
1966 to November 2024 - Issue numbers 1 to 220

Updated 28th November, 2024

All references are in the form of - issue/page number(s)

i.e. 142/67

Initial Letter A - J --- | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J |


Anon, 1966, Klein Vrystad, 3/37-38
Anon, 1966, The first TVL postal markings, 2/13-16
Anon, 1970, The Stamp Commission, 20/76-70
Anon, 1970, The Annual Reports of the PMG for the Cape Colony, 20/79-82
Anon, 1971, Nigel, 24/83
Anon, 1972, Fred Jeppe, 28/75-78
Anon, 1972, Republiek Natalia etc., 25/4-5
Anon, 1977, Transvaal Postal Rates, 47/66-67
Anon, 1978, 2½ Accountancy Markings, 50/35
Anon, 1978, "Machadodorp" post card, 50/32
Anon, 1978, Numeral in "Small Triangle" cancellation of KE VII, 50/3738
Anon, 1978, Postmark - "¼d PAID" Bloemfontein, 50/36
Anon, 1978, Pietersburg, 49/21-24
Anon, 1979, First South African Air Mail, Kenilworth - Muizenberg, 55/61
Anon, 1979, Second Republic, Boer "Propaganda Labels", 55/60
Anon, 1979, Sunset Covers of South Africa, 54/44
Anon, 1983, Anglo-Boer War, Army Telegraph Date Stamps, 69/15
Anon, 1983, Second Republic, 1893 Cover - Bloemhof to U.K., 71/54
Anon, 1983, The Machadodorp Proclamation Card, 72/84-85 Anon, 1984, Appointment of Jacob Duiven, 74/41-42
Anon, 1984, Fred. Jeppe, 73/47-48
Anon, 1984, KE VII Revenue issues, 73/14-18
Anon, 1996, Robert H. Clarkson bequest to the Royal Philatelic Society, London; plates overprint types and postmarks used by the 'London Gang' of forgers, 119/106-8
Anon, 2002, Postal rates in 1892, 142/67
Anon, 2002, Potchefstroom Station, 143/79
Anon, 2003, The issue of postage and revenue stamps overprinted 'V. R. I.': 146/33
Anon, 2003, R.M.S. Saxon, 108/105
Anon, 2003, An unusual destination, 146/44
Anon, 2006, Otto 1d duty, Plate S, 157/8
Anon, 2008, Late use of a Celliers printed 3d postage stamp from the Otto plate, 168/110
Anon, 2008, The "Nomahasha / TVL." cancellation [Datestamp], 166/46
Anon, 2008, ZAR stamps used in Vryburg during the Boer Occupation (2), 168/110
Anon, 2011, Late use of the oval Vryheid datestamp, Type ods 3, 140/v-vii
Allison, B, 2015, Philatelic Friendship, 192/68
Arbuckle, C.E.S., 1967, Philatelic Biography, 8/39
Atkinson, A., 1987, Did the General Post Office of the Transvaal Republic find itself with excessive stocks of official postal stationery in 1896?, 86/39
Atkinson, A., 1993, An unknnown Transvaal office [Braune, Franssen & Co.], 106/viii

Bartshe, R.T., 1995, The 'third' printing of the ½d Pietersburg stamp, 114/85-92
Bartshe, R.T., 2000, A favourite item, 134/74-75
Bartshe, R.T., 2000, A favourite philatelic item, 152/85-86
Bartshe, R.T., 2018, NZASM Railway Station Markings, 200/43-47
Bartshe, R.T., 2018, A Traveling Post Office Discovery, 199/26-27
Bartshe, R.T., 2018, The Transvaal “Spread Wings” 6d Stamps 1870-1878 by Lars Jorgensen - A Review, 199/13
Bartshe, R.T., 2019, NZASM Railway Station Markings 202/11-13
Bartshe, R.T., 2019, Twee Shilling embossed and printed Revenue stamp, 203/66-68
Bartshe, R.T., 2020, The Halve/Penny on 1 SHILLING green of 1895. Printing Freaks and Errors, 207/31-34
Bartshe, R.T., 2023, Reposted, Advertised and Unclaimed. how the ZAR (Transvaal) Post Office dealt with undeliverable mail, during the 1890s, 214/9-18
Basden, A.E., 1979, (First published 1937), An Introduction to the Postmarks of the Transvaal, 54/38-43
Basden, A.E., 1980 (originally published in 1942), The Otto Plates, 60/84-85
Basden, A.E. and Hand, C., 1979 (originally published in 1935), Transvaal Forgeries, 55/71-72
Batten, A.G.M., 1981, The Lydenburg Overprints, 64/85-93
Batten, A.G.M., 1985, South African Postal Union, 79/59-64
Beech, D. R., 2008, Getting Started (3): Philatelic Research - A Basic Guide, 168/104- 107
Beech, D. R., 2010, Getting Started (7): Philatelic Conservation - Restoration, 174/39-40
Benn, H.J., 1985, Problems with which the Postmaster, Lydenburg, was facing at and after the outbreak of the Anglo-Boer War in 1899, 77/9-14
Benn, H.J., 1985, Establishment of new postal routes in the Eastern Transvaal by the Postal Authorities of the Z.A.R. during the Anglo-Boer War of 1899-1902, 78/33-42
Benn, H.J., 1986, Early Lydenburg postmarks, 84/75-78
Berry, T. B., 1973, The Railway Stamps of 2nd. British Occupation [Extracts from S.A.P. July 1972], 29/23-25
Beuthin, E., 1968, Notes on early Transvaals, 12/73-83
Beuthin, E., 1978, Notes on early Transvaals, 51/56
Bezuidenhout, J., 2015, History of the town of Springs and its post office types, 190/13-14
Bezuidenhout, J., 2017, A new Hectorspruit discovery!, 169/20
Bezuidenhout, J., 2018, A new postmark discovery [Doornboom], 199/22
Bezuidenhout, J., 2018, Barred Oval “2”, 200/53
Bezuidenhout, J., 2018, Bothsabelo – Place of Shelter – A Great New Cover, 199/23-24
Bezuidenhout, J., 2018, Bronkhorstspruit Railway “RO” datestamp, 200/54
Bezuidenhout, J., 2018, New Heriot, 200/55
Bezuidenhout, J., and Board, C., 2017, Another numeral in triangle for Luneburg, Transvaal, 198/61-63
Bezuidenhout, J., and Board, C., 2019, Duplex Hand Canceller of ZAR – a Study of the Coding, 202/21-24
Bezuidenhout, J., and Coetzee, G, 2017, An interesting 1896 cover from the Transvaal to Germany, 198/59-60
Bezuidenhout, J., and Woolgar, J., 2018, Thabina 24mm datestamp on cover to Jersey, 201/87
Birch, B.J., 2002, A few notes on the ZAR-watermarked paper, 143/90-91
Birch, B.J., 2006, Charles Nissen (1880-1944), 159/60-61
Blascheck, D., 2003, A dilapidated cover with attitude, 147/74-75
Board, C., 1977, The Chinese Connection, 47/71
Board, C., 1983, Edwardian Postal Stationery, 71/60-63, 72/72-74
Board, C., 1983, A Further note on Transvaal Edwardian Postal Stationery, 72/76-79
Board, C., 1984, Transvaal taxing stamps, 73/6-8, 80/75, 80/77
Board, C., 1985, Onafgehalde Brieven Dept ZAR: two more covers, 80/77
Board, C., 1986, A new interpretation of the Interprovincial Period, with reference to the Transvaal, 81-2/11-38
Board, C., 1986, Where is Tsama River?, 83/58-59
Board, C., 1986, The effect of the Anglo-Boer War on post offices, 83/51
Board, C., 1986, Postal business in Johannesburg, 83/44-49
Board, C., 1988, Transvaal Philately by Major Ian B. Mathews (review), 88/23-25
Board, C., 1989, Two newly recorded Edwardian tax marks, 90/44
Board, C., 1989, Mountain View; a railway letter?, 91/53-54
Board, C., 1992, Returned Letter Office, Johannesburg, 101/10-11
Board, C., 2000, Henry Straughan Wilkinson and the design of the Union commemorative postage stamp of 1910; speculation and evidence, 135/77-87
Board, C., 2003, Some recent discoveries, 145/20-22
Board, C., 2003, First British Occupation and Second Republic datestamps and handstamps lodged with the National Cultural Museum, Pretoria: 146/35-37
Board, C., 2005, Instructional marks on unpaid and underpaid mail, a problem solved?, 156/106-108
Board, C., 2007, Transvaal Instructional Marks: Reposting, 2007, 161/25-29
Board, C., 2007, Re-posted Johannesburg: An Update on Inspectors' Marks "D/2" and "D/3", 163/57-58
Board, C., 2007, Use of Transvaal Revenue Stamps on a Government Map, 162/56-57
Board, C., 2008, Cyanotype prints on postal stationery postcards of Transvaal during the Second Anglo-Boer War, with special reference to a
correspondence from W. Augustin to his family in Germany, 166/32-34
Board, C., 2008, The Transvaal during the first decade of the twentieth century, 167/58-71
Board, C., 2009, Notable Snow Fall in Johannesburg, August 1909, 171/64-68
Board, C., 2009, The Place of Potchefstroom in the Early Postal Services in the Transvaal: A commentary on evidence cited in the thirteenth Major
Ian B. Mathews Memorial Lecture by G. Kamffer and G. van der Walt, 172/81-82
Board, C., 2009, Where exactly was Komati (Middel)?, 172/88-92
Board, C., 2010, Changes in Postal Rates in the South African Republic (ZAR) in 1882- 3, 174/32-35
Board, C., 2010, Honden River or Houtbosch? Evidence for identifying numeral in triangle obliterator 47 and the consequences, 174/37
Board, C., 2010, Numeral in Triangle Obliterator No.66: Was this allocated to Rolfontein?, 175/48-49
Board, C., 2010, The First Day of Issue of the Union Commemorative Stamp in the Transvaal, 176/96-97
Board, C., 2011, Another Snowbound Tram in Johannesburg, 180/92
Board, C., 2011, Postal Rates in the Second Republic: An update, 179/5-51
Board, C., 2011, The Transvaal £5 stamp (SG259), 179/64
Board, C., 2011, "The Value of Jeppe's and other maps of the Transvaal for the study of its postal History" based on the 15th Major
Ian B. Mathews Memorial Lecture at Joburg 2010, 178/28-33
Board, C., 2012, Makwasie, Maquassie or Maquasi, and Wolmaranssted, 181/26-27
Board, C., 2012, Numeral in Triangle 38, probably Gemsbokfontein, 183/81
Board, C., 2012, Use of the Makwasie canceller at Wolmaransstad in 1891, 182/85
Board, C., 2012, ZAR's Numeral in Triangle obliterators of 1889: Haenertsburg and Houtboschdorp, 183/82-83
Board, C., 2013, Variations in the Transvaal Numerals in Triangles cancellers generally allocation to Johannesburg (with some
comments on those used in Barberton), 184/12-14
Board, C., 2014, Early Correspondence in the Johannesburg United Philatelic Society 1911, 188/48
Board, C., 2015, Franking Privileges in the Transvaal after the British occupation (1900-1904), 191/25-36
Board, C., 2015, Reflections on the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Transvaal Study Circle by the Chairman, 192/62-66
Board, C., 2016, Henry Straughan Wilkinson: Imperial servant and stamp designer (1875-1953), 193/29-38
Board, C., 2016, Who produced the ZAR postcards handstamped “Swazieland”?, 195/109-110
Board, C., 2016, A 1901 one penny postal stationery postcard of the ZAR overprinted “V.R.I.” from a recruit to the South African Constabulary in Krugersdorp, 197/37-38
Board, C., 2018, 200th Edition, 200/35
Board, C., 2018, The Whereabouts of Leadmines, 200/67-68
Board, C., 2018, Why Maraisburg’s numeral 50 in triangle canceller might first have been issued to Klein Paardekraal, 200/56-587
Board, C., 2018, The elusive unissued 2d grey of the single colour Transvaal Edward VII issue of 1909, 201/97
Board, C., 2018, Transvaal Roll or Coil stamps in the Interprovincial period, 201/81
Board, C., 2019, An invalid stamp on a postcard sent to Returned Letter Office, Johannesburg 28 SEP. 08, 202/18
Board, C., 2019, First Republic bisected 1s stamps on cover: another view, 204/98-100
Board, C., 2019, Matjesspruit, 203/49-50
Board, C., 2019, Swazieland overprints: a possible fake produced by Postmaster, 202/28-29
Board, C., 2019, Testing the postal service June 1900?, 203/63
Board, C., 2019, The Prince of Wales’s ideas of stamp design: Edwardian stamps of Transvaal praised, 203/69-71
Board, C., 2019, Uitvalfontein, 202/15
Board, C., 2023, Tax marks on mail during the Second British occupation, 215/12
Board, C., and Bezuidenhout, J., 2019, Duplex Hand Canceller of ZAR – a Study of the Coding, 202/21-24
Board, C., and Drysdall, A.R., 1988, The interprovincial usage of Transvaal revenue stamps, 88/35-40
Board, C., and Woolgar, J., 2006, Middelburg Government Building - Fire 1907, 160/77
Board, C., and Woolgar, J., 2017, An Official Cover from Smuts to Gérard Pott in Lourenço Marques, 196/23
Board, C., and Woolgar, J., 2018, The Road to Pietersburg and the Middelburg Forwarding Agency, 200/60-61
Board, C., and Woolgar, J., 2018, VIJFHOEK (later spelt Vyfhoek), 201/91
Boyd, M., 2011, Rustenburg SG 8a: Dreams do come true!, 178/41-42
Branston, A.J., 1983, 'The London Gang' or 'A Tale of Philatelic Deception', 71/50-53
Breedt, C., 1994, Customs duty labels, 109/29
Breedt, C., 1996, New information relating to the last issue of the ZAR [Pietersburg], 119/97-105
Braun, Lindsay Frederick, 2019, Map of the Transvaal, 1899, 204/80-82
Buckingham, K., and Drysdall, A.R., 1997, An intriguing series of Transvaal postcards, 124/107-109
Buckley, G.D., Pretoria printings of Edwardian postcards and wrappers, 39/70-76
Bührmann, E., 1998, Transvaal taxing stamps, 127/94-102


