - Heinrick Henning

The Transvaal Philatelist May 2011, issue number 178

Christopher Board, "The Value of Jeppe's and other maps of the Transvaal for the study of its postal History" based on
the 15th Major Ian B. Mathews Memorial Lecture at Joburg 2010
Martin Boyd, Rustenburg SG 8a: Dreams do come true!
Frank Høgberg, Some Early Swaziland Covers.
Jeff Woolgar, Getting Started (9): Forgery, Otto and us.

The Transvaal Philatelist February 2011, issue number 177.

Robert S. Carswell, A combination use of New Republic and Z.A.R. stamps on a cover sent through Natal to the Netherlands.
Garth Kruger, Plate Ea: Another example.
Barry Larkin, "Medium roulette" from the First British Occupation.
Jeff Woolgar, M.Z. Booleman & Co., Price List 1896.

The Transvaal Philatelist November 2010, issue number 176.

Christopher Board, The First Day of Issue of the Union Commemorative Stamp in the Transvaal.
Andrew Higson, The 1901 1d overprinted "E.R.I." with the "E" omitted.
Jeff Woolgar, The "Mrs. Head" correspondence. ** Transvaal Study Circle Gold Award (best Transvaal-related article) awarded at PFSA Congress**

The Transvaal Philatelist August 2010, issue number 175.

Christopher Board, Numeral in Triangle Obliterator No.66: Was this allocated to Rolfontein?
Andrew Higson, Mail from the Lydenburg Commando.
Andrew Higson, ZAR stamps used during the Boer occupation of Ingogo.
Alan Harley, The Fels of Schweizer-Reneke.
Lass Jørgensen, Early Covers from the Zuid Afrikaansche Republiek / Transvaal: A forthcoming publication.
Jeff Woolgar, Stamp Catalogues: Gebrüder Senf’s Illustrierter Postwertztzeichen-Katalog of 1892.
Jeff Woolgar, Getting Started (8): Gum or no gum? again.

The Transvaal Philatelist May 2010, issue number 174.

David Beech, Getting Started (7): Philatelic Conservation - Restoration
Chris Board, Changes in Postal Rates in the South African Republic (ZAR) in 1882-3
Chris Board, Honden River or Houtbosch? Evidence for identifying numeral in triangle obliterator 47 and the consequences
Alan Harley, CGH Postal Stationery used in the ZAR

The Transvaal Philatelist February 2010, issue number 173.

Andrew Higson, A ZAR £5 green (SG187) used during the Boer invasion of Natal
Andrew Higson, Getting Started (6): Gum or no gum?
Joan Matthews & Jeff Woolgar, Gebrüder Senf, stamp facsimiles and contrived postal stationery cards
Jeff Woolgar, Propaganda cartoon picture postcards published by Knight Brothers relating to the Chinese Labour Experiment in the
Transvaal – Joseph Chamberlain

The Transvaal Philatelist November 2009, issue number 172.

Christopher Board, The Place of Potchefstroom in the Early Postal Services in the Transvaal: A commentary on evidence cited in the thirteenth Major Ian
B. Mathews Memorial Lecture by G. Kamffer and G. van der Walt
Christopher Board, Where exactly was Komati (Middel)? ** Transvaal Study Circle Gold Award (best Transvaal-related article) awarded at PFSA Congress**
Alan Harley, The Llanwarne Squared-octagon Canceller
Andrew Higson, The "Mrs Head" Correspondence
Garth Kruger, Manuscript cancellations of von Brandis and Rider Haggard
Werner Seeba, Wonderboom
Jeff Woolgar, Getting Started (5): First Republic Adhesive Stamps - Colour

The Transvaal Philatelist August 2009, issue number 171.

