South Africa General Mission

Cover addressed to Mrs. Albert Head from Miss. Frances Georgina Gabb, 25nd November 1896

The cover
The South African Republic half-penny green (disselboom) postage stamp, and two one penny rose (disselboom) stamps with values in green are each tied by a Darkton double circle datestamp in black, dated '25.NOV.96' with 'Z.A.R' in the lower circle. On the reverse of this cover there is an under-inked single Pretoria datestamp, and an arrival single circle Wimbledon datestamp set for '9 PM / DE 18 / 96'.
The stamps
In 1896-7 the ‘disselboom’ design remained the same. However, they became bi-coloured: the values always appearing in green. Moreover, the new colours were those approved by the Postal Union.
The Distributor of Stamps for the Swazieland
The Distributor of Stamps for the Swazieland Administration was Darcy Lancelot Krogh, who was 1st Landdrost, Clerk, a job he held for four and a half years until circa 1900. Under the South African Republic he received a monthly salary of £27.14.7d. Later during 1909 / 1910 he was awarded a Transvaal Government Gratuity for his employment under the South African Republic of £93.11s.7d. His 1909 postal address was C/o Native Commissioner, Middelburg, Transvaal, thus employed by the Native Commissioner, at or near Middelburg in the Transvaal.
Curle, J.H., and A.E. Basden, (1940) Transvaal Postage Stamps, London and Pretoria.
[T.G.10 –‘09], South African Republic Officials’ Pensions Commission, Pretoria.

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Copyright © 2021 J. Woolgar and those who own the cover illustrated here

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