Carswell, R.S., 2011, A combination use of New Republic and Z.A.R. stamps on a cover sent through Natal to the Netherlands, 177/15-16
Carswell, R. C., 2016, The one-of-a-kind New Republic £15 duty: Fiscally or postally used?, 194/37
Chilton, A.R., 1981, The Machadodorp post card; Notes, 64/79-80
Chilton, A.R., 1981, The stamped envelopes of the First Republic, 62/27-28
Chilton, A.R., 1983, The 1d. on 2½d provisional, 71/65
Chilton, A.R., 1984, The Postage due stamps of the Transvaal, 75/53-59
Chilton, A.R., 1984, Transvaal used in South-West Africa, 73/29-30
Chilton, A.R., 1985, The "STAATSDRUKKERIJ TE VELDE", 78/30-31
Chilton, A.R., 1985, South Africa's earliest stamp dealers, 80/72-73
Chilton, A.R., 1987, The 1d on 2½d provisional of 1895, 85/21
Chilton, A.R., 1987, Mirza Hadi, 86/33-34
Chilton, A.R., 1991, Edwardian stamp booklets, 98/42
Chilton, A.R., 1991, Extracts from official correspondence and Reports of the Postmaster-General 1901-08, 100/90-91
Chilton, A.R., 2000, The first issue of Potchefstroom envelopes, 136/115-119
Chilton, A.R., 2001, A proof of the second type of postal stationery envelope printed by Davis and Son, 137/13
Chilton, A.R., and Drysdall, A.R., 1993, The postal stationery envelopes of 1869-70 made with the 24 mm Potchefstroom datestamp, 106/29-33
Chilton, A.R., and MacGregor, A., 1988, Gibbons catalogue number changes for Transvaal, 88/28
Coetzee, G., 2019, Another Surgeon Ward Cover of 1880, 203/59-60
Coetzee, G., 2019, A late usage combination 1880 Transvaal Cover, 201/86-87
Coetzee, G., and Bezuidenhout, J., 2017, An interesting 1896 cover from the Transvaal to Germany, 198/59-60
Collins, D.F., 2004, A Chinese labourer in the Transvaal 1906, 152/91-93
Collins, F.W., 1985, Klip River Camp, 80/80
Collins, P., 1976, 1894 "Africa" 2½d colour trials, 1976, 43/82
Cordes, C., 2015, The variety that never was! Alternatively, a sad case of wishful thinking!, 191/37
Cordes, C., 2019, An invalid stamp on a postcard, 203/72
Courtis, J., 2011, Post Office Wrappers of Transvaal: An Analysis of Usage and Internet Sale, 179/58-61
Crandel, L., 2000, The Delagoa Bay story; the mail service between the Boer Republics and Europe during the Second Anglo-Boer War, 1899-1902,134/39-73
Crandel, L., and Drysdall, A.R., 1995, Some further developments in the Enschedé story - the holdings of the Netherlands PTT Museum, 116/118-124
Crandel, L, Drysdall, A.R., and Kuitenbrouwer, C., 1997, Enschedé's plates, 121/12-16
Crandel, L., Drysdall, A.R., and Kuitenbrouwer, C., 2000, 'Shafts' and a 'disselboom', 135/91-99
Crandel, L., Drysdall, A.R., and Kuitenbrouwer, C., 2003, Some comments concerning the postal stationery, 147/48-49. [Criddle, H.M.], 1966, The Post offices of ZAR/TVL, 4/40-43, 7/28-32, 8/40-43
Criddle, H.M., 1967, The Revenue stamps of the First Republic, 6/18-19, 7/26-27, 8/46-47
Criddle, H.M., 1967, Transvaal Triangular Numeral Cancellers, additional notes, 6/20-21
Criddle, H.M., 1968, The De La Rue essay of Oct' 77, 9/13
[Criddle, H.M.], 1968, Lydenburg, The British Army Local Issue, 11/48-51
[Criddle, H.M.], 1968, Rustenburg, The British Army Local Issue, 11/52-55
[Criddle, H.M.], 1968, The 'Alfred H. Caspary' Transvaal Colln. Sold in New York by H.H. Harmer, 26.2.58, 12/66-68
Criddle, H.M., 1968, The Post Offices of ZAR/TVL (Pt.4), 10/31-33
Criddle, H.M., 1968, The Post Offices of ZAR/TVL (Pt.5), 11/56-61
[Criddle, H.M.], 1968, The Revenue Stamps of the First British Occupation, 11/41-45, 12/69-71
[Criddle, H.M.], 1968, Transvaal Postal Rates [1869-1879], 10/34-38
Criddle, H.M., 1969, The 2½d. 'Accountancy' Markings, 13/27-41
[Criddle, H.M.], 1969, The 2½d. 'Accountancy' Markings, Further Notes, 15/63-70
Criddle, H.M., 1969, The Customs Stamps of the 2nd British occupation, 16/94-96
[Criddle, H.M.], 1969, The British Army Local Issue, 16/103
[Criddle, H.M.], 1969, The 'Ferrari' Transvaal, 16/91-93
Criddle, H.M., 1969, The Post Offices of ZAR/TVL, 15/62, 16/89-90
Criddle, H.M., 1969, The Railway Stamps of the 2nd British Occupation, 16/84-86
Criddle, H.M., 1969, The Revenue Stamps of the Second British Occupation, 15/71-76
Criddle, H.M., 1969, The Revenue Stamps of the Second Republic, 13/14-21
Criddle, H.M., 1969, The Telegraph Stamps of the 2nd British Occupation, 16/97-98
[Criddle, H.M.], 1969, The Three Ring Numeral Cancellers, 16/87-88
[Criddle, H.M.], 1970, First South African Air Mail, 18/32
[Criddle, H.M.], 1970, Schweizer Reneke, the British Army local issue 17/23
[Criddle, H.M.], 1970, The 2½d. Accountancy' Markings, 18/35-37
[Criddle, H.M.], 1970, The 'Cable Anchor' watermark, 17/12-17
[Criddle, H.M.], 1970, The Machadodorp Proclamation Card, 18/31
Criddle, H.M., 1970, The Post Offices of the ZAR/TVL, 18/40-43
[Criddle, H.M.], 1970, The Reprints of the Second Republic, 17/8-9
Criddle, H.M., 1970, The Post Offices of ZAR/TVL, 17/18-22
[Criddle, H.M.], 1970, The 'Vurtheim Issue of Enschedé & Sons, 20/70-75
[Criddle, H.M.], 1971, Bakker Express, 24/88
Criddle, H.M., 1971, Cantonment and other Army postmarks of Transvaal, 23/64-68
[Criddle, H.M.], 1971, "De Volksstem" - Silver Jubilee Labels, 23/62-63
[Criddle, H.M.], 1971, Julius Goldner and Spiro of Hamburg, 22/49
[Criddle, H.M.], 1971, KE VII - double prints, 23/63-64
[Criddle, H.M.], 1971, Otto's printings of the Transvaal stamps, 24/75-77
[Criddle, H.M.], 1971, The "Concentric Circle" Cancellers, 23/59
[Criddle, H.M.], 1971, The customs stamps of the 2nd. British Occupation, 23/60-61
[Criddle, H.M.], 1971, The First Transvaal postal Markings, 24/78-80
Criddle, H.M., 1971, The Kruger Essays of 1899, 22/42-46
[Criddle, H.M.], 1971, The Organisation and Transport of Mails, 21/14-24
[Criddle, H.M.], 1971, The Organisation and Transport of Mails, The Railways, 22/32-40
[Criddle, H.M.], 1971, The Organisation and Transport of Mails, The Travelling Post Officers, 23/50-59
[Criddle, H.M.], 1971, The Railway stamps of the 2nd British Occupation, 24/88-89
[Criddle, H.M.], 1971, The 'Shafts' and 'Disselboom Issues of Enschedé & Sons, 22/29-30
[Criddle, H.M.], 1971, The 'Vurtheim Issue of Enschedé & Sons, 21/31
[Criddle, H.M.], 1971, The 'Vurtheim Issue of Enschedé & Sons, further notes, 24/90
[Criddle, H.M.], 1972, A Post-Boer War Bogus Issue, 28/81-84
Criddle, H.M., 1972, The Enschedé 12½ comb perforators (Large Holes) 25/8-14
Criddle, H.M., 1972, The Enschedé 12½ comb perforators (Large Holes) - Additional Notes, 26/30-31
Criddle, H.M., 1972, The 2nd Republic registered envelopes, 28/72
Criddle, H.M., 1972, The Queen's Head issue of 1978, Essays and Proofs, 26/23-25
Criddle, H.M., 1972, The 2nd Republic registered envelopes, 28/72
Criddle, H.M., 1972, The Revenue stamps of ZAR/TVL, 28/73-75
Criddle, H.M., 1972, The 'Shafts' and 'Disselboom' issues of Enschedé & Sons, 28/66-72
[Criddle, H.M.], 1973, 1st. Republic 6d bisect cover, 31/62
[Criddle, H.M.], 1973, A few more covers, 31/62
[Criddle, H.M.], 1973, Accountancy Markings, 31/60-61
Criddle, H.M., 1973, Germiston - A forged postmark?
Criddle, H.M., 1973, The 2nd. Republic Reprints, 29/9-11
Criddle, H.M., 1973, The "Celliers" one penny of 1883 (SG.171), 32/86-95
Criddle, H.M., 1973, The Five Pound Green, 29/5
Criddle, H.M., 1973, The Kruger Essays of 1899, 33/710-15
Criddle, H.M., 1973, The 'View' cards of the 2nd Republic, 29/7-8
[Criddle, H.M.], 1973, The Railway stamps of the 2nd. British Occupation, 29/23-25
Criddle, H.M., 1974, 2½ "Accountancy" Mark, 36/86-87
Criddle, H.M., 1974, Another TVL Post Office?, 36/97-98
Criddle, H.M., 1974, The "Celliers" one penny of 1883 (SG. 171), Part II, 34/32-39
Criddle, H.M., 1974, The "Celliers" one penny of 1883 (SG. 171), Part III, 35/71-77
Criddle, H.M., 1974, The "Celliers" one penny of 1883 (SG. 171), Part IV, 36/98-99
Criddle, H.M., 1974, Enschede Duel Plate Issue, constant flaws, 34/40-52 + two insets
Criddle, H.M., 1974, Essays and Proofs of the Enschedé Issues, 36/81-86
Criddle, H.M., 1974, KE VII "SPECIMEN" Overprints, 36/94
Criddle, H.M., 1974, The Enschedé 12½ Comb perforators (Large Holes). (Part III), 35/56-62
Criddle, H.M., 1974, The Revenue stamps of the Second British Occupation, 35/63-66
Criddle, H.M., 1974, The Revenue stamps of the Second Republic, 35/67-68
Criddle, H.M., 1974, The Re-directed cover to Moodies Reef, 36/95-97
Criddle, H.M., 1974, Swazieland Enschedé 12½ comb perforators (Large Holes), 36/80
Criddle, H.M., 1974, The Volksrust Occupation Stamps, 35/68-71
Criddle, H.M., 1974, Forged Postmarks on Enschedé Reprints, 39/64-65