Christopher Board, Notable Snow Fall in Johannesburg, August 1909
Andrew Higson, 2009, Darkton, 1895
Andrew Higson, The "V.R.I." overprint with the "I" dropped by 0.75mm
Keith Lloyd, Keith Lloyd Chinese Covers to the Transvaal Goldmines
Werner Seeba, The triple circle target cancellation No.14: Pilgrim's Rest
Werner Seeba, The triple circle target cancellation No.33: Luneburg
Jeff Woolgar, Illustrated Postal Stationery Cards - 'THE LATE CRISIS IN JOHANNESBURG'

The Transvaal Philatelist May 2009, issue number 170. One copy left, now available at: £5.50

Alan Drysdall and Andrew Higson, The triple circle target cancellation No.25
Andrew Higson, The 1901 Pietersburg 6d central numeral inverted
Andrew Higson, The differences between the genuine and forged "REGISTERED / JOHANNESBURG" datestamps
Andrew Higson, The triple circle target cancellation No. 26
Jeff Woolgar, Propaganda cartoon picture postcards relating to the Chinese Labour Experiment in the Transvaal - The Elgin Dispatch
Jeff Woolgar, Richard Senf Illustrated Postage Stamp-Album

The Transvaal Philatelist February 2009, issue number 169.

Andrew Higson, An update on the "TRANSVAAL" cds flanked by crosses pattée
Andrew Higson, The postal use of the Army Telegraphs cancellation in the Transvaal
John Kaupe, Enschedé's "Vurtheim" Panes and Plates, ** Transvaal Study Circle Gold Award (best Transvaal-related article) awarded at PFSA Congress**
Werner Seeba, The Dumb Cancellations of the ZAR/Transvaal
Jeff Woolgar, Getting Started (4): Adhesive Stamps - Catalogue updates
Jeff Woolgar, Joseph Chamberlain - "Poor Old Joe"

The Transvaal Philatelist November 2008, issue number 168.

David R. Beech, Getting Started (3): Philatelic Research - A Basic Guide
Alan Drysdall, Miscellaneous Railway Matters
Andrew Higson, Another Example of the Bradbury Wilkinson Queen's Head Plate Proof
Andrew Higson, Censorship of Mail in the Transvaal in 1906
Andrew Higson, Chaos before the start of the Second Anglo-Boer War
Andrew Higson, Tailpiece: The Pretoria Philatelic Society Golden Jubilee Exhibition 1948
Andrew Higson, Try "Oshoek", Swaziland"!
Andrew Higson, 1887 "2" overprint on 3d mauve (SG193/194)

The Transvaal Philatelist August 2008, issue number 167.

Christopher Board, The Transvaal during the first decade of the twentieth century [with map]
Alan Drysdall, CSAR's TPO - an update
Andrew Higson, An early Johannesburg cds
Andrew Higson, The Johannesburg Double Oval "Geregistreerd" Cancellation
Richard Stock, Z.A.R. stamps used in Dannhauser during the Boer invasion of Natal
Jeff Woolgar, Getting Started (2): First Republic Adhesive Stamps - Paper
Jeff Woolgar & Joan Matthews, The Eastern Star and a 1d postal stationery card addressed to the Premier at Cape Town

The Transvaal Philatelist May 2008, issue number 166.

Chris Board, Cyanotype prints on postal stationery postcards of Transvaal during the Second Anglo-Boer War, with special reference
to a correspondence from W. Augustin to his family in Germany **Transvaal Study Circle Gold Award (best Transvaal-related article) awarded at PFSA Congress**
Andrew Higson, A Letter Card from Sulphur Springs
Andrew Higson, The Puzzle of the 1900 Provisional Lydenburg Overprint on the 1895 ZAR "Penny Post" Commemorative
Jeff Woolgar, Getting Started (1): First Republic Adhesive Stamps - Literature
Jeff Woolgar, Mail Coach 1877 - Lieutenant T.R. Main, R.E.

The Transvaal Philatelist February 2008, issue number 165.

