A set of six maps compiled by Fred Jeppe in 1899; published by the TSC on 1st November 2018.
The set of six maps compiled by Fred Jeppe showing an immense amount of detail of the South African Republic in 1899 is published
by the Transvaal Study Circle in facsimile in full colour. It shows main topographic features, rivers, farms, railways, roads and
postal routes with post offices and agencies, and many names. Shown at 1:476,000 allowing the reader to relate historical events to
present property boundaries on modern maps. Town plans of Johannesburg and Pretoria are included at a much larger scale. Folded
conveniently into a slip-case, the set of maps was once held by the British War Office from January 1900 and became a source for
other maps used during and immediately after the South African War. Each map carries an authoritative account of its making and
significance in providing intelligence to the British Army and potentially to any post-war administration.Copyright © Chris Board, 2018 and Transvaal Study Circle retain full copyright on this map
For More Details: Chris Board
20th September 2023
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