Criddle, H.M., 1975, Essays & Proofs of the Enschedé issue, 40/84-85
Criddle, H.M., 1975, Fake Roulettes & Pin Perforations, 80/87
Criddle, H.M., 1975, Forgeries of the 'Disselboom' issue, 40/95-100
[Criddle, H.M.], 1975, The 3-Ring Numeral Cancelers; 38/41-45
Criddle, H.M., 1975, The "Celliers" One penny of 1883 (SG.171), Part V, 38/46-50
Criddle, H.M., 1975, The "Celliers" One penny of 1883 (SG.171), Part IV, 39/66-70
Criddle, H.M., 1975, The Five Pound Green of 1892, Forgeries No. 6 & 7. Further Notes by Major H.M. Criddle, 39/58
Criddle, H.M., 1975, Second Republic Provisional. The Half Penny on "Vurtheim" Three Pence, 1975, 37/13-19
Criddle, H.M., 1975, The Post Offices of ZAR/TVL, 40/96
Criddle, H.M., 1975, The Queen's Head "SPECIMENS", 37/12
Criddle, H.M., 1975, The Revenue stamps of the Second Republic, 37/20-24
[Criddle, H.M.], 1976, 6d Revenue overprinted "POSTZEGAL" (SG.215), 41/18-22
[Criddle, H.M.], 1976, A 2nd. Republic cover, 43/81
[Criddle, H.M.], 1976, Tax Markings, 43/66-68
[Criddle, H.M.], 1976, The Early Town date stamps, 43/68-70
[Criddle, H.M.], 1976, The forged/bogus "POSTZEGAL" overprints, 44/118-120
[Criddle, H.M.], 1976, The Kruger Essays of 1899, 44/97
[Criddle, H.M.], 1976, The Post Offices of ZAR/TVL, Cape Barred-oval numeral canceler, 2½d. "Accountancy" markings, 41/7-8
Criddle, H.M., 1976, The Post Offices of ZAR/TVL (Part II), 41/23-29
Criddle, H.M., 1976, The Post Offices of ZAR/TVL (Part III), 42/57-59
[Criddle, H.M.], 1976, The "V.R. / TRANSVAAL" settings, 42/56
Criddle, H.M., 1977, Johannesburg Duplex Canceller of the 2nd Republic, 47/61
Criddle, H.M., 1977, Johannesburg/S.B." Date Stamp, 47/58-59
Criddle, H.M., 1977, The "V.R. TRANSVAAL." Overprints46/42
[Criddle, H.M.], 1978, A New Republic Cover, Why the Transvaal stamps?, 52/90-91
Criddle, H.M, 1978, 2nd. Republic "Truncated" Double-Circle Date Stamps, 52-88
Criddle, H.M, 1978, Enschedé "Dual Plate" issue constant flaws on the ½d. value, 49/14-17
[Criddle, H.M.], 1978, Interim use of Z.A.R. stamps, 52/89-91
[Criddle, H.M.], 1978, Second British Occupation, Temporary Rubber Hand-Stamp "SPRINGS", 49/6
Criddle, H.M, 1978, The early town date stamps, 52/97-98, 100
[Criddle, H.M.], 1978, The First Potchefstroom Date Stamp, 52/69, 100
Criddle, H.M, 1978, The Potchefstroom Envelopes, 52/96-97, 100
Criddle, H.M, 1978, The 1d on 2½d Provisional, 50/46-49
Criddle, H.M, 1978, The 2½ "Vurtheim (SG.179) and its Provisionals, 50/39-45
[Criddle, H.M.], 1980, 2nd Republic Provisionals, 59/62
Criddle, H.M., 1980, Second Republic, The 1d on 2½d (SG.214) Provisional, 60/74
[Criddle, H.M.], 1980, Second Republic, Double-circle date stamps, 60/71
[Criddle, H.M.], 1980, The Kruger Essays of 1899, 58/32
Criddle, H.M., 1980, The Machadodorp Proclamation Card, 60/71-72
[Criddle, H.M.], 1980, The Post Offices of ZAR/TVL, Elandsfontein - Germiston, 60/73
[Criddle, H.M.], 1980, The Post Offices of ZAR/TVL, 60/81-83
[Criddle, H.M.], 1980, The Potchefstroom Envelopes, 60/95-97
[Criddle, H.M.], 1981, 2nd. Republic & Colonial Postmarks, 64/72-76
[Criddle, H.M.], 1981, First South African Air Mail, 63/50
[Criddle, H.M.], 1981, Colonial Postmarks, 62/42
[Criddle, H.M.], 1981, Second British occupation temporary rubber handstamp "STANDERTON", 63/60-61
[Criddle, H.M.], 1981, The Kruger Essays of 1899, 62/35-36
[Criddle, H.M.], 1981, The "Machadodorp" post card, 62/26
[Criddle, H.M.], 1981, The Railway stamps of the 2nd British Occupation, 64/81-82
[Criddle, H.M.], 1982, The Boxed "P.Z." Hand Stamp [POSTZEGEL], 68/80
[Criddle, H.M.], 1982, First Republic - Borrius 1d. (SG22), 65/8-9
[Criddle, H.M.], 1982, N.Z.A.S.M. Hand Stamps [Datestamps], 69/73
Criddle, H.M., 1982, The Queen's Head issue of '78, the issued stamps, 67/64, 66
[Criddle, H.M.], 1982, Triple ring date stamps, 68/88
[Criddle, H.M.], 1983, The Queen's Head issue of '78, Bradbury Plate Proofs, 67/62
[Criddle, H.M.], 1983, 2nd. British Occupation - cover to Natal, "Posted our of course", 67/60-61
[Criddle, H.M.], 1983, 2nd. Republic "Numeral in Triangle" Canceller, 67/61-62
[Criddle, H.M.], 1983, Army telegraph date stamps, [Irene and Lichtenburg], 69/15
[Criddle, H.M.], 1983, Boar War - Cover from Pretoria temporary "Pretoria" hand-stamp, 69/13
[Criddle, H.M.], 1983, First Republic, another "TETE-BECHE" pair, 69/21
[Criddle, H.M.], 1983, First Republic Letters: Jeppe - Otto, 69/17-21
[Criddle, H.M.], 1983, Usage of the Machadodorp Postcard, 69/16
[Criddle, H.M.], 1983, Second British occupation, temporary rubber hands-stamp "STANDERTON" 69/21
Criddle, H.M., 1984, The five pound green, 74/45-46
Criddle, H.M., 1985, Combination Covers, 1st republic and 1st Brit. Occupation, 77/15-16
Criddle, H.M., 1985, First British Occupation, the "all capitals" overprints, 77/16
Davey, P.N., and Drysdall, A.R. 1993, The Chinese connection, 106/40-44
Davids, W., 2024, More findings on the £5 Vürtheim, 220/12-14
...... see also 'Subject Index S - Z' - The Transvaal Philatelist - Supplements and other items - The Z.A.R. £5 green: ...'
Davidson, B., 1976, (First published 1975) Cape Mail contracts, 44/104-109
De Beer, T., 2022, Recent Pietersburg Forgeries, 213/4-8
De Dekker, J., 1967, Enschedé and Sons of Haarlem - Stamp printers, 5/3-6
De Jager, O., 1999, Postage rates for letters and postcards addressed overseas in 1893-95. 130/46-49
De Jager, O., 2002, The aspirations of the Z.A.R. to become a maritime state; the quest for Zambaan's-land leading to philatelic side-prints: 142/43-52
De Jager, O., 2003, The Fleischack Collection of the Potchefstroom University - telegram usage in Potchefstroom, 1888 to 1910: The Transvaal Philatelist,145/1-7
De Jager, O., and Drysdall, A.R., 1999, Overseas mail from the District of Lourenço Marques forwarded via the ZAR. 131/76-85
De Stuers, L.H.L., 1966, Pietersburg Issue, 4/45-48
De Stuers, L.H.L., 1969, Ermelo - Caroline Local Post, 16/98
De Villiers, D.W., 1982, Schweizer-Reneke, 67/54-56
Dick, J., F., 1976, (First published 1975) Post Offices Honour Voortrekkers, 44/101-104
Dickson, J., 1993, Transvaal post offices incorporated in Natal in 1902, 107/80-82
Dickson, J., 1996, The first direct Natal - Transvaal mail service; 1865-1867, 118/41-51
Dickson, J., 1997, The Natal-Transvaal mail service: 1869-71, 124/77-84
Dickson, J., 1998, 1877; the 4d letter rate between Transvaal and Natal, 125/1-3
Dickson, J., 1998, Jeppe in Natal, 125/4
Dickson, J., 2003, Letter from Lydenburg via Natal to the OFS: 147/54-55
Dickson, J., 2011, Transvaal / Telegraphs handstamp, 140/iv-v
Dickson, J., and Drysdall, A.R., 1993, An interprovincial problem, 105/10-14
Dickson, J., and Drysdall, A.R., 1998, Nice try!, 125/4
Dickson, J., and Drysdall, A.R., 1999, The 1872 postal convention between Cape Colony and the South African Republic, 129/1-15
Dickson, J., and Drysdall, A.R., 2002, A letter from Fort Hare, 144/120-122
Dickson, J., and Drysdall, A.R., 2003, A letter from the Cape: 146/45-6
Dickson, J., and Drysdall, A.R., 2003, Tailpiece: 147/76-8
Dickson, J., and Drysdall, A.R., 2003, The Tati gold rush and the Potchefstroom - Tati postal service: 148/79-95
Dickson, J., Drysdall, A.R., and Wingent, P., 1996, Some further thoughts concerning the 24 mm. Potchefstroom, Pretoria and Rustenburg datestamps, 119/86-87
Draper, J., 1992, A Transvaal-Natal combination cover, 103/iv-v
Draper, J., 1994, A coincidence chronicled, 112/137
Draper, J., 1995, A cover in context, 114/39-41
Drysdall, A.R., 1974, A Rogue's Gallery from Southern Africa, 36/88
Drysdall, A.R., 1974, A "Transvaal - Griqualand - C.G.H." combination piece, a problem and a tentative solution, 1975, 37/10-11
Drysdall, A.R., 1975, A New Republic Cover. Why the Transvaal stamps? 80/88-89
Drysdall, A.R., 1975, A "Machadodorp" Post Card, 39/61-63
Drysdall, A.R., 1975, A Bisect on Combination Cover, 39/60-61
[Drysdall, A.R.], 1975, The Three-Ring Numeral Cancellers. Late Usage, 40/86
Drysdall, A.R., 1975, The £5 Green - A Forgery, 39/59
Drysdall, A.R., 1976, Britannia Waives the Rules, 42/49-56
Drysdall, A.R., 1977, Drysdall, A.R., 1977, Forgeries of the "V.R. / TRANSVAAL" (All-Capitals) Overprint, 47/73-75
Drysdall, A.R., 1977, Some Unrecorded Forgeries, 47/54-8, 47/70
Drysdall, A.R., 1978, Forgeries of the 1877-79 overprints (SG.T6-8), 52-92-96 Drysdall, A.R., 1979, K.E.VII Colour Trials, 55/56
Drysdall, A.R., 1980, The "Machadodorp" Post Card, 39/?
Drysdall, A.R., 1981, A miscellany form recent auctions, 61/9