Alan Drysdall and Fernando Torres, Some further thoughts concerning the 1883-85 Celliers printings
Andrew Higson, Eureka Kaap Goudvelden
Lars Jørgensen, More on the Vurtheim 2d. Brown-Purple of 1885
Roger Porter, Telegraph stationery associated with the Boer invasion of Natal 1899-1900
Richard Stroud and Andrew Higson, The Celebrations for Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee in Johannesburg

The Transvaal Philatelist November 2007, issue number 164.

Andrew Higson, An Englishman in South Africa (during the final stages of the Rugby World Cup)
Andrew Higson, "In praise of telegraph material"
Andrew Higson, Fournier's "Philatelic Clinic"
Andrew Higson, Fournier's Transvaal "Facsimiles"
Garth Kruger, The use of Raman Spectroscopy in Philately
Jeff Woolgar, Davis printings of adhesive stamps - borders, printing and paper

The Transvaal Philatelist August 2007, issue number 163.

Alan Drysdall, Some previously undescribed Transvaal-Cape combination covers
Alan Harley, More Letters from a Railway Telegraphist
Andrew Higson, A French Kruger Propaganda Postcard
Andrew Higson, Jacob Duiven - Wholesale Stamp Dealer
Andrew Higson, The Spelonken Squared-Octagon Cancellation
Andrew Higson, The Vurtheim 2d. Brown-Purple of 1885 (SG177)

The Transvaal Philatelist May 2007, issue number 162.

Chris Board, Re-posted Johannesburg: An Update on Inspectors' Marks "D/2" and "D/3"
Chris Board, Use of Transvaal Revenue Stamps on a Government Map
Andrew Higson, Another Example of the 1882 Large "Een Penny" Surcharge
Andrew Higson, Cancellations Encountered on the Vurtheim £5 Green (SG187 and SG237)
Andrew Higson, An Example of Swaziland SG4b
Lars Jørgensen and Jeff Woolgar, "V. R. / Transvaal" overprint on 1d., red on orange paper - position L8
Jeff Woolgar, Hunt and Criddle (Provenance)
Jeff Woolgar, Shepstone's mission to the ZAR and Mr Green (Part 2)

The Transvaal Philatelist February 2007, issue number 161.

Chris Board, Transvaal Instructional Marks: Reposting
Andrew Higson, An 1893 FDC
Andrew Higson, Another Crude Forgery of a Queen's Head Stamp
Andrew Higson, Fournier's "Facsimiles" of the New Republic
Andrew Higson, Fournier's Transvaal "Facsimiles"
Andrew Higson, ZAR stamp used in Vryburg during the Boer Occupation
Fernando Torres & Andrew Higson, Native Pass Revenues
Jeff Woolgar, Emil Tamsen - Postcard Publisher?
Jeff Woolgar, Otto 1d. lilac proof from the narrow set plate 'A'

The Transvaal Philatelist November 2006, issue number 160.

Christopher Board and Jeff Woolgar, Middelburg Government Building - Fire 1907
Alan Drysdall, A Remarkable ZAR-Cape Combination Cover and an Enigma
Alan Drysdall, CSAR 'European Mail' datestamps and TPO tax marks
Peter Melz and Andrew Higson, The soldiers' Concessionary Rate during the First British Occupation of the Transvaal
Andrew Higson, A Crude Queen's Head Forgery
Andrew Higson, Swaziland: The Interprovincial Period
Andrew Higson, Swaziland Revisited
Andrew Higson, The King Edward VII £5 Postage Duty and its Forgeries
Andrew Higson, The Upsal Bisect

The Transvaal Philatelist August 2006, issue number 159.

Brian Birch, Charles Nissen (1880-1944)
Andrew Higson, Swaziland 1895-1910
Jeff Woolgar, Laid Paper - with particular reference to the Davis stationery envelopes

The Transvaal Philatelist May 2006, issue number 158. This issue is available at: £5.50

Alan Drysdall, CSAR picture postcards and cards printed to acknowledge receipt of a letter
Garth Kruger, The Transvaal Gouvernements Noot, Bluebacks and the Kruger Millions
Lars Jørgensen, A significant day in the life of a Transvaal collector
Jeff Woolgar, Otto plate L, reflections following the Spink sale

The Transvaal Philatelist February 2006, issue number 157.