Drysdall, A.R., 1989, 'Officially re-addressed' mail, the 'RE-POSTED / JOHANNESBURG' datestamp and associated markings on Transvaal mail, 89/1-14
Drysdall, A.R., 1989, The revenue stamps issued by the Swazieland Government Committee, and Transvaal revenue stamps overprinted for use in Swaziland, 89/17-22
Drysdall, A.R., 1990, Postage rates of the South African Republic prior to 1877, 94-5/36-52
Drysdall, A.R., 1990, Postmark miscellany, 94-5/59-61
Drysdall, A.R., 1990, The Davis postal stationery envelopes, 96/62-66
Drysdall, A.R., 1990, Postage rates during the First British Occupation, 12th April 1877-8th August, 1881, 96/67-78
Drysdall, A.R., 1990, A letter from Standerton, 96/78-79
Drysdall, A.R., 1991, The 1877 'V. R. TRANSVAAL.' overprints, 97/1-5
Drysdall, A.R., 1991, The 1d Provisional of July 1895, 97/12-15
Drysdall, A.R., 1991, The 'Halve / Penny' provisional of August 1895, 97/16-18
Drysdall, A.R., 1991, The Transvaal section of the Royal Collection; I First Republic and First British Occupation issues, 98/21-33
Drysdall, A.R., 1991, Otto's plates - the 3d duty, 98/34-41
Drysdall, A.R., 1991, Otto's plates - the 6d duty, 99/45-53
Drysdall, A.R., 1991, The 'V. R. / Transvaal' and 'V. R. / Transvaal' overprints of September 1877 - May 1878, 100/62-68
Drysdall, A.R., 1991, The Sekukuni Campaign of 1879, 100/69-70
Drysdall, A.R., 1991, Stellaland-Transvaal combination covers, 100/71-77
Drysdall, A.R., 1991, The 1893 Provisionals, 100/78-88
Drysdall, A.R., 1992, Bechuanaland postal fiscal, SG F1, 101/12-14
Drysdall, A.R., 1992, The Nairne correspondence, 102/27-43
Drysdall, A.R., 1992, The 1s duty overprinted 'V. R. / TRANSVAAL.' in black, 103/72-73
Drysdall, A.R., 1992, The 94th Regiment, Captain Nairne and Surgeon Ward, 103/74-75
Drysdall, A.R., 1992, A First Anglo-Boer War cover, 103/76-77
Drysdall, A.R., 1992, A case for re-listing of the 'larger surcharge' variety of the 'EEN PENNY' provisional of 1882 (SG 170), 103/78-84
Drysdall, A.R., 1992, The '1 PENNY' provisionals of April-May 1879, SG163-9,104/99-102
Drysdall, A.R., 1992, The small 'T' settings of August-September 1879, 104/103-105
Drysdall, A.R., 1993, 6d duty overprinted 'V. R. / TRANSVAAL.' Setting III, 105/1-2
Drysdall, A.R., 1993, Transvaal - Griqualand West combination covers, 105/3-6
Drysdall, A.R., 1993, Griqualand revisited, 106/34
Drysdall, A.R., 1993, The Bambata Rebellion and the First Transvaal Mounted Rifles, 106/37-39
Drysdall, A.R., 1993, Volksrust and Kuruman, 108/122-4
Drysdall, A.R., 1993, Dr Robert Broom, Mrs Ples and the Transvaal provisionals,108/125-6
Drysdall, A.R., 1994, Major Nugent and the Enschedé £5, 109/28
Drysdall, A.R., 1994, Confusion confounded, 110/44-45
Drysdall, A.R., 1994, Otto revisited, 110/46-49
Drysdall, A.R., 1994, The Alcock correspondence, 110/50-51
Drysdall, A.R., 1994, John Bailey of the Staffordshire Volunteers, 110/52-53
Drysdall, A.R., 1994, A miscellany, 111/69-80
Drysdall, A.R., 1994, Umtonganeni/Umtonjaneni, 111/99
Drysdall, A.R., 1994, Muzimneni, Swaziland, 111/100
Drysdall, A.R., 1994, The Transvaal provisionals of 1878 and 1879, 112/103-105
Drysdall, A.R., 1994, The Brooke correspondence, 112/106-109
Drysdall, A.R., 1994, The Transvaal in 1879, 112/110-116
Drysdall, A.R., 1995, Enschedé and Mirza-Hadi, 113/1-113
Drysdall, A.R., 1995, Potchefstroom to Marthinus Wesselstroom in 1866, 114/42-43
Drysdall, A.R., 1995, Otto again, 114/44-45
Drysdall, A.R., 1995, Examples of incoming mail 1880-8, 114/46-47
Drysdall, A.R., 1995, A letter from the frontier, 114/71-76
Drysdall, A.R., 1995, Some examples of pre-stamp mail, 115/77-80
Drysdall, A.R., 1995, 'SPECIMEN' overprint on Second Republic issues, 115/83-84
Drysdall, A.R., 1995, The Enschedé £5 overprinted 'V.R.I.', 115/92-39
Drysdall, A.R., 1995, The 1905 meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, 115/98-103
Drysdall, A.R., 1995, The 'Berne Collection' of the National Postal Museum, 115/104
Drysdall, A.R., 1995, The 'crowned eagle' variety, 116/117
Drysdall, A.R., 1995, The 1d commemorative stamp issued in 1895, 116/124-125
Drysdall, A.R., 1995, KE VII revenue stamps - the colour trials, 116/141-142
Drysdall, A.R., 1996, Railway matters, 117/26-28; 118/64
Drysdall, A.R., 1996, Mutilated Second Republic datestamps and similar double-circle Edwardian datestamps, 118/59-63
Drysdall, A.R., 1996, A rates problem, 119/80-81
Drysdall, A.R., 1996, The Cape transit charge on ZAR mail addressed overseas, 119/82-5
Drysdall, A.R., 1996, Willem Johannes Leyds, 119/88-91
Drysdall, A.R., 1996, New varieties of the 3d duty on green paper overprinted 'V. R. / Transvaal', 120/113
Drysdall, A.R., 1996, Moçambique to Mashonaland via Pretoria, 120/124-125
Drysdall, A.R., 1996, Griqualand West missionary mail, 120/141-142
Drysdall, A.R., 1997, McGilvary, McGilvray, MacGilveray or McGillivray, 121/10-11
Drysdall, A.R., 1997, A letter to Swaziland, 121/17-18
Drysdall, A.R., 1997, The Puzey correspondence; a rare Galle ship letter, 121/24
Drysdall, A.R., 1997, Some further thoughts concerning Eastern TPO, TPO East No. 1 and TPO East No. 2, 122/35-41
Drysdall, A.R., 1997, Early correspondence addressed to Bloemfontein, 123/53- 57
Drysdall, A.R., 1997, Tati to Potchefstroom, 123/58-59
Drysdall, A.R., 1997, A letter to the Cape dated 1870, 123/60-61
Drysdall, A.R., 1997, First British Occupation provisional overprints - an update, 123/62-63
Drysdall, A.R., 1997, Railway matters, 123/70-3; 124/92-106
Drysdall, A.R., 1998, Stamps and postal stationery printed and despatched by Enschedé, 125/5-10
Drysdall, A.R., 1998, The Hunt Collection of Transvaal, part 1 covers, etc., of the First Republic and First British Occupation periods, 126/27-54
Drysdall, A.R., 1998, The Hunt Collection of Transvaal, part 2 The Zulu War and the Second Republic, 127/84-93
Drysdall, A.R., 1998, The Hunt Collection of Transvaal, parts 3 to 7, 128/107-135
Drysdall, A.R., 1999, A letter from Simon's Bay, 129/34-36
Drysdall, A.R., 1999, Swaziland revisited, 130/55-58
Drysdall, A.R., 1999, Items printed from Otto's plates in the archives of the South African Post Office, 131/69-72
Drysdall, A.R., 1999, Sir Richard Martin, KCMG, KCB, 131/86-87
Drysdall, A.R., 1999, A selection of forgeries by the 'London Gang', 131/88-89
Drysdall, A.R., 1999, The 1873 postal convention between the ZAR and the OFS, 131/116-8
Drysdall, A.R., 1999, Postage rates during the First British Occupation, 131/119-21
Drysdall, A.R., 2000, An early First Republic cover franked with a 1s stamp, 135/88-9, 137/ii
Drysdall, A.R., 2000, A 'new' Oates cover, 135/90
Drysdall, A.R., 2000, A revenue cache, 135/109-113
Drysdall, A.R., 2001, The stamps of the First Republic printed by J.F. Celliers. 137/14-20
Drysdall, A.R., 2001, A letter from Cape Town, 137/25-30
Drysdall, A.R., 2001, The stamps printed by J.P. Borrius. 138/37-44
Drysdall, A.R., 2002, The only known cover originating from Potchefstroom franked with Cape Triangular stamps, 141/22-23
Drysdall, A.R., 2002, The use of Free State stamps during the First Republic, 141/23, 40
Drysdall, A.R., 2002, The route to Lourenço Marques, 142/53-61
Drysdall, A.R., 2002, Mary Livingstone, her brother-in-law, and Cape/Bechuanaland missionary mail, 142/62-65
Drysdall, A.R., 2002, A possibly unique First Anglo-Boer War censored cover, 142/66
Drysdall, A.R., 2002, Mail from the 60th Rifles in the Cape Colony, 142/68-70
Drysdall, A.R., 2002, The stamps printed by M.J. Viljoen, 143/71-76
Drysdall, A.R., 2002, The pin-rouletted stamps of the First Republic, 143/77-79
Drysdall, A.R., 2002, Some thoughts concerning the Davis postal stationery envelopes, 144/108-111
Drysdall, A.R., 2002, Annexation as reported by 'The London Illustrated News', 144/112-124
Drysdall, A.R., 2003, Natal's response to the proposal in 1894 by the Postmaster-General of the ZAR that the South African states should adopt a
unified colour scheme for their stamps: 145/14-20
Drysdall, A.R., 2003, Postal markings on Stellaland stamps, 146/41
Drysdall, A.R., 2003, An incoming First Republic cover, 147/56
Drysdall, A.R., 2003, Railway matters - Imperial Military Railways: 147/57-73
Drysdall, A.R., 2003, An 1860 soldier's letter from the Cape, 148/116-117
Drysdall, A.R., 2004, Some thoughts concerning the Bradbury, Wilkinson issue,150/25-8
Drysdall, A.R., 2004, Some C.S.A.R. items, 150/57-61
Drysdall, A.R., 2004, Transvaal stamps represented in the British Library's Foreign and Commonwealth Office Collection, 152/89-90
Drysdall, A.R., 2004, A bisected 1s on a combination cover, 152/96
Drysdall, A.R., 2005, Bradbury, Wilkinson's and De La Rue's essays for the First British Occupation issues, 153/1-9
[Drysdall, A.R.], 2005, Forgeries at the Royal, 153/i-ii
Drysdall, A.R., 2005, Otto's bicoloured forgeries, 153/10-11
Drysdall, A.R., 2005, The Carter imitations of the Pietersburg stamps, 153/ 12-13
Drysdall, A.R., 2006, A Boer War cover addresses to British Guiana, 157/20
Drysdall, A.R., 2006, Pretoria Station, 157/13-17
Drysdall, A.R., 2006, CSAR picture postcards and cards printed to acknowledge receipt of a letter, 158/27-36
Drysdall, A.R., 2006, Letters from a soldier on the eastern frontier, 157/21
Drysdall, A.R., 2007, Some previously undescribed Transvaal-Cape combination covers, 163/65-71
Drysdall, A.R., 2008, CSAR's TPO - an update, 167/73-77
Drysdall, A.R., 2008, Miscellaneous Railway Matters, 168/96-104
Drysdall, A.R., 2012, The 2½ Edward VII stamp overprinted ‘C.S.A.R.’ and other possible forgeries of the overprint, 183/91-94
Drysdall, A.R., 2014, 'I don't believe it', [a picture postcard published by Otto Seiffert], 189/62
Drysdall, A.R., 2015, Fifty Years and Counting: A reflection by the President, 192/48-49
Drysdall, A.R., and Board, C., 1988, The interprovincial usage of Transvaal revenue stamps, 88/35-40
Drysdall, A.R., and Buckingham, K., 1997, An intriguing series of Transvaal postcards,124/107-109
Drysdall, A.R., and Chilton, A.R., 1993, The postal stationery envelopes of 1869-70 made with the 24 mm Potchefstroom datestamp, 106/29-33
Drysdall, A.R., and Crandel, L., 1995, Some further developments in the Enschedé story - the holdings of the Netherlands PTT Museum, 116/118-124
Drysdall, A.R., Crandel, L., and Kuitenbrouwer, C., 2000, 'Shafts' and a 'disselboom', 135/91-99
Drysdall, A.R. and Davey, P.N., 1993, The Chinese connection, 106/40-44
Drysdall, A.R., and de Jager, O., 1999, Overseas mail from the District of Lourenço Marques forwarded via the ZAR. 131/76-85
Drysdall, A.R., and Dickson, J., 1993, An interprovincial problem, 105/101-104
Drysdall, A.R., and Dickson, J., 1998, Nice try!, 125/4
Drysdall, A.R., and Dickson, J., 1999, The 1872 postal convention between Cape Colony and the South African Republic, 129/1-15
Drysdall, A.R., and Dickson, J., 2002, A letter from Fort Hare, 144/120-122
Drysdall, A.R., and Dickson, J., 2003, A letter from the Cape: 146/45-46
Drysdall, A.R., and Dickson, J., 2003, Tailpiece: 147/76-78
Drysdall, A.R., and Dickson, J., 2003, The Tati gold rush and the Potchefstroom - Tati postal service: 148/79-95
Drysdall, A.R., Dickson, J., and Wingent, P., 1996, Some further thoughts concerning the 24 mm. Potchefstroom, Pretoria and Rustenburg datestamps, 119/86-7
Drysdall, A.R., and Hagen, H., 1988, CSAR railway letter post, 87/20-1
Drysdall, A.R., and Hagen, H., 1989, Central South African Railways letter post, 91/50-53
Drysdall, A.R., Hagen, H., and Naylor, S., 1989, Central South African Railways postcards, 92/67-78
Drysdall, A., and Higson, A., 2009, The triple circle target cancellation No. 25, 170/32-33
Drysdall, A.R., Hutterer, P., and Seeba, 1991, W., Triple circle datestamps, 100/92-93
Drysdall, A.R., and Jonkers, G.H., 1989, Telegraph stationery, 90/31-43
Drysdall, A.R., Kamffer, G., and Kuitenbrouwer, C., 1996, Second Republic P.W.K. datestamps, 120/117
Drysdall, A.R., Kamffer, G., and Kuitenbrouwer, C., 1999, 1859 - a landmark in the development of the postal service of the ZAR, 130/37-40
Drysdall, A.R., and Kaupe, J., 2005, A possibly unique Transvaal forgery: 155/57-58
Drysdall, A.R., Kaupe, J., and Torres, F., 1999, An essay for the 'V. R. I.' overprint and an overprint variety, 131/73-75
Drysdall, A.R., Kaupe, J., and Torres, F., 2003, The 'Have' for 'Halve' variety of SG 213, 145/12-13
Drysdall, A.R., and Klugman K., 1999, Transvaal-Natal combination covers, 132/101-115
Drysdall, A.R., and Kuitenbrouwer, C., 1993, A nice little earner, 106/35-36
Drysdall, A.R., and Kuitenbrouwer, C., 1993, Winnaarspoort, 108/106-109
Drysdall, A.R., and Kuitenbrouwer, C., 1999, Railwayana, 130/50-54
Drysdall, A.R., and Kuitenbrouwer, C., 2001, Overseas postage rates via the Cape Colony in 1876, 140/134-135
Drysdall, A.R., and Kuitenbrouwer, C., 2002, An order for handstamps and postage stamps dated 1866, 144/105
Drysdall, A.R., and Kuitenbrouwer, C., 2003, The 1866 ordinance concerning the postal service: 145/8-11
Drysdall, A.R., Kuitenbrouwer, C., and Crandel, L., 1997, Enschedé's plates, 121/12-16
Drysdall, A.R., Kuitenbrouwer, C., and Crandel, L., 2003, Some comments concerning the postal stationery, 147/48-49
Drysdall, A.R., and Langmead, P., 1996, Telegraph stamps - an update, 118/70-73
Drysdall, A.R., and MacGregor, A., 1990, The Tapling Collection, 94-5/53-58
Drysdall, A.R., and MacGregor, A., 1990, The handstamp of Alex. A. Osborn, Postmaster, Johannesburg, 96/80
Drysdall, A.R., and MacGregor, A., 1992, The 1992 edition of Gibbons Part I, 101/119
Drysdall, A.R., and MacGregor, A, 1996, An inventory of the Curle Collection; part II - the First British Occupation, 1877-1879, 117/1-113
Drysdall, A.R., and Marshall, E.E.B., 1994, The 6d duty of the Bradbury, Wilkinson issue, 110/37-42
Drysdall, A.R., and Marshall, E.E.B., 1994, A dangerous forgery, 110/143
Drysdall, A.R., and Rossouw, T., 2001, The post offices and postal agencies opened during the later years of the First Republic, 139/64-73
Drysdall, A.R., and Rossouw, T., 2001, The postal routes during the later years of the First Republic, 140/93-116
Drysdall, A.R., and Sattin, G., 1993, Soldier's letters posted during the First British Occupation, 108/91-92
Drysdall, A.R., and Sattin, G., 2003, Soldiers' letters sent during the First British Occupation of Transvaal, 1877-1880, and an historic officer's letter: 148/96-102
Drysdall, A.R., and Seeba, W.K., 1996, The numeral-in-triangle cancellers coded '34' and '85', 120/118-121
Drysdall, A.R., and Torres, F., 1999, Otto's forgery of the 3d duty printed from Luff's Plate P, 130/41-45
Drysdall, A.R., and Torres, F., 2000, Otto's trials for the 3d duty, 136/120-123
Drysdall, A.R., and Torres, F., 2001, Otto's 6d 'improved' eagle, 137/1-12
Drysdall, A.R., and Torres, F., 2001, Otto's forgery of the 3d duty printed from Luff's Plate Q, 138/31-36
Drysdall, A.R., and Torres, F., 2001, Bisected 1s stamps, 'T' handstamps and Emil Tamsen, 138/45-49
Drysdall, A.R., and Torres, F., 2001, Early use of the 24 mm. 'M.W. STROOM' and 'HEIDELBERG' First Republic datestamps, 138/50-51
Drysdall, A.R., and Torres, F., 2001, First Republic Potchefstroom and Pretoria datestamps - the two types, 139/59-63
Drysdall, A.R., and Torres, F., 2001, Postal use of Otto's forgeries? 139/84-85
Drysdall, A.R., and Torres, F., 2001, The Dodd Collection of revenue stamps: 140/117-135
Drysdall, A.R., and Torres, F., 2001, Transvaal-OFS combination covers: 140/135-136
Drysdall, A.R., and Torres, F., 2002, The ZAR's proposal in 1894 for a common colour scheme for the stamp issues of the territories of southern Africa, 144/95-104
Drysdall, A.R., and Torres, F., 2003, BONC '628' used at Steynsdorp: 146/38-39
Drysdall, A.R., and Torres, F., 2004, Some observations concerning the stamps printed by Celliers in 1883-85, particularly the perforation varieties, 150/29-39
Drysdall, A.R., and Torres, F., 2008, Some further thoughts concerning the 1883-85 Celliers printings, 165/10-14
Drysdall, A.R., and Torres, F., 2013, Transvaal SG99 fine roulette and imperforate vertically: An Unlisted Variety, 186/53
Drysdall, A.R., and Torres, F., 2016, Central South African Railways’ postcards, 194/50-66
Drysdall, A.R., Torres, F., and Steyl, P., 2002, The Crimean War, London's sewers, and the Hon. Henry Barrington, 141/30-40
Drysdall, A.R., and van den Hurk, G., 1989, Transvaal registered mail - compulsory registration and 'avis de reception', 92/79-83
Drysdall, A.R., and van den Hurk, G., 1990, The Onafgehaalde Brieven Dept. and Transvaal Returned Letter Office, 93/2-21
Drysdall, A.R., and van den Hurk, G., 1992, Handstamps, datestamps and cancellers of the First South African Republic and Transvaal 1859-80, 104/87-96
Drysdall, A.R., and van den Hurk, G., 1993, The single-circle datestamps of the Second Republic, 107/72-79
Drysdall, A.R., and van den Hurk, G., 1994, The double-circle datestamps of the Second Republic, 109/2-18
Drysdall, A.R., and van den Hurk, G., 2000, Reposted mail and the 'TERUGGEPOST' handstamp, 133/28-34
Drysdall, A.R., van den Hurk, G., and MacGregor, A., 1993, The post offices of the Second Republic, 108/110-121