Alan Drysdall, A Boer War cover addressed to British Guiana
Alan Drysdall, Letters from a soldier on the eastern frontiers
Alan Drysdall, Pretoria Station
Garth Kruger, Anton van Wouw, stamps and the Transvaal Republic
Garth Kruger, The Republics of Stellaland and Goshen
Garth Kruger, The Waterval Boven tunnel
Brian Trotter, The Transvaal gold mines and Chinese labour

The Transvaal Philatelist November 2005, issue number 156.

Christopher Board, Instructional marks on unpaid and underpaid mail a problem solved?
Andrew Higson, Army Telegraphs in the Transvaal; an update
Garth Kruger, Who printed the stamp issues of the Stamp Commission?
John Kaupe, 'V.R.I.' Overprints of Lydenburg ** Transvaal Study Circle Gold Award (best Transvaal-related article) awarded at PFSA Congress**

The Transvaal Philatelist August 2005, issue number 155. This issue is available at: £5.00

Alan Drysdall and John Kaupe, A possible unique Transvaal forgery
Alan Harley, Letters from a railway telegraphist
Alan Harley, NZASM datestamp and station handstamp
Alan Harley, Sallo Epstein in Durban
Andrew Higson, Swaziland SG 2c - a new stamp in the catalogue
Garth Kruger, Albert Kuit, postmaster extraordinaire
Bram Leeflang, Frey & Kirsch revisited

The Transvaal Philatelist May 2005, issue number 154.

John Kaupe, The Vurtheim five pounds - twenty years on **Transvaal Study Circle Gold (best Transvaal-related article) awarded at PFSA Congress**

The Transvaal Philatelist February 2005, issue number 153.

Alan Drysdall, The Carter imitations of the Pietersburg stamps
Alan Drysdall, Bradbury, Wilkinson's and De La Rue's essays for the First British Occupation issues
Alan Drysdall, Otto's bicoloured forgeries
Helmuth Hagen and Gawie van der Walt, Ermelo Spoorwegmaatschappij
Richard Stroud, After the fall of Pretoria
Jeff Woolgar, A picture postcard drawn on leather

The Transvaal Philatelist November 2004, issue number 152.

Tim Bartshe, A favourite philatelic item [1883 cover from Middelburg to Berlin with a 3d. black on rose]
Dennis F. Collins, A Chinese labourer in the Transvaal 1906
Alan Drysdall, A bisected 1s on a combination cover
Alan Drysdall, Letters from the frontier
Alan Drysdall, Transvaal stamps represented in the British Library's Foreign and Commonwealth Office Collection
Bram Leeflang and Jeff Woolgar, Blue views [Discovery of Z.A.R. postal stationery viewcards printed entirely in blue]
Jeff Woolgar, First British Occupation - privilege mail

The Transvaal Philatelist August 2004, issue number 151.

Alan Harley, A Transvaal reply viewcard [Illustrated Second Republic postal stationery cards]
Jeff Woolgar, Chafford and Roughway paper mills, the Turners and the Transvaal
Jeff Woolgar, Frey & Kirsch -'With compliments from Johannesburg'

The Transvaal Philatelist May 2004, issue number 150.

Alan Drysdall, Some C.S.A.R. items [Central South African Railways]
Alan Drysdall, Some thoughts concerning the Bradbury, Wilkinson issue
Alan Drysdall and Fernando Torres, Celliers in 1883-85, perforation varieties
Alan Harley, Railway 'excess baggage' stamps
Andrew Higson, Army Telegraphs in the Transvaal, 1900-02 **Transvaal Study Circle Gold Award (best Transvaal-related article) awarded at PFSA Congress**
Stephen Kravcik, A rare Rustenburg provisional
Jeff Woolgar, The evolution of a picture postcard

* Incorrectly numbered (10).

Last update 14th November, 2024

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