Emms, M., 1976, (First published 1974), The agonies of Transvaal first Postmen, 42/43-45
Emms, M., 1976, (First published 1974), The story of the Post Office in Johannesburg, 42/46-49
Emms, M., 1976, (First published 1976), The story of the Post Office in Johannesburg II, 44/98
Emms, M., 1984, A history of the Post Office in Pretoria, 72/90-92, 73/8-11
Esterhuysen, M., (1976), (First published ?), Stamps from the 1899 World Exhibition, 44/94-96


Fletcher, J., 2013, Further Money Order Envelopes, 186/56
Fletcher, J., 2013, King Edward VII Definitives Overprinted "SPECIMEN" 186/62
Franklin, D.S., The Pietersburg issue of the Z.A.R., 3/23-31


Griffith, K., 1967, Pietersburg, Notes on a few covers, 7/33
Gosling, Dr J.R., 1994, Shafts and disselbooms, 110/54-60
Groenewald, J., 1971, Perspective on Pietersburg, 24/91-93
Groenewald, J., 1998, Popular myths exploded by primary research - and more discoveries await us, 128/vii-viii
Groenewald, J., 1998, Pienaarspoort and Pienaarsrivier, 130/58
Groenewald, J., 2001, Survey of covers with Pietersburg stamps - a progress report, 138/52-53


Hagen, H., and Drysdall, A.R. 1988, CSAR railway letter post, 87/20-21
Hagen, H., and Drysdall, A.R., 1989, Central South African Railways letter post, 91/50-53
Hagen, H., Drysdall, A.R., and Naylor, 1989, S., Central South African Railways postcards, 92/67-77
Hagen, H., and van der Walt, G., 2005, Ermelo Spoorwegenmaatskappij: 153/16-19
[Hagger, J.], 1976 Queen's Hear issue of 1878 - 1880, 44/114-118
[Hagger, J.], 1978, KE VII Vending Machine Stamps, 48/7
Hagger, J.S., 1981, KE VII vending machine stamps, 63/52-53
Hand, C. and Basden, A.E., Transvaal Forgeries (originally published in 1935), 55/71-72
Hardenberg, 1972, A forgery of the 1/- Swazieland, 26/27-29
Harley, A., 2004, Railway 'excess baggage' stamps, 150/52-53
Harley, A., 2004, A Transvaal reply view card, 151/83-84
Harley, A., 2005, Letters from a railway telegraphist, 155/63-64
Harley, A., 2005, Randfontein NZASM datestamp and station handstamp, 155/65-66
Harley, A., 2005, Sallo Epstein in Durban, 155/75-76
Harley, A., 2007, More Letters from a Railway Telegraphist, 163/76-77
Harley, A., 2009, The Llanwarne Squared-octagon Canceller, 172/94-95
Harley, A., 2010, CGH Postal Stationery used in the ZAR, 174/36
Harley, A., 2010, The Fels of Schweizer-Reneke, 175/54-55
Harley, A., 2017, A new illustrated postal stationery card, 198/62
Harley, A., 2017, Derby East or West?, 198/60-61
Harley, A., 2002, Alan Harley, ‘The South African 1904 Census’, 200/32, 201/72, 202/41-42
Harvey-Pirie, J.H., Swazieland Forgeries, 26/37-39
Harvey-Pirie, J.H., The Stamps of Swazieland, 27/45-55
Harrison, T., 2024, The Pietersburg postal station card, 220/9-12
Higson, A., 1997, The Nairne correspondence; another discovery, 123/64-65
Higson, A., 1999, Some reflections on the early stamps and postal history of Swaziland; politics, passion and plague, 129/17-31
Higson, A., 2004, Army Telegraphs in the Transvaal, 1900-02, 150/40-50
Higson, A., 2005, Swaziland SG 2c - a new stamp in the catalogue, 155/77
Higson, A., 2005, Army Telegraphs in the Transvaal; and update, 156/109-13
Higson, A., 2006, A Crude Queen's Head Forgery, 160/66
Higson, A., 2006, Swaziland 1895-1910, 159/43-56
Higson, A., 2006, Swaziland: The Interprovincial Period, 160/74-76
Higson, A., 2006, Swaziland Revisited, 160/73
Higson, A., 2006, The King Edward VII £5 Postage Duty and its Forgeries, 160/66-68
Higson, A., 2006, The Upsal Bisect, 160/65
Higson, A., 2007, Another Crude Forgery of a Queen's Head Stamp, 161/18
Higson, A., 2007, Fournier's "Facsimiles" of the New Republic,161/19
Higson, A., 2007, ZAR stamp used in Vryburg during the Boer Occupation, 161/20-22
Higson, A., 2007, A French Kruger Propaganda Postcard, 163/75
Higson, A., 2007, Another Example of the 1882 Large "Een Penny" Surcharge, 162/44
Higson, A., 2007, An Example of Swaziland SG4b, 162/50
Higson, A., 2007, An 1893 FDC, 163/79
Higson, A., 2007, Cancellations Encountered on the Vurtheim £5 Green (SG187 and SG237), 162/52-55
Higson, A., 2007, Fourier's Transvaal "Facsimiles"164/107-109
Higson, A., 2007, Fournier's "Philatelic Clinic", 164/110
Higson, A., 2007, Jacob Duiven - Wholesale Stamp Dealer, 163/74
Higson, A., 2007, The Spelonken Squared-Octagon Cancellation, 163/73
Higson, A., 2007, The Vurtheim 2d. Brown-Purple of 1885 (SG177), 163/72
Higson, A., 2007, An Englishman in South Africa (during the final stages of the Rugby World Cup, 164/91-94
Higson, A., 2007, "In praise of telegraph material", 164/95-103
Higson, A., 2007, The opening of the Pretoria Military ("PR M-") telegraph office, 164/115
Higson, A., 2008, 1887 "2" overprint on 3d mauve (SG193/194), 168/90-91
Higson, A., 2008, Censorship of Mail in the Transvaal in 1906, 168/93
Higson, A., 2008, Chaos before the start of the Second Anglo-Boer War, 168/92-93
Higson, A., 2008, Eureka Kaap Goudvelden, 165/17
Higson, A., 2008, Letter Card from Sulphur Springs, 166/41
Higson, A., 2008, "Penny Post" Commemorative, 166/32
Higson, A., 2008, An early Johannesburg cds, 167/55
Higson, A., 2008, The Johannesburg Double Oval "Geregistreerd" Cancellation, 167/56
Higson, A., 2008, Tailpiece: The Pretoria Philatelic Society Golden Jubilee Exhibition 1948, 167/80
Higson, A., 2008, Try "Oshoek", Swaziland"!, 168/94-95
Higson, A., 2008, Another Example of the Bradbury Wilkinson Queen's Head Plate Proof, 168/89
Higson, A., 2008, The printing quantities of the King Edward VII £5 postage duty (SG259), 170/43
Higson, A., 2009, An update on the "TRANSVAAL" cds flanked by crosses pattée, 169/12
Higson, A., 2009, The 1901 Pietersburg 6d central numeral inverted, 170/36
Higson, A., 2009, The differences between the genuine and forged "REGISTERED / JOHANNESBURG" datestamps, 170/37
Higson, A., 2009, The postal use of the Army Telegraphs cancellation in the Transvaal, 169/18-19
Higson, A., 2009, The triple circle target cancellation No. 26, 170/ 34-35
Higson, A., 2009, Darkton, 1895, 171/51
Higson, A., 2009, The "V.R.I." overprint with the "I" dropped by 0.75mm, 71/57/59
Higson, A., 2009, The "Mrs Head" Correspondence, 172/93
Higson, A., 2010, A ZAR £5 green (SG187) used during the Boer invasion of Natal, 173/17
Higson, A., 2010, Getting Started (6): Gum or no gum?, 173/20
Higson, A., 2010, Mail from the Lydenburg Commando, 175/56
Higson, A., 2010, ZAR stamps used during the Boer occupation of Ingogo, 175/60
Higson, A., 2010, The 1901 1d overprinted "E.R.I." with the "E" omitted, 176/95
Higson, A., 2011, The Zeerust Provisional Issue of 1900, 179/54-55
Higson, A., 2011, Three £5 greens overprinted "V.R.I. (SG237) on a re-joined piece, 179/56
Higson, A., 2012, An 1895 Money Order Envelope from Schweizer Reneke, 181/29
Higson, A., 2012, An Interesting Presentation Sheet, 181/30
Higson, A., 2013, A commit on "King Edward VII Definitives Overprinted "SPECIMEN", 186/63
Higson, A., 2013, The 1d Scarlet Watermarked "Cabled Anchor", 186/64
Higson, A., 2013, "Terrors of the Transvaal", 168/52
Higson, A., 2013, The inclusion of telegraph stamps in the 2013 edition of SG's Commonwealth & British Empire Stamps 1840-1970 catalogue, 184/18-19
Higson, A., 2014, A comment on "ZAR/Transvaal Arms stamps cancelled with the First Republic 24mm circular datestamps", 187/15
Higson, A., 2014, An Edwardian Pillar-Box, 187/29
Higson, A., 2014, "Seek, and ye shall find!" More Swaziland Discoveries, 188/45
Higson, A., 2014, Some rarely encountered Fourier Forgeries, 187/16
Higson, A., 2014, Further Modern Fantasies and "Replicas", 191/40-43
Higson, A., 2015, A View from the Hon. Editor's Desk, 192/67
Higson, A., 2015, Major Harold Criddle RDPSA, 192/80
Higson, A., 2016, The Bremersdorp cds with and without the “Z.A.R.”, 195/112-113
Higson, A., 2016, The Bremersdorp rectangular telegraph handstamp, 195/111
Higson, A., 2016, The colours of the inks used in the cancellations of Swaziland 1889-1894, 195/105-106
Higson, A., 2016, The earliest recorded regular Z.A.R. stamp used on cover from Swaziland, 195/108
Higson, A., 2016, The Indhlovukazi of Swazieland, 195/115
Higson, A., 2016, The telegraphic use of “Queen’s Head” revenue stamps during the First British Occupation of the Transvaal, 195/104
Higson, A., 2017, A very early incoming Swaziland postal item, 198/54
Higson, A., 2017, A rare "Swazieland" cover to the USA,197/33-34
Higson, A., 2017, Fort Hendrina, 196/17
Higson, A., 2017, Fort Hendrina: Postscript, 196/18
Higson, A., 2017, Forged "Swazieland" overprints on forged Vürtheim stamps, 197/35
Higson, A., 2018, A late Duiven cover, 200/59
Higson, A., 2018, An Orange River Colony ½d postal stationery postcard used in Swaziland during the Interprovincial period, 201/82
Higson, A., 2018, From Swaziland to eSwatini, 200/36-37
Higson, A., 2018, The Bremersdorp Squared Circle Cancellation June-August 1894, 201/84-85
Higson, A., 2019, Letter from Dr J.H. Harvey Pirie about a proposed booklet, on Swaziland and the New Republic, 204/89-91
Higson, A., 2019, Pigg's Peak Post and Telegraph Office 1904, 211/11
Higson, A., 2019, Sulphur Springs / Sulphur Spring, 211/12-14
Higson, A., 2021, Book Review: Richard Stroud, (2020), 'The Closure and Restoration of Civil Postal Services in the Orange
Free River Colony and the Transvaal 1900 to 1902', 208/11
Higson, A., 2022, Book Review, 'Transvaal Postal Department Staff before and after the South African War', by Jeff Woolgar, 211/10
Higson, A., 2022, The Discovery of a Bremersdorp Relief Cancellation dated 1911, 212/5-7
Higson, A., 2023, A Cape of Good Hope half penny postal stationery postcard in Swaziland during the Interprovincial period, 216/5
Higson, A., and Drysdall, A., 2009, The triple circle target cancellation No. 25, 170/32-33
Higson, A., and Høgberg, F., 2013, Recent Swaziland Discoveries, 186/55
Higson, A., and Høgberg, F., 2016, From Embabaan to Mbabane, 195/124
Higson, A., Stone, A., and Woolgar, J., 2016, A further "Mrs Head" Cover, 193/25-26
Higson, A., and Stroud, J.R., 2008, The Celebrations for Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee in Johannesburg, 165/18-19
Higson, A., and Torres F., 2007, Native Pass Revenues, 161/23-25
Higson, A., and Woolgar J., 2017, Scott of Swaziland, 2017, 196/16
Hinds, C.D., 1970, The 'Penny Post Commemorative' of 1895, 18/28-29
Hisey, B., 2003, Z.A.R. and O.V.S. telegraphic money orders: 148/103-105
Høgberg, F., 2011, Some Early Swaziland Covers, 178/34-39
Høgberg, F., 2012, An Early Official Cover from Bremersdorp, 181/28
Høgberg, F., 2013, Spectacular Cover from Swaziland, 186/54-55
Høgberg, F., (2019), A late cover cancelled with Embekelweni No.1, 204/80
Høgberg, F., and Higson, A., 2013, Recent Swaziland Discoveries, 186/55
Høgberg, F., and Higson, A., 2016, From Embabaan to Mbabane, 195/124
Holmes, H.R., 1972, First British Occupation, a pane of the 1s. overprinted 'V.R. TRANSVAAL' in red, 21/11-13
Hutterer, P., Drysdall, A.R., and Seeba, W.K., 1991, Triple circle datestamps, 100/92-93

Inggs, R., 2012, Malmani Goudvelden, 175/62


Jack, R., 2017, The 1900 Exposition Universelle, 196/19
Jacobson, L., 2014, Some "C.S.A.R." varieties, 188/46
Jonkers, G.H., 1977, Nieuwe Republiek (Zuid-Afrika), 48/92-98
[Jonkers, G.H.], 1977, The Potchefstroom Envelopes, 46/32-39
Jonkers, G.H., 1978, Nieuwe Republiek (Zuid-Afrike) - Part II [Cancellations - Type 1], 49/11-13
Jonkers, G.H., 1978, Nieuwe Republiek (Zuid-Afrike) - Part III, 51/58
Jonkers, G.H., 1978, Nieuwe Republiek (Zuid-Afrike) - Part IV, 52/81-83
Jonkers, G.H., 1980, Nieuwe Republiek (Zuid-Afrike) - Part IV, 57/13-15
Jonkers, G.H., 1983, New Republic, a new discovery [Early Telegrams], 69/11-12
Jonkers, G.H., 1985, The New Republic first post-office cancellation, 78/29
Jonkers, G.H., 1985, The postal service and licensing matters in the New Republic 1884-88, 79/48-56
Jonkers, G.H., 1985, The use of the five pound green, 80/79
Jonkers, G.H., 1989, Tamsen and the New Republic, 91/56-58
Jonkers, G.H., 1991, The organisation of the postal service and revenue system in the New Republic 1884-85, 99/54-57
Jonkers, G.H., 1991, Emil Tamsen's handstamps, 100/70
Jonkers, G.H., 1992, Illustrated postal stationery postcards of the Second Republic, 101/1-9
Jonkers, G.H., 1994, Postmaster-Generals, Postmasters and Postal Agents of the First Republic and First British Occupation, 109/1
Jonkers, G.H., 1994, A listing of New Republic covers, 109/19-25
Jonkers, G.H., 1994, The revenue stamps of the New Republic, 110/61-68
Jonkers, G.H., 1994, The New Republic; the second stamp issue, 111/81-98
Jonkers, G.H., 1994, The New Republic - the first stamp issue, 112/120-132
Jonkers, G.H., 1994, The establishment of the telegraph service at Vryheid, 112/133-134
Jonkers, G.H., 1994, The New Republic - forgeries and bogus items, 112/135-136
Jonkers, G.H., 1994, Tamsen and the New Republic, 113/14-18
Jonkers, G.H., 1994, Philatelic literature relating to the New Republic, 113/19-20
Jonkers, G.H., 1995, The 30 mm. Potchefstroom datestamp, 116/113-116
Jonkers, G.H., 1995, The New Republic - the first stamp issue, Part 2, 113/21-23
Jonkers, G.H., 1995, The New Republic - the first stamp issue, Part 3, 114/52-62
Jonkers, G.H., 1995, The stamps of the New Republic, 116/132-40, 117/29-37
Jonkers, G.H., 1996, The Kruger essays and 'ZA / R' watermarked paper, 119/95-96
Jonkers, G.H., 1997, Joseph Vürtheim, 122/27-28
Jonkers, G.H., and Drysdall, A.R., 1989, Telegraph stationery, 90/31-43
Jørgensen, L., 1996, 'V. R. Transvaal' overprints; some new diagnostic varieties and some that maybe, 117/14-16
Jørgensen, L., 2000, The identification of the stamps of the First Republic, 143/xvi- xvii
Jørgensen, L., 2001, The 'V. R. Transvaal' overprint in general and on the 1d on orange paper in particular, 139/74-80
Jørgensen, L., 2002, A manipulated cover, 144/106-107
Jørgensen, L., 2006, A significant day in the life of a Transvaal collector, 158/23-25
Jørgensen, L., 2008, More on the Vurtheim 2d. Brown-Purple 0f 1885, 165/15-16
Jørgensen, L., 2010, Early Covers from the Zuid Afrikaansche Republiek / Transvaal: A forthcoming publication, 175/48-49
Jørgensen, L., 2011, Double print of the Arms 1d re-issued in 1883, 180/86-87
Jørgensen, L., 2012, The 1879 "V.R./Transvaal" overprinted 3d mauve printed on green paper - two not three, settings!, 182/45-66
Jørgensen, L., 2012, The Arms One Shilling position 27 in the Left Pane (L27), 183/76-80
Jørgensen, L., 2012, The Second Republic 1 Shilling Printed by Celliers in 1883, 181/4-25
Jørgensen, L., 2013, The 1883 reissued 3d black on rose paper: The difficult positions, 185/28-31
Jørgensen, L., 2013, Transvaal Postcards to Overseas Destinations Franked at the Letter Rate, 185/32-37
Jørgensen, L., 2014, ZAR/Transvaal Arms stamps cancelled with the First Republic 24mm circular datestamps, 187/10-15
Jørgensen, L., 2017, A postage due mystery, 196/14-15
Jørgensen, L., 2017, Alan Drysdall In Memoriam – A Personal Account, 196/5-6
Jørgensen, L., 2018, A fake First Republic Arms stamp with a genuine cancellation, 196/16-17
Jørgensen, L., 2020, Ibshlasattje - Norwegian Lutheran Mission, Postal Agency and ZAR Double Ring Date Stamp, 206/10-17
Jørgensen, L., 2023, Lars Jorgensen, New Publication. "The Transvaal One Penny Arms Stamps 1870-1885", 214/18-22
Jørgensen, L., 2024, 1883 re-issue 1d black double print, copy number 4, 218/21-23
Jørgensen, L., and Larking, B., 2021, One Penny Goldner Forgery (Luff plate S), 209/7-18
Jørgensen, L., and Woolgar, J., 2007, "V. R. / Transvaal" overprint on 1d., red on orange paper - position L8, 162/49-49
Joubert, J., and Kamffer, G., 2020, Changing names of Transvaal Postal Agencies 1874-1905: The Grange / Vlakfontein / McHattiesburg / Balfour, Transvaal, 205/13-24

Initial Letter A - J --- A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J |

  • Author Index K to Z
  • Subject Index
  • Abbreviations used in The Transvaal Philatelist
  • Copyright © J. Woolgar to 2024
